def testToYAMLs(self, tests, rootFolder='./testsNewBuild/'): """Writes a batch of tests to file in the yaml format, grouping them by team and name :param tests: list of tests to write to file :type tests: list :param rootFolder: destination folder, defaults to './testsNewBuild/' :param rootFolder: str, optional """ # extract unique test names uniqueTestNames = set([ for c in tests]) # group by test names to put them in same files for name in uniqueTestNames: yaml = YAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False testDict = None for t in tests: if == name: f = open(os.path.join( rootFolder,, name + '.yaml'), "w+") if testDict == None: testDict = t.toDict() else: key = 'metric' + str(len(testDict['metrics'])+1) testDict['metrics'][key] = t.toDict()[ 'metrics']['metric1'] yaml.dump(testDict, f)
def mocked_config_file_path( fake_temp_data_pocketsphinx_dic, fake_temp_data_pocketsphinx_lm, tmpdir_factory ): path_to_pocketsphix_dic = os.path.join( str(fake_temp_data_pocketsphinx_dic), "fake.dic" ) path_to_pocketsphix_lm = os.path.join( str(fake_temp_data_pocketsphinx_lm), "fake.lm" ) # config part base = tempfile.mkdtemp() config_file = os.path.join(base, "config.yaml") yaml = YAML() m_cfg = yaml.load(COMMON_MOCKED_CONFIG) m_cfg["pocketsphinx"]["dic"] = path_to_pocketsphix_dic m_cfg["pocketsphinx"]["lm"] = path_to_pocketsphix_lm with open(config_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: yaml.dump(m_cfg, fp) yield config_file shutil.rmtree(base)
def dump(self, data, stream=None, **kw): inefficient = False if stream is None: inefficient = True stream = StringIO() YAML.dump(self, data, stream, **kw) if inefficient: return stream.getvalue()
def to_yaml(self, filename): if self.stats is None: logger.error("Run .skeleton_analysis() before .to_yaml()") return from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML(typ="unsafe") with open(filename, 'wt', encoding="utf-8") as f: yaml.dump(self.stats, f)
def list_products_yaml(self, hostname, system): from ruamel.yaml import YAML yml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=False) yml.default_flow_style = False yml.explicit_end = True yml.explicit_start = True yml.indent(mapping=4, sequence=4, offset=2) data = system.to_refhost_dict() data["name"] = str(hostname) yml.dump(data, self.output)
def to_file(self, filename): """ Saves object to a file in YAML format. Args: filename (str): File name. """ d = {"mass_info": self.mass_info, "pair_coeffs": self.pair_coeffs, "mol_coeffs": self.mol_coeffs} yaml = YAML(typ="safe") with open(filename, "w") as f: yaml.dump(d, f)
def edit_tmpvault(filename): '''Update yaml config and by changing any key with the value CHANGE_AND_REKEY requests a master password and uses pbkdf2 to get a master key to base all of the new keys off of ''' yaml = YAML() with open(filename) as fobj: vault_dict = yaml.load(fobj) master_pass = getpass.getpass("Enter master key to generate values: ").encode('utf-8') master_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', master_pass, os.urandom(16), 100000) change_values(vault_dict, 'CHANGE_AND_REKEY', master_key) with open(filename, 'w') as fobj: yaml.dump(vault_dict, fobj)
def dumpyaml( yamlp: YAML, data: Any, stream: Any = None, **kw: Any ) -> Optional[str]: """Dump YAML to string.""" inefficient = False if stream is None: inefficient = True stream = StringIO() # overriding here to get dumping to # not sort keys. yamlp = YAML() yamlp.indent(mapping=4, sequence=6, offset=3) # yamlp.compact(seq_seq=False, seq_map=False) yamlp.dump(data, stream, **kw) if inefficient: return cast(str, stream.getvalue()) return None
def _to_text(self, filename=None, is_json=False): """Serialize to a json/yaml file""" extra_data = {} if self.extra_data is None else self.extra_data def cell_value(a_cell): if a_cell.formula and a_cell.formula.python_code: return '=' + a_cell.formula.python_code else: return a_cell.value extra_data.update(dict( excel_hash=self._excel_file_md5_digest, cell_map=dict(sorted( ((addr, cell_value(cell)) for addr, cell in self.cell_map.items() if cell.serialize), key=lambda x: AddressRange(x[0]).sort_key )), )) if not filename: filename = self.filename + ('.json' if is_json else '.yml') # hash the current file to see if this function makes any changes existing_hash = (self._compute_file_md5_digest(filename) if os.path.exists(filename) else None) if not is_json: with open(filename, 'w') as f: ymlo = YAML() ymlo.width = 120 ymlo.dump(extra_data, f) else: with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(extra_data, f, indent=4) del extra_data['cell_map'] # hash the newfile, return True if it changed, this is only reliable # on pythons which have ordered dict (CPython 3.6 & python 3.7+) return (existing_hash is None or existing_hash != self._compute_file_md5_digest(filename))
def main(): yaml = YAML() file_name = sys.argv[1] file_in = open(file_name).read() docs = yaml.load_all(file_in) i = 0 for doc in docs: if i == 0: code_old = doc else: code_new = doc i = i + 1 delta_map = dict() follow_keys = list() add = list() update = list() traversal(code_old, code_new, follow_keys, delta_map, update, add) yaml.dump(code_old, sys.stdout) split = '------love----you------choerodon----' print(split) yaml.dump(delta_map, sys.stdout) print(split) change_key_map = dict() change_key_map["add"] = add change_key_map["update"] = update yaml.dump(change_key_map, sys.stdout)
def serialize(self, out): def nested_set(target, path, value): value = self.serialize_value(value) if len(path) > 1: if len(path) == 2 and path[1] and path[1][0] == '[' and path[1][-1] == ']' and path[1][1:-1].isdigit(): if path[0] not in target: target[path[0]] = [] target[path[0]].append(value) else: # Add empty dict in case there is value and we # expect dict if path[0] not in target or not isinstance(target[path[0]], dict): target[path[0]] = CommentedMap() nested_set(target[path[0]], path[1:], value) else: target[path[0]] = value units = CommentedMap() for unit in self.unit_iter(): nested_set(units, unit.getid().split('->'), yaml = YAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False yaml.dump(self.get_root_node(units), out)
obj1 = {} DefaultValidatingDraft4Validator(schema).validate(obj1) assert obj1 == {'outer-object': {'inner-object': 'INNER-DEFAULT', "inner-list": [1,2,3]}} assert obj1['outer-object'].from_default print("obj1:") print(json.dumps(obj1, indent=4) + '\n') schema_nodefault = copy.deepcopy(schema) del schema_nodefault["properties"]["outer-object"]["default"] obj2 = {} DefaultValidatingDraft4Validator(schema_nodefault).validate(obj2) assert obj2 == {} # whoops print("obj2:") print(json.dumps(obj2, indent=4) + '\n') obj3 = {} obj3_with_defaults = inject_defaults(obj3, schema, include_yaml_comments=True) print(obj3) print("obj3_with_defaults:") #print(json.dumps(obj3, indent=4) + '\n') import sys from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False yaml.dump(obj3_with_defaults, sys.stdout)
def callback(data): # Ref: stream = StringIO() yaml = YAML() yaml.dump(data, stream) return stream.getvalue()
class Release(): """The Release command.""" CWD = 'src' def __init__(self, args): self.branch = args.branch self.release_branch = args.release_branch self.finish_release = args.finish self.rebase_branch = args.rebase_branch self.increment_part = args.increment_part self.dry_run = args.dry_run self.user = args.user self.base_url = 'git+ssh://{}'.format(self.user) self.full_url = os.path.join(self.base_url, args.repository) self.snap = os.path.basename(self.full_url) self._parts = {} self._previous_parts = {} self.clone_dir = os.path.join(self.CWD, self.snap) self._snapcraft_file = os.path.join( self.clone_dir, 'snap', 'snapcraft.yaml') self._yaml = YAML() self._yaml.preserve_quotes = True self._yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=2, offset=2) self.new_tag = '{:snap-%Y-%m-%dT%H%M}'.format( datetime.datetime.utcnow()) self._cleanup_release_tags_commands = [] def dance(self): self._cleanup() if self.rebase_branch: self._clone(self.full_url, self.branch) self._rebase() self._push_release_branch(self.branch, force=True) elif self.finish_release: self._clone(self.full_url, self.release_branch) self._get_parts() self._finish_release() self._push_release_branch(self.release_branch) else: self._clone(self.full_url, self.branch) self._get_previous_parts() self._get_parts() with