Exemple #1
def copy_cookiecutter_resume(template_name='cookiecutter-easydata'):
    """Make a copy of the cookiecutter replay file in the generated project.

    By default, cookiecutter creates a replay directory in a user's ~/.cookiecutter
    directory. This hook creates a YAML version of those values in the generated project.
    This can be used to regenerate the project by doing a:
    >>> cookiecutter --config_file path/to/cookiecutter-easydata.yaml cookiecutter-easydata

    config_obj = get_user_config()
    config_dir = pathlib.Path(config_obj['replay_dir'])

    src_path = config_dir / f'{template_name}.json'
    yml_path = f'.{template_name}.yml'  # relative to root of generated project

    logger.debug(f"Reading cookiecutter replay data from {src_path}")
    with open(src_path) as f:
        cookiecutter_opts = json.load(f)
        yaml_opts = {k:v
                     for k,v in sorted(cookiecutter_opts['cookiecutter'].items())
                     if not k.startswith('_')}
    yaml = YAML()
    logger.debug(f"Dumping cookiecutter replay (YAML) info to {yml_path}")
    with open(yml_path, 'w') as fw:
        yaml.dump({'default_context': yaml_opts}, fw)
Exemple #2
def load_settings():
    yaml = YAML()
    if os.path.exists(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE):
        with open(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE, 'r') as f:
            settings = dict(yaml.load(f))
            if settings['whitelist-enabled'] and settings['blacklist-enabled']:
                log('whitelist and blacklist cannot be enabled simultaneously')
                return None
            # Paths starting and ending with '/'
            for i, w in enumerate(settings['whitelist-files']):
                if w[0] != '/':
                    settings['whitelist-files'][i] = '/' + w
                if w[-1] != '/':
                        i] = settings['whitelist-files'][i] + '/'

            for i, w in enumerate(settings['blacklist-files']):
                if w[0] != '/':
                    settings['blacklist-files'][i] = '/' + w
                if w[-1] != '/':
                    settings['blacklist-files'][i] = settings[i] + '/'

            return settings

    with open(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE, 'w+') as f:
        yaml.dump(DEFAULT_SETTINGS, f)

Exemple #3
    def _save(self):
        'save configuration in file cache to be restored'
        resource_name = self._get_one_resource_value()
        namespace = self.client.get_namespace(
            self._get_kube_api_resource_type(), resource_name)
        kube_instance = self._get_one_resource_value("kube")
        if not kube_instance:
            kube_instance = 'local'
        cache_folder = os.path.join(settings.OMC_KUBE_CACHE_DIR, kube_instance,
                                    namespace, self._get_kube_resource_type())

        result = self._read_namespaced_resource(resource_name,
        stream = StringIO()
        the_result = json.loads(result.data.decode('UTF-8'))
        ObjectUtils.delete_node(the_result, 'metadata.creationTimestamp')
        ObjectUtils.delete_node(the_result, 'metadata.resourceVersion')
        yaml = YAML()
        yaml.dump(the_result, stream)
        content = stream.getvalue()

        with open(os.path.join(cache_folder, resource_name + '.yaml'),
                  'w') as f:
Exemple #4
def copy_cookiecutter_resume(template_name='easydata'):
    """Make a copy of the cookiecutter replay file in the generated project.

    By default, cookiecutter creates a replay directory in a user's
    ~/.cookiecutter directory. This is largely useless. Easydata dumps
    this data to the generated project (also as json) using a jsonify
    call, but this doesn't yet help us regenerate the project
    automatically.  This hook creates a YAML version of those values
    in the generated project.  This can be used to regenerate the
    project by doing a:

