Exemple #1
    def process(cls, widget, job, data):
        class ColInfo:
            def __init__(self, col, dataindex, axis):
                self.col = col
                self.dataindex = dataindex
                self.axis = axis

        all_cols = job.get_columns()

        # The category "key" column -- this is the column shown along the
        # bottom of the bar widget
        keycols = [c for c in all_cols if c.name in widget.options.keycols]

        # columns of '*' is a special case, just use all
        # defined columns other than time
        if widget.options.columns == '*':
            cols = [c for c in all_cols if not c.iskey]
            # The value columns - one set of bars for each
            cols = [c for c in all_cols if c.name in widget.options.columns]

        axes = Axes(widget.options.axes)

        # Array of data series definitions yui3 style
        series = []

        # Array of axis definitions yui3 style
        catname = '-'.join([k.name for k in keycols])
        w_axes = {
            catname: {
                "keys": [catname],
                "position": "bottom",
                "styles": {
                    "label": {
                        "rotation": -60

        # Map of column info by column name
        colmap = {}

        # Add keycols to the colmap
        for i, c in enumerate(all_cols):
            if c not in keycols:
            ci = ColInfo(c, i, axes.getaxis(c.name))
            colmap[c.name] = ci

        for i, c in enumerate(all_cols):
            # Rest of this is for data cols only
            if c not in cols:

            ci = ColInfo(c, i, axes.getaxis(c.name))
            colmap[c.name] = ci

                "xKey": '-'.join([k.name for k in keycols]),
                "xDisplayName": ','.join([k.label for k in keycols]),
                "yKey": c.name,
                "yDisplayName": c.label,
                "styles": {
                    "line": {
                        "weight": 1
                    "marker": {
                        "height": 6,
                        "width": 20

            # The rest compute axis min/max for datavalues, so skip keys
            if c.iskey:

            axis_name = 'axis' + str(ci.axis)
            if axis_name not in w_axes:
                w_axes[axis_name] = {
                    "type": "numeric",
                    "position": ("left" if (ci.axis == 0) else "right"),
                    "keys": []


        # Array of actual data yui3 style.  Each row is a dict of key->value
        rows = []

        # min/max values by axis 0/1
        minval = {}
        maxval = {}

        stacked = False  # XXXCJ

        for rawrow in data:
            row = {}
            rowmin = {}
            rowmax = {}

            # collect key values
            keyvals = []
            for c in colmap.values():
                if not c.col.iskey:
            row[catname] = ','.join(keyvals)

            # collect the data values
            for c in colmap.values():
                if c.col.iskey:

                # Set the value
                val = rawrow[c.dataindex]
                row[c.col.name] = val

                a = c.axis
                if c.axis not in rowmin:
                    rowmin[a] = val
                    rowmax[a] = val
                    rowmin[a] = (rowmin[a] +
                                 val) if stacked else min(rowmin[a], val)
                    rowmax[a] = (rowmax[a] +
                                 val) if stacked else max(rowmax[a], val)

            for a in rowmin.keys():
                minval[a] = rowmin[a] if (a not in minval) else min(
                    minval[a], rowmin[a])
                maxval[a] = rowmax[a] if (a not in maxval) else max(
                    maxval[a], rowmax[a])

        # Build up axes
        for c in colmap.values():
            if c.col.iskey:

            axis_name = 'axis' + str(c.axis)

            if minval and maxval:
                n = NiceScale(minval[c.axis], maxval[c.axis])

                w_axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMin
                w_axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMax
                w_axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = math.log10(n.tickSpacing)
                w_axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {
                    'majorUnit': {
                        'count': n.numTicks
                # empty data which would result in keyError above
                w_axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "0"
                w_axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "1"
                w_axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = 1
                w_axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {'majorUnit': {'count': 1}}

        data = {
            "chartTitle": widget.title.format(**job.actual_criteria),
            "type": widget.options.chart_type,
            "categoryKey": catname,
            "dataProvider": rows,
            "seriesCollection": series,
            "axes": w_axes,
            "legend": {
                "position": "bottom",
                "fontSize": "8pt",
                "styles": {
                    "gap": 0

        return data
    def process(cls, widget, job, data):
        class ColInfo:
            def __init__(self, col, dataindex, axis):
                self.col = col
                self.dataindex = dataindex
                self.axis = axis

        all_cols = widget.table().get_columns()

        # The category "key" column -- this is the column shown along the
        # bottom of the bar widget
        keycols = [c for c in all_cols if c.name in widget.options.keycols]

