Exemple #1
    def create(self, should_exist=False):
        """create the filename if it doesn't exist, otherwise if it should (and
           does not) exit on error.
        if should_exist:
            if not os.path.exists(self.filename):

                # Might be provided prefix
                contenders = glob("%s*" % os.path.join(self.data_base, self.parser.uid))
                if len(contenders) == 1:
                    self.parser.uid = re.sub(
                        "(%s/|[.]json)" % self.data_base, "", contenders[0],

                elif len(contenders) > 1:
                    raise MultipleReposExistError(self.parser.uid)
                    raise RepoNotFoundError(self.parser.uid)
            self.data = self.load()
            self.taxonomy = self.load_taxonomy()
            self.criteria = self.load_criteria()

        if not os.path.exists(self.parser_dir):

        # If it's the first time saving, create basic file
        if not should_exist:
            self.data = {
                "parser": self.parser.name,
                "uid": self.parser.uid,
                "url": self.parser.get_url(),
                "data": self.parser.export(),
Exemple #2
 def create_database(self, config_dir):
     """Create the database. The parent folder must exist."""
     self.data_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(config_dir, "database"))
     if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
         raise DirectoryNotFoundError(
             config_dir, "must exist to create database there")
     if not os.path.exists(self.data_base):
Exemple #3
def export_web_static(export_dir, base_url, client, force=False):
    """Export a running web interface to a folder. If the folder exists, the
    user must use force. This should be run via:
        rse export --type static-web [export_dir]
    If the user manually starts the server, the user needs to do:
        export RSE_DISABLE_ANNOTATE=True before the server is started
    to disable the annotation interface button. This will be fixed
    in a future PR to have an interface that submits an issue to do
    an annotation, but this needs to be developed first.

     - export_dir (str)      : the path to an export directory
     - base_url (str)        : the base url of the server, including port
     - client (Encyclopedia) : the encyclopedia to use
     - force (bool)          : if directory exists, overwrite
    print(f"Starting export for {base_url}")

    # Ensure that the server is running
        requests.head(base_url).status_code == 200
            "Please export after the server is running: export --type static-web [export_dir]"

    # Output directory cannot exist if force
    if os.path.exists(export_dir) and not force:
        sys.exit(f"{export_dir} exists, use --force to overwrite.")

    # Create export directory if it doesn't exist
    if not os.path.exists(export_dir):

    # Copy static files
    static_files = os.path.join(export_dir, "static")
    if not os.path.exists(static_files):
        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(here, "static"), static_files)

    # Prepare urls (and filepath relative to export_dir) for export
    urls = {base_url: "index.html"}

    # Create static data export
    data = []

    # Add repos and static annotation
    for repo in client.list():
        repo = client.get(repo[0])
        repo_path = os.path.join("repository", repo.uid)
            "uid": repo.uid,
            "url": repo.url,
            "rel": "%s%s" % (RSE_URL_PREFIX, repo_path),
            "avatar": repo.avatar,
            "description": repo.description,
        # Currently don't link to repository page
        # urls["%s%s%s" % (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX, repo_path)] = os.path.join(
        #    repo_path, "index.html"
        # )

        # Static annotation endpoints
        for annotation_type in ["criteria", "taxonomy"]:
            urls["%s%s%s/annotate-%s" % (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX, repo_path,
                                         annotation_type)] = os.path.join(
                                             "annotate-%s" % annotation_type,

        # Repository API endpoints
        urls["%s%sapi/repos/%s" %
             (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX, repo.uid)] = os.path.join(
                 "api", "repos", repo.uid, "index.json")

    # Add API endpoints
    urls["%s%sapi" % (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX)] = os.path.join(
        "api", "index.json")
    urls["%s%sapi/repos" % (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX)] = os.path.join(
        "api", "repos", "index.json")

    for parser in ["github", "gitlab"]:
        urls["%s%sapi/repos/parser/%s" %
             (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX, parser)] = os.path.join(
                 "api", "repos", "parser", parser, "index.json")

    urls["%s%sapi/taxonomy" % (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX)] = os.path.join(
        "api", "taxonomy", "index.json")
    urls["%s%sapi/criteria" % (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX)] = os.path.join(
        "api", "criteria", "index.json")

    # Add search, criteria, and taxonomy
    for term in ["search", "criteria", "taxonomy"]:
        urls["%s%s%s" % (base_url, RSE_URL_PREFIX, term)] = os.path.join(
            term, "index.html")

    for url, outfile in urls.items():

        # Skip if we've already created it
        if os.path.exists(outfile):

        # Update the output file with the repository
        outfile = os.path.join(export_dir, outfile)

        # Create nested output folder, if doesn't exist
        out_dir = os.path.dirname(outfile)
        if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

        # Url might have a prefix
        response = requests.get(url, headers={"User-Agent": get_user_agent()})
        if response.status_code == 200:
            write_file(outfile, response.text)
            print(f"Issue parsing {url}")

    print("Generating data export")
    write_json(data, os.path.join(export_dir, "data.json"))
    print("Export is complete!")