    >>> cookiecutter --config_file path/to/.easydata.yaml easydata

    # relative to root of generated project
    src_path = f'.{template_name}.json'
    yml_path = f'.{template_name}.yml'

    logger.debug(f"Reading cookiecutter replay data from {src_path}")
    with open(src_path) as f:
        cookiecutter_opts = json.load(f)
        yaml_opts = {k:v
                     for k,v in sorted(cookiecutter_opts.items())
                     if not k.startswith('_')}
    yaml = YAML()
    logger.debug(f"Dumping cookiecutter replay (YAML) info to {yml_path}")
    with open(yml_path, 'w') as fw:
        yaml.dump({'default_context': yaml_opts}, fw)
Exemple #5
def generate_hpsearch():
    # TODO documentation
    yaml = YAML()
    parent_file_path = Path(args.input_file)
    parent_yaml = yaml.load(parent_file_path)
    hpsearch_config = parent_yaml['hpsearch']

    if hpsearch_config.get('is_child', False):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'This YAML is itself a child config generated for an hyperparameter search.'

    assert hpsearch_config['type'] == 'random_uniform'

    description = hpsearch_config[
        'desc'] if 'desc' in hpsearch_config else 'hpsearch'

    for trial_idx in range(hpsearch_config['n_trials']):
        child_yaml = make_child_config(parent_yaml)
        for p in hpsearch_config['params']:
            value = generate_random_value(p)
            set_item_at_path(child_yaml, p['param'], value)
        child_file_path = parent_file_path.with_name(
            parent_file_path.stem +
            '_{}_{}.yaml'.format(description, trial_idx))
        yaml.dump(child_yaml, child_file_path)
Exemple #6
 def yaml(self):
     'get configuration in yaml format'
     resource = self._get_one_resource_value()
     namespace = self.client.get_namespace(
         self._get_kube_api_resource_type(), resource)
     result = self._read_namespaced_resource(resource, namespace)
     stream = StringIO()
     yaml = YAML()
     yaml.dump(result, stream)
Exemple #7
def main():
    count = 0
    yaml = YAML()

    for post in glob.glob(os.path.join(POSTS_PATH, "*.md")):
        git_lastmod = subprocess.check_output([
            "git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%ad", "--date=short", post]).strip()

        if not git_lastmod:

        frontmatter, line_num = get_yaml(post)
        meta = yaml.load(frontmatter)

        if 'sitemap' in meta:
            if 'lastmod' in meta['sitemap']:
                if meta['sitemap']['lastmod'] == git_lastmod:

                meta['sitemap']['lastmod'] = git_lastmod

                meta['sitemap'].insert(0, 'lastmod', git_lastmod)
            meta.insert(line_num, 'sitemap', {'lastmod': git_lastmod})

        output = 'new.md'
        if os.path.isfile(output):

        with open(output, 'w') as new, open(post, 'r') as old:
            yaml.dump(meta, new)
            line_num += 2

            lines = old.readlines()

            for line in lines:
                if line_num > 0:
                    line_num -= 1

        shutil.move(output, post)
        count += 1
        print("[INFO] update 'lastmod' for: '{}'".format(post))

    print("[NOTICE] Success! Update all posts's lastmod.\n")

    if count > 0:
        subprocess.call(["git", "add", POSTS_PATH])
        subprocess.call(["git", "commit", "-m",
                         "[Automation] Update lastmod of post(s)."])
    def to_yaml(self) -> str:
        Output the run description as a yaml string

        YAML = self._ruamel_importer()

        yaml = YAML()
        with io.StringIO() as stream:
            yaml.dump(self.serialize(), stream=stream)
            output = stream.getvalue()

        return output
Exemple #9
    def dump(self, data, stream=None, **kwargs):
        Output data to a given stream.

        If no stream is given, then the data is returned as a string.
        inefficient = False
        if stream is None:
            inefficient = True
            stream = StringIO()
        YAML.dump(self, data, stream, **kwargs)
        if inefficient:
            return stream.getvalue()
Exemple #10
class MSPInitializer:
    # set all file names that are required
    yml_file_name_tmp = "config_tmp.yml"
    yml_file_name = "config.yml"
    default_yml_name = "ms_analysis_default.yml"
    go_path = "go_terms"
    pathway_path = "pathways"
    possible_gos = sorted([
        x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(path_package_config, go_path))
        if x.endswith(".txt")
    possible_pathways = sorted([
        x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(path_package_config, pathway_path))
        if x.endswith(".txt")

    def __init__(self,
                 dir_: str,
                 file_path_yml: Optional[str] = None,
        self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__, loglevel=loglevel)
        # create a yaml file reader
        self.yaml = YAML()
        # self.yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2)
        self.yaml.default_flow_style = False
        self.yaml.width = 4096