open('changelog', 'w') as f: f.write("Changelog\n") for part in sorted(self._parts, key=lambda x: x in parts_do_not_tag): if part in parts_ignore: continue self._clone(self._parts[part]['source']) tag = self._tag(part) try: old_tag = self._previous_parts[part]['source-tag'] changelog = self._get_change_log(part, tag, old_tag) if changelog: with open('changelog', 'a') as f: f.write('\n{}:\n'.format(part)) f.write(changelog) f.write("\n") except KeyError: continue self._update_yaml() if self._cleanup_release_tags_commands: logger.debug("".center(80, '#')) logger.debug("# Release tag(s) cleanup command(s):") logger.debug("".center(80, '#')) for c in self._cleanup_release_tags_commands: logger.debug(c) self._push_release_branch(self.branch) def _cleanup(self): shutil.rmtree(self.CWD, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(self.CWD) def _clone(self, repo, branch=None, target_dir=None, cwd=CWD): """Clone project repository.""" repo_basename = os.path.basename(repo) repo_basename = repo_basename.replace('.git', '')"".center(80, '#')) cmd = ['git', 'clone', repo] if target_dir: cmd += [target_dir] repo_basename = target_dir if branch:"# Cloning {} ({})".format(repo_basename, branch)) cmd += ['-b', branch] else:"# Cloning {}".format(repo_basename))"".center(80, '#')) run(cmd, cwd=cwd) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwd, repo_basename)): logger.error('Unable to clone {}'.format(repo)) raise SystemExit(1) def _get_previous_parts(self): cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=0', '--tags', '--match', 'v*'] last_release_tag = run( cmd, cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True).stdout.decode().rstrip()"Last release tag: {}".format(last_release_tag)) cmd = ['git', '--no-pager', 'show', '{}:snap/snapcraft.yaml'.format( last_release_tag)] previous_snapcraft_file = run( cmd, cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True).stdout.decode() data = self._yaml.load(previous_snapcraft_file) for k, v in data["parts"].items(): if 'source-tag' in v: if 'source' in v: self._previous_parts[k] = v def _get_parts(self): with open(self._snapcraft_file) as fp: self._data = self._yaml.load(fp) for k, v in self._data["parts"].items(): if 'source-tag' in v: if 'source' in v: self._parts[k] = v def _get_change_log(self, part, new_tag, old_tag): repo_basename = os.path.basename(self._parts[part]['source']) repo_basename = repo_basename.replace('.git', '') cmd = ['git', 'log', '--no-merges', "--pretty=format:+ %s", '{}...{}'.format(old_tag, new_tag)] return run(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(self.CWD, repo_basename), check=True).stdout.decode() def _tag(self, part): repo_basename = os.path.basename(self._parts[part]['source']) repo_basename = repo_basename.replace('.git', '') cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=40', '--tags'] if part not in parts_do_not_tag: cmd += ['--match', 'snap-*T*'] data = run( cmd, cwd=os.path.join(self.CWD, repo_basename), check=True).stdout.decode() m = r'(?P<tag>.+?)(?P<additional_commits>\-[0-9]+\-g.{40})?$', data) if m: last_tag ='tag') is_tag_required = ('additional_commits') and part not in parts_do_not_tag) else: raise SystemExit('Error: no tag found for {}'.format(part)) if is_tag_required: last_tag = self.new_tag"Tag required on {}".format(part)) self._tag_version(part, self.new_tag) self._push_changes(part) self._cleanup_release_tags_commands.append( 'git push --delete {} {}'.format( self._parts[part]['source'], self.new_tag) ) else: if part not in parts_do_not_tag:"No new changes on {}".format(part))"{} will be used".format(last_tag)) self._data["parts"][part]['source-tag'] = last_tag return last_tag def _tag_version(self, part, new_tag): """Tag the code version.""" repo_basename = os.path.basename(self._parts[part]['source']) repo_basename = repo_basename.replace('.git', '') run(['git', 'tag', new_tag, '-m', new_tag], cwd=os.path.join(self.CWD, repo_basename), check=True)"{} applied on {}".format(new_tag, repo_basename)) def _push_changes(self, part): part_uri = self._parts[part]['source'] repo_basename = os.path.basename(part_uri).replace('.git', '') parse_result = urlparse(part_uri)._replace( scheme='git+ssh', netloc=urlparse(self.base_url).netloc) part_uri = urlunparse(parse_result)'URL target is {}'.format(part_uri)) if self.dry_run: run(['git', 'push', '--dry-run', part_uri, '--tags'], cwd=os.path.join(self.CWD, repo_basename), check=True) else:"Pushing changes to origin") run(['git', 'push', part_uri, '--tags'], cwd=os.path.join(self.CWD, repo_basename), check=True) def _update_yaml(self): """Update yaml and commit.""""".center(80, '#'))"# Updating parts in {}".format( self._snapcraft_file))"".center(80, '#')) with open(self._snapcraft_file, 'w') as fp: self._yaml.dump(self._data, fp)"".center(80, '#'))"# Updating {} version in {}".format( self.snap, self._snapcraft_file))"".center(80, '#')) bumpversion_output = run( ['bumpversion', self.increment_part, '--allow-dirty', '--list'], check=True, cwd=self.clone_dir).stdout.decode() new_version = bumpversion_output.splitlines()[-1].replace( 'new_version=', '')"Bump {} to version {}".format( self.snap, new_version)) run(['git', 'add', '--all'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) run(['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Bump version number and tag parts'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) def _push_release_branch(self, local_branch, force=False): if self.dry_run: if force: run(['git', 'push', '--dry-run', '-f', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch)], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) run(['git', 'push', '--dry-run', '-f', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch), '--tags'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) else: run(['git', 'push', '--dry-run', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch)], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) run(['git', 'push', '--dry-run', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch), '--tags'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) else: if force: run(['git', 'push', '-f', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch)], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) run(['git', 'push', '-f', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch), '--tags'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) else: run(['git', 'push', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch)], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) run(['git', 'push', self.full_url, '{}:{}'.format(local_branch, self.release_branch), '--tags'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) def _rebase(self): run(['git', 'rebase', 'origin/{}'.format(self.rebase_branch)], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) def _finish_release(self): """Tag, reset parts tags, open next dev version and commit.""" release_tag = "v{}".format(self._data["version"]) run(['git', 'tag', release_tag, '-m', release_tag], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True)"{} applied on {}".format(release_tag, self.snap))"".center(80, '#'))"# Updating parts in {}".format( self._snapcraft_file))"".center(80, '#')) for part in self._parts: if part in parts_ignore: continue self._data["parts"][part]['source-tag'] = "" with open(self._snapcraft_file, 'w') as fp: self._yaml.dump(self._data, fp)"".center(80, '#'))"# Updating {} version in {}".format( self.snap, self._snapcraft_file))"".center(80, '#')) bumpversion_output = run( ['bumpversion', 'minor', '--allow-dirty', '--list'], check=True, cwd=self.clone_dir).stdout.decode() new_version = bumpversion_output.splitlines()[-1].replace( 'new_version=', '')"Bump {} to version {}".format( self.snap, new_version)) run(['git', 'add', '--all'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True) run(['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Bump version to next dev release'], cwd=self.clone_dir, check=True)
