def refresh():
    db_conn.execute(sync_sql, [])  # 同步主机ip数据
    cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, [])
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    cursor and cursor.close()
    for row in rows:
        DashBoardUrls[row[0]] = row[1]

    print 'endpoint dashboard urls'
    def gets_by_endpoint_ids(cls, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)
        args = endpoint_ids + [start, limit]
        if not limit:
            cursor = db_conn.execute('''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in ('''+placeholder+''')''',endpoint_ids)
            cursor = db_conn.execute('''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in ('''+placeholder+''') limit %s, %s''', args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
    def search_in_endpoint_ids(cls, qs, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = endpoint_ids
        for q in qs:
        args += [start, limit]

        sql = '''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in (''' +placeholder+ ''') '''
	i = 0
	size = len(qs)
	if size > 0:
	    sql += ''' and ('''
	    for q in qs:
	        if i+1 != size:
                    sql += ''' counter like %s or '''
	            sql += ''' counter like %s '''
		i += 1
	    sql += ''')'''
        sql += ''' limit %s,%s'''

	print ('search_in_endpoint_ids sql===>>>%s'%sql)
        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #4
    def get_name_by_id(cls,id):
	grp_id = str(id[0:2])
	idc_id = str(grp_id+id[2:4])
	args = [grp_id,idc_id,id]
	sql = '''select id,pid,name,isparent from ztree where id = %s or id = %s or id =%s order by id DESC'''
	cursor = db_conn.execute(sql,args)
	rows = cursor.fetchall()
	cursor and cursor.close()
	return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
def refresh():
    cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, [])
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    cursor and cursor.close()
    for row in rows:
        Desps[row[0]] = row[1]

    print 'counter descriptions'
Exemple #6
    def search_in_endpoint_ids(cls, qs, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = endpoint_ids

        sql = '''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in (''' +placeholder+ ''') '''
        tags = {}
        is_packet_loss_rate = False
        is_average = False

        for q in qs:
            match = re.match('([^\0]+)=([^\0]+)', q)
            if match:
                tags[] =',')
                if "packet-loss-rate" in q:
                    q = "packets-sent"
                    is_packet_loss_rate = True
                elif "average" in q:
                    q = "transmission-time"
                    is_average = True
                sql += ''' and counter like %s'''

        if 'isp' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'isp')
        if 'province' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'province')
        if 'city' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'city')
        if 'tag' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'tag')

        args += [start, limit]
        sql += ''' limit %s,%s'''

        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        if is_packet_loss_rate or is_average:
            rows = list(rows)
            # clone the first one and then set the filed of NQM
            row = list(rows[0]) 
            if is_packet_loss_rate:
                row[2] = 'packet-loss-rate'
            elif is_average:
                row[2] = 'average'
            rows = (rows + [(row)])

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #7
    def search_type(cls, type, start=0, limit=100, deadline=0):
        args = [type]
        print ("type===>>%s" % type)
        sql = """select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where t_type = %s"""

        print ("search_type sql is===>>>%s" % sql)
        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #8
 def search_agent_and_httpapi_by_endpoint(cls, endpoint):
         args = [endpoint]
         sql = """SELECT t1.port AS id, t2.endpoint as endpoint, t1.http_api as ts FROM endpoint t1, endpoint t2 WHERE t1.agent_id = AND t1.endpoint = %s"""
         cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
         rows = cursor.fetchall()
         cursor and cursor.close()
         return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
     except Exception, e:
         print e
         raise e
Exemple #9
    def search_endpoint_by_cluster(cls, cluster_group, start=0, limit=100, deadline=0):
            args = [cluster_group]
            sql = """select port as id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where cluster_group = %s"""

            cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            cursor and cursor.close()
            return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            raise e
Exemple #10
    def gets(cls, ids, deadline=0):
        if not ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)
        args = ids + [deadline, ]

        cursor = db_conn.execute('''select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where id in (''' + placeholder + ''') and ts > %s''', args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #11
    def search_agent_endpoint_by_cluster(cls, cluster_group, start=0, limit=100, deadline=0):
            args = [cluster_group]
            # sql = '''select port as id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where cluster_group = %s'''
            sql = """SELECT t1.port AS id, t2.endpoint, t1.ts FROM endpoint t1, endpoint t2 WHERE t1.agent_id = AND t1.cluster_group = %s"""

            cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            cursor and cursor.close()
            return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            raise e
Exemple #12
    def search_cluster(cls, type, start=0, limit=100, deadline=0):
            args = [type]
            sql = """SELECT 1, cluster_group as endpoint, 1 FROM endpoint where t_type = %s group by cluster_group HAVING cluster_group!=\'\' and cluster_group is not null"""

            print ("search_cluster sql is===>>>%s" % sql)
            cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            cursor and cursor.close()
            return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            raise e
Exemple #13
    def get_endpoint_ids(cls, tags, limit=200):
        if not tags:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in tags]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)
        args = tags
        cursor = db_conn.execute(
            '''select distinct endpoint_id from tag_endpoint where tag in ('''
            + placeholder + ''')''', args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        ids = [x[0] for x in rows]

        if not ids:
            return []

        res = None
        for t in tags:
            holders = ["%s" for x in ids]
            placeholder = ",".join(holders)
            args = list(ids) + [
            sql = '''select endpoint_id from tag_endpoint where endpoint_id in (''' + placeholder + ''') and tag=%s'''
            cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            cursor and cursor.close()

            if not rows:
                return []

            if res is None:
                res = set([row[0] for row in rows])
                res.intersection_update(set([row[0] for row in rows]))

        ret = list(res) if res else []
        return ret[:limit]
Exemple #14
    def gets_by_endpoint(cls, endpoints, deadline=0):
        if not endpoints:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoints]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)
        args = endpoints + [deadline]

        cursor = db_conn.execute(
            """select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where endpoint in (""" + placeholder + """) and ts > %s""", args
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #15
    def get_endpoint_ids(cls, tags, limit=200):
        if not tags:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in tags]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)
        args = tags
        cursor = db_conn.execute(
            """select distinct endpoint_id from tag_endpoint where tag in (""" + placeholder + """)""", args
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        ids = [x[0] for x in rows]

        if not ids:
            return []

        res = None
        for t in tags:
            holders = ["%s" for x in ids]
            placeholder = ",".join(holders)
            args = list(ids) + [t]
            sql = """select endpoint_id from tag_endpoint where endpoint_id in (""" + placeholder + """) and tag=%s"""
            cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            cursor and cursor.close()

            if not rows:
                return []

            if res is None:
                res = set([row[0] for row in rows])
                res.intersection_update(set([row[0] for row in rows]))

        ret = list(res) if res else []
        return ret[:limit]
    def gets_by_endpoint_ids(cls, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)
        args = endpoint_ids + [start, limit]

        cursor = db_conn.execute(
            '''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in ('''
            + placeholder + ''') limit %s, %s''', args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #17
    def search(cls, qs, start=0, limit=100, deadline=0):
        args = [deadline]
        for q in qs:
            args.append("%" + q + "%")
        args += [start, limit]

        sql = """select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where ts > %s and t_type not in (\'mysql-cluster\', \'redis-cluster\', \'rabbitmq-cluster\') """
        for q in qs:
            sql += """ and endpoint like %s"""
        sql += """ limit %s,%s"""

        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #18
    def search_regexp(cls, qs, start=0, limit=100, deadline=0):
        args = [deadline, ]
        for q in qs:
        args += [start, limit]

        sql = '''select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where ts > %s '''
        for q in qs:
            sql += ''' and endpoint regexp %s'''
        sql += ''' limit %s,%s'''

        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #19
    def gets(cls, ids, deadline=0):
        if not ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)
        args = ids + [deadline]

        cursor = db_conn.execute(
            """select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where t_type not in (\'mysql-cluster\', \'redis-cluster\', \'rabbitmq-cluster\') and id in ("""
            + placeholder
            + """) and ts > %s""",
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #20
    def search_in_ids(cls, qs, ids, deadline=0):
        if not ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = ids + [deadline, ]
        for q in qs:

        sql = '''select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where id in (''' + placeholder + ''') and ts > %s '''
        for q in qs:
            sql += ''' and endpoint like %s'''

        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #21
    def search(cls, qs, start=0, limit=0, deadline=0):
        args = [deadline, ]
        for q in qs:

        sql = '''select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where ts > %s '''
        flag = False
        for q in qs:
            if not flag:
                sql += ''' and endpoint like %s'''
                flag = True
                sql += ''' or endpoint like %s'''
        if limit:
            args += [start, limit]
            sql += ''' limit %s,%s'''

