Exemple #1
    def GET(self, scope, name):
        List dataset replicas for a DID (scope:name) using the
        Virtual Placement service.

        NOTICE: This is an RnD function and might change or go away at any time.

        HTTP Success:
            200 OK

        HTTP Error:
            401 Unauthorized
            406 Not Acceptable
            500 InternalError

        :returns: If VP exists a list of dicts of sites, otherwise nothing

        header('Content-Type', 'application/x-json-stream')
        deep = False
        if ctx.query:
                params = loads(unquote(ctx.query[1:]))
            except ValueError:
                params = parse_qs(ctx.query[1:])
            if 'deep' in params:
                deep = params['deep'][0]
            for row in list_dataset_replicas_vp(scope=scope, name=name, deep=deep, vo=ctx.env.get('vo')):
                yield dumps(row, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'
        except RucioException as error:
            raise generate_http_error(500, error.__class__.__name__, error.args[0])
        except Exception as error:
            raise InternalError(error)
Exemple #2
 def generate(_deep, vo):
     for row in list_dataset_replicas_vp(scope=scope, name=name, deep=_deep, vo=vo):
         yield dumps(row, cls=APIEncoder) + '\n'