        # attributes that change upon changing the starting dir
        self.configs = {}
        self.reader_data = {}

        self.interesting_proteins, self.go_analysis_gene_names = None, None

        # properties
        self._start_dir = None
        self._file_path_yaml = None

        # set the specified dirs
        self.start_dir = dir_
        if file_path_yml is not None:
            self.file_path_yaml = file_path_yml

    def start_dir(self):
        return self._start_dir

    def start_dir(self, start_dir):
        start_dir = os.path.normpath(start_dir)
        # make sure to be on the right level and set starting dir
        if os.path.split(start_dir)[1] == "txt":
            self.logger.debug("Removing txt ending from path")
            self._start_dir = os.path.split(start_dir)[0]
            self._start_dir = start_dir
        self.logger.info(f"Starting dir: {self.start_dir}")
        # set all attributes back None that where file specific
        self.configs = {}
        self.reader_data = {}
        self.file_path_yaml = "file"

    def path_config(self):
        return os.path.join(self.start_dir, "config")

    def file_path_yaml(self):
        return self._file_path_yaml

    def file_path_yaml(self, file_path_yml: str):

            can be either:
                - "default"
                - "file"
                - a path to a yml file

            if no valid value was provided
            if the file specified by the file_path_yml was not found

        if file_path_yml.lower() == "default":
            self._file_path_yaml = self.get_default_yml_path()
        elif file_path_yml.lower() == "file":
            if self.has_yml_file():
                self._file_path_yaml = os.path.join(
                    self.start_dir, "config", MSPInitializer.yml_file_name)
                self._file_path_yaml = self.get_default_yml_path()
        elif file_path_yml.lower().endswith(('.yml', '.yaml')):
            self._file_path_yaml = os.path.normpath(file_path_yml)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid value provided for yaml file: {file_path_yml}")
        self.logger.debug("yml file location: %s", self._file_path_yaml)

        # load the config from the yml file
        self.logger.info("loading yml file")
        with open(self.file_path_yaml) as f:
            self.configs = self.yaml.load(f)
        self.logger.debug(f"Config file contents: {self.configs}")

    def init_config(self):
        Creates the directory to save the configuration file and saves the configuration
        os.makedirs(self.path_config, exist_ok=True)

    def has_yml_file(self) -> bool:
        if not os.path.isdir(self.start_dir):
            return False
        if "config" in os.listdir(self.start_dir):
            self.logger.debug("Found config dir")
            config_dir = os.path.join(self.start_dir, "config")
            if MSPInitializer.yml_file_name in os.listdir(config_dir):
                self.logger.debug("Found config.yml file in config dir")
                return True
        return False

    def get_default_yml_path(self) -> str:
            "Loading default yml file from: %s, since no (valid) file was selected",
        return os.path.join(path_package_config,

    def init_interest_from_txt(
            self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, list], Dict[str, list]]:
        dict_pathway = {}
        dict_go = {}
        for pathway in self.configs.get("pathways"):
            name, proteins = self.read_config_txt_file(
                MSPInitializer.pathway_path, pathway)
            dict_pathway[name] = proteins

        for go in self.configs.get("go_terms"):
            name, proteins = self.read_config_txt_file(MSPInitializer.go_path,
            dict_go[name] = proteins
        return dict_pathway, dict_go

    def read_config_txt_file(self, path, file) -> Tuple[str, list]:
        fullpath = os.path.join(path_package_config, path, file)
        if path == MSPInitializer.pathway_path:
            with open(fullpath) as f:
                name = f.readline().strip()
                proteins = []
                for line in f:
        elif path == MSPInitializer.go_path:
            name = file.replace(".txt", "")
            with open(fullpath) as f:
                proteins = []
                for line in f:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid path: {path}")
        return name, proteins

    def update_config_file(self):
        # store the config file as tmp
        self.logger.debug("Updating yml settings file")
        yml_file_loc_tmp = os.path.join(self.path_config,
        with open(yml_file_loc_tmp, "w") as outfile:
            self.yaml.dump(self.configs, outfile)

