def main(): ''' Loads settings to start the main client. Supply -h from the command line to see help text. ''' hlp_txt = ''' ########################################### ## R A S P B E R R Y S H A K E ## ## UDP Client ## ## by Ian Nesbitt ## ## GNU GPLv3 2020 ## ## ## ## Do various tasks with Shake data ## ## like plot, trigger alerts, and write ## ## to miniSEED. ## ## ## ## Requires: ## ## - numpy, obspy, matplotlib 3, pydub ## ## ## ########################################### Usage: rs-client [ OPTIONS ] where OPTIONS := { -h | --help display this help message -d | --dump=default or /path/to/settings/json dump the default settings to a JSON-formatted file -s | --settings=/path/to/settings/json specify the path to a JSON-formatted settings file } rs-client with no arguments will start the program with settings in %s ''' % settings_loc settings = json.loads(H.default_settings(verbose=False)) # get arguments try: opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hid:s:', ['help', 'install', 'dump=', 'settings='])[0] except Exception as e: print(COLOR['red'] + 'ERROR: %s' % e + COLOR['white']) print(hlp_txt) if len(opts) == 0: if not os.path.exists(settings_loc): print(COLOR['yellow'] + 'Could not find rsudp settings file, creating one at %s' % settings_loc + COLOR['white']) H.dump_default(settings_loc, H.default_settings()) else: settings = H.read_settings(settings_loc) for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): print(hlp_txt) exit(0) if o in ('-i', '--install'): ''' This is only meant to be used by the install script. ''' os.makedirs(default_loc, exist_ok=True) H.dump_default( settings_loc, H.default_settings(output_dir='@@DIR@@', verbose=False)) exit(0) if o in ('-d', '--dump='): ''' Dump the settings to a file, specified after the `-d` flag, or `-d default` to let the software decide where to put it. ''' if str(a) in 'default': os.makedirs(default_loc, exist_ok=True) H.dump_default(settings_loc, H.default_settings()) else: H.dump_default(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(a)), H.default_settings()) exit(0) if o in ('-s', 'settings='): ''' Start the program with a specific settings file, for example: `-s settings.json`. ''' settings = H.read_settings(a) debug = settings['settings']['debug'] if debug: add_debug_handler() start_logging() printM('Using settings file: %s' % settings_loc) odir = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(settings['settings']['output_dir'])) init_dirs(odir) if debug: printM('Output directory is: %s' % odir) run(settings, debug=debug)
def test(): ''' .. versionadded:: 0.4.3 Set up tests, run modules, report test results. For a list of tests run, see :py:mod:`rsudp.test`. ''' global TESTFILE hlp_txt = ''' ########################################### ## R A S P B E R R Y S H A K E ## ## Testing Module ## ## by Ian Nesbitt ## ## GNU GPLv3 2020 ## ## ## ## Test settings with archived Shake ## ## data to determine optimal ## ## configuration. ## ## ## ## Requires: ## ## - numpy, obspy, matplotlib 3 ## ## ## ########################################### Usage: rs-test [ OPTIONS ] where OPTIONS := { -h | --help display this help message -f | --file=default or /path/to/data/file specify the path to a seismic data file -s | --settings=/path/to/settings/json specify the path to a JSON-formatted settings file -b | --no-plot "blind mode", used when there is no display -q | --no-sound "quiet mode", used when there is no audio device/ffmpeg } rs-test with no arguments will start the test with default settings and the data file at %s ''' % (TESTFILE) test_mode(True) settings = H.default_settings(verbose=False) settings_are_default = True plot = True quiet = False customfile = False try: opts = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], 'hf:s:bq', ['help', 'file=', 'settings=', 'no-plot', 'no-sound'])[0] except Exception as e: print(COLOR['red'] + 'ERROR: %s' % e + COLOR['white']) print(hlp_txt) exit(1) for o, a in opts: # parse options and arguments if o in ('-h', '--help'): print(hlp_txt) exit(0) if o in ('-f', '--file='): ''' The data file. ''' a = os.path.expanduser(a) if os.path.exists(a): try: out = '%s.txt' % (a) packetize(inf=a, outf=out, testing=True) TESTFILE = out customfile = True # using a custom miniseed file for testing except Exception as e: print(hlp_txt) print(COLOR['red'] + 'ERROR: %s' % e + COLOR['white']) exit(1) if o in ('-s', '--settings='): ''' Dump the settings to a file, specified after the `-d` flag, or `-d default` to let the software decide where to put it. ''' settings_loc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(a)).replace( '\\', '/') if os.path.exists(settings_loc): settings = H.read_settings(settings_loc) settings_are_default = False else: print(COLOR['red'] + 'ERROR: could not find settings file at %s' % (a) + COLOR['white']) exit(1) if o in ('-b', '--no-plot'): plot = False if o in ('-q', '--no-sound'): quiet = True if not customfile: # we are just using the default miniseed file packetize(inf=TESTFILE + '.ms', outf=TESTFILE, testing=True) T.TEST['n_internet'][1] = T.is_connected('') if settings_are_default: settings = T.make_test_settings(settings=settings, inet=T.TEST['n_internet'][1]) T.TEST['p_log_dir'][1] = T.logdir_permissions() T.TEST['p_log_file'][1] = start_logging(testing=True) T.TEST['p_log_std'][1] = add_debug_handler(testing=True) T.TEST['p_output_dirs'][1] = init_dirs( os.path.expanduser(settings['settings']['output_dir'])) T.TEST['p_data_dir'][1] = T.datadir_permissions( os.path.expanduser(settings['settings']['output_dir'])) T.TEST['p_screenshot_dir'][1] = T.ss_permissions( os.path.expanduser(settings['settings']['output_dir'])) settings = T.cancel_tests(settings, MPL, plot, quiet) try: run(settings, debug=True) # client test ctest = 'client test' if (T.TEST['c_miniseed'] and WRITER): printM('Merging and testing MiniSEED file(s)...', sender=ctest) try: ms = rs.Stream() for outfile in WRITER.outfiles: if os.path.exists(outfile): T.TEST['c_miniseed'][1] = True ms = ms + dn, fn = os.path.dirname(outfile), os.path.basename( outfile) os.replace(outfile, os.path.join(dn, 'test.' + fn)) else: raise FileNotFoundError('MiniSEED file not found: %s' % outfile) printM('Renamed test file(s).', sender=ctest) printM(ms.merge().