Exemple #1
def test_unique():
    m = NameManager()
    sn = m.seennames
    check = [
        m.uniquename('something', with_number=True),
        m.uniquename('something', with_number=True),
        m.uniquename('something2', with_number=True),
    assert check == ['something0', 'something0_1', 'something1',
                     'something2_0', 'something1_1', 'something1_1_1']
Exemple #2
class SourceGenerator:
    one_source_file = True

    def __init__(self, database):
        self.database = database
        self.extrafiles = []
        self.headers_to_precompile = []
        self.path = None
        self.namespace = NameManager()

    def set_strategy(self, path, split=True):
        all_nodes = list(self.database.globalcontainers())
        # split off non-function nodes. We don't try to optimize these, yet.
        funcnodes = []
        othernodes = []
        for node in all_nodes:
            if node.nodekind == 'func':
        if split:
            self.one_source_file = False
        self.funcnodes = funcnodes
        self.othernodes = othernodes
        self.path = path

    def uniquecname(self, name):
        assert name.endswith('.c')
        return self.namespace.uniquename(name[:-2]) + '.c'

    def makefile(self, name):
        filepath = self.path.join(name)
        if name.endswith('.c'):
        if name.endswith('.h'):
        return filepath.open('w')

    def getextrafiles(self):
        return self.extrafiles

    def getothernodes(self):
        return self.othernodes[:]

    def getbasecfilefornode(self, node, basecname):
        # For FuncNode instances, use the python source filename (relative to
        # the top directory):
        def invent_nice_name(g):
            # Lookup the filename from the function.
            # However, not all FunctionGraph objs actually have a "func":
            if hasattr(g, 'func'):
                if g.filename.endswith('.py'):
                    localpath = py.path.local(g.filename)
                    pypkgpath = localpath.pypkgpath()
                    if pypkgpath:
                        relpypath = localpath.relto(pypkgpath.dirname)
                        assert relpypath, ("%r should be relative to %r" %
                            (localpath, pypkgpath.dirname))
                        if len(relpypath.split(os.path.sep)) > 2:
                            # pypy detail to agregate the c files by directory,
                            # since the enormous number of files was causing
                            # memory issues linking on win32
                            return os.path.split(relpypath)[0] + '.c'
                        return relpypath.replace('.py', '.c')
            return None
        if hasattr(node.obj, 'graph'):
            # Regular RPython functions
            name = invent_nice_name(node.obj.graph)
            if name is not None:
                return name
        elif node._funccodegen_owner is not None:
            # Data nodes that belong to a known function
            graph = getattr(node._funccodegen_owner, 'graph', None)
            name = invent_nice_name(graph)
            if name is not None:
                return "data_" + name
        return basecname

    def splitnodesimpl(self, basecname, nodes, nextra, nbetween,
        # Gather nodes by some criteria:
        nodes_by_base_cfile = {}
        for node in nodes:
            c_filename = self.getbasecfilefornode(node, basecname)
            if c_filename in nodes_by_base_cfile:
                nodes_by_base_cfile[c_filename] = [node]

        # produce a sequence of nodes, grouped into files
        # which have no more than SPLIT_CRITERIA lines
        for basecname in sorted(nodes_by_base_cfile):
            iternodes = iter(nodes_by_base_cfile[basecname])
            done = [False]
            def subiter():
                used = nextra
                for node in iternodes:
                    impl = '\n'.join(list(node.implementation())).split('\n')
                    if not impl:
                    cost = len(impl) + nbetween
                    yield node, impl
                    del impl
                    if used + cost > split_criteria:
                        # split if criteria met, unless we would produce nothing.
                        raise StopIteration
                    used += cost
                done[0] = True
            while not done[0]:
                yield self.uniquecname(basecname), subiter()

    def write_on_included_file(self, f, name):
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        yield fi

    def write_on_maybe_separate_source(self, f, name):
        print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
        if self.one_source_file:
            yield f
            fi = self.makefile(name)
            yield fi

    def gen_readable_parts_of_source(self, f):
        split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA
        if py.std.sys.platform != "win32":
            if self.database.gcpolicy.need_no_typeptr():
                pass    # XXX gcc uses toooooons of memory???
                split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA * 4