        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #22
    def search_in_endpoint_ids(cls, qs, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = endpoint_ids
        for q in qs:

        sql = '''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in (''' +placeholder+ ''') '''
        for q in qs:
            sql += ''' and counter like %s'''
        if limit:
            sql += ''' limit %s,%s'''
            args += [start, limit]
        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #23
    def search_in_endpoint_ids(cls, qs, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = endpoint_ids
        for q in qs:
            args.append("%" + q + "%")
        args += [start, limit]

        sql = '''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in (''' + placeholder + ''') '''
        for q in qs:
            sql += ''' and counter like %s'''
        sql += ''' limit %s,%s'''

        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #24
    def search_in_ids(cls, qs, ids, deadline=0):
        if not ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = ids + [deadline]
        for q in qs:
            args.append("%" + q + "%")

        sql = (
            """select id, endpoint, ts from endpoint where id in ("""
            + placeholder
            + """) and ts > %s and t_type not in (\'mysql-cluster\', \'redis-cluster\', \'rabbitmq-cluster\') """
        for q in qs:
            sql += """ and endpoint like %s"""

        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
    def search_in_endpoint_ids(cls, qs, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = endpoint_ids

        sql = (
            """select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in ("""
            + placeholder
            + """) """
        tags = {}
        is_packet_loss_rate = False
        is_average = False

        sql_sub = []
        for q in qs:
            match = re.match("([^\0]+)=([^\0]+)", q)
            if match:
                tags[] =",")
                if "packet-loss-rate" in q:
                    q = "packets-sent"
                    is_packet_loss_rate = True
                elif "average" in q:
                    q = "transmission-time"
                    is_average = True
                args.append("%" + q + "%")
                sql_sub.append(""" counter like %s """)

        if len(sql_sub) != 0:
            sql += " AND (" + " OR ".join(sql_sub) + ") "

        if "nqm-agent-isp" in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, "nqm-agent-isp")
        if "nqm-agent-province" in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, "nqm-agent-province")
        if "nqm-agent-city" in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, "nqm-agent-city")
        if "target-isp" in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, "target-isp")
        if "target-province" in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, "target-province")
        if "target-city" in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, "target-city")
        if "target-name-tag" in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, "target-name-tag")

        args += [start, limit]
        sql += """ limit %s,%s"""
        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        if is_packet_loss_rate or is_average:
            rows = list(rows)
            # clone the first one and then set the filed of NQM
            row = list(rows[0])
            if is_packet_loss_rate:
                row[2] = "packet-loss-rate"
            elif is_average:
                row[2] = "average"
            rows = rows + [(row)]

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
Exemple #26
 def gets(cls):
     sql = '''select id,pid,name,isparent from ztree order by name'''
     cursor = db_conn.execute(sql)
     rows = cursor.fetchall()
     cursor and cursor.close()
     return [cls(*row) for row in rows]
    def search_in_endpoint_ids(cls, qs, endpoint_ids, start=0, limit=100):
        if not endpoint_ids:
            return []

        holders = ["%s" for x in endpoint_ids]
        placeholder = ",".join(holders)

        args = endpoint_ids

        sql = '''select id, endpoint_id, counter, step, type from endpoint_counter where endpoint_id in (''' + placeholder + ''') '''
        tags = {}
        is_packet_loss_rate = False
        is_average = False

        sql_sub = []
        for q in qs:
            match = re.match('([^\0]+)=([^\0]+)', q)
            if match:
                tags[] =',')
                if "packet-loss-rate" in q:
                    q = "packets-sent"
                    is_packet_loss_rate = True
                elif "average" in q:
                    q = "transmission-time"
                    is_average = True
                args.append("%" + q + "%")
                sql_sub.append(''' counter like %s ''')

        if len(sql_sub) != 0:
            sql += " AND (" + " OR ".join(sql_sub) + ") "

        if 'nqm-agent-isp' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'nqm-agent-isp')
        if 'nqm-agent-province' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'nqm-agent-province')
        if 'nqm-agent-city' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'nqm-agent-city')
        if 'target-isp' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'target-isp')
        if 'target-province' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'target-province')
        if 'target-city' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'target-city')
        if 'target-name-tag' in tags:
            sql += EndpointCounter.tag_query(tags, args, 'target-name-tag')

        args += [start, limit]
        sql += ''' limit %s,%s'''
        cursor = db_conn.execute(sql, args)
        rows = cursor.fetchall()
        cursor and cursor.close()

        if is_packet_loss_rate or is_average:
            rows = list(rows)
            # clone the first one and then set the filed of NQM
            row = list(rows[0])
            if is_packet_loss_rate:
                row[2] = 'packet-loss-rate'
            elif is_average:
                row[2] = 'average'
            rows = (rows + [(row)])

        return [cls(*row) for row in rows]