def save_matlab_dem_as_rtg(self, prefix='Animas_200'):

        import rti_files

        print 'Saving MatLab file DEM to RTG file...'
        mat_file = (prefix + '.mat')
        rtg_file = (prefix + '_DEM.rtg')

        vars =
        cellsize = np.float64(vars['cellsize'])
        easting = np.float64(vars['easting'])
        northing = np.float64(vars['northing'])
        topo = np.float64(vars['topo'])
        ny, nx = topo.shape
        dx = cellsize
        dy = cellsize
        print '   (nx, ny) =', nx, ny
        print '   (dx, dy) =', dx, dy
        file_unit = open(rtg_file, 'wb')
        topo = np.float32(topo)
        data_type = 'FLOAT'
        ##        topo = np.float64(topo)
        ##        data_type = 'DOUBLE'

        ##        class info:
        ##            grid_file    = rtg_file
        ##            data_source  = 'Converted from Animas_200.mat, M. Kessler'
        ##            ncols        = nx
        ##            nrows        = ny
        ##            data_type    = 'FLOAT'
        ##            byte_order   = 'LSB'
        ##            pixel_geom   = 1       # (ASSUMES fixed-length, e.g. UTM)
        ##            xres         = dx      # [meters]
        ##            yres         = dy      # [meters]
        ##            zres         = 1.0     #######################  CHECK THIS
        ##            z_units      = 'METERS'
        ##            y_south_edge = northing.min()
        ##            y_north_edge = y_south_edge + (ny * dy)
        ##            x_west_edge  = easting.min()
        ##            x_east_edge  = x_west_edge  + (nx * dx)
        ##            box_units    = 'METERS'
        ##            gmin         = topo.min()
        ##            gmax         = topo.max()
        ##            UTM_zone     = 'UNKNOWN'

        # Create an RTI file with grid info
            data_source='Converted from Animas_200.mat, M. Kessler',
        ### box_units='METERS', z_units='METERS')
        RTI_filename = (prefix + '.rti')
        rti_files.write_info(RTI_filename, info)
        print 'Finished.'
        print ' '
Exemple #2
    def check_and_store_info(self, file_name, info=None,
                             MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False):

        # Note: This object (self) may be new or it may have
        #       been used previously.  In the latter case,
        #       "info" should still be available in "self".
        #       We only need info if MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV.
        self.format = 'RTG'
        self.file_name = file_name
        if not(MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV): return

        # Was "info" argument provided ?
        NEW_INFO = True
        if (info == None):
                info =
                NEW_INFO = False
                ## print 'Found info in state.'
                # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
                # Don't create a new RTI file.
                RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file( file_name )
                if (RTI_file != 'none'):
                    info = rti_files.read_info( RTI_file )
                    ## print 'Reading info from: ' + RTI_file
                    print 'ERROR during open_new_file():'
                    print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
                    print '   argument was not provided.'
                    print ' '

        # Update "info" as necessary
        info.grid_file   = file_name
        info.data_type   = rti_files.get_rti_data_type( dtype )
        info.data_source = 'TopoFlow 3.0'
        info.gmin        = -9999.0
        info.gmax        = -9999.0
        # If new "info" was provided, store it
        if (NEW_INFO):
   = info
            self.nx   = info.ncols
            self.ny   = info.nrows           
            ## print 'Stored new info in state.'
##        if (info != None):
##            #------------------------------
##            # Save info to a new RTI file
##            #------------------------------
##            prefix   = rti_files.get_file_prefix( file_name )
##            RTI_file = (prefix + '.rti')
##            rti_files.write_info( RTI_file, info )          
##        else:
##            #------------------------------------------
##            # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
##            # Don't create a new RTI file.
##            #------------------------------------------
##            RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file( file_name )
##            if (RTI_file != 'none'):
##                info = rti_files.read_info( RTI_file )
##                info.file_name = file_name
##                info.data_type = rti_files.get_rti_data_type( dtype )
##            else:
##                print 'ERROR during open_new_file():'
##                print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
##                print '   argument was not provided.'
##                print ' '
##                return

        # Write RTI file ?
        if (MAKE_RTI):
            prefix   = rti_files.get_file_prefix( file_name )
            RTI_file = (prefix + '.rti')
            rti_files.write_info( RTI_file, info )
            # print 'Wrote grid info to: ' + RTI_file   ######
        # Write BOV file ?
        if (MAKE_BOV):
            bov_files.write_info_as_bov( file_name, info, var_name)
def make_fractal_surface(n_levels,

    # Notes: Can apply SCALE at very end.  A value of about
    #        0.01 should give results similar to Howard's
    #        MATRIX_2D with ERROR=0.02.

