Exemple #1
class Rtree2D(object):
    """Wrapper of `rtree.Index` for supporting friendly 2d operations.

    Also forces the uniqueness of the `id` parameter, which is different from
    the rtree module's behavior.

    def __init__(self):
        self._index = Rtree()
        self._locations = {}

    def to_coords(location):
        return (location[0], location[1], location[0], location[1])

    def keys(self):
        return self._locations.keys()

    def get(self, id, objects=False):
        return self._locations.get(id)

    def set(self, id, location, obj=None):
        # Clean up previous value first if any
        old = self._locations.get(id)
        if old is not None:
            self._index.delete(id, self.to_coords(old))

        self._locations[id] = location
        self._index.insert(id, self.to_coords(location), obj=obj)

    def remove(self, id):
        self._index.delete(id, self.to_coords(self._locations[id]))
        del self._locations[id]

    def nearest(self, location, count=1, objects=False, max_distance=None):
        ids = self._index.nearest(self.to_coords(location), num_results=count,
        if max_distance is not None:
            ids = [id_ for id_ in ids
                   if distance(self._locations[id_], location) <= max_distance]
        return ids
Exemple #2
def _merge_points(points: Dict[int, ConflictPoint], rtree: Rtree):
    """Merge conflict points closer than MERGE_RADIUS."""
    curves = set()
    merged = set()
    for id_, point in points.items():
        if id_ in merged:
        for other_id in rtree.intersection(
            if other_id == id_:
            other = points[other_id]
            for curve in other.curves:
                curve.replace_conflict_point(other, point)
            rtree.delete(other_id, other.point.bounding_rect)
    for id_ in merged:
        del points[id_]

    for curve in curves:
Exemple #3
    settings.writethrough= True

    storage = MongoStorage('test')
    r = Rtree( storage, properties=settings)

    print "test 1 should be true"
    item = list(r.nearest((0,0), 1, objects=True))[0]
    print item.id
    print r.valid()

    print "test 2 should be true"
    r.delete(123, (0,0,1,1))
    print r.valid()

    print "test 3 should be true"
    print r.valid()

    del r

    print "test 4 should be false"
    print storage.hasData
    del storage

    print "test 5 should be true"
    storage = MongoStorage('test')
Exemple #4
    settings.writethrough = True
    settings.buffering_capacity = 1

    storage = MongoStorage('test')
    r = Rtree(storage, properties=settings)

    r.add(123, (0, 0, 1, 1))

    print "test 1 should be true"
    item = list(r.nearest((0, 0), 1, objects=True))[0]
    print item.id
    print r.valid()

    print "test 2 should be true"
    r.delete(123, (0, 0, 1, 1))
    print r.valid()

    print "test 3 should be true"
    print r.valid()

    del r

    print "test 4 should be false"
    print storage.hasData
    del storage

    print "test 5 should be true"
    storage = MongoStorage('test')
Exemple #5
class EntityIndex:
    """Index of spatial entities.

    When an entity is added to the index, it gets an unique id and is kept in
    a way than can be queried by id or by spatial coordinates.

    __slots__ = ('name', 'id_count', 'entities', 'bounding_rects', 'rtree',
                 'path_map', 'register_updates', 'simulation', 'stats',

    extension = 'shelf'
    storage_fields = 'id_count', 'entities', 'path_map'

    name: str
    id_count: count
    entities: Dict[int, Entity]
    bounding_rects: Dict[int, BoundingRect]
    rtree: Rtree
    path_map: PathMap
    register_updates: bool
    simulation: Simulation
    # TODO: Define type for stats instead of Any.
    stats: Dict[Type, Dict[Any, Any]]
    _updates: Set[int]

    def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None):

    def filename(self) -> str:
        """Name with extension added."""
        if self.name.endswith(f'.{EntityIndex.extension}'):
            return self.name
        return f'{self.name}.{EntityIndex.extension}'

    def reset(self, name: Optional[str] = None):
        """Reset index and set name."""
        self.name = name
        self.id_count = count()
        self.entities = {}
        self.bounding_rects = {}
        self.rtree = Rtree()
        self.path_map = PathMap()
        self.register_updates = False
        self.simulation = Simulation()
        self.stats = defaultdict(dict)
        self._updates = set()

    def add(self, entity: Entity):
        """Add entity to index."""
        if entity.id is not None:
            raise ValueError('Entity already has an id.')
        entity.id = next(self.id_count)
        self.entities[entity.id] = entity
        log.debug('[%s] Added %s', __name__, Entity.__repr__(entity))

    def add_static(self, entity: Entity):
        """Add entity as static.