def override_values_in_packs(new_cpu_number: str, new_memory_amount: str, current_cpu_number: str, current_mem_amount: str, cpu_system_required_min: str, cpu_system_required_percent: str, mem_system_required_min: str, mem_system_required_percent: str, pack_name: str = None): yaml_parser = YAML(typ="jinja2", plug_ins=["ruamel.yaml.jinja2.__plug_in__"]) values_yaml_paths = get_values_file_location(pack_name) for values_yaml_path in glob.glob(values_yaml_paths):"Changing resources for pack: {values_yaml_path}") with open(values_yaml_path, mode="r") as values_yaml_file: pack_values = yaml_parser.load(values_yaml_file) if not pack_values: message = f"{values_yaml_path} file empty!" logger.error(message) raise ValueError(message) try: cpu_fraction = pack_values.get(CPU_FRACTION) if cpu_fraction: cpu_fraction = float(cpu_fraction) for resource_name in RESOURCE_NAMES: if pack_values.get(resource_name): pack_values[resource_name] = \ replace_cpu_configuration(data=pack_values.get(resource_name), new_cpu_number=new_cpu_number, current_cpu_number=current_cpu_number, fraction=cpu_fraction, system_required_min=cpu_system_required_min, system_required_percent=cpu_system_required_percent) for cpu_single_value in CPU_SINGLE_VALUES: replace_single_value( data=pack_values, new_value=new_cpu_number, current_value=current_cpu_number, key=cpu_single_value, fraction=cpu_fraction, system_required_min=cpu_system_required_min, system_required_percent=cpu_system_required_percent, round_to_int=(cpu_single_value in CPU_INT_VALUES)) except Exception: logger.exception( "Exception during calculation of new cpu values.") raise ValueError try: memory_fraction = pack_values.get(MEMORY_FRACTION) if memory_fraction: memory_fraction = float(memory_fraction) for resource_name in RESOURCE_NAMES: if pack_values.get(resource_name): pack_values[resource_name] = \ replace_memory_configuration(data=pack_values.get(resource_name), new_memory_amount=new_memory_amount, current_mem_amount=current_mem_amount, fraction=memory_fraction, system_required_min=mem_system_required_min, system_required_percent=mem_system_required_percent) for memory_single_value in MEMORY_SINGLE_VALUES: replace_single_value( data=pack_values, new_value=new_memory_amount, current_value=current_mem_amount, key=memory_single_value, fraction=memory_fraction, system_required_min=mem_system_required_min, system_required_percent=mem_system_required_percent, cpu=False) except Exception: logger.exception( "Exception during calculation of new memory values.") raise ValueError with open(values_yaml_path, mode='w') as values_yaml_file: yaml_parser.dump(pack_values, values_yaml_file) f"Resources for pack: {values_yaml_path} were changed.\n")
from argparse import ArgumentParser from ruamel.yaml import YAML from import Iterable parser = ArgumentParser( description= 'Converts tag separator from dot to colon in sidecar files, easing migration after GH-164.' ) parser.add_argument('file', type=str, nargs='+', help='YAML sidecar file(s) to migrate.') args = parser.parse_args() yaml = YAML(typ='rt') # preserve order, style and comments yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=2, offset=2) for file_path in args.file: with open(file_path, 'r+') as file: sidecar = yaml.load(file) if not sidecar: continue if 'tags' in sidecar and isinstance(sidecar['tags'], Iterable): sidecar['tags'] = [ tag.replace('.', ':') for tag in sidecar['tags'] ] yaml.dump(sidecar, file) file.truncate()
def obj_to_file(obj, filename, filetype='auto', ndarray_to_list=False, squeeze=True): '''Writes annotation in file. :param filetype: auto yaml pkl, pickle pklz, picklezip :param ndarray_to_list: convert ndarrays in obj to lists :param squeeze: squeeze ndarray ''' # import json # with open(filename, mode='w') as f: # json.dump(annotation,f) if ndarray_to_list: obj = ndarray_to_list_in_structure(obj, squeeze=squeeze) # write to yaml d = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) if filetype == 'auto': _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) filetype = ext[1:] if filetype in ('yaml', 'yml'): # import yaml from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML(typ="unsafe") with open(filename, 'wt', encoding="utf-8") as f: yaml.dump(obj, f) # if sys.version_info.major == 2: # with open(filename, 'wb') as f: # yaml.dump(obj, f, encoding="utf-8") # else: # with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: # yaml.dump(obj, f) elif filetype in ('pickle', 'pkl'): f = open(filename, 'wb')"filename " + filename) # if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import cPickle as pickle # else: import _pickle as pickle import pickle pickle.dump(obj, f, -1) f.close elif filetype in ('streamingpicklezip', 'spklz'): # this is not working :-( import gzip import sPickle as pickle f =, 'wb', compresslevel=1) # f = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.s_dump(obj, f) f.close elif filetype in ('picklezip', 'pklz'): import gzip if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import cPickle as pickle else: import _pickle as pickle f =, 'wb', compresslevel=1) # f = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(obj, f) f.close elif filetype in('mat'): import as sio sio.savemat(filename, obj) else: logger.error('Unknown filetype ' + filetype)
rule_groups = in_rules['groups'] for in_rule in rule_groups: item_name = in_rule['name'] print(' - %s' % item_name) alerts = [] rules = [] for item in in_rule['rules']: if 'alert' in item: alerts.append(item) else: rules.append(item) if alerts: alert_name = re.sub('[-.](alerts|rules)', '', item_name) + ".alerts" print(' -----> %s with %d alerts' % (alert_name, len(alerts))) alerts_path = '%s/%s.yaml' % (out_dir, alert_name) out_alerts = {'name': alert_name, 'rules': alerts} with open(alerts_path, 'w') as out_file: yaml.dump([out_alerts], out_file) if rules: rule_name = re.sub('[-.](alerts|rules)', '', item_name) + ".rules" print(' -----> %s with %d rules' % (rule_name, len(rules))) rules_path = '%s/%s.yaml' % (out_dir, rule_name) out_rules = {'name': rule_name, 'rules': rules} with open(rules_path, 'w') as out_file: yaml.dump([out_rules], out_file)
def to_yaml_string(data): stream = StringIO() yaml = YAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False yaml.dump(data, stream) return stream.getvalue()
def save_yaml(path, data): ryaml = YAML() ryaml.allow_duplicate_keys = True with open(path, 'w') as f: ryaml.dump(data, f)
def _fix_token(config_file=None, force=False, verify=True): from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML() config_file = config_file or TRAVIS_CONFIG_FILE with open(config_file, "r") as _file: try: travis_config = yaml.load(_file) except Exception: raise ValueError( "Failed to parse the travis configuration. " "Make sure the config only contains valid YAML and keys as specified by travis." ) # Get the generated token from the top level deploy config added by the travis cli try: real_token = travis_config["deploy"]["api_key"]["secure"] except (TypeError, KeyError): raise AssertionError("Can't find any top level deployment tokens") try: # Find the build stage that deploys to releases releases_stages = [ stage for stage in travis_config["jobs"]["include"] if stage.get("deploy", dict()).get("provider") == "releases" ] assert ( len(releases_stages) > 0 ), "Can't set the new token because there are no stages deploying to releases" assert ( len(releases_stages) < 2 ), "Can't set the new token because there are multiple stages deploying to releases" except (TypeError, KeyError): raise AssertionError( "Can't set the new token because there are no deployment stages" ) try: is_mock_token = releases_stages[0]["deploy"]["token"][ "secure"] == "REPLACE_ME" is_same_token = releases_stages[0]["deploy"]["token"][ "secure"] == real_token unmodified = is_mock_token or is_same_token except (TypeError, KeyError): unmodified = False # Set the new generated token as the stages deploy token _create(releases_stages[0], "deploy", "token", "secure") releases_stages[0]["deploy"]["token"]["secure"] = real_token # Make sure it is fine to overwrite the config file assert unmodified or force, ( 'The secure token in the "{}" stage has already been changed. ' "Retry with --force if you are sure about replacing it.".format( releases_stages[0].get("stage", "releases deployment"))) # Remove the top level deploy config added by the travis cli travis_config.pop("deploy") if not unmodified and verify: pprint.pprint(travis_config) if (not input("Do you want to save this configuration? (y/n) "). strip().lower() == "y"): return # Save the new travis config assert travis_config with open(config_file, "w") as _file: yaml.dump(travis_config, _file) print("Fixed!")
