Exemple #1
def replay(existing, tokens, samples):
    """Rerun samples and compare them with their current baseline"""
    kinds = []
    if tokens:

    skipped = 0
    for sample in samples:
        report = sample.replay(*kinds)
        if report is runez.UNSET:
            skipped += 1
            report = None if existing else " %s" % runez.yellow("skipped")

        elif report:
            report = "\n%s" % "\n".join("  %s" % s
                                        for s in report.splitlines())

            report = " %s" % runez.green("OK")

        if report is not None:
            print("** %s:%s" % (runez.bold(sample.name), report))

    if skipped:
        print(runez.dim("-- %s skipped" % runez.plural(skipped, "sample")))
Exemple #2
def perform_install(pspec, is_upgrade=False, force=False, quiet=False):
        pspec (PackageSpec): Package spec to install
        is_upgrade (bool): If True, intent is an upgrade (not a new install)
        force (bool): If True, check latest version even if recently checked
        quiet (bool): If True, don't chatter

        (pickley.TrackedManifest): Manifest is successfully installed (or was already up-to-date)
    with SoftLock(pspec):
        started = time.time()
        skip_reason = pspec.skip_reason(force)
        if skip_reason:
            inform("Skipping installation of %s: %s" %
                   (pspec.dashed, runez.bold(skip_reason)))
            return None

        manifest = pspec.get_manifest()
        if is_upgrade and not manifest and not quiet:
            abort("'%s' is not installed" % runez.red(pspec))

        if not pspec.version:
            desired = pspec.get_desired_version_info(force=force)
            if desired.problem:
                action = "upgrade" if is_upgrade else "install"
                abort("Can't %s %s: %s" %
                      (action, pspec, runez.red(desired.problem)))

            pspec.version = desired.version

        if not force and manifest and manifest.version == pspec.version and pspec.is_healthily_installed(
            if not quiet:
                status = "up-to-date" if is_upgrade else "installed"
                inform("%s v%s is already %s" %
                       (pspec.dashed, runez.bold(pspec.version), status))

            return manifest

        manifest = PACKAGER.install(pspec)
        if manifest and not quiet:
            note = " in %s" % runez.represented_duration(time.time() - started)
            action = "Upgraded" if is_upgrade else "Installed"
            if runez.DRYRUN:
                action = "Would state: %s" % action

            inform("%s %s v%s%s" %
                   (action, pspec.dashed, runez.bold(
                       pspec.version), runez.dim(note)))

        if not pspec._pickley_dev_mode:

        return manifest
Exemple #3
def cmd_passthrough():
    Capture pass-through test
    Run a program, capture its output as well as let it pass-through to stdout/stderr
    parser = runez.cli.parser()
    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    unknown = runez.flattened(unknown, split=" ")
    if not unknown:
        sys.exit("Provide command to run")

    print("-- Running: %s\n" % unknown)
    r = runez.run(*unknown, fatal=False, passthrough=True)
    print("\n---- Captured: (exit code %s) ----" % r.exit_code)
    print("\nstdout:\n%s" % (r.output or runez.dim("-empty-")))
    print("\nstderr:\n%s" % (r.error or runez.dim("-empty-")))
Exemple #4
    def represented(self):
        """str: Human readable representation of this configuration"""
        result = ["%s:" % runez.bold(runez.short(self.source))]
        if self.values:
            self._add_dict_representation(result, self.values)

            result[0] += runez.dim("  # empty")

        return "\n".join(result)
Exemple #5
    def show_result(self, data, tokens=False):
        rtype = "tokens" if tokens else data.__class__.__name__ if data is not None else "None"
        rep = data
        if not tokens or isinstance(data, Exception):
            rep = TestSettings.represented(data)

        message = "---- %s: %s" % (runez.bold(self.name), runez.dim(rtype))
        if isinstance(data, NotImplementedError):
            print("%s - %s" % (message, rep))

Exemple #6
def check(force, verbose, packages):
    """Check whether specified packages need an upgrade"""
    code = 0
    packages = CFG.package_specs(packages)
    if not packages:
        print("No packages installed")

    for pspec in packages:
        skip_reason = pspec.skip_reason(force)
        if skip_reason:
                "%s: %s, %s" %
                (pspec.dashed, runez.bold("skipped"), runez.dim(skip_reason)))

        desired = pspec.get_desired_version_info(force=force)
        dv = runez.bold(desired and desired.version)
        manifest = pspec.get_manifest()
        if desired.problem:
            msg = desired.problem
            code = 1

        elif not manifest or not manifest.version:
            msg = "v%s is not installed" % dv
            code = 1

        elif manifest.version == desired.version:
            msg = "v%s is installed" % dv

            action = "upgraded to" if desired.source == "latest" else "caught up to %s" % desired.source
            msg = "v%s installed, can be %s v%s" % (runez.dim(
                manifest.version), action, dv)

        print("%s: %s" % (pspec.dashed, msg))