    #        H is a fractal exponent of some kind.

    #        Set the X_WRAP or Y_WRAP keywords in order to
    #        impose periodic boundaries on the left & right
    #        or top & bottom, respectively.

    #        If n_levels = 7,  nx = 129
    #        If n_levels = 8,  nx = 257
    #        If n_levels = 9,  nx = 513
    #        If n_levels = 10, nx = 1025
    #        If n_levels = 11, nx = 2049

    if (n_levels > 11):
        print '********************************************'
        print ' ERROR: Max number of levels is 11,'
        print ' which gives a grid size of 2049 x 2049.'
        print '********************************************'
        print ' '

    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Creating a fractal surface...'

    # Initialize vars
    factor = float64(1) / sqrt(float64(2)**H)  #############
    nx = (int32(2)**n_levels) + 1
    ny = nx
    step = nx - 1
    if not (SILENT):
        print 'nx, ny =', nx, ',', ny
    x_vec = numpy.arange(nx, dtype='Int16')
    y_vec = numpy.arange(ny, dtype='Int16')
    cols, rows = numpy.meshgrid(x_vec, y_vec)
    ## rows = reshape(repeat(y_vec, nx), (ny, nx))
    ## cols = rot90(rows)  # (will work if nx=ny)

    sum_grid = (cols + rows)
    DONE = zeros([ny, nx], dtype='UInt8')
    DONE[0, 0] = 1
    DONE[0, nx - 1] = 1
    DONE[ny - 1, 0] = 1
    DONE[ny - 1, nx - 1] = 1
    EDGE = zeros([ny, nx], dtype='UInt8')
    EDGE[:, 0] = 1
    EDGE[:, nx - 1] = 1
    EDGE[0, :] = 1
    EDGE[ny - 1, :] = 1

    # Initialize grid of z-values
    v = random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(2, 2))
    z = zeros([ny, nx], dtype='Float64')
    z[0, 0] = v[0, 0]
    z[0, nx - 1] = v[0, 1]
    z[ny - 1, 0] = v[1, 0]
    z[ny - 1, nx - 1] = v[1, 1]
    if (X_WRAP):
        z[0, nx - 1] = z[0, 0]
        z[ny - 1, nx - 1] = z[ny - 1, 0]
    if (Y_WRAP):
        z[ny - 1, 0] = z[0, 0]
        z[ny - 1, nx - 1] = z[0, nx - 1]
    zF = z.flat  ## (an iterator to allow 1D indexing)  ##########

    for k in xrange(1, (n_levels + 1)):

        if not (SILENT):
            print 'Working on level', k

        step = (step / 2)

        # Get midpoint locations of this level
        w = where(logical_and(logical_and(logical_and(((cols.flat % step) == 0), \
                                                      ((rows.flat % step) == 0)),
                                          logical_not(DONE.flat)), logical_not(EDGE.flat)))
        n_mid = size(w[0])
        #     Need this !!
        w = w[0]

        # Break these into two groups, w1 and w2
        a1 = where((sum_grid.flat[w] % (2 * step)) == 0)  # (1D array)
        n1 = size(a1[0])
        a2 = where((sum_grid.flat[w] % (2 * step)) != 0)  # (1D array)
        n2 = size(a2[0])

        if (n1 != 0):
            w1 = w[a1[0]]
        if (n2 != 0):
            w2 = w[a2[0]]