        # The value columns - one set of bars for each
        cols = [c for c in all_cols if c.name in widget.options.columns]

        w_axes = Axes(widget.options.axes)

        # Array of data series definitions yui3 style
        series = []

        # Array of axis definitions yui3 style
        catname = '-'.join([k.name for k in keycols])
        axes = {catname: {"keys": [catname],
                          "position": "bottom",
                          "styles": {"label": {"rotation": -60}}}}
        # Map of column info by column name
        colmap = {}

        # Add keycols to the colmap
        for i, c in enumerate(all_cols):
            if c not in keycols:
            ci = ColInfo(c, i, w_axes.getaxis(c.name))
            colmap[c.name] = ci

        for i, c in enumerate(all_cols):
            # Rest of this is for data cols only
            if c not in cols:

            ci = ColInfo(c, i, w_axes.getaxis(c.name))
            colmap[c.name] = ci

            series.append({"xKey": '-'.join([k.name for k in keycols]),
                           "xDisplayName": ','.join([k.label for k in keycols]),
                           "yKey": c.name,
                           "yDisplayName": c.label,
                           "styles": {"line": {"weight": 1},
                                      "marker": {"height": 6,
                                                 "width": 20}}})

            # The rest compute axis min/max for datavalues, so skip keys
            if c.iskey:

            axis_name = 'axis' + str(ci.axis)
            if axis_name not in axes:
                axes[axis_name] = {"type": "numeric",
                                   "position": ("left" if (ci.axis == 0)
                                                else "right"),
                                   "keys": []}


        # Array of actual data yui3 style.  Each row is a dict of key->value
        rows = []

        # min/max values by axis 0/1
        minval = {}
        maxval = {}

        stacked = False  # XXXCJ
        for rawrow in data:
            row = {}
            rowmin = {}
            rowmax = {}

            # collect key values
            keyvals = []
            for c in colmap.values():
                if not c.col.iskey:
            row[catname] = ','.join(keyvals)

            # collect the data values
            for c in colmap.values():
                if c.col.iskey:

                # Set the value
                val = rawrow[c.dataindex]
                row[c.col.name] = val

                a = c.axis 
                if c.axis not in rowmin:
                    rowmin[a] = val
                    rowmax[a] = val
                    rowmin[a] = (rowmin[a] + val) if stacked else min(rowmin[a],
                    rowmax[a] = (rowmax[a] + val) if stacked else max(rowmax[a],

            for a in rowmin.keys():
                minval[a] = rowmin[a] if (a not in minval) else min(minval[a],
                maxval[a] = rowmax[a] if (a not in maxval) else max(maxval[a],

        # Build up axes
        for c in colmap.values():
            if c.col.iskey:

            axis_name = 'axis' + str(c.axis)

            if minval and maxval:
                n = NiceScale(minval[c.axis], maxval[c.axis])

                axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMin
                axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMax
                axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = math.log10(n.tickSpacing)
                axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {'majorUnit': {'count': n.numTicks}}
                # empty data which would result in keyError above
                axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "0"
                axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "1"
                axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = 1
                axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {'majorUnit': {'count': 1}}

        data = {
            "chartTitle": widget.title.format(**job.actual_criteria),
            "type": "column",
            "categoryKey": catname,
            "dataProvider": rows,
            "seriesCollection": series,
            "axes": axes

        return data
Exemple #3
    def process(cls, widget, job, data):
        class ColInfo:
            def __init__(self, col, dataindex, axis, istime=False):
                self.col = col
                self.key = cleankey(col.name)
                self.dataindex = dataindex
                self.axis = axis
                self.istime = istime

        t_cols = job.get_columns()
        colinfo = {}  # map by widget key

        # columns of '*' is a special case, just use all
        # defined columns other than time
        if widget.options.columns == '*':
            valuecolnames = [
                col.name for col in t_cols if col.datatype != 'time'
            valuecolnames = widget.options.columns

        # Column keys are the 'cleaned' column names
        w_keys = [cleankey(n) for n in valuecolnames]

        # Retrieve the desired value columns
        # ...and the indices for the value values
        # (as the 'data' has *all* columns)
        for i, c in enumerate(t_cols):
            if c.datatype == 'time':
                ci = ColInfo(c, i, -1, istime=True)
            elif c.name in valuecolnames:
                ci = ColInfo(c, i, -1, istime=False)
            colinfo[ci.key] = ci

        w_series = []
        axes = Axes(widget.options.axes)

