def goal_reach_inform(msg): global password room_id = if room_id.startswith('EV') or room_id.startswith( 'Station') or room_id.startswith('Lobby'): rospy.loginfo('[NS] Receive goal_reach: ' + str(room_id)) rospy.loginfo('[NS] Pass') else: tid = round(time.time(), 2) if password == '': msg = '[NS]: Need to inform the guest. But the PW is empty. ROOM_ID: ' + str( room_id) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) rospy.logwarn(msg) payload = {'roomId': room_id, 'pw': password, 'tid': tid} call_success = http_service(phoneServerIP, payload, 'robocall', 10) if not call_success: msg = '[NS]: Fail to inform the guest. Request RSS. ROOM_ID: ' + str( room_id) + "; PW: " + str(password) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) rospy.logwarn(msg) # Reset the PW password = '' return
def interrupt_agent(msg): global robotStatus, task_path, lock lock.acquire() if robotStatus.mission is not None: announce = unicode('中断任务执行,进入待命状态', 'utf-8') rospy.loginfo('tts: ' + announce) ttsPub.publish(announce) msg = "[NC] Received Manual Interrupt." msg += ' Last position: ' + str(robotStatus.position) msg += ' / Mission: ' + str(robotStatus.mission) msg += ' / Mission_TS: ' + str(robotStatus.ts_start) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], announce) rospy.logwarn(msg) task_path = None msg = "[NC] Clear task_path." rospy.logwarn(msg) robotStatus.mission = None robotStatus.set_status('available') msg = "[NC] Cancel Task. Reset Status." rospy.logwarn(msg) msg = "[NC] Cancel Move_base Goal." rospy.logwarn(msg) goalCancel.publish() pub_robot_status() lock.release() return
def resource_monitor(): global robotStatus, lock reboot_time = service_dict['rebootTime'] while True: # Daily Reboot if time.localtime().tm_hour == reboot_time and time.localtime( ).tm_min == 0: while True: if robotStatus.status in ['charging', 'need_charging', 'available'] and \ robotStatus.position is 'station': lock.acquire() rospy.loginfo('[NC] Daily Reboot.') # Change the statue to block new task robotStatus.set_status('init') rospy.loginfo('tts: 执行机器人定期重启') announce = unicode('执行机器人定期重启', 'utf-8') ttsPub.publish(announce) rospy.sleep(5) rebootPub.publish(30.0) rospy.sleep(120) lock.release() else: rospy.loginfo( "[NC]: Wait for mission complete Then, reboot.") rospy.sleep(10) # Critical Resource Monitor: Nodes, connection # TODO: Add WiFi Connection Monitor else: if resource_check_on: # Check the node_list_1 fine, result = checkNodeExistence(service_dict['node_list_1']) if not fine: for node, alive in result.items(): if not alive: rospy.logwarn('[NC Resource Monitor]' + node + " is dead.") # TODO: Add node relaunch process. # Check the node_list_2 fine, result = checkNodeExistence(service_dict['node_list_2']) if not fine: ts = time.time() for node, alive in result.items(): if not alive: msg = '[NC Resource Monitor]' + node + " is dead. Request RSS." rospy.logfatal(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) rospy.sleep(30) else: rospy.sleep(60) pass
def release_elevator(msg): global elevatorIP rospy.loginfo('[NS] Release EV Control.') tid = round(time.time(), 2) payload = {'robot_id': service_dict['AMR_ID'], 'tid': tid} release_success = http_service(elevatorIP, payload, 'release', 10) if not release_success: msg = '[NS]: Fail to inform the EV release command. Just For Record.' sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) rospy.logwarn(msg) return
def move_base_agent(mission_path, time_limit): global lock, robotStatus lock.acquire() # Subscribe the callback Topic _sub = rospy.Subscriber('/move_base/result', MoveBaseActionResult, move_base_callback) current_goal = mission_path[0] rospy.loginfo('[NC] Current Goal: ' + str(current_goal)) # Loading the destination coordinate pose, yaw_tol, xy_tol = goal_agent(current_goal, goal_dict) # Set Tolerance # TODO: set_tolerance TEST on real robot # set_tolerance(yaw_tol, xy_tol) rospy.loginfo('[NC] Sent the goal to move_base.') # Publish the move_base goal. goalPub.publish(pose) # Release the global status. robotStatus.set_status('moving') pub_robot_status() lock.release() # Wait for Move_base's confirmation counter = 0 while True: if robotStatus.status == 'node_reached': robotStatus.position = mission_path.pop(0) if robotStatus.position[0:3] == 'EVW' and task_path[0] == 'EVin': robotStatus.set_status('waitEV') pub_robot_status() _sub.unregister() # Return the following path. return mission_path, True elif robotStatus.status == 'retry': robotStatus.set_status('moving') rospy.loginfo('[NC] Assign move_base goal again.') pub_robot_status() goalPub.publish(pose) robotStatus.abortCount['move_base'] += 1 counter += 1 elif counter > time_limit: msg = '[NC] move_base timeout:' + str(time_limit / 10) + 's.' _sub.unregister() rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) return mission_path, False else: rospy.sleep(0.1) counter += 1