        # Compute midpoint elevations as the average
        # of the diagonal neighbor elevations plus
        # a rescaled Gaussian random variable
        UL = w1 - step * (nx + 1)
        UR = w1 - step * (nx - 1)
        LL = w1 + step * (nx - 1)
        LR = w1 + step * (nx + 1)
        ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
        ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n1)
        zF[w1] = ((zF[UL] + zF[UR] + zF[LL] + zF[LR]) / float64(4)) + ran
        DONE.flat[w1] = 1

        # Compute midpoint elevations of remaining
        # pixels at this scale as the average of the
        # nearest neighbor elevations plus a rescaled
        # Gaussian random variable.  n2=0 at start.
        if (n2 != 0):
            T = w2 - (step * nx)
            B = w2 + (step * nx)
            R = w2 + step
            L = w2 - step
            ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
            ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n2)
            zF[w2] = ((zF[T] + zF[B] + zF[L] + zF[R]) / float64(4)) + ran
            DONE.flat[w2] = 1

        # Compute elevations of edge pixels at this
        # scale as average of 3 nearest neighbors
        # plus a rescaled Gaussian random variable.
        jump = (step * nx)
        L = where(logical_and(logical_and((cols.flat == 0), \
                                          ((rows.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nL = size(L[0])
        T = L - jump
        B = L + jump
        R = L + step
        ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
        ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nL)
        zF[L] = ((zF[T] + zF[B] + zF[R]) / float64(3)) + ran
        DONE.flat[L] = 1
        R = where(logical_and(logical_and((cols.flat == (nx - 1)), \
                                          ((rows.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nR = size(R[0])
        if not (X_WRAP):
            L = R - step
            T = R - jump
            B = R + jump
            ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
            ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nR)
            zF[R] = ((zF[L] + zF[T] + zF[B]) / float64(3)) + ran
            zF[R] = zF[L]
        DONE.flat[R] = 1
        T = where(logical_and(logical_and((rows.flat == 0), \
                                          ((cols.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nT = size(T[0])
        L = T - step
        R = T + step
        B = T + jump
        ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
        ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nT)
        zF[T] = ((zF[L] + zF[R] + zF[B]) / float64(3)) + ran
        DONE.flat[T] = 1
        B  = where(logical_and(logical_and((rows.flat == (ny - 1)), \
                                           ((cols.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nB = size(B[0])
        if not (Y_WRAP):
            L = B - step
            R = B + step
            T = B - jump
            ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
            ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nB)
            zF[B] = ((zF[L] + zF[R] + zF[T]) / float64(3)) + ran
            zF[B] = zF[T]
        DONE.flat[B] = 1

    # Rescale the values ?
    if (scale != 1.0):
        z = (z * scale)

    # Option to save to RTG file with RTI file
    if (RTG_file is not None):
        info = rti_files.make_info(RTG_file,
                                   data_source="Midpoint displacement method")
        rti_files.write_info(RTG_file, info)
        RTG_type = 'FLOAT'
        ## RTG_type = 'DOUBLE'
        rtg_files.write_grid(z, RTG_file, info, RTG_type=RTG_type)

    # Print final message
    if not (SILENT):
        print 'Finished.'
        print ' '

    return z
    def check_and_store_info(self,

        # Note: This object (self) may be new or it may have
        #       been used previously.  In the latter case,
        #       "info" should still be available in "self".
        #       We only need info if MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV.
        self.format = 'NCGS'
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.time_index = 0
        self.grid_name = grid_name

        # This was used by rts_files.check_and_store_info()
        # but is not appropriate here because we need to
        # know nx, ny, dx and dy for the netCDF file.
        ### if not(MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV): return

        # Was "info" argument provided ?
        NEW_INFO = True
        if (info is None):
                info =
                self.nx = info.ncols  ###
                self.ny = info.nrows
                NEW_INFO = False
                ## print 'Found info in state.'
                # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
                # Don't create a new RTI file.
                RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file(file_name)
                if (RTI_file != 'none'):
                    print 'Reading info from: ' + RTI_file
                    info = rti_files.read_info(RTI_file)
                    print 'ERROR during open_new_file():'
                    print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
                    print '   argument was not provided.'
                    print ' '

        # Update "info" as necessary
        info.grid_file = file_name
        info.data_type = rti_files.get_rti_data_type(dtype)
        info.data_source = 'TopoFlow 3.0'
        info.gmin = -9999.0
        info.gmax = -9999.0

        # If new "info" was provided, store it
        if (NEW_INFO):
   = info
            self.nx = info.ncols
            self.ny = info.nrows
            ## print 'Stored new info in state.'