__str__()) except Exception as e: printE(e) T.TEST['c_miniseed'][1] = False except Exception as e: printE(traceback.format_exc(), announce=False) printE('Ending tests.', sender=SENDER, announce=False) time.sleep(0.5) TESTQUEUE.put(b'ENDTEST') printW('Test finished.', sender=SENDER, announce=False) print() code = 0 printM('Test results:') for i in T.TEST: printM('%s: %s' % (T.TEST[i][0], T.TRANS[T.TEST[i][1]])) if not T.TEST[i][1]: # if a test fails, change the system exit code to indicate an error occurred code = 1 _xit(code)
def main(): ''' Loads settings to start the main client. Supply -h to see help text. ''' settings_loc = os.path.join(default_loc, 'rsudp_settings.json').replace('\\', '/') hlp_txt = ''' ########################################### ## R A S P B E R R Y S H A K E ## ## UDP Data Library ## ## by Ian Nesbitt ## ## GNU GPLv3 2019 ## ## ## ## Do various tasks with Shake data ## ## like plot, trigger alerts, and write ## ## to miniSEED. ## ## ## ## Requires: ## ## - numpy, obspy, matplotlib 3, pydub ## ## ## ########################################### Usage: rs-client [ OPTIONS ] where OPTIONS := { -h | --help display this help message -d | --dump=default or /path/to/settings/json dump the default settings to a JSON-formatted file -s | --settings=/path/to/settings/json specify the path to a JSON-formatted settings file } rs-client with no arguments will start the program with settings in %s ''' % settings_loc def default_settings( output_dir='%s/rsudp' % os.path.expanduser('~').replace('\\', '/'), verbose=True): def_settings = r"""{ "settings": { "port": 8888, "station": "Z0000", "output_dir": "%s", "debug": true}, "printdata": { "enabled": false}, "write": { "enabled": false, "channels": "all"}, "plot": { "enabled": true, "duration": 30, "spectrogram": true, "fullscreen": false, "kiosk": false, "eq_screenshots": false, "channels": ["HZ", "HDF"], "deconvolve": false, "units": "CHAN"}, "forward": { "enabled": false, "address": "", "port": 8888, "channels": ["all"]}, "alert": { "enabled": true, "highpass": 0, "lowpass": 50, "deconvolve": false, "units": "VEL", "sta": 6, "lta": 30, "threshold": 1.7, "reset": 1.6, "exec": "eqAlert", "channel": "HZ", "win_override": false}, "alertsound": { "enabled": false, "mp3file": "doorbell"} } """ % (output_dir) if verbose: print('By default output_dir is set to %s' % output_dir) return def_settings settings = json.loads(default_settings(verbose=False)) # get arguments try: opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hid:s:', ['help', 'install' 'dump=', 'settings='])[0] except Exception as e: print('ERROR: %s' % e) print(hlp_txt) if len(opts) == 0: if not os.path.exists(settings_loc): print('Could not find rsudp settings file, creating one at %s' % settings_loc) dump_default(settings_loc, default_settings()) else: with open(os.path.abspath(settings_loc), 'r') as f: try: data ='\\', '/') settings = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: printM( 'ERROR: Could not load default settings file from %s' % settings_loc) printM('DETAIL: %s' % e) printM( ' Either correct the file, or overwrite the default settings file using the command:' ) printM(' shake_client -d default') exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h, --help'): print(hlp_txt) exit(0) if o in ('-i', '--install'): ''' This is only meant to be used by the install script. ''' os.makedirs(default_loc, exist_ok=True) dump_default(settings_loc, default_settings(output_dir='@@DIR@@', verbose=False)) exit(0) if o in ('-d', '--dump='): ''' Dump the settings to a file, specified after the `-d` flag, or `-d default` to let the software decide where to put it. ''' if str(a) in 'default': os.makedirs(default_loc, exist_ok=True) dump_default(settings_loc, default_settings()) else: dump_default(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(a)), default_settings()) exit(0) if o in ('-s', 'settings='): ''' Start the program with a specific settings file, for example: `-s settings.json`. ''' if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(a))): settings_loc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(a)).replace( '\\', '/') with open(settings_loc, 'r') as f: try: data ='\\', '/') settings = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: print( 'ERROR: Could not load settings file. Perhaps the JSON is malformed?' ) print('DETAIL: %s' % e) print( ' If you would like to overwrite and rebuild the file, you can enter the command below:' ) print('shake_client -d %s' % a) exit(2) else: print( 'ERROR: could not find the settings file you specified. Check the path and try again.' ) print() exit(2) debug = settings['settings']['debug'] if debug: add_debug_handler() printM('Logging initialized successfully.', sender='Main') printM('Using settings file: %s' % settings_loc) odir = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(settings['settings']['output_dir'])) init_dirs(odir) if debug: printM('Output directory is: %s' % odir) run(settings, debug=debug)