Exemple #1
def make_executable(path, fatal=True, logger=UNSET, dryrun=UNSET):
        path (str): chmod file with 'path' as executable
        fatal (type | bool | None): True: abort execution on failure, False: don't abort but log, None: don't abort, don't log
        logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter
        dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting

        (int): In non-fatal mode, 1: successfully done, 0: was no-op, -1: failed
    if is_executable(path):
        return 0

    if _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, "make %s executable" % short(path)):
        return 1

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return abort("%s does not exist, can't make it executable" %

        os.chmod(path, 0o755)  # nosec
        _R.hlog(logger, "Made '%s' executable" % short(path))
        return 1

    except Exception as e:
        return abort("Can't chmod %s" % short(path),
Exemple #2
def delete(path, fatal=True, logger=UNSET, dryrun=UNSET):
        path (str | Path | None): Path to file or folder to delete
        fatal (type | bool | None): True: abort execution on failure, False: don't abort but log, None: don't abort, don't log
        logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter
        dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting

        (int): In non-fatal mode, 1: successfully done, 0: was no-op, -1: failed
    path = resolved_path(path)
    islink = path and os.path.islink(path)
    if not islink and (not path or not os.path.exists(path)):
        return 0

    if _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, "delete %s" % short(path)):
        return 1

        _do_delete(path, islink, fatal)
        _R.hlog(logger, "Deleted %s" % short(path))
        return 1

    except Exception as e:
        return abort("Can't delete %s" % short(path), exc_info=e, return_value=-1, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)
Exemple #3
def ensure_folder(path, clean=False, fatal=True, logger=UNSET, dryrun=UNSET):
    """Ensure folder with 'path' exists

        path (str | Path | None): Path to file or folder
        clean (bool): True: If True, ensure folder is clean (delete any file/folder it may have)
        fatal (type | bool | None): True: abort execution on failure, False: don't abort but log, None: don't abort, don't log
        logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter
        dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting

        (int): In non-fatal mode, >=1: successfully done, 0: was no-op, -1: failed
    path = resolved_path(path)
    if not path:
        return 0

    if os.path.isdir(path):
        if not clean:
            return 0

        cleaned = 0
        for fname in os.listdir(path):
            cleaned += delete(os.path.join(path, fname), fatal=fatal, logger=None, dryrun=dryrun)

        if cleaned:
            msg = "%s from %s" % (_R.lc.rm.plural(cleaned, "file"), short(path))
            if not _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, "clean %s" % msg):
                _R.hlog(logger, "Cleaned %s" % msg)

        return cleaned

    if _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, "create %s" % short(path)):
        return 1

        _R.hlog(logger, "Created folder %s" % short(path))

        return 1

    except Exception as e:
        return abort("Can't create folder %s" % short(path), exc_info=e, return_value=-1, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)
Exemple #4
    def hdry(cls, message, dryrun=UNSET, logger=UNSET):
        """Handle dryrun, allows to handle dryrun=UNSET with a code pattern of the form:

            if runez.log.hdry("it was a dryrun"):

            message (str | callable | None): Message to log
            dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting
            logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter

            (bool): True if we were indeed in dryrun mode, and we logged the message
        return _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, message)
Exemple #5
    def _get_response(self, method, url, fatal, logger, dryrun=False, state=None, action=None, **kwargs):
            method (str): Underlying method to call
            url (str): Remote URL (may be absolute, or relative to self.base_url)
            fatal (type | bool | None): True: abort execution on failure, False: don't abort but log, None: don't abort, don't log
            logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter
            dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting
            state (DataState | None): For PUT/POST requests
            action (str | None): Action to refer to in dryrun message (default: method)
            **kwargs: Passed through to underlying client