        # All declarations
        with self.write_on_included_file(f, 'structdef.h') as fi:
            gen_structdef(fi, self.database)
        with self.write_on_included_file(f, 'forwarddecl.h') as fi:
            gen_forwarddecl(fi, self.database)
        with self.write_on_included_file(f, 'preimpl.h') as fi:
            gen_preimpl(fi, self.database)

        # Implementation of functions and global structures and arrays
        print >> f
        print >> f, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
        print >> f

        print >> f, '#define PYPY_FILE_NAME "%s"' % os.path.basename(f.name)
        print >> f, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        if self.database.reverse_debugger:
            print >> f, '#include "revdb_def.h"'
        print >> f

        nextralines = 11 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('nonfuncnodes.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1):
            with self.write_on_maybe_separate_source(f, name) as fc:
                if fc is not f:
                    print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
                    print >> fc, '/***  Non-function Implementations                       ***/'
                    print >> fc
                    print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "preimpl.h"'
                    print >> fc
                    print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
                    print >> fc
                print >> fc, MARKER
                for node, impl in nodeiter:
                    print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                    print >> fc, MARKER
                print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 12
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('implement.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1,
            with self.write_on_maybe_separate_source(f, name) as fc:
                if fc is not f:
                    print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
                    print >> fc, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
                    print >> fc
                    print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "preimpl.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#define PYPY_FILE_NAME "%s"' % name
                    print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
                    if self.database.reverse_debugger:
                        print >> fc, '#include "revdb_def.h"'
                    print >> fc
                print >> fc, MARKER
                for node, impl in nodeiter:
                    print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                    print >> fc, MARKER
                print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f
Exemple #3
class SourceGenerator:
    one_source_file = True

    def __init__(self, database):
        self.database = database
        self.extrafiles = []
        self.headers_to_precompile = []
        self.path = None
        self.namespace = NameManager()

    def set_strategy(self, path, split=True):
        all_nodes = list(self.database.globalcontainers())
        # split off non-function nodes. We don't try to optimize these, yet.
        funcnodes = []
        othernodes = []
        for node in all_nodes:
            if node.nodekind == 'func':
        if split:
            self.one_source_file = False
        self.funcnodes = funcnodes
        self.othernodes = othernodes
        self.path = path

    def uniquecname(self, name):
        assert name.endswith('.c')
        return self.namespace.uniquename(name[:-2]) + '.c'

    def makefile(self, name):
        filepath = self.path.join(name)
        if name.endswith('.c'):
        if name.endswith('.h'):
        return filepath.open('w')

    def getextrafiles(self):
        return self.extrafiles

    def getothernodes(self):
        return self.othernodes[:]

    def getbasecfilefornode(self, node, basecname):
        # For FuncNode instances, use the python source filename (relative to
        # the top directory):
        def invent_nice_name(g):
            # Lookup the filename from the function.
            # However, not all FunctionGraph objs actually have a "func":
            if hasattr(g, 'func'):
                if g.filename.endswith('.py'):
                    localpath = py.path.local(g.filename)
                    pypkgpath = localpath.pypkgpath()
                    if pypkgpath:
                        relpypath = localpath.relto(pypkgpath.dirname)
                        assert relpypath, ("%r should be relative to %r" %
                            (localpath, pypkgpath.dirname))
                        if len(relpypath.split(os.path.sep)) > 2:
                            # pypy detail to agregate the c files by directory,
                            # since the enormous number of files was causing
                            # memory issues linking on win32
                            return os.path.split(relpypath)[0] + '.c'
                        return relpypath.replace('.py', '.c')
            return None
        if hasattr(node.obj, 'graph'):
            # Regular RPython functions
            name = invent_nice_name(node.obj.graph)
            if name is not None:
                return name
        elif node._funccodegen_owner is not None:
            # Data nodes that belong to a known function
            graph = getattr(node._funccodegen_owner, 'graph', None)
            name = invent_nice_name(graph)
            if name is not None:
                return "data_" + name
        return basecname