Exemple #7
    def colored_key(key, indent):
        if (key in K_CLI or key in K_LEAVES) and indent in (1, 3):
            return runez.teal(key)

        if key in K_DIRECTIVES and indent == 1:
            return runez.dim(key)

        if key in K_GROUPS and indent == 1:
            return runez.purple(key)

        if indent == 2:
            return runez.bold(key)

        return runez.red(key)
Exemple #8
    def show_lines(cls, content, header=None):
        if hasattr(content, "path"):
            header = header or str(content)
            content = runez.readlines(content.path)

        elif hasattr(content, "splitlines"):
            content = content.splitlines()

        result = []
        for n, line in enumerate(content, start=1):
            line = line.rstrip("\n")
            result.append("%s%s" % (runez.dim("%3s: " % n) if cls.line_numbers else "", line))

        if header:
            print("========  %s  ========" % header)

Exemple #9
def package(build, dist, symlink, no_compile, sanity_check, project,
    """Package a project from source checkout"""
    started = time.time()
    runez.log.spec.default_logger = LOG.info
    finalizer = PackageFinalizer(project, dist, symlink)
    finalizer.sanity_check = sanity_check
    finalizer.requirements = requirement
    finalizer.compile = not no_compile
    report = finalizer.finalize()
    if report:

    elapsed = "in %s" % runez.represented_duration(time.time() - started)
    inform("Packaged %s successfully %s" %
           (runez.bold(runez.short(project)), runez.dim(elapsed)))
Exemple #10
    def report(self, fastest=None, indent=""):
        message = "%s%s: " % (indent, self.name)
        if self.error:
            return "%s%s" % (message, TestSettings.represented(self.error, size=-len(message)))

        if self.seconds is None:
            return "%s%s" % (message, runez.red("no result"))

        info = ""
        if fastest and self.seconds and fastest.seconds and self.seconds != fastest.seconds:
            info = runez.dim(" [x %.1f]" % (self.seconds / fastest.seconds))

        unit = u"μ"
        x = self.seconds / self.iterations * 1000000
        if x >= 999:
            x = x / 1000
            unit = "m"

        if x >= 999:
            x = x / 1000
            unit = "s"

        return "%s%s: %.3f %ss/i%s" % (indent, self.name, x, unit, info)
Exemple #11
 def _unknown(self):
     return runez.dim("-unknown-")
Exemple #12
def test_colors():
    dim = runez.color.style.dim
    assert runez.color.cast_style(dim) is dim
    assert runez.color.cast_style(runez.dim) is runez.dim
    assert runez.color.cast_style("dim") is dim
    assert runez.color.cast_color(dim) is dim
    assert runez.color.cast_color("dim") is dim
    assert runez.color.cast_color("blue") is runez.color.fg.blue

    msg1 = dim("hi")
    msg2 = runez.colored("hi", "dim")
    assert msg1 == msg2

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert not runez.color.is_coloring()
    with runez.ActivateColors(terminal.Ansi16Backend):
        # Check that backend can be passed as class (flavor auto-determined in that case)
        assert runez.color.is_coloring()
        assert "ansi16" in runez.color.backend.name

        msg1 = runez.dim("hi")
        msg2 = runez.colored("hi", "dim")
        assert msg1 == msg2

    assert not runez.color.is_coloring()
    with runez.ActivateColors(terminal.Ansi16Backend(flavor="neutral")):
        assert runez.color.is_coloring()
        assert runez.red(None) == "\x1b[31mNone\x1b[39m"
        assert runez.blue("") == ""
        assert runez.plain("hello") == "hello"
        assert runez.yellow("hello") == "\x1b[33mhello\x1b[39m"
        assert runez.yellow("hello", size=4) == "\x1b[33mh...\x1b[39m"
        assert runez.bold(1) == "\x1b[1m1\x1b[22m"

        assert runez.color.bg.get(None) is None
        assert runez.color.bg.get("blue") is runez.color.bg.blue

        assert runez.dim("") == ""
        assert runez.dim("hello", size=4) == "\x1b[2mh...\x1b[22m"

        # Verify unicode char 'μ' from represented_duration() works
        assert "foo: %s" % runez.dim(runez.represented_duration(0.010049)) == "foo: \x1b[2m10 ms 49 μs\x1b[22m"
        assert "foo: %s" % runez.blue(runez.represented_duration(0.010049)) == "foo: \x1b[34m10 ms 49 μs\x1b[39m"

    assert not runez.color.is_coloring()
    assert runez.black("") == ""
    assert runez.blue("") == ""
    assert runez.brown("") == ""
    assert runez.gray("") == ""
    assert runez.green("") == ""
    assert runez.orange("") == ""
    assert runez.plain("hello") == "hello"
    assert runez.purple("") == ""
    assert runez.red(None) == "None"
    assert runez.teal("") == ""
    assert runez.white("") == ""
    assert runez.yellow("hello") == "hello"
    assert runez.blink("hello") == "hello"
    assert runez.bold(1) == "1"
    assert runez.dim("") == ""
    assert runez.invert("") == ""
    assert runez.italic("") == ""
    assert runez.strikethrough("") == ""
    assert runez.underline("") == ""

    assert str(runez.color.fg.black) == "black"