def _run_core_command( self, patterns_json: List[Any], patterns: List[Pattern], targets: List[Path], language: Language, rule: Rule, rules_file_flag: str, cache_dir: str, report_time: bool, ) -> dict: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w") as pattern_file, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w") as target_file, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w") as equiv_file: yaml = YAML() yaml.dump({"rules": patterns_json}, pattern_file) pattern_file.flush() target_file.write("\n".join(str(t) for t in targets)) target_file.flush() cmd = [SEMGREP_PATH] + [ "-lang", language, "-json", rules_file_flag,, "-j", str(self._jobs), "-target_file",, "-use_parsing_cache", cache_dir, "-timeout", str(self._timeout), "-max_memory", str(self._max_memory), ] equivalences = rule.equivalences if equivalences: self._write_equivalences_file(equiv_file, equivalences) cmd += ["-equivalences",] if report_time: cmd += ["-json_time"] core_run = sub_run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) logger.debug(core_run.stderr.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")) out_bytes = core_run.stdout err_bytes = core_run.stderr returncode = core_run.returncode if returncode != 0: output_json = self._parse_core_output(out_bytes, err_bytes, returncode) if "error" in output_json: self._raise_semgrep_error_from_json( output_json, patterns, rule) else: raise SemgrepError( f"unexpected json output while invoking semgrep-core with rule '{}':\n{PLEASE_FILE_ISSUE_TEXT}" ) output_json = self._parse_core_output(out_bytes, err_bytes, returncode) return output_json
def run(*, src: str) -> None: yaml = YAML(typ="rt") with open(src) as rf: data = yaml.load(rf) yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)
class SavedBundleConfig(object): def __init__(self, bento_service=None, kind="BentoService"): self.kind = kind self._yaml = YAML() self._yaml.default_flow_style = False self.config = self._yaml.load( BENTOML_CONFIG_YAML_TEPMLATE.format( kind=self.kind, bentoml_version=get_bentoml_deploy_version(), created_at=str(datetime.utcnow()), )) if bento_service is not None: self.config["metadata"].update({ "service_name":, "service_version": bento_service.version, }) self.config["env"] = bento_service.env.to_dict() self.config['apis'] = _get_apis_list(bento_service) self.config['artifacts'] = _get_artifacts_list(bento_service) def write_to_path(self, path, filename="bentoml.yml"): return self._yaml.dump(self.config, Path(os.path.join(path, filename))) @classmethod def load(cls, filepath): conf = cls() with open(filepath, "rb") as config_file: yml_content = conf.config = conf._yaml.load(yml_content) ver = str(conf["version"]) if ver != BENTOML_VERSION: msg = ( "Saved BentoService bundle version mismatch: loading BentoService " "bundle create with BentoML version {}, but loading from BentoML " "version {}".format(conf["version"], BENTOML_VERSION)) # If major version is different, then there could be incompatible API # changes. Raise error in this case. if ver.split(".")[0] != BENTOML_VERSION.split(".")[0]: if not BENTOML_VERSION.startswith('0+untagged'): raise BentoMLConfigException(msg) else: logger.warning(msg) else: # Otherwise just show a warning. logger.warning(msg) return conf def get_bento_service_metadata_pb(self): bento_service_metadata = BentoServiceMetadata() = self.config["metadata"]["service_name"] bento_service_metadata.version = self.config["metadata"][ "service_version"] bento_service_metadata.created_at.FromDatetime( self.config["metadata"]["created_at"]) if "env" in self.config: if "setup_sh" in self.config["env"]: bento_service_metadata.env.setup_sh = self.config["env"][ "setup_sh"] if "conda_env" in self.config["env"]: bento_service_metadata.env.conda_env = dump_to_yaml_str( self.config["env"]["conda_env"]) if "pip_dependencies" in self.config["env"]: bento_service_metadata.env.pip_dependencies = "\n".join( self.config["env"]["pip_dependencies"]) if "python_version" in self.config["env"]: bento_service_metadata.env.python_version = self.config["env"][ "python_version"] if "docker_base_image" in self.config["env"]: bento_service_metadata.env.docker_base_image = self.config[ "env"]["docker_base_image"] if "apis" in self.config: for api_config in self.config["apis"]: api_metadata = BentoServiceMetadata.BentoServiceApi( name=api_config["name"], docs=api_config["docs"], handler_type=api_config.get("handler_type", "unknown"), ) if "handler_config" in api_config: for k, v in api_config["handler_config"].items(): api_metadata.handler_config[k] = v bento_service_metadata.apis.extend([api_metadata]) if "artifacts" in self.config: for artifact_config in self.config["artifacts"]: artifact_metadata = BentoServiceMetadata.BentoArtifact() if "name" in artifact_config: = artifact_config["name"] if "artifact_type" in artifact_config: artifact_metadata.artifact_type = artifact_config[ "artifact_type"] bento_service_metadata.artifacts.extend([artifact_metadata]) return bento_service_metadata def __getitem__(self, item): return self.config[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.config[key] = value def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.config
class Cfg(object): """Configuration class for the Bandit NHM extraction program.""" def __init__(self, filename, cmdline=None): """Init method for Cfg class. Args: filename (str): The configuration filename. cmdline (str, optional): Currently unused. Defaults to None. """ # yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, dict_representer) # yaml.add_constructor(_mapping_tag, dict_constructor) self.yaml = YAML() self.__cfgdict = None self.__cmdline = cmdline self.load(filename) def __str__(self): """Pretty-print the configuration items""" outstr = '' for (kk, vv) in iteritems(self.__cfgdict): outstr += '{0:s}: '.format(kk) if isinstance(vv, list): for ll in vv: outstr += '{}, '.format(ll) outstr = outstr.strip(', ') + '\n' else: outstr += '{}\n'.format(vv) return outstr def __getattr__(self, item): # Undefined attributes will look up the given configuration item return self.get_value(item) def get_value(self, varname): """Return the value for a given config variable. Args: varname (str): Configuration variable. Returns: The value of the configuration variable or raise KeyError if variable does not exist. """ try: return self.__cfgdict[varname] except KeyError: print('Configuration variable, {}, does not exist'.format(varname)) raise # return None def load(self, filename): """Load the YAML-format configuration file. Args: filename (str): Name of the configuration file. """ # tmp = yaml.load(open(filename, 'r'), Loader=NoDatesSafeLoader) tmp = self.yaml.load(open(filename, 'r')) self.__cfgdict = tmp def update_value(self, variable, newval): """Update an existing configuration variable with a new value Args: variable (str): The configuration variable to update. newval (str): The value to assign to the variable. Raises: KeyError: If configuration variable does not exist. """ if variable in self.__cfgdict: self.__cfgdict[variable] = newval else: raise KeyError( "Configuration variable, {}, does not exist".format(variable)) def write(self, filename): """"Write the configuration out to a file. Args: filename (str): Name of file to write configuration to. """ outfile = open(filename, 'w') self.yaml.dump(self.__cfgdict, outfile)
import os from pathlib import Path import sys from ruamel.yaml import YAML config_file = Path( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "_config.yml", )) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: title = sys.argv[1] else: title = "DEVELOPMENT DOCS" yaml = YAML(typ="rt") # default, if not specfied, is 'rt' (round-trip) content = yaml.load(config_file) content["title"] = title yaml.dump(content, config_file)
args.column, 'ionMode': args.mode, 'instrument': args.instrument, 'minimumPeakIntensity': 5000, 'targets': [t for t in targets if not t['isInternalStandard']] }] library = { 'carrot': { 'lcms': { 'correction': { 'config': corrConfig }, 'annotation': { 'config': annotConfig } } } } yaml = YAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False yaml.indent(sequence=4, offset=2) # open output file: 'application-carrot.lcms.yml' with open(args.output, 'w') as file: yaml.dump(library, file)
'interval': 1} }, 'loggers': { 'etmmv': { 'handlers': ['file'], 'level': loglevel, 'propagate': False} }, 'root': { 'handlers': ['file'], 'level': loglevel}, 'version': 1} logging.config.dictConfig(config)"\n######## Initializing logging #########") if file:'logging for file: {file}\n logging at level: {loglevel}\n logging to file: {logfile}') else:'logging at level: {loglevel}\n logging to file: {logfile}') if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) > 1 and os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]): etmdir = sys.argv.pop(1) else: sys.exit("The etm path must be provided.") settings = Settings(etmdir) print(settings.settings, "\n") print(settings.changes, "\n") yaml.dump(settings.settings, sys.stdout)
key = newkey newkey = '' lineNum += 1 return ret_val with open('', 'r') as f: endReached = False data ='\n') for d in data: print d if "<!-- AUTO-GENERATED-START -->" in d: print '| Key | Default Value | Description |' print '| --- | --- | --- |' break with open('values.yaml', 'r') as f_v: d_v = yaml = YAML() code = yaml.load(d_v) yaml.explicit_start = True yaml.dump(code, sys.stdout, transform=decode_helm_yaml) for d in data: if "<!-- AUTO-GENERATED-END -->" in d: endReached = True if endReached: print d