        # Write RTI file ?
        if (MAKE_RTI):
            prefix = rti_files.get_file_prefix(file_name)
            RTI_file = (prefix + '.rti')
            rti_files.write_info(RTI_file, info)
            # print 'Wrote grid info to: ' + RTI_file   ######

        # Write BOV file ?
        if (MAKE_BOV):
            bov_files.write_info_as_bov(file_name, info, grid_name)
Exemple #5
def make_fractal_surface(n_levels, H=1.5, RTG_file=None,
                         X_WRAP=False, Y_WRAP=False,

    # Notes: Can apply SCALE at very end.  A value of about
    #        0.01 should give results similar to Howard's
    #        MATRIX_2D with ERROR=0.02.

    #        H is a fractal exponent of some kind.
    #        Set the X_WRAP or Y_WRAP keywords in order to
    #        impose periodic boundaries on the left & right
    #        or top & bottom, respectively.

    #        If n_levels = 7,  nx = 129
    #        If n_levels = 8,  nx = 257
    #        If n_levels = 9,  nx = 513
    #        If n_levels = 10, nx = 1025
    #        If n_levels = 11, nx = 2049

    if (n_levels > 11):    
        print '********************************************'
        print ' ERROR: Max number of levels is 11,'
        print ' which gives a grid size of 2049 x 2049.'
        print '********************************************'
        print ' '
    if not(SILENT):
        print 'Creating a fractal surface...'
    # Initialize vars
    factor = float64(1) / sqrt(float64(2) ** H)    #############
    nx     = (int32(2) ** n_levels) + 1
    ny     = nx
    step   = nx - 1
    if not(SILENT):
        print 'nx, ny =', nx, ',', ny
    x_vec      = numpy.arange(nx, dtype='Int16')
    y_vec      = numpy.arange(ny, dtype='Int16')
    cols, rows = numpy.meshgrid( x_vec, y_vec )
    ## rows = reshape(repeat(y_vec, nx), (ny, nx))
    ## cols = rot90(rows)  # (will work if nx=ny)
    sum_grid = (cols + rows)
    DONE = zeros([ny, nx], dtype='UInt8')
    DONE[0,0]           = 1
    DONE[0,nx - 1]      = 1
    DONE[ny - 1,0]      = 1
    DONE[ny - 1,nx - 1] = 1
    EDGE = zeros([ny, nx], dtype='UInt8')
    EDGE[:,0]      = 1
    EDGE[:,nx - 1] = 1
    EDGE[0,:]      = 1
    EDGE[ny - 1,:] = 1
    # Initialize grid of z-values
    v = random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(2, 2))
    z = zeros([ny, nx], dtype='Float64')
    z[0,0]           = v[0,0]
    z[0,nx - 1]      = v[0,1]
    z[ny - 1,0]      = v[1,0]
    z[ny - 1,nx - 1] = v[1,1]
    if (X_WRAP):    
        z[0,nx - 1]      = z[0,0]
        z[ny - 1,nx - 1] = z[ny - 1,0]
    if (Y_WRAP):    
        z[ny - 1,0]      = z[0,0]
        z[ny - 1,nx - 1] = z[0,nx - 1]
    zF = z.flat    ## (an iterator to allow 1D indexing)  ##########
    for k in xrange( 1, (n_levels + 1) ):

        if not(SILENT):
            print 'Working on level', k
        step = (step / 2)
        # Get midpoint locations of this level
        w = where(logical_and(logical_and(logical_and(((cols.flat % step) == 0), \
                                                      ((rows.flat % step) == 0)),
                                          logical_not(DONE.flat)), logical_not(EDGE.flat)))
        n_mid = size(w[0])
        #     Need this !!
        w = w[0]
        # Break these into two groups, w1 and w2
        a1 = where((sum_grid.flat[w] % (2 * step)) == 0)  # (1D array)
        n1 = size(a1[0])
        a2 = where((sum_grid.flat[w] % (2 * step)) != 0)  # (1D array)
        n2 = size(a2[0])
        if (n1 != 0):
            w1 = w[a1[0]]
        if (n2 != 0):    
            w2 = w[a2[0]]

