runs = [run_1, run_2, run_3, run_4, run_5, run_6, run_7]

num_seeds = 3

target = True
naive = True

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Generate num_seeds number of weight initialisation runs.
    for j in range(len(runs)):
        if target:
            run = runs[j]
        elif naive:
            run = Run.restore('exp_13', 1, num_seeds, naive=False, save_opp=True)
            run = Run.restore('exp_13', 1, num_seeds, save_opp=True)
            gen_graphs(run, save_opp=True)

        if target or naive:
            for i in range(num_seeds):
                print("Current seed = " + str(i))

                # Calls source network function
                if target:
          , run, run.hyperparameters)

                # Calls naive network function
                if naive:
    # This model must already use linear activation for the final layer
    loss = model.layers[layer_idx].output[..., class_idx]
    grad_tensor = K.gradients(loss, layer_input)[0]

    # create function that evaluate the gradient for a given input
    # This function accept numpy array
    derivative_fn = K.function([layer_input], [grad_tensor])

    # evaluate the derivative_fn
    grad_eval_by_hand = derivative_fn([img[np.newaxis, ...]])[0]

    grad_eval_by_hand = np.abs(grad_eval_by_hand).max(axis=(0, 3))

    # normalize to range between 0 and 1
    arr_min, arr_max = np.min(grad_eval_by_hand), np.max(grad_eval_by_hand)
    grad_eval_by_hand = (grad_eval_by_hand - arr_min) / (arr_max - arr_min + K.epsilon())

    plt.imsave(create_path(run.path, model_type, "images", "sal_image_{}_alt.png".format(seed)), grad_eval_by_hand)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    r = Run.restore(exp_name, run_num, 3, save_opp=True)
    for network in ['target', 'naive', 'source']:
        for seed in range(0, 3):
            saliency_map(r, network, seed, dataset_type, attempt, category=category, positive=True)
            print("{} network done for seed {}".format(network, seed))

    # for i in range(0, 3):
    #     saliency_map(r, 'target', i, "train", 0, category="dog", positive=True)