        Entity may or not have already been added with the `add` method. It
        will be added in case it was not already.

        A static entity is an entity with geometric information
        (`bounding_rect`) that will rarely change. A spatial index is used to
        allow for quick spatial queries. These entities are added to the
        updated queue when something about them changes. This queue can be
        consumed by a front end application with `consume_updates` to update
        the representation only when needed.
        if entity.id is None:
        if entity.id in self.bounding_rects:
            raise ValueError('Entity already added as static.')
        self.bounding_rects[entity.id] = entity.bounding_rect
        self.rtree.insert(entity.id, entity.bounding_rect)

    def delete(self, entity: Entity):
        """Delete entity from index."""
        to_remove = {entity}
        while to_remove:
            entity = to_remove.pop()
            assert self.entities[entity.id] is entity
            del self.entities[entity.id]
            delete_result = entity.on_delete()
            for updated in delete_result.updated:
            if entity.id in self.bounding_rects:
                self.rtree.delete(entity.id, self.bounding_rects[entity.id])
                del self.bounding_rects[entity.id]
            log.debug('[%s] Removed %s', __name__, entity)

    def update_bounding_rect(self,
                             entity: Entity,
                             new_rect: Optional[BoundingRect] = None):
        """Change the bounding rectangle of an entity.

        Update the bounding rect to `entity.bounding_rect` or to `new_rect` if
        it's not None.
        assert self.entities[entity.id] is entity

        if new_rect is None:
            new_rect = entity.bounding_rect

        old_rect = self.bounding_rects.get(entity.id, None)
        if old_rect is None or old_rect == new_rect:

        self.rtree.delete(entity.id, old_rect)
        self.bounding_rects[entity.id] = new_rect
        self.rtree.insert(entity.id, new_rect)

    def updated(self, entity: Union[Entity, int]):
        """Mark entity as updated."""
        if self.register_updates:
            except AttributeError:

    def clear_updates(self):
        """Clear entity updates."""

    def consume_updates(self) -> Iterator[int]:
        """Get generator that pops and returns updates."""
        while self._updates:
            yield self._updates.pop()

    def generate_rtree_from_entities(self):
        """Create an rtree with all entities with bounding rectangles."""
        self.bounding_rects = {
            id_: e.bounding_rect
            for id_, e in self.entities.items() if hasattr(e, 'bounding_rect')
        self.rtree = Rtree(
            (id_, rect, None) for id_, rect in self.bounding_rects.items())

    def load(self, name: Optional[str] = None):
        """Load entities from shelf.

        Load enities using the this index name. If a name is passed as
        argument, will set the index name before loading.
        if name is not None:
            self.name = name
        with shelve.open(self.filename) as data:
            for key in EntityIndex.storage_fields:
                log.info('Loading %s', key)
                value = data.get(key, None)
                if value:
                    setattr(self, key, value)
        log.info('Loaded %s', self.name)
        if not hasattr(self, 'path_map'):

    def save(self):
        """Save entities to shelf."""
        with shelve.open(self.filename) as data:
            for key in EntityIndex.storage_fields:
                log.info('Saving %s', key)
                data[key] = getattr(self, key)

    def get_all(self,
                of_type: Type[Entity] = None,
                where: Callable[[Entity], bool] = None) -> Iterator[Entity]:
        """Get all entities with optional filters."""
        def type_filter(entity):
            return isinstance(entity, of_type)

        filters = []
        if of_type is not None:
        if where is not None:

        yield from filter(lambda e: all(f(e) for f in filters),

    def get_at(self,
               point: Point,
               of_type: Type[Entity] = None,
               where: Callable[[Entity], bool] = None) -> List[Entity]:
        """Get entities at given coordinates.

        Get a list with entities intersecting the given point. If of_type is
        not None, will return only entities of the given type. If where is not
        None, where must be a function that receives an Entity and returns True
        or False, meaning whether the entity will be returned.
        def polygon_filter(entity: Entity) -> bool:
            return point_in_polygon(point, entity.polygon)

        def type_filter(entity: Entity) -> bool:
            return isinstance(entity, of_type)

        filters = [polygon_filter]
        if of_type is not None:
        if where is not None:

        return list(
                lambda e: all(f(e) for f in filters),

    def rebuild_path_map(self):
        """Rebuild the path map, invalidating the old map."""
        self.path_map = PathMap()