def _run_rules_direct_to_semgrep_core( self, rules: List[Rule], target_manager: TargetManager, profiler: ProfileManager, ) -> Tuple[Dict[Rule, List[RuleMatch]], Dict[Rule, List[Any]], List[SemgrepError], Set[Path], Dict[Any, Any], ]: from itertools import chain from collections import defaultdict logger.debug(f"Passing whole rules directly to semgrep_core") outputs: Dict[Rule, List[RuleMatch]] = defaultdict(list) errors: List[SemgrepError] = [] # cf. for bar_format: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as semgrep_core_ast_cache_dir: for rule, language in tuple( chain(*([(rule, language) for language in rule.languages] for rule in rules))): debug_tqdm_write(f"Running rule {rule._raw.get('id')}...") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w", suffix=".yaml" ) as rule_file, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w") as target_file: targets = self.get_files_for_language( language, rule, target_manager) # opti: no need to call semgrep-core if no target files if not targets: continue target_file.write("\n".join(map(lambda p: str(p), targets))) target_file.flush() yaml = YAML() yaml.dump({"rules": [rule._raw]}, rule_file) rule_file.flush() cmd = [SEMGREP_PATH] + [ "-lang", language, "-fast", "-json", "-config",, "-j", str(self._jobs), "-target_file",, "-use_parsing_cache", semgrep_core_ast_cache_dir, "-timeout", str(self._timeout), "-max_memory", str(self._max_memory), ] r = sub_run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out_bytes, err_bytes, returncode = r.stdout, r.stderr, r.returncode output_json = self._parse_core_output( out_bytes, err_bytes, returncode) if returncode != 0: if "error" in output_json: self._raise_semgrep_error_from_json( output_json, [], rule) else: raise SemgrepError( f"unexpected json output while invoking semgrep-core with rule '{}':\n{PLEASE_FILE_ISSUE_TEXT}" ) # end with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(...) ... findings = [ RuleMatch.from_pattern_match(, PatternMatch(pattern_match), message=rule.message, metadata=rule.metadata, severity=rule.severity, fix=rule.fix, fix_regex=rule.fix_regex, ) for pattern_match in output_json["matches"] ] # TODO: we should do that in instead findings = dedup_output(findings) outputs[rule].extend(findings) errors.extend( CoreException.from_json(e, language, for e in output_json["errors"]) # end for rule, language ... return outputs, {}, errors, set( Path(p) for p in target_manager.targets), {}
#!/usr/bin/python3 from pathlib import Path from importlib_resources import as_file, files from ruamel.yaml import YAML yaml = YAML(typ="safe") yaml.default_flow_style = False build_context = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent with as_file( files("dandi") / "tests" / "data" / "dandiarchive-docker" / "docker-compose.yml" ) as path: with as fp: compose = yaml.load(fp) del compose["services"]["redirector"]["image"] compose["services"]["redirector"]["build"] = str(build_context) with"w") as fp: yaml.dump(compose, fp)
def _create_aws_lambda_cloudformation_template_file( project_dir, namespace, deployment_name, deployment_path_prefix, api_names, bento_service_name, s3_bucket_name, py_runtime, memory_size, timeout, ): template_file_path = os.path.join(project_dir, 'template.yaml') yaml = YAML() sam_config = { 'AWSTemplateFormatVersion': '2010-09-09', 'Transform': 'AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31', 'Globals': { 'Function': { 'Timeout': timeout, 'Runtime': py_runtime }, 'Api': { 'BinaryMediaTypes': ['image~1*'], 'Cors': { 'AllowOrigin': "'*'" }, 'Auth': { 'ApiKeyRequired': False, 'DefaultAuthorizer': 'NONE', 'AddDefaultAuthorizerToCorsPreflight': False, }, }, }, 'Resources': {}, 'Outputs': { 'S3Bucket': { 'Value': s3_bucket_name, 'Description': 'S3 Bucket for saving artifacts and lambda bundle', } }, } for api_name in api_names: sam_config['Resources'][api_name] = { 'Type': 'AWS::Serverless::Function', 'Properties': { 'Runtime': py_runtime, 'CodeUri': deployment_name + '/', 'Handler': 'app.{}'.format(api_name), 'FunctionName': f'{namespace}-{deployment_name}-{api_name}', 'Timeout': timeout, 'MemorySize': memory_size, 'Events': { 'Api': { 'Type': 'Api', 'Properties': { 'Path': '/{}'.format(api_name), 'Method': 'post', }, } }, 'Policies': [{ 'S3ReadPolicy': { 'BucketName': s3_bucket_name } }], 'Environment': { 'Variables': { 'BENTOML_BENTO_SERVICE_NAME': bento_service_name, 'BENTOML_API_NAME': api_name, 'BENTOML_S3_BUCKET': s3_bucket_name, 'BENTOML_DEPLOYMENT_PATH_PREFIX': deployment_path_prefix, } }, }, } yaml.dump(sam_config, Path(template_file_path)) # We add Outputs section separately, because the value should not # have "'" around !Sub with open(template_file_path, 'a') as f: f.write("""\ EndpointUrl: Value: !Sub "https://${ServerlessRestApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.\" Description: URL for endpoint """) return template_file_path
yaml.preserve_quotes = True pwd = os.getcwd() work_path = f'{pwd}/host_vars/' while True: try: num_rtr = int(input('How many routers are you deploying: ')) if num_rtr == 0: print( 'Zero is not a valid input, please enter a number from 1 - 12') continue elif num_rtr > 12: print( "Script will only generate up to 12 UUIDs, please enter a number from 1 - 12" ) continue for n in range(1, num_rtr + 1): rtr = str(n) uuid_rt = uuid.uuid4() with open(f'{work_path}/R{rtr}.yml') as f: yml_doc = yaml.load(f) # for k,v in yml_doc.items(): # if yml_doc['uuid']: yml_doc['uuid'] = str(uuid_rt) with open(f'{work_path}/R{rtr}.yml', "w") as f: yaml.dump(yml_doc, f) print(f'R{n} has a UUID of: {uuid_rt}') break except ValueError as err: print("Please only enter a numbers from 1 - 12.")
def train(cfg): device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")'{device} detected.') log.debug(OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg)) os.chdir(hydra.utils.get_original_cwd()) writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=f'{cfg.logging.checkpoint_dir}', comment=f'LR_{}_reg_{}_con_{}') checkpoint_dir = Path(f'{cfg.logging.checkpoint_dir}') config_path = checkpoint_dir / 'config.yaml' res_dir = checkpoint_dir / 'x_hat' res_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # this part is to make sure /n are replaced with newlines def repr_str(dumper: RoundTripRepresenter, data: str): if '\n' in data: return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data, style='|') return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data) yaml = YAML() yaml.representer.add_representer(str, repr_str) with open(config_path, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg), f) # set seed if cfg.exp.seed: torch.manual_seed(cfg.exp.seed) np.random.seed(cfg.exp.seed) mat, channels = load_data(cfg.dataset.panel)'x dim: {}, y dim: {}'.format(mat.shape[1], mat.shape[0])) log.debug(channels) X = xr.load_dataarray(cfg.dataset.src).sel(fovs=cfg.dataset.fovs, channels=channels).values.astype(np.float32) if X.ndim != 4: X = X.reshape((1, *X.shape)) A = torch.tensor(mat, requires_grad=False).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).float().to(device) x = torch.tensor(X.astype(np.float32), requires_grad=False).to(device) x_binary = (x > 0).float() y = F.conv2d(x, A).to(device) # ref_cov = torch.load(cfg.dataset.ref_cov, map_location=device).to(device) loss_fn = Loss(A, y) if # TODO load optimizer state w = torch.load( x_hat = nn.Parameter(w).to(device) else: w = torch.empty(*x.shape, requires_grad=True, device=device) nn.init.orthogonal_(w) x_hat = nn.Parameter(w).to(device) optimizer = optim.Adam([x_hat], for i in range(1, + 1): optimizer.zero_grad() # mse, reg, con, cov = loss_fn(F.relu(x_hat) if else x_hat) mse, reg, con = loss_fn(x_hat) loss = mse + * reg + * con # + * cov loss.backward() if > 0: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(x_hat, optimizer.step() if x = torch.relu(x) e = F.mse_loss(x, x_hat).item() e_nonneg = F.mse_loss(x, F.relu(x_hat)).item() x_hat_binary = (x_hat > 0).float() f1 = 2 * (x_binary * x_hat_binary).sum() / (x_binary.sum() + x_hat_binary.sum()) if i % cfg.logging.checkpoint_interval == 0: # TODO save optimizer state, os.path.join(res_dir, 'iter{}_{:.2f}.pt'. format(i, e)))'checkpoint saved!') 'Iter {} total: {:.3f} least_squares: {:.3f} | reg: {:.3f} con: {:.3f} | recon_mse: {:.3f} | nonneg_mse: {:.3f} | f1: {:.3f}'.format( i, loss.item(), mse.item(), reg.item(), con.item(), e, e_nonneg, f1.item()) ) writer.add_scalar('Loss/total', loss.item(), i) writer.add_scalar('Loss/least_squares', mse.item(), i) writer.add_scalar('Loss/L1', reg.item(), i) writer.add_scalar('Loss/smoothness', con.item(), i) # writer.add_scalar('Loss/covariance', con.item(), i) writer.add_scalar('Evaluation/recovery_mse', e, i) writer.add_scalar('Evaluation/recovery_mse', e_nonneg, i) writer.add_scalar('Evaluation/f1', f1.item(), i)
def update_lastmod(verbose): count = 0 yaml = YAML() for post in glob.glob(os.path.join(POSTS_PATH, "*.md")): git_log_count = subprocess.getoutput( "git log --pretty=%ad \"{}\" | wc -l".format(post)) if git_log_count == "1": continue git_lastmod = subprocess.getoutput( "git log -1 --pretty=%ad --date=iso \"{}\"".format(post)) if not git_lastmod: continue lates_commit = subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=%B', post]).decode('utf-8') if "[Automation]" in lates_commit and "Lastmod" in lates_commit: continue frontmatter, line_num = get_yaml(post) meta = yaml.load(frontmatter) if 'seo' in meta: if ('date_modified' in meta['seo'] and meta['seo']['date_modified'] == git_lastmod): continue else: meta['seo']['date_modified'] = git_lastmod else: meta.insert(line_num, 'seo', dict(date_modified=git_lastmod)) output = '' if os.path.isfile(output): os.remove(output) with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as new, \ open(post, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as old: new.write("---\n") yaml.dump(meta, new) new.write("---\n") line_num += 2 lines = old.readlines() for line in lines: if line_num > 0: line_num -= 1 continue else: new.write(line) shutil.move(output, post) count += 1 if verbose: print("[INFO] update 'lastmod' for:" + post) if count > 0: print("[INFO] Success to update lastmod for {} post(s).".format(count))
