def plotnoisedist(noisepkl, plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ """ # plot noise and flag distributions scans, segments, noiseperbl, flagfrac, imstd = read_noise(noisepkl) pl = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="above", x_axis_label='Flag fraction', y_axis_label='Image noise (sys)', tools='pan, wheel_zoom, reset') pl.cross(flagfrac, imstd, line_alpha=0.2, color='blue') # find medians flagfrac_med = np.median(flagfrac) imstd_med = np.median(imstd)'Median image noise (sys) = {0}'.format(imstd_med))'Median flag fraction = {0}'.format(flagfrac_med)) pl.cross(flagfrac_med, imstd_med, line_alpha=1, size=40, color='red') # estimate number of zero noise images zeronoisefrac = float(len(np.where(imstd == 0.)[0])) / len(imstd)'{0:.0%} of noise images are zeros'.format(zeronoisefrac)) return pl, imstd_med, flagfrac_med
def plotnoisecum(noisepkl, fluxscale=1, plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ Merged noise pkl converted to interactive cumulative histogram noisepkl is standard noise pickle file. fluxscale is scaling applied by gain calibrator. telcal solutions have fluxscale=1. also returns corrected imnoise values if non-unity fluxscale provided """ # noise histogram noises = read_noise(noisepkl) imnoise = np.sort(fluxscale * noises[4]) frac = [ float(count) / len(imnoise) for count in reversed(range(1, len(imnoise) + 1)) ] noiseplot = Figure( plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="above", x_axis_label='Image noise (Jy; cal scaling {0:.3})'.format(fluxscale), y_axis_label='Cumulative fraction', tools='pan, wheel_zoom, reset') noiseplot.line(imnoise, frac) if fluxscale != 1: return noiseplot, imnoise else: return noiseplot
def plotnoisedist(noisepkl, plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ """ # plot noise and flag distributions scans, segments, noiseperbl, flagfrac, imstd = read_noise(noisepkl) pl = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="above", x_axis_label='Flag fraction', y_axis_label='Image noise (sys)', tools='pan, wheel_zoom, reset') pl.cross(flagfrac, imstd, line_alpha=0.2, color='blue') # find medians flagfrac_med = np.median(flagfrac) imstd_med = np.median(imstd)'Median image noise (sys) = {0}'.format(imstd_med))'Median flag fraction = {0}'.format(flagfrac_med)) pl.cross(flagfrac_med, imstd_med, line_alpha=1, size=40, color='red') # estimate number of zero noise images zeronoisefrac = float(len(np.where(imstd == 0.)[0]))/len(imstd)'{0:.0%} of noise images are zeros'.format(zeronoisefrac)) return pl, imstd_med, flagfrac_med
def plotnoisecum(noisepkl, fluxscale=1, plot_width=450, plot_height=400): """ Merged noise pkl converted to interactive cumulative histogram noisepkl is standard noise pickle file. fluxscale is scaling applied by gain calibrator. telcal solutions have fluxscale=1. also returns corrected imnoise values if non-unity fluxscale provided """ # noise histogram noises = read_noise(noisepkl) imnoise = np.sort(fluxscale*noises[4]) frac = [float(count)/len(imnoise) for count in reversed(range(1, len(imnoise)+1))] noiseplot = Figure(plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location="above", x_axis_label='Image noise (Jy; cal scaling {0:.3})'.format(fluxscale), y_axis_label='Cumulative fraction', tools='pan, wheel_zoom, reset') noiseplot.line(imnoise, frac) if fluxscale != 1: return noiseplot, imnoise else: return noiseplot