def entering_callback(success): global lock, robotStatus lock.acquire() if success: robotStatus.position = 'Station' lock.release() return else: robotStatus.position = 'Station' msg = '[NC] Entering Station Return False.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) lock.release() return
def pmu_monitor(update): global pmu_online if pmu_online != pmu_online = if pmu_online is False: msg = "[NC]: PMU offline." rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) else: msg = "[NC]: PMU online." rospy.loginfo(msg) else: pass return
def battery_monitor(battery_capacity): global robotStatus, battery_rss_flag robotStatus.capacity = if < battery_capacity_threshold and (battery_rss_flag is None): msg = "[rss_server]: Low Battery ! PLEASE CHECK. Request RSS." sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) rospy.logwarn(msg) battery_rss_flag = True elif >= 20.0: battery_rss_flag = None else: pass return
def wifi_connected(): check_list = ['robocall_server_ip', 'robocall_server_ip'] for target in check_list: if not pinger(service_dict[target]): msg = '[NC] ' + target + ' connection failed.' sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) rospy.logwarn(msg) return False if not pinger(service_dict['hotel_public_ip']): rospy.logwarn('[NC] Hotel public ip connection failed.') msg = 'Hotel public ip connection failed' rospy.logwarn('[NC] ' + msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) return True
def depart_callback(success): global lock, robotStatus lock.acquire() if success: robotStatus.position = 'Station_out' robotStatus.set_status = 'node_reached' pub_robot_status() else: robotStatus.position = 'Station_out' robotStatus.set_status = 'node_reached' pub_robot_status() msg = '[NC] Departure Station Return False.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) lock.release() return
def node_monitor(): # TODO: Node monitor, try 3 mins with 3s interval. Success >> > proceed.Fail >> > Reboot # Check the node_list_1 fine, result = checkNodeExistence(service_dict['node_list_1'] + service_dict['node_list_2']) if not fine: for node, alive in result.items(): if not alive: msg = '[NC] Initlization Failed: ' + node + ' is dead. Reboot the Robot.' rospy.logfatal(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) msg = '[NC] Initlization Failed. Reboot the Robot.' sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) rospy.logfatal(msg) return False else: return True
def depart_station(mission_path): global lock, robotStatus lock.acquire() rospy.loginfo('[NC] AMR is going to depart the station.') # Subscribe the callback Function _sub = rospy.Subscriber('departStationCB', Bool, depart_callback) rospy.loginfo('tts: 请小心,机器人将离开充电区 ') msg = unicode('请小心, 机器人将离开充电区.', 'utf-8') rospy.loginfo("[NC] Departing Station >>> >>> >>> ") ttsPub.publish(msg) for i in range(2): rospy.loginfo('[NC] Departure Start Countdown: ' + str(1 - i)) rospy.sleep(0.9) departStationPub.publish(True) robotStatus.set_status('departing_station') pub_robot_status() # Release the global status. lock.release() counter = 0 # Wait for Departure Complete while robotStatus.position != 'Station_out': if counter >= 200: # rss robotStatus.position = 'Station_out' pub_robot_status() msg = '[NC] Departure Station 20s Timeout.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) break else: rospy.sleep(0.1) _sub.unregister() rospy.loginfo('[NC] >>> Departure Finished.') return mission_path[1:]
