def get_all_code_price(self, date, holding_stock_dict, to_buy, to_sell, to_add): all_code_set = set() for code in holding_stock_dict.keys(): all_code_set.add(code) all_code_set = all_code_set.union(to_sell).union(to_buy).union(to_add) if len(all_code_set) == 0: return None df_price = rqd.get_price(all_code_set, date, date, fields=['open', 'close'], expect_df=True).droplevel(1) is_suspend = rqd.is_suspended(all_code_set, date, date).squeeze() df_price['is_suspended'] = is_suspend return df_price
# 数据导入 df_buy_sell = pd.read_csv(inputPath + "汇总个股买卖时点.csv", index_col=0, engine='python') df_buy_sell.sort_values(by='buy_date', axis=0, ascending=True, inplace=True) df_buy_sell = df_buy_sell.reset_index(drop=True) # 剔除停牌及建仓日涨跌停个股 list_suspended_index = pd.DataFrame(index=df_buy_sell.index, columns=['index']) for ind in df_buy_sell.index: ind_code = df_buy_sell.loc[ind, 'code'] ind_date = df_buy_sell.loc[ind, 'buy_date'] try: suspended_index = rq.is_suspended(ind_code, start_date=ind_date, end_date=ind_date) except: list_suspended_index.loc[ind, 'index'] = True else: if suspended_index is None: list_suspended_index.loc[ind, 'index'] = True else: list_suspended_index.loc[ind, 'index'] = suspended_index.loc[ind_date, ind_code] list_limit_index = pd.DataFrame(index=df_buy_sell.index, columns=['index']) for ind in df_buy_sell.index: ind_code = df_buy_sell.loc[ind, 'code'] ind_date = df_buy_sell.loc[ind, 'buy_date']
def drop_suspended(universe, date): # squeeze(axis=0):DataFrames with a single column or a single row are squeezed to a Series is_suspended = rqd.is_suspended(universe, date, date).squeeze() assert isinstance(is_suspended, pd.Series), 'is_suspended is not series' return is_suspended.index[~is_suspended]
def analyze(self): dates = rqd.get_trading_dates(self.begin_date, self.end_date) top_group, bottom_group = [], [] last_date = None df_profit = pd.DataFrame(columns=['top', 'bottom', 'benchmark']) # 间隔一段时间遍历交易日 for index in range(0, len(dates), self.interval): date = dates[index] print("当前日期:", date) if last_date is None: df_profit.loc[date] = {'top': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'benchmark': 0} else: # 股票收盘价 close = rqd.get_price(top_group + bottom_group, last_date, date, fields='close') # 基准收盘价 bench_close = rqd.get_price(self.benchmark, last_date, date, fields='close') # 股票收益 profit_series = close.iloc[-1] / close.iloc[0] - 1 top_profit = profit_series[top_group].mean() bottom_profit = profit_series[bottom_group].mean() # 基准收益 bench_profit = bench_close[-1] / bench_close[0] - 1 df_profit.loc[date] = { 'top': top_profit, 'bottom': bottom_profit, 'benchmark': bench_profit } last_date = date # 选出当天可交易的股票 universe = filter_stock_pool(date) factor_df = rqd.get_factor(universe, self.factor, date, date)[lambda x: x > 0] # 每档数量 position_size = int(len(factor_df) / # 清空首档没有停牌的 if len(top_group) > 0: top_suspend = [] for code in top_group: if rqd.is_suspended(code, date, date).squeeze(): top_suspend.append(code) top_group = top_suspend # 清空末档没有停牌的 if len(bottom_group) > 0: bottom_suspend = [] for code in bottom_group: if rqd.is_suspended(code, date, date).squeeze(): bottom_suspend.append(code) bottom_group = bottom_suspend # 添加首档 for code in factor_df.sort_values().index: if len(top_group) >= position_size: break if code not in top_group: top_group.append(code) # 添加末档 for code in factor_df.sort_values(ascending=False).index: if len(bottom_group) >= position_size: break if code not in bottom_group: bottom_group.append(code) df_profit['top-bottom'] = df_profit['top'] - df_profit['bottom'] df_cumprod_profit = (df_profit + 1).cumprod() df_cumprod_profit.plot()