        # Setup the time axis
        w_axes = {
            "time": {
                "keys": ["time"],
                "position": "bottom",
                "type": "time",
                "styles": {
                    "label": {
                        "fontSize": "8pt",
                        "rotation": "-45"

        # Create a better time format depending on t0/t1
        t_dataindex = colinfo['time'].dataindex

        t0 = data[0][t_dataindex]
        t1 = data[-1][t_dataindex]
        if not hasattr(t0, 'utcfromtimestamp'):
            t0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t0)
            t1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t1)

        if (t1 - t0).seconds < 2:
            w_axes['time']['formatter'] = 'formatTimeMs'
        elif (t1 - t0).seconds < 120:
            w_axes['time']['labelFormat'] = '%k:%M:%S'
            w_axes['time']['labelFormat'] = '%k:%M'

        # Setup the other axes, checking the axis for each column
        for w_key in w_keys:
            # Need to interate the valuecolnames array to preserve order
            ci = colinfo[w_key]

                "xKey": "time",
                "xDisplayName": "Time",
                "yKey": ci.key,
                "yDisplayName": ci.col.label,
                "styles": {
                    "line": {
                        "weight": 1
                    "marker": {
                        "height": 3,
                        "width": 3

            ci.axis = axes.getaxis(ci.col.name)
            axis_name = 'axis' + str(ci.axis)
            if axis_name not in w_axes:
                w_axes[axis_name] = {
                    "type": "numeric",
                    "position": axes.position(ci.axis),
                    "keys": []


        # Output row data
        rows = []

        # min/max values by axis 0/1
        minval = {}
        maxval = {}

        stacked = widget.options.stacked
        # Iterate through all rows if input data
        for rawrow in data:
            t = rawrow[t_dataindex]
                t = timeutils.datetime_to_microseconds(t) / 1000
            except AttributeError:
                t = t * 1000

            row = {'time': t}
            rowmin = {}
            rowmax = {}
            for ci in colinfo.values():
                if ci.istime:
                a = ci.axis
                val = rawrow[ci.dataindex]
                row[ci.key] = val if val != '' else None

                if a not in rowmin:
                    rowmin[a] = val if val != '' else 0
                    rowmax[a] = val if val != '' else 0
                    rowmin[a] = (rowmin[a] +
                                 val) if stacked else min(rowmin[a], val)
                    rowmax[a] = (rowmax[a] +
                                 val) if stacked else max(rowmax[a], val)

            for a in rowmin.keys():
                minval[a] = rowmin[a] if (a not in minval) else min(
                    minval[a], rowmin[a])
                maxval[a] = rowmax[a] if (a not in maxval) else max(
                    maxval[a], rowmax[a])


        # Setup the scale values for the axes
        for ci in colinfo.values():
            if ci.istime:

            axis_name = 'axis' + str(ci.axis)

            if minval and maxval:
                n = NiceScale(minval[ci.axis], maxval[ci.axis])

                w_axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMin
                w_axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMax
                w_axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = math.log10(n.tickSpacing)
                w_axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {
                    'majorUnit': {
                        'count': n.numTicks
                # empty data which would result in keyError above
                w_axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "0"
                w_axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "1"
                w_axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = 1
                w_axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {'majorUnit': {'count': 1}}

            if ci.col.datatype == 'bytes':
                w_axes[axis_name]['formatter'] = 'formatBytes'
            elif ci.col.datatype == 'metric':
                w_axes[axis_name]['formatter'] = 'formatMetric'

        data = {
            "chartTitle": widget.title.format(**job.actual_criteria),
            "type": "area" if stacked else "combo",
            "stacked": stacked,
            "dataProvider": rows,
            "seriesCollection": w_series,
            "axes": w_axes,
            "legend": {
                "position": "bottom",
                "fontSize": "8pt",
                "styles": {
                    "gap": 0
            "interactionType": "planar" if stacked else "marker"

        #logger.debug("data:\n\n%s\n" % data)
        return data
    def process(cls, widget, job, data):

        class ColInfo:
            def __init__(self, col, dataindex, axis, istime=False):
                self.col = col
                self.dataindex = dataindex
                self.axis = axis
                self.istime = istime

        t_cols = widget.table().get_columns()
        colinfo = {}

        if widget.options.columns == '*':
            valuecolnames = [col.name for col in t_cols
                             if col.datatype != 'time']
            valuecolnames = widget.options.columns
        # Retrieve the desired value columns
        # ...and the indices for the value values
        # (as the 'data' has *all* columns)
        for i, c in enumerate(t_cols):
            if c.datatype == 'time':
                colinfo['time'] = ColInfo(c, i, -1,
                                          istime=(c.datatype == 'time'))
            elif c.name in valuecolnames:
                colinfo[c.name] = ColInfo(c, i, -1,
                                          istime=(c.datatype == 'time'))

        series = []
        w_axes = Axes(widget.options.axes)