def navi_center(): global robotStatus, service_dict, rss_notification, path_planner, task_path, goal_dict rospy.loginfo("[NC] System Launched.") # ====================================================== # # 0. Initiation Phase. # ====================================================== # # ---------- Service Parameters Loading ------------- # service_dict = loading_service_parameter() goal_dict = loading_hotel_goal() rss_notification.setting(service_dict) path_planner.setting(service_dict['hotelGoals']) # ---------- RobotStatus Init ------------------------ # robotStatus = RobotStatus() # ---------- Check System Boost up Successfully ------ # rospy.loginfo('[NC] Init Process: Check subsystem.') # Check all the necessary node are online and alive. # TODO: Enable system_health if resource_check_on: system_health() # Start the "All time resource_monitor": Check node, connection & daily reboot resource_monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=resource_monitor) resource_monitor_thread.daemon = True resource_monitor_thread.start() # ====================================================== # # 1. Init >>> Standby Phase # ====================================================== # # 1-0. Subscribe Topic Relative to AMR Status or Safety: # ===== Battery ===== # rospy.Subscriber('/capacity', Float32, battery_monitor) rospy.Subscriber('/charging/connected', Bool, station_connection_monitor) # ===== Safety Monitor ===== # # TODO: Add safety feature # PMU, Power Management Unit Monitor rospy.Subscriber('/PMU/online', Bool, pmu_monitor) rospy.Subscriber('/charging/online', Bool, station_monitor) # RSS Channel rospy.Subscriber('/setPosition', String, rss_reset_position) # TODO: ADD /EMB /Station rospy.Subscriber('/emergentStop', Bool, interrupt_agent) rospy.Subscriber('/base/lock', Bool, bumper_agent) # Initialize position(default or by TopView_Tag), floor and status for i in range(6): rospy.loginfo('[NC] System Start Countdown: ' + str(5 - i)) rospy.sleep(1.0) status_agent() rospy.loginfo('[NC] Start Position: ' + str(robotStatus.position)) # Loading the map and position accordingly. map_client(robotStatus.position, service_dict) # Register DWA_Planner Service # TODO: Check is here other way to replace wait_for """ try: rospy.wait_for_service("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS/set_parameters", 5.0) client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("/move_base/DWAPlannerROS", timeout=30, config_callback=dynamic_reconfigure_cb) rospy.loginfo("[NC] AMR Launched Success.") except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException), e: rospy.logerr("[NC] DWAPlannerROS Service call failed: %s" % (e,)) rospy.loginfo("[NC] AMR Launched Complete.") """ rospy.loginfo("[NC] AMR Launched Success.") # 2. Planning Phase. # 2-1. Start the 'Goal_Monitor: 'Subscribe a /hotelGoal. # Monitor and check the delivery task input. Reject or Update the mission accordingly. # If reject, simply feedback 'busy'. Otherwise, broadcast if through robot_status (by setting_robot_mission()). rospy.Subscriber('/hotelGoal', String, goal_monitor) # 3. Task Execution Phase. while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Scene I, Got Mission with task_path. if robotStatus.mission is not None and task_path: # ================== Main Task Loop ========================================== # rospy.loginfo('[NC] Task Path: ' + str(task_path)) rospy.loginfo('[NC] Current Position: ' + str(robotStatus.position)) # Receive task path, And Execute it orderly. # Case 1, Departure Station if robotStatus.position == 'Station' and task_path[ 0] == 'Station_out': task_path = depart_station(task_path) # Case 2. Entering Station elif robotStatus.position == 'Station_out' and task_path[ 0] == 'Station': task_path = enter_station(task_path) # Case 3. Entering EV # elif robotStatus.position[0:3] == 'EVW' and task_path[1] == 'EVin': elif robotStatus.status is 'waitEV': # AMR_ID, status, tid, current_floor, target_floor tid = str(round(time.time(), 2)) current_floor = robotStatus.position[3:] + 'F' target_floor = task_path[1][3:] + 'F' rospy.loginfo('[NC] Call the EV to ' + current_floor) # 3-1. Request EV ev_request_confirm = ev_agent_call(service_dict['AMR_ID'], tid, current_floor, target_floor) if ev_request_confirm: robotStatus.set_status('waitEV_C') pub_robot_status() # 3-2. Wait for EV reach reach_result = ev_agent_reach(current_floor, service_dict['ev_timeout']) if reach_result is 'correct': rospy.loginfo('[NC] EV reached: ' + str(current_floor)) robotStatus.set_status('checkingEV') pub_robot_status() # 3-3. Check the EV Space safety_check_result = check_elevator(checkEVPub) if safety_check_result == 'pass': robotStatus.set_status('enteringEV') pub_robot_status() pass elif safety_check_result == 'not pass': # Release the EV release_ev(doorReleasePub, ttsPub) # Wait for 15s and recall robotStatus.set_status('waitEV') pub_robot_status() rospy.sleep(15.0) robotStatus.abortCount['ev_check'] += 1 pass elif safety_check_result == 'yield': # Release the EV release_ev(doorReleasePub, ttsPub) # Try the Yield Position task_path.insert(0, robotStatus.position) task_path.insert(0, robotStatus.position + 'S') robotStatus.set_status('moving') pub_robot_status() robotStatus.abortCount['ev_check'] += 1 pass # 3-2. Wait for EV reach >>> Timeout elif reach_result == 'timeout': msg = '[NC] Call EV >>> No response >>> Timeout.