        # delete non tmp if exists
        yml_file_loc = os.path.join(self.path_config,
        if MSPInitializer.yml_file_name in os.listdir(self.path_config):

        # rename to non tmp
        os.rename(yml_file_loc_tmp, yml_file_loc)

    def read_data(self):
        for Reader in BaseReader.__subclasses__():
            Reader: Type[BaseReader]  # for IDE hints
                reader = Reader(self.start_dir,
                                self.configs.get(Reader.name, {}))
                self.configs[str(Reader.name)] = deepcopy(reader.reader_config)
                self.reader_data[Reader.name] = reader.full_data

            except MissingFilesException:
                self.logger.debug("No files found for reader: %s", Reader.name)

        # read all proteins and receptors of interest from the config dir
        self.logger.info("Reading proteins and receptors of interest")
        self.interesting_proteins, self.go_analysis_gene_names = self.init_interest_from_txt(
Exemple #11
class MSPInitializer:
    | An initializer class which is responsible for creating the directory to save the default YAML configuration
      file as well as reading and saving the specified settings.
    | The initializer also operates as a means of passing stored configurations to the plotter classes.
    # set all file names that are required
    yml_file_name_tmp = "config_tmp.yml"
    yml_file_name = "config.yml"
    default_yml_name = "ms_analysis_default.yml"
    go_path = "go_terms"
    pathway_path = "pathways"
    possible_gos = sorted([
        x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(path_package_config, go_path))
        if x.endswith(".txt")
    possible_pathways = sorted([
        x for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(path_package_config, pathway_path))
        if x.endswith(".txt")

    def __init__(self,
                 path: str,
                 file_path_yml: Optional[str] = None,
            location where the directory/txt folder to the data can be found.
            path to the yaml config file
            level of the logger
        self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__, loglevel=loglevel)
        # create a yaml file reader
        self.yaml = YAML()
        self.yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=2)
        # self.yaml.indent(offset=2)
        self.yaml.default_flow_style = False
        self.yaml.width = 4096

        # attributes that change upon changing the starting dir
        #: configurations for the run. also saved configurations for the reader under the respective reader name
        self.configs = {}
        self.reader_data = {}

        self.interesting_proteins, self.go_analysis_gene_names = None, None

        # properties
        self._start_dir = None
        self._file_path_yaml = None

        # list to store all selectable terms; custom and provided
        self.list_full_gos = []
        self.list_full_pathways = []

        # set the specified dirs
        self.start_dir = path
        if file_path_yml is not None:
            self.file_path_yaml = file_path_yml

    def start_dir(self):
        return self._start_dir

    def start_dir(self, start_dir):
        start_dir = os.path.normpath(start_dir)
        # make sure to be on the right level and set starting dir
        if os.path.split(start_dir)[1] == "txt":
            self.logger.debug("Removing txt ending from path")
            self._start_dir = os.path.split(start_dir)[0]
            self._start_dir = start_dir
        self.logger.info(f"Starting dir: {self.start_dir}")
        # set all attributes back None that where file specific
        self.configs = {}
        self.reader_data = {}
        self.file_path_yaml = "file"
        # see if any custom lists can be found
        self.list_full_gos = []
            self.list_full_gos += [
                for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(self._start_dir, "go_terms"))
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._start_dir, "go_terms", x))
        except FileNotFoundError:
        self.list_full_gos += MSPInitializer.possible_gos
        self.list_full_pathways = []
            self.list_full_pathways += [
                for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(self._start_dir, "pathways"))
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._start_dir, "pathways", x))
        except FileNotFoundError:
        self.list_full_pathways += MSPInitializer.possible_pathways

    def path_config(self):
        return os.path.join(self.start_dir, "config")

    def file_path_yaml(self):
        Setting the yaml file path will set the configurations of the class to the ones specified in the file.