        # Setup the time axis
        axes = {"time": {"keys": ["time"],
                         "position": "bottom",
                         "type": "time",
                         "styles": {"label": {"fontSize": "8pt",
                                              "rotation": "-45"}}}}

        # Create a better time format depending on t0/t1
        t_dataindex = colinfo['time'].dataindex

        t0 = data[0][t_dataindex]
        t1 = data[-1][t_dataindex]
        if not hasattr(t0, 'utcfromtimestamp'):
            t0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t0)
            t1 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t1)

        if (t1 - t0).seconds < 2:
            axes['time']['formatter'] = 'formatTimeMs'
        elif (t1 - t0).seconds < 120:
            axes['time']['labelFormat'] = '%k:%M:%S'
            axes['time']['labelFormat'] = '%k:%M'

        # Setup the other axes, checking the axis for each column
        for colname in valuecolnames:
            # Need to interate the valuecolnames array to preserve order
            ci = colinfo[colname]

            series.append({"xKey": "time",
                           "xDisplayName": "Time",
                           "yKey": ci.col.name,
                           "yDisplayName": ci.col.label,
                           "styles": {"line": {"weight": 1},
                                      "marker": {"height": 3,
                                                 "width": 3}}})

            ci.axis = w_axes.getaxis(ci.col.name)
            axis_name = 'axis' + str(ci.axis)
            if axis_name not in axes:
                axes[axis_name] = {"type": "numeric",
                                   "position": w_axes.position(ci.axis),
                                   "keys": []


        # Output row data
        rows = []

        # min/max values by axis 0/1
        minval = {}
        maxval = {}

        stacked = widget.options.stacked
        # Iterate through all rows if input data
        for rawrow in data:
            t = rawrow[t_dataindex]
                t = timeutils.datetime_to_microseconds(t) / 1000
            except AttributeError:
                t = t * 1000

            row = {'time': t}
            rowmin = {}
            rowmax = {}
            for ci in colinfo.values():
                if ci.istime:
                a = ci.axis
                val = rawrow[ci.dataindex]
                row[ci.col.name] = val if val != '' else None

                if a not in rowmin:
                    rowmin[a] = val if val != '' else 0
                    rowmax[a] = val if val != '' else 0
                    rowmin[a] = (rowmin[a] + val) if stacked else min(rowmin[a],
                    rowmax[a] = (rowmax[a] + val) if stacked else max(rowmax[a],

            for a in rowmin.keys():
                minval[a] = rowmin[a] if (a not in minval) else min(minval[a],
                maxval[a] = rowmax[a] if (a not in maxval) else max(maxval[a],


        # Setup the scale values for the axes
        for ci in colinfo.values():
            if ci.istime:

            axis_name = 'axis' + str(ci.axis)

            if minval and maxval:
                n = NiceScale(minval[ci.axis], maxval[ci.axis])

                axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMin
                axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "%.10f" % n.niceMax
                axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = math.log10(n.tickSpacing)
                axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {'majorUnit': {'count': n.numTicks}}
                # empty data which would result in keyError above
                axes[axis_name]['minimum'] = "0"
                axes[axis_name]['maximum'] = "1"
                axes[axis_name]['tickExponent'] = 1
                axes[axis_name]['styles'] = {'majorUnit': {'count': 1}}

            if ci.col.datatype == 'bytes':
                axes[axis_name]['formatter'] = 'formatBytes'
            elif ci.col.datatype == 'metric':
                axes[axis_name]['formatter'] = 'formatMetric'

        data = {
            "chartTitle": widget.title.format(**job.actual_criteria),
            "type": "area" if stacked else "combo",
            "stacked": stacked,
            "dataProvider": rows,
            "seriesCollection": series,
            "axes": axes,
            "legend": {"position": "bottom",
                       "fontSize": "8pt",
                       "styles": {"gap": 0}},
            "interactionType": "planar" if stacked else "marker"

        #logger.debug("data:\n\n%s\n" % data)
        return data