Exemple #1
    def fn(n):
        if n:
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(A)
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(B)

        assert (cls1 == cls2) == (not (cls1 != cls2))
        return cls1 == cls2
Exemple #2
    def fn(n):
        if n:
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(A)
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(B)

        assert (cls1 == cls2) == (not (cls1 != cls2))
        return cls1 == cls2
Exemple #3
    def setup_meta_instance(self, meta_instance, rsubcls):
        if self.classdef is None:
            rinstance = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, rsubcls.classdef)
            meta_instance.class_ = ootype.runtimeClass(rinstance.lowleveltype)
            # setup class attributes: for each attribute name at the level
            # of 'self', look up its value in the subclass rsubcls
            def assign(mangled_name, value):
                if isinstance(value, flowmodel.Constant) and isinstance(
                        value.value, staticmethod):
                    value = flowmodel.Constant(value.value.__get__(
                        42))  # staticmethod => bare function
                llvalue = r.convert_desc_or_const(value)
                setattr(meta_instance, mangled_name, llvalue)

            # extra PBC attributes
            for (access_set, attr), (mangled_name,
                                     r) in self.pbcfields.items():
                if rsubcls.classdef.classdesc not in access_set.descs:
                    continue  # only for the classes in the same pbc access set
                if r.lowleveltype is ootype.Void:
                attrvalue = rsubcls.classdef.classdesc.read_attribute(
                    attr, None)
                if attrvalue is not None:
                    assign(mangled_name, attrvalue)

            # then initialize the 'super' portion of the vtable
            self.rbase.setup_meta_instance(meta_instance, rsubcls)
Exemple #4
    def setup_meta_instance(self, meta_instance, rsubcls):
        if self.classdef is None:
            rinstance = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, rsubcls.classdef)
            meta_instance.class_ = ootype.runtimeClass(rinstance.lowleveltype)
            # setup class attributes: for each attribute name at the level
            # of 'self', look up its value in the subclass rsubcls
            def assign(mangled_name, value):
                if isinstance(value, flowmodel.Constant) and isinstance(value.value, staticmethod):
                    value = flowmodel.Constant(value.value.__get__(42))   # staticmethod => bare function
                llvalue = r.convert_desc_or_const(value)
                setattr(meta_instance, mangled_name, llvalue)

            # extra PBC attributes
            for (access_set, attr), (mangled_name, r) in self.pbcfields.items():
                if rsubcls.classdef.classdesc not in access_set.descs:
                    continue   # only for the classes in the same pbc access set
                if r.lowleveltype is ootype.Void:
                attrvalue = rsubcls.classdef.classdesc.read_attribute(attr, None)
                if attrvalue is not None:
                    assign(mangled_name, attrvalue)

            # then initialize the 'super' portion of the vtable
            self.rbase.setup_meta_instance(meta_instance, rsubcls)
Exemple #5
 def getruntime(self, expected_type):
     if expected_type == ootype.Class:
         rinstance = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, self.classdef)
         return ootype.runtimeClass(rinstance.lowleveltype)
         assert ootype.isSubclass(expected_type, META)
         meta = self.get_meta_instance(cast_to_root_meta=False)
         return ootype.ooupcast(expected_type, meta)
Exemple #6
 def getruntime(self, expected_type):
     if expected_type == ootype.Class:
         rinstance = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, self.classdef)
         return ootype.runtimeClass(rinstance.lowleveltype)
         assert ootype.isSubclass(expected_type, META)
         meta = self.get_meta_instance(cast_to_root_meta=False)
         return ootype.ooupcast(expected_type, meta)
Exemple #7
def classof(cliClass_or_type):
    if isinstance(cliClass_or_type, ootype.StaticMethod):
            FUNC = cliClass_or_type
            return known_delegates_class[FUNC]
        except KeyError:
            cls = ootype._class(ootype.ROOT)
            cls._FUNC = FUNC
            known_delegates_class[FUNC] = cls
            return cls
        assert isinstance(cliClass_or_type, CliClass)
        TYPE = cliClass_or_type._INSTANCE
        return ootype.runtimeClass(TYPE)
Exemple #8
def classof(cliClass_or_type):
    if isinstance(cliClass_or_type, ootype.StaticMethod):
            FUNC = cliClass_or_type
            return known_delegates_class[FUNC]
        except KeyError:
            cls = ootype._class(ootype.ROOT)
            cls._FUNC = FUNC
            known_delegates_class[FUNC] = cls
            return cls
        assert isinstance(cliClass_or_type, CliClass)
        TYPE = cliClass_or_type._INSTANCE
        return ootype.runtimeClass(TYPE)
Exemple #9
def test_compare_classes():
    A = ootype.Instance("A", ootype.ROOT)
    B = ootype.Instance("B", ootype.ROOT)

    cls1 = ootype.runtimeClass(A)
    def fn(n):
        if n:
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(A)
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(B)

        assert (cls1 == cls2) == (not (cls1 != cls2))
        return cls1 == cls2

    res = interpret(fn, [1], type_system='ootype')
    assert res
Exemple #10
def test_compare_classes():
    A = ootype.Instance("A", ootype.ROOT)
    B = ootype.Instance("B", ootype.ROOT)

