def __init__(self, config, importer_kwargs): #data ziskana z api self.rPublication = None #objekt typu RRSPublication, ktery po naplneni budeme importovat do db self.publication = None #nastaveni pro importer self.importer_kwargs = importer_kwargs #sleeper range self.LimitMin = 0.1 self.LimitMax = 0.2 #objekt pro vytvareni sql dotazu self.q = FluentSQLQuery() #researchr API self.researchrClass = ResearchrClass() #nejvyssi vrstva, pro nacteni objektu podle id self.rrsdb = RRSDatabase() #normalizator self.norm = Normalize() #importer self.importer = RRSXMLImporter(self.importer_kwargs)
class ResearchrPublicationFeeder: def __init__(self, config, importer_kwargs): #data ziskana z api self.rPublication = None #objekt typu RRSPublication, ktery po naplneni budeme importovat do db self.publication = None #nastaveni pro importer self.importer_kwargs = importer_kwargs #sleeper range self.LimitMin = 0.1 self.LimitMax = 0.2 #objekt pro vytvareni sql dotazu self.q = FluentSQLQuery() #researchr API self.researchrClass = ResearchrClass() #nejvyssi vrstva, pro nacteni objektu podle id self.rrsdb = RRSDatabase() #normalizator self.norm = Normalize() #importer self.importer = RRSXMLImporter(self.importer_kwargs) def __FillType(self): """ Transform rPublication.type to publication.type """ _id = self.__GetId("publication_type", "type=", self.rPublication.publication_type) if (_id != None): self.publication["type"] = self.rrsdb.load("publication_type", _id) def __FillSeries(self): """ Add rPublication.series to publication_series table """ if (self.rPublication.series != None and self.rPublication.series != ""): _id = None while (_id == None): _id = self.__GetId("publication_series", "title=", self.rPublication.series) if (_id == None): series = RRSPublication_series(title=self.rPublication.series) #importer = RRSXMLImporter(self.importer_kwargs) self.importer.import_model(series) continue self.publication["series"] = self.rrsdb.load("publication_series", _id) def __GetId(self, _from, where, _is): """ Try to find ID in table and return it @type _from: string @param _from: Name of table. @type where: string @param where: Name of column. @type _is: string @param _is: What it is equal. @rtype: int @return: Id of selected entry. """"id").from_table(_from) self.q.where(where, _is) self.q() data = self.q.fetch_one() #print(self.q.sql()) self.q.cleanup() if data != None: return data[0] return None def __FillPublisher(self): """ Add rPublication.publisher to organization table """ if (self.rPublication.publisher != None and self.rPublication.publisher != ""): _id = None normalized_title = self.norm.organization(self.rPublication.publisher) while (_id == None): _id = self.__GetId("organization", "title_normalized=", normalized_title) if (_id == None): organization = RRSOrganization(title=self.rPublication.publisher, title_normalized=normalized_title) #importer = RRSXMLImporter(self.importer_kwargs) self.importer.import_model(organization) continue self.publication["publisher"] = self.rrsdb.load("organization", _id) def __FillAuthors(self, authorData, isEditor): """ FillAuthor Add (if there are not) person to db and contain them with actual publication. Foreach rPublication.authors, take only person's url and fullname. @type authorData: list @param authorData: List of authors data (person, alias) @type isEditor: bool @param isEditor: True if authors are editors of this publication. """ if (len(authorData) != 0): rank = 0 for author in authorData: if 'author' in author: rFullname = author["person"]["fullname"] rUrl = author["person"]["url"] else: rFullname = author["alias"]["name"] rUrl = author["alias"]["url"] personUrl = RRSRelationshipPersonUrl() rank += 1 self.__FillUrl(personUrl, rUrl) self.__FillPerson(personUrl, rFullname, rank, isEditor) def __FillUrl(self, personUrl, rUrl): """ This function add url to db bind url to person @type personUrl: RRSRelationshipPersonUrl @param personUrl: Relationship object to add url into it. @type rUrl: string @param isEditor: rPublication.(person/alias) url, url of author/editor. """ _id = None while (_id == None): _id = self.__GetId("url", "link=", rUrl) if (_id == None): url = RRSUrl(link=rUrl) url["type"] = self.rrsdb.load("url_type", "1") #importer = RRSXMLImporter(self.importer_kwargs) self.importer.import_model(url) continue url = self.rrsdb.load("url", _id) personUrl.set_entity(url) #print( personUrl) def __FillPerson(self, personUrl, rFullname, rank, isEditor): """ This function try fill first name, middle name, last name of person. @type personUrl: RRSRelationshipPersonUrl @param personUrl: Relationship object to bind to person["url"]. @type rFullname: string @param rFullname: Fullname of author. @type rank: int @param rank: Rank of author, first author get 1, second 2 and so on. @type isEditor: bool @param isEditor: True if person is editor of this publication. """ _id = None while (_id == None): _id = self.__GetId("person", "full_name=", rFullname) if (_id == None): person = RRSPerson() person["full_name"] = rFullname person["url"] = personUrl self.