vault_pw = VaultSecret(pw) vault_pw.load() except FileNotFoundError: print("Password file not found") sys.exit(1) else: vault_pw = PromptVaultSecret(prompt_formats=["password: "]) vault_pw.load() vl = VaultLib(secrets=[ (None, vault_pw) ]) def to_yaml(representer, node): return representer.represent_scalar('!vault', node, style='|') yaml = YAML() yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2) yaml.representer.add_representer(LiteralScalarString, to_yaml) with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as orig: y = yaml.load(orig) for value in y: y[value] = vl.encrypt(y[value], vault_pw).decode('utf-8') scalarstring.walk_tree(y) with open(sys.argv[2], 'w') as dest: yaml.dump(y, dest)
''' Update FfDL manifest with the corresponding object storage credentials ''' f = open('manifest.yml', 'r') manifest = yaml.load( f.close() manifest['data_stores'][0]['connection']['auth_url'] = s3_url manifest['data_stores'][0]['connection']['user_name'] = s3_access_key_id manifest['data_stores'][0]['connection']['password'] = s3_secret_access_key manifest['data_stores'][0]['training_data']['container'] = data_bucket_name manifest['data_stores'][0]['training_results'][ 'container'] = result_bucket_name f = open('manifest.yml', 'w') yaml.default_flow_style = False yaml.dump(manifest, f) f.close() ''' Submit Training job to FfDL and monitor its status ''' files = { 'manifest': open('manifest.yml', 'rb'), 'model_definition': open('', 'rb') } headers = { 'accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'test', 'X-Watson-Userinfo': 'bluemix-instance-id=test-user' } response = + '/v1/models?version=2017-02-13',
def setup_sparseblockstats(setup_dvid_repo): dvid_address, repo_uuid = setup_dvid_repo _ = 0 volume_layout = [[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], [_, _, _, _, _, 4, _, _], [_, 1, 1, 1, _, _, 1, 1], [_, 1, _, _, _, _, _, _], [_, 1, _, _, _, _, _, _], [_, 1, _, 2, 2, 2, 2, _], [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], [_, 3, _, _, _, 3, _, 1]] lowres_volume = np.zeros((4, 8, 8), np.uint64) lowres_volume[:] = volume_layout volume = upsample(lowres_volume, 16) assert volume.shape == (64, 128, 128) input_segmentation_name = 'sparseblockstats-input' create_labelmap_instance(dvid_address, repo_uuid, input_segmentation_name) post_labelmap_voxels(dvid_address, repo_uuid, input_segmentation_name, (0, 0, 0), volume) # Mask is same as input, but times 10 mask_volume = volume * 10 mask_segmentation_name = 'sparseblockstats-mask' create_labelmap_instance(dvid_address, repo_uuid, mask_segmentation_name) post_labelmap_voxels(dvid_address, repo_uuid, mask_segmentation_name, (0, 0, 0), mask_volume) config_text = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ workflow-name: sparseblockstats cluster-type: {CLUSTER_TYPE} input: dvid: server: {dvid_address} uuid: {repo_uuid} segmentation-name: {input_segmentation_name} supervoxels: true geometry: message-block-shape: [64,64,64] bounding-box: [[0,0,0], [128,128,64]] mask-input: dvid: server: {dvid_address} uuid: {repo_uuid} segmentation-name: {mask_segmentation_name} supervoxels: true geometry: message-block-shape: [64,64,64] bounding-box: [[0,0,0], [128,128,64]] sparseblockstats: mask-labels: [20,40] # Avoids the top-left block """) template_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="sparseblockstats-template") with open(f"{template_dir}/workflow.yaml", 'w') as f: f.write(config_text) yaml = YAML() with StringIO(config_text) as f: config = yaml.load(f) yaml = YAML() yaml.default_flow_style = False with open(f"{template_dir}/workflow.yaml", 'w') as f: yaml.dump(config, f) return template_dir, config, volume, mask_volume, dvid_address, repo_uuid
def main(): show_help() try: while True: user = input(bold(red('\nAMATERASU ') + '> ')) if user.startswith('use'): try: if user.split(' ')[1] == 'network_mapper': try: network_mapper_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'whois_extractor': try: whois_extractor_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'email_extractor': try: email_extractor_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'metadata_extractor': try: metadata_extractor_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'reverse_ip': try: reverse_ip_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'iplocator': try: ip_locator_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'spider': try: spider_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'dns_extractor': try: dns_extractor_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'ftp_bruteforce': try: ftp_bruteforce_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'panelfinder': try: login_panel_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'ssh_bruteforce': try: ssh_bruteforce_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'honeypot_detector': try: honeypot_detector_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'gmail_bruteforce': try: gmail_bruteforce_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'num_verify': try: num_verify_CONFIG() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() except IndexError: show_module() print(bold(info('Select a module.'))) elif user.startswith('set'): try: config_file = open('core/config.yaml').read() yaml = YAML() config = yaml.load(config_file) api = config['API'] if user.split(' ')[1] == 'shodan_api': api[0]['Shodan'] = user.split(' ')[2] print(bold(info('Shodan API\t' + user.split(' ')[2]))) with open('core/config.yaml', 'w') as cf: yaml.dump(config, cf) cf.close() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'censys_uid': api[1]['Censys UID'] = user.split(' ')[2] print(bold(info('Censys UID\t' + user.split(' ')[2]))) with open('core/config.yaml', 'w') as cf: yaml.dump(config, cf) cf.close() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'censys_secret': api[2]['Censys SECRET'] = user.split(' ')[2] print( bold(info('Censys SECRET\t' + user.split(' ')[2]))) with open('core/config.yaml', 'w') as cf: yaml.dump(config, cf) cf.close() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'numverify_api': api[3]['Numverify'] = user.split(' ')[2] print( bold(info('Numverify API\t' + user.split(' ')[2]))) with open('core/config.yaml', 'w') as cf: yaml.dump(config, cf) cf.close() except IndexError: print(bold(info('Select what to set\n'))) print( bold( info( 'API KEY\t\tset (shodan_api|censys_uid|censys_secret) API_KEY' ))) except Exception as e: print(bold(bad('Error: {}'.format(str(e))))) main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() main() elif user.startswith('show'): try: if user.split(' ')[1] == 'modules': show_module() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'author': author() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'banners' or user.split( ' ')[1] == 'banner': show_banners() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'help': show_help() elif user.split(' ')[1] == 'apis': show_API() except IndexError: print(bold(info('Select what to show.\n'))) print(bold(info('Modules\t\tshow modules'))) print(bold(info('Author\t\tshow author'))) print(bold(info('Banners\t\tshow banners'))) print(bold(info('Help\t\tshow help'))) print(bold(info('API\t\t\tshow apis'))) elif user == 'exit': print(bold(good('Thanks for using Amaterasu.'))) sys.exit() elif user == 'cls' or user == 'clear': clear() elif user == 'update': update() elif user == 'author': author() elif user == '?': show_help() else: print(bad('Amaterasu could not understand.')) except KeyboardInterrupt: print() print(bad('"exit" to get out.')) print()
def main(): config = parse_arguments() setup_logging(config['log_level']) statistics = dict( scanned_count=0, hashed_count=0, duplicates_count=0, duplicates_size=0, too_small_count=0, too_small_size=0, ) size_counter = Counter() size_to_files = defaultdict(list) hash_counter = Counter() hash_to_files = defaultdict(list) hash_to_sizes = {} def hash_file(f: Path, size: int): log.debug(f"Calculating hash for {f}") digest = get_digest(f) statistics['hashed_count'] += 1 hash_counter[digest] += 1 hash_to_files[digest].append(f) hash_to_sizes[digest] = size threads = config['hash_threads'] or os.cpu_count() log.debug(f"Running {threads} hashing threads") futures = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as tpe: for root, _, files in os.walk(config['workdir']): for f in files: full_path = Path(root, f) size = full_path.stat().st_size if size < config['min_size']: statistics['too_small_count'] += 1 statistics['too_small_size'] += size continue statistics['scanned_count'] += 1 size_counter[size] += 1 size_to_files[size].append(full_path) if size_counter[size] > 1: # If there's more than one file of this size - calculate hash for it futures.append(tpe.submit(hash_file, full_path, size)) if size_counter[size] == 2: # If this is the second file of the same size - calculate digest for the first one too futures.append(tpe.submit(hash_file, size_to_files[size][0], size)) # Make sure to catch all exceptions for fut in futures: fut.result() sorted_hashes = sorted((x[0] for x in takewhile(lambda x: x[1] > 1, hash_counter.most_common())), key=lambda x: hash_to_sizes[x], reverse=True) duplicates = [] for digest in sorted_hashes: files = hash_to_files[digest] duplicates_count = len(files) - 1 # Not counting original statistics['duplicates_count'] += duplicates_count single_size = hash_to_sizes[digest] duplicates_size = single_size * duplicates_count statistics['duplicates_size'] += duplicates_size duplicates.append({ "hash": digest, "single_size": format_size(single_size), "single_size_raw": single_size, "duplicates_size": format_size(duplicates_size), "duplicates_size_raw": duplicates_size, "files": [str(f) for f in files] }) result = { 'statistics': { 'files_scanned': statistics['scanned_count'], 'files_hashed': statistics['hashed_count'], 'too_small_count': statistics['too_small_count'], 'too_small_size': format_size(statistics['too_small_size']), 'too_small_size_raw': statistics['too_small_size'], 'duplicates_found': statistics['duplicates_count'], 'duplicates_size': format_size(statistics['duplicates_size']), 'duplicates_size_raw': statistics['duplicates_size'] }, 'duplicates': duplicates } yaml = YAML() yaml.dump(result, sys.stdout)"Finished")