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) pass elif reach_result == 'wrong_floor': msg = '[NC] Call EV >>> Floor Mismatch.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) pass else: # TODO: Add action to EV request >>> No response. More than three times. msg = '[NC] Unable to sent request to EV.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) robotStatus.error['ev_no_response'] += 1 elif robotStatus.status == 'enteringEV': # done / aborted / timeout(1200) counter = 0 entering_result = entering_elevator(current_floor, enterEVPub) if entering_result == 'done': robotStatus.position = task_path.pop(0) robotStatus.set_status('inEV') pub_robot_status() rospy.loginfo('[NC] >>> Entering EV Done >>> ') rospy.loginfo('[NC] Current Position: ' + str(robotStatus.position)) # Try to Inform the EV. inform_ev = None while not inform_ev: if counter < 3: inform_ev = inform_ev_done(service_dict['AMR_ID'], tid, current_floor, target_floor) counter += 1 rospy.loginfo('[NC] Call the EV to ' + str(target_floor)) robotStatus.set_status('inEV_C') pub_robot_status() else: msg = '[NC] Unable to inform EV that AMR has done entering.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) robotStatus.error['ev_no_response'] += 1 break elif entering_result == 'abort': task_path.insert(0, robotStatus.position) robotStatus.set_status('moving') pub_robot_status() robotStatus.abortCount['entering'] += 1 pass elif entering_result == 'timeout': msg = '[NC] Timeout, Unable to Confirm that AMR has done entering.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) # TODO: Could be node fial. Set recovery mode here. pass elif robotStatus.status in ['inEV', 'inEV_C']: rospy.loginfo('[NC] Task Path: ' + str(task_path)) # TODO: Start EV Door Monitor Here. reach_result = ev_agent_reach(target_floor, service_dict['ev_timeout']) if reach_result == 'correct': robotStatus.set_status('inEV_R') pub_robot_status() # 4-2. Wait for EV reach >>> Timeout elif reach_result == 'timeout': msg = '[NC] EV can not reach target floor in 10m.' rospy.logwarn(msg) robotStatus.error['ev_no_response'] += 1 pub_robot_status() sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) # >>> Retry pass elif reach_result == 'wrong_floor': msg = '[NC] Receive EV reached. >>> Floor Mismatch.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) # >>> Retry pass elif robotStatus.status == 'inEV_R': # Release the EV release_ev(doorReleasePub, ttsPub) # TTS Warning and alight announce = unicode( '机器人正要出电梯, 外面的朋友请小心... 外面的朋友请小心.. 机器人正要出电梯. 十分感谢您的配合', 'utf-8') rospy.loginfo("tts:" + announce) ttsPub.publish(announce) robotStatus.set_status('alightingEV') pub_robot_status() # Method 1, Move_base if alight_mb_on: # time_limit = 10s (100 * 0.1s) task_path, node_reach = move_base_agent(task_path, 100) if node_reach: robotStatus.set_status('moving') pub_robot_status() pass else: skip_node = task_path.pop(0) rospy.loginfo('[NC] Skip the node: ' + str(skip_node)) robotStatus.position = skip_node pub_robot_status() rospy.loginfo('[NC] Task Path: ' + str(task_path)) pass else: target_floor = task_path[0][3:] + 'F' map_client(target_floor, service_dict) # Wait for tts rospy.sleep(1.0) alight_result = alighting_elevator(target_floor, alightEVPub) if alight_result == 'done': current_node = task_path.pop(0) robotStatus.position = current_node robotStatus.set_status('node_reached') pub_robot_status() # 4-2. Wait for EV reach >>> Timeout elif alight_result == 'timeout': msg = '[NC] EV Alighting timeout. Resent alight command.' rospy.logwarn(msg) robotStatus.error['ev_no_response'] += 1 sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) # >>> Retry pass elif alight_result == 'error': msg = '[NC] EV Alighting Error. Resent alight command.