            (RestResponse): Response from underlying call
        absolute_url = self.full_url(url)
        message = "%s %s" % (action or method, absolute_url)
        if _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, message):
            return RestResponse(method, absolute_url, MockResponse(200, dict(message="dryrun %s" % message)))

        full_headers = self.headers
        headers = kwargs.get("headers")
        if headers:
            full_headers = dict(full_headers)

        keyword_args = dict(kwargs)
        keyword_args["headers"] = full_headers
        keyword_args.setdefault("timeout", self.timeout)
        if state is not None:

            raw_response = self._protected_get(method, absolute_url, keyword_args)
            response = self.handler.to_rest_response(method, absolute_url, raw_response)
            if fatal or logger is not None:
                msg = response.description()
                if fatal and not response.ok:
                    abort(msg, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)

                _R.hlog(logger, msg)

            return response

            if state is not None:
Exemple #6
def write(path, contents, fatal=True, logger=UNSET, dryrun=UNSET):
    """Write `contents` to file with `path`

        path (str | Path | None): Path to file
        contents (str | bytes | None): Contents to write (only touch file if None)
        fatal (type | bool | None): True: abort execution on failure, False: don't abort but log, None: don't abort, don't log
        logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter
        dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting

        (int): In non-fatal mode, 1: successfully done, 0: was no-op, -1: failed
    if not path:
        return 0

    path = resolved_path(path)
    byte_size = _R.lc.rm.represented_bytesize(len(contents), unit="bytes") if contents else ""

    def dryrun_msg():
        return "%s %s" % ("write %s to" % byte_size if byte_size else "touch", short(path))

    if _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, dryrun_msg):
        return 1

    ensure_folder(parent_folder(path), fatal=fatal, logger=None, dryrun=dryrun)
        mode = "wb" if isinstance(contents, bytes) else "wt"
        with io.open(path, mode) as fh:
            if contents is None:
                os.utime(path, None)


        _R.hlog(logger, "%s %s" % ("Wrote %s to" % byte_size if byte_size else "Touched", short(path)))
        return 1

    except Exception as e:
        return abort("Can't write to %s" % short(path), exc_info=e, return_value=-1, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)
Exemple #7
def _file_op(source, destination, func, overwrite, fatal, logger, dryrun, must_exist=True, ignore=None, **extra):
    """Call func(source, destination)

        source (str | None): Source file or folder
        destination (str | None): Destination file or folder
        func (callable): Implementation function
        overwrite (bool | None): True: replace existing, False: fail if destination exists, None: no destination check
        fatal (type | bool | None): True: abort execution on failure, False: don't abort but log, None: don't abort, don't log
        logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter
        dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting
        must_exist (bool): If True, verify that source does indeed exist
        ignore (callable | list | str | None): Names to be ignored
        **extra: Passed-through to 'func'

        (int): In non-fatal mode, 1: successfully done, 0: was no-op, -1: failed
    if not source or not destination or source == destination:
        return 0

    action = func.__name__[1:]
    indicator = "<-" if action == "symlink" else "->"
    description = "%s %s %s %s" % (action, short(source), indicator, short(destination))
    psource = parent_folder(source)
    pdest = resolved_path(destination)
    if psource.startswith(pdest):
        message = "Can't %s: source contained in destination" % description
        return abort(message, return_value=-1, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)

    if _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, description):
        return 1

    if must_exist and not (os.path.exists(source) or os.path.islink(source)):
        message = "%s does not exist, can't %s to %s" % (short(source), action.lower(), short(destination))
        return abort(message, return_value=-1, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)

    if overwrite is not None:
        islink = os.path.islink(pdest)
        if islink or os.path.exists(pdest):
            if not overwrite:
                message = "%s exists, can't %s" % (short(destination), action.lower())
                return abort(message, return_value=-1, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)

            _do_delete(pdest, islink, fatal)

