Exemple #1
# Pressing a mouse button down while this simulation run updates the cat state
# by leaving pos unchanged but reversing delta-pos (changing 1 to -1 and vice
# versa). That is, pressing a mouse key reverses the direction of the
# cat.
# The simulation ends when the cat is allowed to reach either the left
# or the right edge of the screen.


# Initialize world
name = "Cat Fun. Press the mouse (but not too fast)!"
width = 500
height = 500
rw.newDisplay(width, height, name)


# Display the state by drawing a cat at that x coordinate
myimage = dw.loadImage("cat.bmp")

# state -> image (IO)
# draw the cat halfway up the screen (height/2) and at the x
# coordinate given by the first component of the state tuple
def updateDisplay(state):
    dw.draw(myimage, (state[0], state[1]))

Exemple #2
# pdb.set_trace()

import pygame as pg
import runWorld as rw
import drawWorld as dw
import image_processing as ip
import imagineFun as af


# Initialize display

name = "Imaginator!"
width = 1200
height = 500
rw.newDisplay(width, height, name)


# An image that we'll use when the system starts

initImage = dw.loadImage("twoeyes.bmp")

# In our initial exercise with this simulation framework, we
# represented the "game state" as a tuple. A problem with that
# approach is that it doesn't give us good names for the fields
# of the tuples (records), so we end up with lots of cryptically
# subscripted tuple values, make it hard to write, reason about,
# debug, and enhance the code. We could of course write our own
# nicely named projection functions, and that would help. This
# is what we did in Idris, where we wrote functions such as
Exemple #3
# Define the colors we will use in RGB format
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
VISOR = (170, 170, 170)
HELM = (150, 150, 150)
TORSO = (100, 100, 100)
SHIELD = (174, 88, 11)

# Initialize world
name = "proj"
width = 1200
height = 800
screen = rw.newDisplay(width, height, name)

target1 = dw.loadImage("target1.png")
target2 = dw.loadImage("target2.png")
target3 = dw.loadImage("target3.png")
target4 = dw.loadImage("target4.png")
target5 = dw.loadImage("target5.png")

class Turret(object):
    def __init__(self, X, Y, screen, kind, face=0):
        self.Xcoord = X
        self.Ycoord = Y
        self.health = 100
        self.alive = True
        self.kind = kind
# Define the colors we will use in RGB format
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
VISOR = (170, 170, 170)
HELM = (150, 150, 150)
TORSO = (100, 100, 100)
SHIELD = (174, 88, 11)

# Initialize world
name = "Beauregarde of Flankingshire"
width = 1200
height = 800
screen = rw.newDisplay(width, height, name)

target1 = dw.loadImage("target1.png")
target2 = dw.loadImage("target2.png")
target3 = dw.loadImage("target3.png")
target4 = dw.loadImage("target4.png")
target5 = dw.loadImage("target5.png")

class Turret(object):
    def __init__(self, X, Y, screen, kind, face=0):
        self.Xcoord = X
        self.Ycoord = Y
        self.health = 100
        self.alive = True
        self.kind = kind
Exemple #5
# Global variables
touchRange = ([], [])
score = 0
scoreText = ""
# 0 - The game is being played, 1 = The player lost, 2 = The player won
gameState = 0

# Static variables
WIDTH = 1024
HEIGHT = 700

# Initialize world
name = "Drolivery - Fast & Accurate Drone Delivery"
rw.newDisplay(WIDTH, HEIGHT, name)

# Initialize font -> must be called after pygame.init() to avoid 'Font not Initialized' error
font = pg.font.Font(None, 35)


# Loads the images
droneImage = dw.loadImage("drone.png")
deliveryImage = dw.loadImage("delivery.png")

Update the display accordingly with the game state
def updateDisplay(state):