        # Compute midpoint elevations as the average
        # of the diagonal neighbor elevations plus
        # a rescaled Gaussian random variable
        UL = w1 - step * (nx + 1)
        UR = w1 - step * (nx - 1)
        LL = w1 + step * (nx - 1)
        LR = w1 + step * (nx + 1)
        ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
        ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n1)
        zF[w1] = ((zF[UL] + zF[UR] + zF[LL] + zF[LR]) / float64(4)) + ran
        DONE.flat[w1] = 1
        # Compute midpoint elevations of remaining
        # pixels at this scale as the average of the
        # nearest neighbor elevations plus a rescaled
        # Gaussian random variable.  n2=0 at start.
        if (n2 != 0):    
            T = w2 - (step * nx)
            B = w2 + (step * nx)
            R = w2 + step
            L = w2 - step
            ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
            ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=n2)
            zF[w2] = ((zF[T] + zF[B] + zF[L] + zF[R]) / float64(4)) + ran
            DONE.flat[w2] = 1
        # Compute elevations of edge pixels at this
        # scale as average of 3 nearest neighbors
        # plus a rescaled Gaussian random variable.
        jump = (step * nx)
        L = where(logical_and(logical_and((cols.flat == 0), \
                                          ((rows.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nL = size(L[0])
        T  = L - jump
        B  = L + jump
        R  = L + step
        ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
        ran   = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nL)
        zF[L] = ((zF[T] + zF[B] + zF[R]) / float64(3)) + ran
        DONE.flat[L] = 1
        R = where(logical_and(logical_and((cols.flat == (nx - 1)), \
                                          ((rows.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nR = size(R[0])
        if not(X_WRAP):    
            L = R - step
            T = R - jump
            B = R + jump
            ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
            ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nR)
            zF[R] = ((zF[L] + zF[T] + zF[B]) / float64(3)) + ran
            zF[R] = zF[L]
        DONE.flat[R] = 1
        T = where(logical_and(logical_and((rows.flat == 0), \
                                          ((cols.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nT = size(T[0])
        L  = T - step
        R  = T + step
        B  = T + jump
        ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
        ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nT)
        zF[T] = ((zF[L] + zF[R] + zF[B]) / float64(3)) + ran
        DONE.flat[T] = 1
        B  = where(logical_and(logical_and((rows.flat == (ny - 1)), \
                                           ((cols.flat % step) == 0)), \
        nB = size(B[0])
        if not(Y_WRAP):    
            L = B - step
            R = B + step
            T = B - jump
            ### numpy.random.seed(seed)
            ran = factor * sigma * random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=nB)
            zF[B] = ((zF[L] + zF[R] + zF[T]) / float64(3)) + ran
            zF[B] = zF[T]
        DONE.flat[B] = 1
    # Rescale the values ?
    if (scale != 1.0):   
        z = (z * scale)
    # Option to save to RTG file with RTI file
    if (RTG_file != None):
        info = rti_files.make_info( RTG_file, nx, ny,
                                    xres=100.0, yres=100.0,
                                    gmin=z.min(), gmax=z.max(),
                                    data_source="Midpoint displacement method" )
        rti_files.write_info(RTG_file, info)
        RTG_type = 'FLOAT'
        ## RTG_type = 'DOUBLE'
        rtg_files.write_grid( z, RTG_file, info, RTG_type=RTG_type)

    # Print final message
    if not(SILENT):
        print 'Finished.'
        print ' '

    return z
Exemple #6
    def save_matlab_dem_as_rtg(self, prefix='Animas_200'):

        import rti_files
        print 'Saving MatLab file DEM to RTG file...'
        mat_file = (prefix + '.mat')
        rtg_file = (prefix + '_DEM.rtg')
        vars = mat_file )
        cellsize = np.float64(vars['cellsize'])
        easting  = np.float64(vars['easting'])
        northing = np.float64(vars['northing'])
        topo     = np.float64(vars['topo'])
        ny, nx   = topo.shape
        dx       = cellsize
        dy       = cellsize
        print '   (nx, ny) =', nx, ny
        print '   (dx, dy) =', dx, dy
        file_unit = open(rtg_file, 'wb')
        topo = np.float32(topo)
        data_type = 'FLOAT'
##        topo = np.float64(topo)
##        data_type = 'DOUBLE'