__SetPersonNames(person, rFullname) person["full_name_ascii"] = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', rFullname).encode('ascii', 'ignore') #importer = RRSXMLImporter(self.importer_kwargs) #print(person) self.importer.import_model(person) continue publicationPerson = RRSRelationshipPersonPublication(author_rank=rank, editor=isEditor) publicationPerson.set_entity(self.rrsdb.load("person", _id)) #print(publicationPerson) self.publication['person'] = publicationPerson def __SetPersonNames(self, person, rFullname): """ This function try fill first name, middle name, last name of person. @type person: RRSPerson @param person: Object of author of publication. @type rFullname: string @param rFullname: Fullname of author. """ splitName = rFullname.split() if (len(splitName) == 3): person["first_name"] = splitName[0] person["middle_name"] = splitName[1] person["last_name"] = splitName[2] elif (len(splitName) == 2): person["first_name"] = splitName[0] person["last_name"] = splitName[1] def FillPublication(self, key): """ This function call all private function with prefix Fill, this function load data to rPublication structure and then assign data from rPublication to publication(RRSPublication). @type key: string @param key: Key of the publication. """ self.__FillRPublication(key) self.publication = RRSPublication() self.__FillAuthors(self.rPublication.authors, False) self.__FillAuthors(self.rPublication.editors, True) self.__FillPublisher() self.__FillType() self.__FillSeries() self.publication["title"] = self.rPublication.title self.publication["title_normalized"] = self.norm.publication(self.rPublication.title) if (self.rPublication.year != None and self.rPublication.year != ""): self.publication["year"] = int(self.rPublication.year) # "2000" -> 2000 if (self.rPublication.month != None and self.rPublication.month != ""): self.publication["month"] = int(strptime(self.rPublication.month[:3],'%b').tm_mon) if (self.rPublication.volume != None and self.rPublication.volume != "" and self.rPublication.volume.isdigit()): self.publication["volume"] = int(self.rPublication.volume) if (self.rPublication.number != None and self.rPublication.number != "" and self.rPublication.volume.isdigit()): self.publication["number"] = int(self.rPublication.number) if (self.rPublication.abstract != None and self.rPublication.abstract != ""): self.publication["abstract"] = self.rPublication.abstract if (self.rPublication.doi != None and "" in self.rPublication.doi): self.publication["doi"] = self.rPublication.doi.strip('') if (self.rPublication.firstpage != None and self.rPublication.lastpage != None and self.rPublication.firstpage != "" and self.rPublication.lastpage != ""): self.publication["pages"] = str(self.rPublication.firstpage) + " - " + str(self.rPublication.lastpage) self.publication["language"] = self.rrsdb.load('language', 1) self.publication.set("researchr_key", self.rPublication.key, strict=False) #print(self.publication) #importer = RRSXMLImporter(self.importer_kwargs) try: self.importer.import_model(self.publication) except RRSDatabaseEntityError as e: print('RRSDatabaseEntityError - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, str(e))) logging.warning('RRSDatabaseEntityError - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, str(e))) except DatabaseError as e: print('DatabaseError - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, str(e))) logging.warning('DatabaseError - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, str(e))) except TypeError as e: print('TypeError - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, str(e))) logging.warning('TypeError - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, str(e))) except: print('Unexpected error - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, sys.exc_info()[0])) logging.warning('Unexpected error - %s, %s' % (self.rPublication.key, sys.exc_info()[0])) def __FillRPublication(self, key): """ Fill rPublication object. @type key: string @param key: Name od publication. """ self.rPublication = RPublication() publicationData = self.researchrClass.getPublication(key) time.sleep(random.uniform(self.LimitMin, self.LimitMax)) #print(publicationData) for key, value in publicationData.items(): if key == 'abstract': self.rPublication.abstract = value elif key == 'address': self.rPublication.address = value elif key == 'authors': self.rPublication.authors = value elif key == 'booktitle': self.rPublication.booktitle = value elif key == 'conference': self.rPublication.conference = value elif key == 'conferenceYear': self.rPublication.conferenceYear = value elif key == 'doi': self.rPublication.doi = value elif key == 'editors': self.rPublication.editors = value elif key == 'firstpage': self.rPublication.firstpage = value elif key == 'key': self.rPublication.key = value elif key == 'issuenumber': self.rPublication.issuenumber = value elif key == 'journal': self.rPublication.journal = value elif key == 'key': self.rPublication.key = value elif key == 'lastpage': self.rPublication.lastpage = value elif key == 'month': self.rPublication.month = value elif key == 'note': self.rPublication.note = value elif key == 'number': self.rPublication.number = value elif key == 'organization': self.rPublication.organization = value elif key == 'publisher': self.rPublication.publisher = value elif key == 'series': self.rPublication.series = value elif key == 'title': self.rPublication.title = value elif key == 'type': self.rPublication.publication_type = value elif key == 'url': self.rPublication.url = value elif key == 'volume': self.rPublication.volume = value elif key == 'volumenumber': self.rPublication.volumenumber = value elif key == 'year': self.rPublication.year = value