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) # >>> Retry pass else: # move_base timeout = 5m (300s) task_path, node_reach = move_base_agent(task_path, 3000) if node_reach: if robotStatus.mission == robotStatus.position: robotStatus.set_status('reached') pub_robot_status() pass else: msg = '[NC] Send Goal to move_base >>> No response >>> Timeout.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) pass # Scene II, Got Mission and task_path is empty. elif robotStatus.mission is not None and robotStatus.status == "reached": # TODO: Add Ori Correction Here. if robotStatus.mission.isdigit(): rospy.loginfo('[NC] Start Orientation Adjustment.') ori_agent(robotStatus.mission, goal_dict) rospy.loginfo('[NC] Start Orientation Adjustment.') rospy.loginfo('tts: 行李已送达') announce = unicode('行李已送达', 'utf-8') ttsPub.publish(announce) elif robotStatus.mission == 'Station': rospy.loginfo('tts: 已回到待命区') announce = unicode('已回到待命区', 'utf-8') ttsPub.publish(announce) else: rospy.loginfo('tts: 任务已完成') announce = unicode('任务已完成', 'utf-8') ttsPub.publish(announce) # Inform the User Interface, Mission Complete. hotelGoalReachPub.publish(robotStatus.mission) # Reset Mission mission_done() else: pass
def move_base_callback(msg): global robotStatus, lock lock.acquire() if msg.status.status == 3: # node goal reached robotStatus.set_status('node_reached') elif msg.status.status == 2: # move_base goal preempted rospy.logwarn("[NC] Move_base Goal preempted.") elif msg.status.status == 4: # node goal aborted rospy.logwarn("[NC] Move_base aborted") robotStatus.abortCount['move_base'] += 1 # Reset Goal rospy.loginfo("[NC] Retry Goal!") robotStatus.set_status('retry') # RSS Notification when aborting 5 times if robotStatus.abortCount['move_base'] % 10 == 0: msg = '[NC] AMR is blocked. Move_base aborted 10 times. Request RSS attention.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) # TODO: PHONE Pushing & Logging Thread """ # push notification to operator msg = '机器人被大型障碍物挡住了, 请派服务员前往处理' threadY = pushingThread(msg) threadY.start() # logging msg = 'Got stopper obstacles' threadX = loggingThread(msg) threadX.start() """ # Voice Warning tts_msg = unicode('请借过, 我需要多一点空间', 'utf-8') rospy.loginfo('tts: ' + tts_msg) ttsPub.publish(tts_msg) # Clear costmap rospy.loginfo("[NC] Call /move_base/clear_costmaps") clear_costmap() for i in range(5): rospy.loginfo('[NC] Move_base Retry Countdown: ' + str(4 - i)) rospy.sleep(0.9) else: # msg.status.status == 1,5,6,7 ...etc str_msg = "[NC] Move_base Issue, status = " + str(msg.status.status) rospy.logwarn(str_msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], str_msg) robotStatus.set_status('retry') lock.release() return
def enter_station(mission_path): global lock, robotStatus, task_path lock.acquire() if pmu_online and station_online: rospy.loginfo('[NC] AMR is going to enter the Station.') # Subscribe the callback Function _sub = rospy.Subscriber('/enterStationCB', Bool, entering_callback) rospy.loginfo('tts: 机器人到家了..请小心, 机器人将回到充电区. ') msg = unicode('机器人到家了..请小心, 机器人将回到充电区..', 'utf-8') rospy.loginfo("[NC] Entering Station >>> >>> >>> ") ttsPub.publish(msg) rospy.sleep(3.0) enterStationPub.publish(True) robotStatus.set_status('entering_station') pub_robot_status() # Release the global status. lock.release() # Wait for Entering Complete counter = 0 while robotStatus.position != 'Station': if counter >= 200: msg = '[NC] Entering Station 20s Timeout. Request RSS.' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) break else: counter += 1 rospy.sleep(0.1) current_node = mission_path.pop(0) robotStatus.position = current_node rospy.loginfo('[NC] >>> Entering Finished.') # mission_path is empty if not mission_path: robotStatus.set_status('reached') rospy.loginfo('[NC] Path Finished, Goal Reached.') pub_robot_status() _sub.unregister() lock.release() return mission_path else: if not pmu_online: msg = '[NC] PMU_Offline, Abort Entering. Request Physical Reboot.' elif not station_online: msg = '[NC] station_offline, Abort Entering. Request on-site check.' else: msg = '[NC] Both offline, Abort Entering. Request on-site check' rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) if robotStatus.mission == 'Station': robotStatus.mission = 'Station_out' robotStatus.set_status('reached') pub_robot_status() return mission_path[1:] else: msg = '[NC] Entering Abort, But path is not empty: ' + str( mission_path) rospy.logwarn(msg) sent_rss_notification(rss_on, rss_notification, service_dict['AMR_ID'], msg) return mission_path[1:]