        The value can be set to either:

        - "default"
        - "file"
        - a path to a yml file

            if no valid value was provided
            if the file specified by the file_path_yml was not found

        return self._file_path_yaml

    def file_path_yaml(self, file_path_yml: str):
        if file_path_yml.lower() == "default":
            self._file_path_yaml = self.get_default_yml_path()
        elif file_path_yml.lower() == "file":
            if self.has_yml_file():
                self._file_path_yaml = os.path.join(
                    self.start_dir, "config", MSPInitializer.yml_file_name)
                self._file_path_yaml = self.get_default_yml_path()
        elif file_path_yml.lower().endswith(('.yml', '.yaml')):
            self._file_path_yaml = os.path.normpath(file_path_yml)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid value provided for yaml file: {file_path_yml}")
        self.logger.debug("yml file location: %s", self._file_path_yaml)

        # load the config from the yml file
        self.logger.info("loading yml file")
        with open(self.file_path_yaml) as f:
            self.configs = self.yaml.load(f)
        self.logger.debug(f"Config file contents: {self.configs}")

    def init_config(self):
        | Creates the directory to save the configuration file if not present, updates and saves the configuration.
        | The function is usually applied to ensure that configs are provided to the initializer in order to avoid
          problems initializing the file reader with :meth:`read_data`.
        os.makedirs(self.path_config, exist_ok=True)

    def has_yml_file(self) -> bool:
        if not os.path.isdir(self.start_dir):
            return False
        if "config" in os.listdir(self.start_dir):
            self.logger.debug("Found config dir")
            config_dir = os.path.join(self.start_dir, "config")
            if MSPInitializer.yml_file_name in os.listdir(config_dir):
                self.logger.debug("Found config.yml file in config dir")
                return True
        return False

    def get_default_yml_path(self) -> str:
            "Loading default yml file from: %s, since 'default' or no (valid) file was selected",
        return os.path.join(path_package_config,

    def init_interest_from_txt(
            self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, list], Dict[str, list]]:
        dict_pathway = {}
        dict_go = {}
        for pathway in self.configs.get("pathways"):
            name, proteins = self.read_config_txt_file(pathway)
            dict_pathway[name] = proteins

        for go in self.configs.get("go_terms"):
            name, proteins = self.read_config_txt_file(go, False)
            dict_go[name] = proteins
        return dict_pathway, dict_go

    def read_config_txt_file(self,
                             is_pathway: bool = True) -> Tuple[str, list]:
        path_full = os.path.join(self.start_dir,
                                 "pathways" if is_pathway else "go_terms",
        if not os.path.isfile(path_full):
            path_full = os.path.join(path_package_config,
                                     "pathways" if is_pathway else "go_terms",
            if not os.path.isfile(path_full):
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    f"The selected file: {file} cannot be found.")
        name = file.replace(".txt", "")
        with open(path_full) as f:
            proteins = []
            for line in f:
        return name, proteins

    def update_config_file(self):
        # store the config file as tmp
        self.logger.debug("Updating yml settings file")
        yml_file_loc_tmp = os.path.join(self.path_config,
        with open(yml_file_loc_tmp, "w") as outfile:
            self.yaml.dump(self.configs, outfile)

        # delete non tmp if exists
        yml_file_loc = os.path.join(self.path_config,
        if MSPInitializer.yml_file_name in os.listdir(self.path_config):

        # rename to non tmp
        os.rename(yml_file_loc_tmp, yml_file_loc)

    def read_data(self):
        | Initiates the file reader by providing the directory and the configs to the reader.
        | The configs for the reader are taken from the configs from the name of the reader as key. E.g. mqreader.
        | In turn a :class:`~mspypeline.helpers.Utils.DataDict` is generated to provide the mapping to the input data
          (*reader_data*) for the further analysis with the :ref:`mspypeline plotters <plotters>`.
        for Reader in BaseReader.__subclasses__():
            Reader: Type[BaseReader]  # for IDE hints
                reader = Reader(self.start_dir,
                                self.configs.get(Reader.name, {}))
                self.configs[str(Reader.name)] = deepcopy(reader.reader_config)
                self.reader_data[Reader.name] = reader.full_data

            except MissingFilesException:
                self.logger.debug("No files found for reader: %s", Reader.name)

        # read all proteins and receptors of interest from the config dir
        self.logger.info("Reading pathway and GO list of interest")
        self.interesting_proteins, self.go_analysis_gene_names = self.init_interest_from_txt(
def make_config_yaml():
        Process that thakes all the default parameters from a string and saves it als a config.yalm file.

