def displayHolidays(cursor):
     holidays = cursor.execute("""SELECT date, assigneeId, workHours 
         FROM jobs
         WHERE status = 'Holiday'
         ORDER BY date DESC
     ui.displayList(holidays, listBox)
 def displayHolidays(cursor):
     holidays = cursor.execute("""SELECT date, assigneeId, workHours 
         FROM jobs
         WHERE status = 'Holiday'
         ORDER BY date DESC
     ui.displayList(holidays, listBox)
 def displayJobs(cursor):
     jobs = cursor.execute("""SELECT jobId, date, assigneeId, customerId, boatId, description 
         FROM jobs
         WHERE status = ?
         ORDER BY date DESC
     """, [status.get()]).fetchall()
     jobIds.extend([job[0] for job in jobs])
     ui.displayList(jobs, listBox)
 def displayJobs(cursor):
     jobs = cursor.execute(
         """SELECT jobId, date, assigneeId, customerId, boatId, description 
         FROM jobs
         WHERE status = ?
         ORDER BY date DESC
     """, [status.get()]).fetchall()
     jobIds.extend([job[0] for job in jobs])
     ui.displayList(jobs, listBox)
 def displaySkills(cursor):
     skills = cursor.execute(
         "SELECT skill FROM skills WHERE id = ? AND job = ?"
         "", [id, table == "Job"]).fetchall()
     ui.displayList(skills, listBox)
 def displayEmployees(cursor):
     employees = cursor.execute("SELECT employeeId, name FROM employees"
     employeeIds.extend([employee[0] for employee in employees])
     ui.displayList(employees, listBox)
 def displaySkills(cursor):
     skills = cursor.execute("SELECT skill FROM skills WHERE id = ? AND job = ?""", [id, table == "Job"]).fetchall()
     ui.displayList(skills, listBox)
 def displayEmployees(cursor):
     employees = cursor.execute("SELECT employeeId, name FROM employees""").fetchall()
     employeeIds.extend([employee[0] for employee in employees])
     ui.displayList(employees, listBox)