def config_pat() -> None: """ Set the personal access token (PAT) for automatic Github repo creation. """ ConfigCommand.check_ct_config_dir_exists() try: path = Path(ConfigCommand.CONF_FILE_PATH) yaml = YAML() settings = yaml.load(path) if not all(attr in settings for attr in ['full_name', 'github_username', 'email']): print( '[bold red]The cookietemple config file misses some required attributes!' ) print( '[bold blue]Lets set them before setting your Github personal access token!' ) ConfigCommand.config_general_settings() except FileNotFoundError: print( '[bold red]Cannot find a cookietemple config file. Is this your first time using cookietemple?' ) print( '[bold blue]Lets create one before setting your Github personal access token!' ) ConfigCommand.config_general_settings() if cookietemple_questionary_or_dot_cookietemple( function='confirm', question= 'Do you want to configure your GitHub personal access token right now?\n' 'You can still configure it later by calling cookietemple config pat', default='Yes'): print( '[bold blue]cookietemple requires your Github Access token to have full repository and workflow permissions!' ) access_token = cookietemple_questionary_or_dot_cookietemple( 'password', 'Please enter your Github Access token') access_token_b = access_token.encode('utf-8') # type: ignore # ask for confirmation since this action will delete the PAT irrevocably if the user has not saved it anywhere else if not cookietemple_questionary_or_dot_cookietemple( function='confirm', question= 'You´re about to update your personal access token. This action cannot be undone!\n' 'Do you really want to continue?', default='Yes'): sys.exit(1) # encrypt the given PAT and save the encryption key and encrypted PAT in separate files print('[bold blue]Generating key for encryption.') log.debug('Generating personal access key.') key = Fernet.generate_key() fer = Fernet(key) log.debug('Encrypting personal access token. ') print('[bold blue]Encrypting personal access token.') encrypted_pat = fer.encrypt(access_token_b) # write key log.debug(f'Writing key to {ConfigCommand.KEY_PAT_FILE}') with open(ConfigCommand.KEY_PAT_FILE, 'wb') as f: f.write(key) path = Path(ConfigCommand.CONF_FILE_PATH) yaml = YAML() settings = yaml.load(path) settings['pat'] = encrypted_pat log.debug( f'Dumping configuration to {ConfigCommand.CONF_FILE_PATH}') yaml.dump(settings, Path(ConfigCommand.CONF_FILE_PATH))
class DataModel: def __init__(self, profile): self.profile = profile self.yaml = YAML() self.config = None self.modules: Dict[str, Module] = {} @staticmethod def default_config(): # TRANSLATORS: This part of text must be formatted in a monospaced font, and no line shall exceed the width of a 70-cell-wide terminal. config = _( "# ===================================\n" "# EH Forwarder Bot Configuration File\n" "# ===================================\n" "# \n" "# This file determines what modules, including master channel, slave channels,\n" "# and middlewares, are enabled in this profile.\n" "# \n" "# \n" "# Master Channel\n" "# --------------\n" "# Exactly one instance of a master channel is required for a profile.\n" "# Fill in the module ID and instance ID (if needed) below.\n" ) config += "\nmaster_channel:\n\n" # TRANSLATORS: This part of text must be formatted in a monospaced font, and no line shall exceed the width of a 70-cell-wide terminal. config += _( "# Slave Channels\n" "# --------------\n" "# \n" "# At least one slave channel is required for a profile.\n" "# Fill in the module ID and instance ID (if needed) of each slave channel\n" "# to be enabled below.\n" ) config += "\nslave_channels: []\n\n" # TRANSLATORS: This part of text must be formatted in a monospaced font, and no line shall exceed the width of a 70-cell-wide terminal. config += _( "# Middlewares\n" "# -----------\n" "# Middlewares are not required to run an EFB profile. If you are not\n" "# going to use any middleware in this profile, you can safely remove\n" "# this section. Otherwise, please list down the module ID and instance\n" "# ID of each middleware to be enabled below.\n" ) config += "middlewares: []\n" str_io = StringIO(config) return str_io def load_config(self): coordinator.profile = self.profile conf_path = utils.get_config_path() if not os.path.exists(conf_path): self.config = self.yaml.load(self.default_config()) else: with open(conf_path) as f: self.config = self.yaml.load(f) self.load_modules_list() def save_config(self): coordinator.profile = self.profile conf_path = utils.get_config_path() if not os.path.exists(conf_path): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(conf_path)) with open(conf_path, 'w') as f: self.yaml.dump(self.config, f) def load_modules_list(self): for i in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("ehforwarderbot.master"): cls = i.load() self.modules[cls.channel_id] = Module(type="master", id=cls.channel_id, name=cls.channel_name, emoji=cls.channel_emoji, wizard=None) for i in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("ehforwarderbot.slave"): cls = i.load() self.modules[cls.channel_id] = Module(type="slave", id=cls.channel_id, name=cls.channel_name, emoji=cls.channel_emoji, wizard=None) for i in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("ehforwarderbot.middleware"): cls = i.load() self.modules[cls.middleware_id] = Module(type="middleware", id=cls.middleware_id, name=cls.middleware_name, emoji=None, wizard=None) for i in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("ehforwarderbot.wizard"): if in self.modules: fn = i.load() self.modules[] = self.modules[].replace(wizard=fn) def get_master_lists(self): names = [] ids = [] for i in self.modules.values(): if i.type == "master": names.append( ids.append( return names, ids def get_slave_lists(self): names = [] ids = [] for i in self.modules.values(): if i.type == "slave": names.append( ids.append( return names, ids @staticmethod def split_cid(cid): if "#" in cid: mid, iid = cid.split("#") else: mid = cid iid = None return mid, iid def get_instance_display_name(self, cid): if not cid: return cid mid, iid = self.split_cid(cid) if mid not in self.modules: if iid: return _("Unknown/custom module (instance: {instance})").format( iid ) else: return _("Unknown/custom module") else: if iid: name = _("{channel} (instance: {instance})").format( channel=self.modules[mid].name, instance=iid ) else: name = self.modules[mid].name return name def has_wizard(self, cid): mid, _ = self.split_cid(cid) if mid not in self.modules: return False return callable(self.modules[mid].wizard) def get_selected_slave_lists(self): if 'slave_channels' not in self.config: self.config['slave_channels'] = [] return [], [] i = 0 names = [] ids = [] while i < len(self.config['slave_channels']): cid = self.config['slave_channels'][i] mid, __ = self.split_cid(cid) if mid not in self.modules or self.modules[mid].type != "slave": names.append(_("Unknown/custom channel ({channel_id})").format(channel_id=cid)) ids.append(cid) else: name = self.get_instance_display_name(cid) names.append(name) ids.append(cid) i += 1 return names, ids def get_middleware_lists(self): names = [] ids = [] for i in self.modules.values(): if i.type == "middleware": names.append( ids.append( return names, ids def get_selected_middleware_lists(self): if 'middlewares' not in self.config: self.config['middlewares'] = [] return [], [] i = 0 names = [] ids = [] while i < len(self.config['middlewares']): cid = self.config['middlewares'][i] mid, __ = self.split_cid(cid) if mid not in self.modules or self.modules[mid].type != "middleware": names.append(_("Unknown/custom middleware ({middleware_id})").format(middleware_id=cid)) ids.append(cid) else: name = self.get_instance_display_name(cid) names.append(name) ids.append(cid) i += 1 return names, ids
#Import necessary functions from Jinja2 module from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader #Import YAML module import yaml from ruamel.yaml import YAML #Load data from YAML into Python dictionary config_data = yaml.full_load(open('./ent_cbs_ad_summary_config.yml')) #Load Jinja2 template jinja_yaml = YAML() jinja_yaml.allow_duplicate_keys = True jinja_yaml.preserve_quotes = True # jinja_yaml.explicit_start = True yaml_content = jinja_yaml.load( Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.')).get_template( 'bq_summary_factory_template.yml').render(config_data)) print(yaml_content) #Render the template with data and print the output with open('final_dag_factory.yml', 'w') as f: output_yaml = jinja_yaml.dump(yaml_content, f) #print(output_yaml)