        Return: None

    # !!!! The intendations in doc must be alligned to the far left otherwise the yaml file looks ugly
    doc = """
# Configuration File

experiment_name: test
experiment_nr: 0

# Setup
do_setup: False         # If True, edit the setup() code for each new dataset
do_make_config: False   # If True, overwrite the config.yaml file with default one.
workers: 16             # nr of cores used in multiprocess. Max=16
seed: 42                # Seed for replication

# The mean and std for using pretrained weights
# Ex: Resnet: mean:[0.485, 0.456, 0.406] and std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
mean: [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
std: [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]

# Image settings
image_size: 512  # size of the square image
n_samples: 3  # nr of images per label
# balance_type; how to balance the labels.
    # 0: take n_samples. if not enough, continue. Can lead to imbalanced labels
    # 1: take n_samples. if not enough, duplicate images till each label has n_samples images
    # 2: sample all labels for an number of images equal to the amount of images in the smallest label
    # 3: take n_samples. if not enough, augment images till each label has n_samples images
balance_type: 1

load_ext: 'jpeg'
# png is lossless
save_ext: 'png'         # The extension dictates the compression algorithm

# list of image preprocesses
    # augm # augement dataset. Must be first
    # hist
    # autocrop
    # autocrop_in       # autocrop but with square inside the eye-circle to reduce size
    # resize
    # minmax            # scales array to [0, 1]
    # stdize            # centers a minmax array around 0 with unit variance
    # gray
    # sift
    # pca
    # - augm
    # - hist
    # - autocrop
    # - resize
    # - gray
    # - minmax
    # - sift
    # - pca

# Paths
path: /mnt/Datasets/kaggle_diabetic_retinopathy/                     # path to dataset for the project.
path_src_ds: /mnt/Datasets/kaggle_diabetic_retinopathy/0_original/   # path to source dataset
path_dst_ds: /mnt/Datasets/kaggle_diabetic_retinopathy/experiments/  # path to destination

    yaml = YAML(typ='rt')
    yaml.indent(mapping=2, sequence=4, offset=4)
    yaml_doc = yaml.load(doc)
    with open('config.yaml', 'w') as f:
        yaml.dump(yaml_doc, f)
Exemple #13
            cont = recipe
            for p in path[:-1]:
                cont = cont[p]
            if isinstance(cont, list):
                for n in range(len(cont)):
                    del cont[n][path[-1]]
                del cont[path[-1]]
    if 'add' in case:
        dict_merge(recipe, case['add'])

    recipe_dir = recipes_folder.mkdir(recipe_data['folder'])

    with recipe_dir.join('meta.yaml').open('w') as fdes:
            transform=lambda l: l.replace('#{%', '{%').replace("#{{", "{{"))

    if 'add_files' in case:
        for fname, data in case['add_files'].items():
            with recipe_dir.join(fname).open('w') as fdes:

    if 'move_files' in case:
        for src, dest in case['move_files'].items():
            src_path = recipe_dir.join(src)
            if not dest:
                if os.path.isdir(src_path):
Exemple #14
    """Prepares a recipe from recipe_data in recipes_folder"""
    recipe = deepcopy(recipe_data['meta.yaml'])
    if 'remove' in case:
        for remove in utils.ensure_list(case['remove']):
            path = remove.split('/')
            cont = recipe
            for p in path[:-1]:
                cont = cont[p]
            if isinstance(cont, list):
                for n in range(len(cont)):
                    del cont[n][path[-1]]
                del cont[path[-1]]
    if 'add' in case:
        dict_merge(recipe, case['add'])

    recipe_folder = op.join(recipes_folder, recipe_data['folder'])

    with open(op.join(recipe_folder, 'meta.yaml'), "w") as meta_file:
        yaml.dump(recipe, meta_file,
                  transform=lambda l: l.replace('#{%', '{%').replace("#{{", "{{"))

    if 'add_files' in case:
        for fname, data in case['add_files'].items():
            with open(op.join(recipe_folder, fname), "w") as out:

    yield recipe_folder