        # Ensure parent folder exists
        ensure_folder(parent_folder(destination), fatal=fatal, logger=None, dryrun=dryrun)
        _R.hlog(logger, "%s%s" % (description[0].upper(), description[1:]))
        if ignore is not None:
            if not callable(ignore):
                given = ignore

                def ignore(*_):
                    return given

            extra["ignore"] = ignore

        func(source, destination, **extra)
        return 1

    except Exception as e:
        return abort("Can't %s" % description, exc_info=e, return_value=-1, fatal=fatal, logger=logger)
Exemple #8
def run(program,
    """Run 'program' with 'args'
        program (str | pathlib.Path): Program to run (full path, or basename)
        *args: Command line args to call 'program' with
        background (bool): When True, background the spawned process (detach from console and current process)
        fatal (type | bool | None): True: abort execution on failure, False: don't abort but log, None: don't abort, don't log
        logger (callable | bool | None): Logger to use, True to print(), False to trace(), None to disable log chatter
        dryrun (bool | UNSET | None): Optionally override current dryrun setting
        short_exe (str | bool | None): Try to log a compact representation of executable
        passthrough (bool | file | None): If True-ish, pass-through stderr/stdout in addition to capturing it
                                          as well as 'passthrough' itself if it has a write() function
        path_env (dict | None): Allows to inject PATH-like env vars, see `_added_env_paths()`
        strip (str | bool | None): If provided, `strip()` the captured output [default: strip "\n" newlines]
        stdout (int | IO[Any] | None): Passed-through to subprocess.Popen, [default: subprocess.PIPE]
        stderr (int | IO[Any] | None): Passed-through to subprocess.Popen, [default: subprocess.PIPE]
        **popen_args: Passed through to `subprocess.Popen`

        (RunResult): Run outcome, use .failed, .succeeded, .output, .error etc to inspect the outcome
    if path_env:
        popen_args["env"] = _added_env_paths(path_env,

    args = flattened(args, shellify=True)
    full_path = which(program)
    result = RunResult(audit=RunAudit(full_path or program, args, popen_args))
    description = result.audit.run_description(short_exe=short_exe)
    if background:
        description += " &"

    abort_logger = None if logger is None else UNSET
    if logger is True or logger is print:
        # When logger is True, we just print() the message, so we may as well color it nicely
        description = _R.colored(description, "bold")

    if _R.hdry(dryrun, logger, "run: %s" % description):
        result.audit.dryrun = True
        result.exit_code = 0
        if stdout is not None:
            result.output = "[dryrun] %s" % description  # Properly simulate a successful run

        if stdout is not None:
            result.error = ""

        return result

    if not full_path:
        if program and os.path.basename(program) == program:
            result.error = "%s is not installed (PATH=%s)" % (
                short(program), short(os.environ.get("PATH")))

            result.error = "%s is not an executable" % short(program)

        return abort(result.error,

    _R.hlog(logger, "Running: %s" % description)
    if background:
        child_pid = daemonize()
        if child_pid:
            result.pid = child_pid  # In parent process, we just report a successful run (we don't wait/check on background process)
            result.exit_code = 0
            return result

        fatal = False  # pragma: no cover, non-fatal mode in background process (there is no more console etc to report anything)

    with _WrappedArgs([full_path] + args) as wrapped_args:
            p, out, err = _run_popen(wrapped_args, popen_args, passthrough,
                                     fatal, stdout, stderr)
            result.output = decode(out, strip=strip)
            result.error = decode(err, strip=strip)
            result.pid = p.pid
            result.exit_code = p.returncode

        except Exception as e:
            if fatal:
                # Don't re-wrap with an abort(), let original stacktrace show through

            result.exc_info = e
            if not result.error:
                result.error = "%s failed: %s" % (
                    short(program), repr(e) if isinstance(e, OSError) else e)

        if fatal and result.exit_code:
            base_message = "%s exited with code %s" % (short(program),
            if passthrough and (result.output or result.error):
                exception = _R.abort_exception(override=fatal)
                if exception is SystemExit:
                    raise SystemExit(result.exit_code)

                if isinstance(exception, type) and issubclass(
                        exception, BaseException):
                    raise exception(base_message)

            message = []
            if abort_logger is not None and not passthrough:
                # Log full output, unless user explicitly turned it off
                message.append("Run failed: %s" % description)
                if result.error:
                    message.append("\nstderr:\n%s" % result.error)

                if result.output:
                    message.append("\nstdout:\n%s" % result.output)


        if background:
            )  # pragma: no cover, simply exit forked process (don't go back to caller)

        return result