    cls1 = ootype.runtimeClass(A)

    def fn(n):
        if n:
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(A)
            cls2 = ootype.runtimeClass(B)

        assert (cls1 == cls2) == (not (cls1 != cls2))
        return cls1 == cls2

    res = interpret(fn, [1], type_system='ootype')
    assert res
Exemple #11
 def __init__(self, SELFTYPE, methname):
     from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import boxresult, make_getargs
     _, meth = SELFTYPE._lookup(methname)
     METH = ootype.typeOf(meth)
     getargs = make_getargs(METH.ARGS)
     def callmeth(selfbox, argboxes):
         selfobj = selfbox.getref(SELFTYPE)
         meth = getattr(selfobj, methname)
         methargs = getargs(argboxes)
         res = meth(*methargs)
         if METH.RESULT is not ootype.Void:
             return boxresult(METH.RESULT, res)
     self.callmeth = callmeth
     self.selfclass = ootype.runtimeClass(SELFTYPE)
     self.methname = methname
     self.has_result = (METH.RESULT != ootype.Void)
     self.key = key_manager.getkey((SELFTYPE, methname))
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, SELFTYPE, methname):
        from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import boxresult, make_getargs
        _, meth = SELFTYPE._lookup(methname)
        METH = ootype.typeOf(meth)
        getargs = make_getargs(METH.ARGS)

        def callmeth(selfbox, argboxes):
            selfobj = selfbox.getref(SELFTYPE)
            meth = getattr(selfobj, methname)
            methargs = getargs(argboxes)
            res = meth(*methargs)
            if METH.RESULT is not ootype.Void:
                return boxresult(METH.RESULT, res)

        self.callmeth = callmeth
        self.selfclass = ootype.runtimeClass(SELFTYPE)
        self.methname = methname
        self.has_result = (METH.RESULT != ootype.Void)
        self.key = key_manager.getkey((SELFTYPE, methname))
Exemple #13
def get_class_for_type(T):
    if T is ootype.Void:
        return ootype.nullruntimeclass
    elif T is ootype.Signed:
        return dotnet.classof(System.Int32)
    elif T is ootype.Unsigned:
        return dotnet.classof(System.UInt32)
    elif T is ootype.Bool:
        return dotnet.classof(System.Boolean)
    elif T is ootype.Float:
        return dotnet.classof(System.Double)
##     elif T is ootype.String:
##         return dotnet.classof(System.String)
    elif T in (ootype.Char, ootype.UniChar):
        return dotnet.classof(System.Char)
    elif isinstance(T, ootype.OOType):
        return ootype.runtimeClass(T)
        assert False
Exemple #14
def get_class_for_type(T):
    if T is ootype.Void:
        return ootype.nullruntimeclass
    elif T is ootype.Signed:
        return dotnet.classof(System.Int32)
    elif T is ootype.Unsigned:
        return dotnet.classof(System.UInt32)
    elif T is ootype.Bool:
        return dotnet.classof(System.Boolean)
    elif T is ootype.Float:
        return dotnet.classof(System.Double)

##     elif T is ootype.String:
##         return dotnet.classof(System.String)
    elif T in (ootype.Char, ootype.UniChar):
        return dotnet.classof(System.Char)
    elif isinstance(T, ootype.OOType):
        return ootype.runtimeClass(T)
        assert False
Exemple #15
 def __init__(self, TYPE, fieldname):
     DescrWithKey.__init__(self, (TYPE, fieldname))
     from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import boxresult
     from rpython.jit.metainterp.warmstate import unwrap
     _, T = TYPE._lookup_field(fieldname)
     def getfield(objbox):
         obj = objbox.getref(TYPE)
         value = getattr(obj, fieldname)
         return boxresult(T, value)
     def setfield(objbox, valuebox):
         obj = objbox.getref(TYPE)
         value = unwrap(T, valuebox)
         setattr(obj, fieldname, value)
     self.getfield = getfield
     self.setfield = setfield
     self.selfclass = ootype.runtimeClass(TYPE)
     self.fieldname = fieldname
     self.key = key_manager.getkey((TYPE, fieldname))
     self._is_pointer_field = (history.getkind(T) == 'ref')
     self._is_float_field = (history.getkind(T) == 'float')
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, TYPE, fieldname):
        DescrWithKey.__init__(self, (TYPE, fieldname))
        from rpython.jit.backend.llgraph.runner import boxresult
        from rpython.jit.metainterp.warmstate import unwrap
        _, T = TYPE._lookup_field(fieldname)

        def getfield(objbox):
            obj = objbox.getref(TYPE)
            value = getattr(obj, fieldname)
            return boxresult(T, value)

        def setfield(objbox, valuebox):
            obj = objbox.getref(TYPE)
            value = unwrap(T, valuebox)
            setattr(obj, fieldname, value)

        self.getfield = getfield
        self.setfield = setfield
        self.selfclass = ootype.runtimeClass(TYPE)
        self.fieldname = fieldname
        self.key = key_manager.getkey((TYPE, fieldname))
        self._is_pointer_field = (history.getkind(T) == 'ref')
        self._is_float_field = (history.getkind(T) == 'float')