Exemple #1
def format_search_results(jira_results):
    Given a list of JIRA results, output a printable lists of these results
    in an acceptable form for email notifications.
    :param jira_results: the list of JIRA tickets to format
    output = ""
    if not jira_results:
        return output

    for result in jira_results:
        template = '[%(issue_key)s] - %(issue_summary)s - [%(issue_status)s]\n%(jira_url_prefix)s/browse/%(issue_key)s\n'
        entry = template % {"jira_url_prefix": config.get('jira', 'jira_url_prefix'), "issue_key": result.key, "issue_summary": result.fields.summary, "issue_status": result.fields.status}
        output = output + '\n' + entry

    return output
Exemple #2
def format_search_results(jira_results):
    Given a list of JIRA results, output a printable lists of these results
    in an acceptable form for email notifications.
    :param jira_results: the list of JIRA tickets to format
    output = ""
    if not jira_results:
        return output

    for result in jira_results:
        template = '[%(issue_key)s] - %(issue_summary)s - [%(issue_status)s]\n%(jira_url_prefix)s/browse/%(issue_key)s\n'
        entry = template % {
            "jira_url_prefix": config.get('jira', 'jira_url_prefix'),
            "issue_key": result.key,
            "issue_summary": result.fields.summary,
            "issue_status": result.fields.status
        output = output + '\n' + entry

    return output
Exemple #3
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import re
from rt2jira import jira, config, pp, logger, JIRAError, syslog, resolve

rt2jira_regex = re.compile('From: rt2jira\n')
action_regex = re.compile('Action: (.*)\n')
tid_regex = re.compile('Ticket ID: (.*?)(\r|)\n')

# Get the set of tickets that have been inactive for a set amount of time.
jira_results = jira.search_issues('project = ' + config.get('jira', 'project') + ' AND component = "' + config.get('jira', 'component') + '" AND status in ("Open") AND createdDate <= startOfDay(-' + config.get('jira', 'auto_resolve_after_days') + 'd) ORDER BY created ASC', maxResults=False)

    for jira_issue in jira_results:
        logger.info('Processing Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')
        syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Processing Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')

        # Next, obtain all current comments on the JIRA ticket. 
        jira_comments = jira.comments(jira_issue)

        ticket_acted_upon = False
        for existing_comment in jira_comments:
            action_match = action_regex.search(existing_comment.body)
            tid_match = tid_regex.search(existing_comment.body)

            ticket_id = None
            if tid_match and (len(tid_match.groups()) >= 1):
                ticket_id = tid_match.group(1)

            if jira_issue.fields.assignee:
Exemple #4
        output = output + '\n' + entry

    return output

# Requestor regex format.
from_regex = re.compile('From: (.*?\@FireEye\.com)(\r|)\n')

# KB Notified regex format.
kb_notified_regex = re.compile(
    'KB Notified: (.*?\@FireEye\.com)(?:\r|)(?:\n|)')

# Get the set of tickets that require an auto reply.
jira_results = jira.search_issues(
    'project = ' + config.get('jira', 'project') + ' AND component = "' +
    config.get('jira', 'component') + '" AND labels in ("' +
    config.get('jira', 'new_issue_label') + '", "' +
    config.get('jira', 'new_comment_label') + '") ORDER BY created ASC',

    for jira_issue in jira_results:
        logger.info('Processing JIRA Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')
                      'Processing JIRA Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')

        # Get the original RT ticket ID.
        ticket_id = None
        fields_dict = config_get_dict(config, 'jira', 'create_fields')
        if fields_dict != {}:
Exemple #5
    for result in jira_results:
        template = '[%(issue_key)s] - %(issue_summary)s - [%(issue_status)s]\n%(jira_url_prefix)s/browse/%(issue_key)s\n'
        entry = template % {"jira_url_prefix": config.get('jira', 'jira_url_prefix'), "issue_key": result.key, "issue_summary": result.fields.summary, "issue_status": result.fields.status}
        output = output + '\n' + entry

    return output

# Requestor regex format.
from_regex = re.compile('From: (.*?\@FireEye\.com)(\r|)\n')

# KB Notified regex format.
kb_notified_regex = re.compile('KB Notified: (.*?\@FireEye\.com)(?:\r|)(?:\n|)')

# Get the set of tickets that require an auto reply.
jira_results = jira.search_issues('project = ' + config.get('jira', 'project') + ' AND component = "' + config.get('jira', 'component') + '" AND labels in ("' + config.get('jira', 'new_issue_label') + '", "' + config.get('jira', 'new_comment_label') + '") ORDER BY created ASC', maxResults=False)

    for jira_issue in jira_results:
        logger.info('Processing JIRA Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')
        syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, 'Processing JIRA Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')

        # Get the original RT ticket ID.
        ticket_id = None
        fields_dict = config_get_dict(config, 'jira', 'create_fields')
        if fields_dict != {}:
            for k,v in fields_dict.iteritems():
                    if 'ticket_id' in v:
                        ticket_id = eval('jira_issue.fields.' + k)
Exemple #6
#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import re
from rt2jira import jira, config, pp, logger, JIRAError, syslog, resolve

rt2jira_regex = re.compile('From: rt2jira\n')
action_regex = re.compile('Action: (.*)\n')
tid_regex = re.compile('Ticket ID: (.*?)(\r|)\n')

# Get the set of tickets that have been inactive for a set amount of time.
jira_results = jira.search_issues(
    'project = ' + config.get('jira', 'project') + ' AND component = "' +
    config.get('jira', 'component') +
    '" AND status in ("Open") AND createdDate <= startOfDay(-' +
    config.get('jira', 'auto_resolve_after_days') + 'd) ORDER BY created ASC',

    for jira_issue in jira_results:
        logger.info('Processing Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')
                      'Processing Ticket (' + jira_issue.key + ')')

        # Next, obtain all current comments on the JIRA ticket.
        jira_comments = jira.comments(jira_issue)

        ticket_acted_upon = False
        for existing_comment in jira_comments:
            action_match = action_regex.search(existing_comment.body)
            tid_match = tid_regex.search(existing_comment.body)