##        class info:
##            grid_file    = rtg_file
##            data_source  = 'Converted from Animas_200.mat, M. Kessler'
##            ncols        = nx
##            nrows        = ny
##            data_type    = 'FLOAT'
##            byte_order   = 'LSB'
##            pixel_geom   = 1       # (ASSUMES fixed-length, e.g. UTM)
##            xres         = dx      # [meters]
##            yres         = dy      # [meters]
##            zres         = 1.0     #######################  CHECK THIS
##            z_units      = 'METERS'
##            y_south_edge = northing.min()
##            y_north_edge = y_south_edge + (ny * dy)
##            x_west_edge  = easting.min()
##            x_east_edge  = x_west_edge  + (nx * dx)
##            box_units    = 'METERS'
##            gmin         = topo.min()
##            gmax         = topo.max()
##            UTM_zone     = 'UNKNOWN'

        # Create an RTI file with grid info
        rti_files.make_info( rtg_file, ncols=nx, nrows=ny,
                             xres=dx, yres=dy,
                             data_source= 'Converted from Animas_200.mat, M. Kessler',
                             gmin=topo.min(), gmax=topo.max())
                             ### box_units='METERS', z_units='METERS')
        RTI_filename = (prefix + '.rti')
        rti_files.write_info( RTI_filename, info )
        print 'Finished.'
        print ' '
Exemple #7
    def check_and_store_info(
        self, file_name, info=None, grid_name="UNKNOWN", dtype="float32", MAKE_RTI=True, MAKE_BOV=False

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # Note: This object (self) may be new or it may have
        #       been used previously.  In the latter case,
        #       "info" should still be available in "self".
        #       We only need info if MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV.
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        self.format = "NCGS"
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.time_index = 0
        self.grid_name = grid_name

        # -----------------------------------------------------
        # This was used by rts_files.check_and_store_info()
        # but is not appropriate here because we need to
        # know nx, ny, dx and dy for the netCDF file.
        # -----------------------------------------------------
        ### if not(MAKE_RTI or MAKE_BOV): return

        # ---------------------------------
        # Was "info" argument provided ?
        # ---------------------------------
        NEW_INFO = True
        if info == None:
                info =
                self.nx = info.ncols  ###
                self.ny = info.nrows
                NEW_INFO = False
                ## print 'Found info in state.'
                # ------------------------------------------
                # Try to find RTI file to copy info from.
                # Don't create a new RTI file.
                # ------------------------------------------
                RTI_file = rti_files.try_to_find_rti_file(file_name)
                if RTI_file != "none":
                    print "Reading info from: " + RTI_file
                    info = rti_files.read_info(RTI_file)
                    print "ERROR during open_new_file():"
                    print '   Could not find RTI file and "info"'
                    print "   argument was not provided."
                    print " "

        # -----------------------------
        # Update "info" as necessary
        # -----------------------------
        info.grid_file = file_name
        info.data_type = rti_files.get_rti_data_type(dtype)
        info.data_source = "TopoFlow 3.0"
        info.gmin = -9999.0
        info.gmax = -9999.0

        # ---------------------------------------
        # If new "info" was provided, store it
        # ---------------------------------------
        if NEW_INFO:
   = info
            self.nx = info.ncols
            self.ny = info.nrows
            ## print 'Stored new info in state.'

        # -------------------
        # Write RTI file ?
        # -------------------
        if MAKE_RTI:
            prefix = rti_files.get_file_prefix(file_name)
            RTI_file = prefix + ".rti"
            rti_files.write_info(RTI_file, info)
            # print 'Wrote grid info to: ' + RTI_file   ######

        # -------------------
        # Write BOV file ?
        # -------------------
        if MAKE_BOV:
            bov_files.write_info_as_bov(file_name, info, grid_name)