def log(self, key, data, dtype, options: LogOptions = None): """ handler function for writing data to the server. Can be called directly. :param key: :param data: :param dtype: :param options: :return: """ # todo: overwrite mode is not tested and not in-use. write_mode = "w" if options and options.overwrite else "a" if dtype == "log": abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key) try: with open(abs_path, write_mode + 'b') as f: dill.dump(data, f) except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) with open(abs_path, write_mode + 'b') as f: dill.dump(data, f) if dtype == "byte": abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key) try: with open(abs_path, write_mode + 'b') as f: f.write(data) except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) with open(abs_path, write_mode + 'b') as f: f.write(data) elif dtype.startswith("text"): abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key) try: with open(abs_path, write_mode + "+") as f: f.write(data) except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) with open(abs_path, write_mode + "+") as f: f.write(data) elif dtype.startswith("yaml"): yaml = YAML() yaml.explict_start = True stream = StringIO() yaml.dump(data, stream) output = stream.getvalue() abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key) try: with open(abs_path, write_mode + "+") as f: if options.write_mode == 'key': d = yaml.load('\n'.join(f)) if d is not None: d.update(output) output = d f.write(output) except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path)) with open(abs_path, write_mode + "+") as f: if options.write_mode == 'key': d = yaml.load('\n'.join(f)) if d is not None: d.update(output) output = d f.write(output) elif dtype.startswith("image"): abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key) if "." not in key: abs_path = abs_path + ".png" from PIL import Image assert data.dtype in ALLOWED_TYPES, "image datatype must be one of {}".format(ALLOWED_TYPES) if len(data.shape) == 3 and data.shape[-1] == 1: data.resize(data.shape[:-1]) im = Image.fromarray(data) try: except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(abs_path))
def update_lastmod(path, verbose, date): count = 0 yaml = YAML() for post in glob.glob(path): lastmod = '' if date == Date.GIT: git_log_count = subprocess.getoutput( "git log --pretty=%ad \"{}\" | wc -l".format(post)) if git_log_count == "1": continue git_lastmod = subprocess.getoutput( "git log -1 --pretty=%ad --date=iso \"{}\"".format(post)) if not git_lastmod: continue lates_commit = subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'log', '-1', '--pretty=%B', post]).decode('utf-8') if "[Automation]" in lates_commit and "Lastmod" in lates_commit: continue lastmod = git_lastmod elif date == Date.FS: t = os.path.getmtime(post) dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t) lastmod = dt.strftime('%F %T') + time.strftime(' %z') frontmatter, line_num = get_yaml(post) meta = yaml.load(frontmatter) output = '' if os.path.isfile(output): os.remove(output) with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as new, \ open(post, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as old: new.write("---\n") yaml.dump(meta, new) new.write("---\n") line_num += 2 lines = old.readlines() for line in lines: if line_num > 0: line_num -= 1 continue else: new.write(line) shutil.move(output, post) count += 1 if verbose: print("[INFO] update 'lastmod' for:" + post) if count > 0: print("[INFO] Success to update lastmod for {} post(s).".format(count))
"# - divider: true # Will insert a divider in the sidebar\n" "# - header: My Header # Will insert a header with no link in the sidebar\n") warn = ("#\n" "# ==============================\n" "# AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED TOC FILE.\n" "# You should review the contents of this file, re-order items as you wish,\n" "# and nest chapters in sections if you wish. The ======= symbols represent \n" "# folder breaks.\n" "# \n" "# See the demo `toc.yml` for the right structure to follow. You can \n" "# generate a demo book by running `jupyter-book create mybook --demo`\n" "# ==============================\n\n\n") if args.out_path is None: print(top + warn) yaml.dump(toc, sys.stdout) else: if os.path.exists(args.out_path) and bool(args.overwrite) is False: raise ValueError('toc.yaml file exists, delete the file or set `overwrite=True`') # Dump the YAML with open(args.out_path, 'w') as ff: yaml.dump(toc, ff) # Read back in so we can add a comment with open(args.out_path, 'r') as ff: contents = with open(args.out_path, 'w') as ff: ff.write(top + warn + contents) print('TOC written to: {}'.format(args.out_path))
input_requirments = yaml.load(input_file) if not input_requirments: print(YAML_MISSING) exit(1) new_requirments = copy.deepcopy(input_requirments) deep_update(new_requirments, requirements) if args.update: requirements = new_requirments if args.check: changed = deep_diff(input_requirments, new_requirments) if changed: yaml.dump(changed, sys.stdout) exit(1) sort_requirements(requirements) if args.output == '-': output = sys.stdout else: output = open(args.output, 'w') yaml.dump(requirements, output) output.close() language_requirements = get_languages(all_bears) bear_languages = language_requirements language_requirements = _create_sorted_commented_map(language_requirements)
class Config(object): def __init__(self, configFile: str): self.configFile = configFile self._configData = {} self.yaml = YAML() self._inBaseConfig = [] def loadConfig(self) -> None: configData = self._readConfig(self.configFile) self._validate(configData) self._configData = configData def _readConfig(self, fileName: str) -> Dict: try: with open(fileName, mode='r') as config: configData = self.yaml.load(config) if not configData: configData = {} # if this is the base server config, store what keys we loaded if fileName == self.configFile: self._inBaseConfig = list(configData.keys()) except Exception as e: raise ConfigError(fileName, e) if 'import' not in configData: return configData for fname in configData['import']: includeConfig = self._readConfig('{}/{}.yaml' .format(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fileName)), fname)) for key, val in includeConfig.items(): # not present in base config, just assign it if key not in configData: configData[key] = val continue # skip non-collection types that are already set if isinstance(configData[key], (str, int)): continue if isinstance(val, str): raise ConfigError(fname, 'The included config file tried ' 'to merge a non-string with a ' 'string') try: iter(configData[key]) iter(val) except TypeError: # not a collection, so just don't merge them pass else: try: # merge with + operator configData[key] += val except TypeError: # dicts can't merge with + try: for subKey, subVal in val.items(): if subKey not in configData[key]: configData[key][subKey] = subVal except (AttributeError, TypeError): # if either of these, they weren't both dicts. raise ConfigError(fname, 'The variable {!r} could ' 'not be successfully ' 'merged'.format(key)) return configData def writeConfig(self) -> None: # filter the configData to only those keys # that were present in the base server config, # or have been modified at runtime configData = copy.deepcopy(self._configData) to_delete = set(configData.keys()).difference(self._inBaseConfig) for key in to_delete: del configData[key] # write the filtered configData try: with open(self.configFile, mode='w') as config: self.yaml.dump(configData, config) except Exception as e: raise ConfigError(self.configFile, e) def getWithDefault(self, key: str, default=None) -> Any: if key in self._configData: return self._configData[key] return default def _validate(self, configData) -> None: for key in _required: if key not in configData: raise ConfigError(self.configFile, 'Required item {!r} was not found in the config.'.format(key)) def __len__(self): return len(self._configData) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._configData) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._configData[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # mark this key to be saved in the server config if key not in self._inBaseConfig: self._inBaseConfig.append(key) self._configData[key] = value def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._configData
print('bear-requirements.yaml not found. ' 'Run without flags to generate it.') exit(1) input_requirments = yaml.load(input_file) new_requirments = copy.deepcopy(input_requirments) deep_update(new_requirments, requirements) if args.update: requirements = new_requirments if args.check: changed = deep_diff(input_requirments, new_requirments) if changed: yaml.dump(changed, sys.stdout) exit(1) if args.output == '-': output = sys.stdout else: output = open(args.output, 'w') language_requirements = get_languages(all_bears) language_requirements = _create_sorted_commented_map(language_requirements) file_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_DIR, BEAR_LANGUAGES_YAML) with open(file_path, 'w') as outfile: yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2) yaml.dump(language_requirements, outfile) sort_requirements(requirements)