Exemple #1
    async def _parse_html(cls, *, html_etree: etree._Element):
        if html_etree is None:
            raise ValueError("html_etree is expected")
        item_ins = cls()
        for field_name, field_value in getattr(item_ins, '__fields',
            if not field_name.startswith('target_'):
                clean_method = getattr(item_ins, f'clean_{field_name}', None)
                value = field_value.extract(html_etree=html_etree)
                if clean_method is not None:
                        value = await clean_method(value)
                    except TypeError as e:
                        if 'await' in str(e):
                            raise InvalidFuncType(
                                f'<Item: clean_method must be a coroutine function>'
                            raise TypeError(e)
                    except IgnoreThisItem:
                        item_ins.ignore_item = True

                setattr(item_ins, field_name, value)
                item_ins.results[field_name] = value
        return item_ins
Exemple #2
    async def _parse_html(cls, *, html_etree: etree._Element):
        if html_etree is None:
            raise ValueError("<Item: html_etree is expected>")
        item_ins = cls()
        fields_dict = getattr(item_ins, "__fields", {})
        for field_name, field_value in fields_dict.items():
            if field_name != "target_item":
                clean_method = getattr(item_ins, f"clean_{field_name}", None)
                value = field_value.extract(html_etree)
                if clean_method is not None and callable(clean_method):
                        aws_clean_func = clean_method(value)
                        if isawaitable(aws_clean_func):
                            value = await aws_clean_func
                            raise InvalidFuncType(
                                f"<Item: clean_method must be a coroutine function>"
                    except IgnoreThisItem:
                        item_ins.ignore_item = True

                setattr(item_ins, field_name, value)
                item_ins.results[field_name] = value
        return item_ins