    def splitnodesimpl(self, basecname, nodes, nextra, nbetween,
        # Gather nodes by some criteria:
        nodes_by_base_cfile = {}
        for node in nodes:
            c_filename = self.getbasecfilefornode(node, basecname)
            if c_filename in nodes_by_base_cfile:
                nodes_by_base_cfile[c_filename] = [node]

        # produce a sequence of nodes, grouped into files
        # which have no more than SPLIT_CRITERIA lines
        for basecname in sorted(nodes_by_base_cfile):
            iternodes = iter(nodes_by_base_cfile[basecname])
            done = [False]
            def subiter():
                used = nextra
                for node in iternodes:
                    impl = '\n'.join(list(node.implementation())).split('\n')
                    if not impl:
                    cost = len(impl) + nbetween
                    yield node, impl
                    del impl
                    if used + cost > split_criteria:
                        # split if criteria met, unless we would produce nothing.
                        raise StopIteration
                    used += cost
                done[0] = True
            while not done[0]:
                yield self.uniquecname(basecname), subiter()

    def write_on_included_file(self, f, name):
        fi = self.makefile(name)
        print >> f, '#include "%s"' % name
        yield fi

    def write_on_maybe_separate_source(self, f, name):
        print >> f, '/* %s */' % name
        if self.one_source_file:
            yield f
            fi = self.makefile(name)
            yield fi

    def gen_readable_parts_of_source(self, f):
        split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA
        if py.std.sys.platform != "win32":
            if self.database.gcpolicy.need_no_typeptr():
                pass    # XXX gcc uses toooooons of memory???
                split_criteria_big = SPLIT_CRITERIA * 4

        # All declarations
        with self.write_on_included_file(f, 'structdef.h') as fi:
            gen_structdef(fi, self.database)
        with self.write_on_included_file(f, 'forwarddecl.h') as fi:
            gen_forwarddecl(fi, self.database)
        with self.write_on_included_file(f, 'preimpl.h') as fi:
            gen_preimpl(fi, self.database)

        # Implementation of functions and global structures and arrays
        print >> f
        print >> f, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
        print >> f

        print >> f, '#define PYPY_FILE_NAME "%s"' % os.path.basename(f.name)
        print >> f, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
        print >> f

        nextralines = 11 + 1
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('nonfuncnodes.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1):
            with self.write_on_maybe_separate_source(f, name) as fc:
                if fc is not f:
                    print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
                    print >> fc, '/***  Non-function Implementations                       ***/'
                    print >> fc
                    print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "preimpl.h"'
                    print >> fc
                    print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
                    print >> fc
                print >> fc, MARKER
                for node, impl in nodeiter:
                    print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                    print >> fc, MARKER
                print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'

        nextralines = 12
        for name, nodeiter in self.splitnodesimpl('implement.c',
                                                   nextralines, 1,
            with self.write_on_maybe_separate_source(f, name) as fc:
                if fc is not f:
                    print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
                    print >> fc, '/***  Implementations                                    ***/'
                    print >> fc
                    print >> fc, '#include "common_header.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "structdef.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "forwarddecl.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#include "preimpl.h"'
                    print >> fc, '#define PYPY_FILE_NAME "%s"' % name
                    print >> fc, '#include "src/g_include.h"'
                    print >> fc
                print >> fc, MARKER
                for node, impl in nodeiter:
                    print >> fc, '\n'.join(impl)
                    print >> fc, MARKER
                print >> fc, '/***********************************************************/'
        print >> f