def re_extract(dataPath, fileName, meta):
    if meta.has_key('ffmpeg'):
        del meta['ffmpeg']
    if meta.has_key('time_length'):
        del meta['time_length']
    if meta.has_key('time_length_seconds'):
        del meta['time_length_seconds']

    ryw_ffmpeg.try_exec(RepositoryRoot, meta, dataPath, fileName)

    success,bytes = ryw.get_file_size(os.path.join(dataPath, fileName))
    if success:
        meta['bytes'] = bytes
        meta['kB'] = math.ceil(bytes / 1024.0)
def main():
    """main function processing upload."""

    # initialization.
    name = print_header()
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()

    localSuccess, localFound, localFilePath, localIsDir = ryw_upload.check_local_file(form)
    if not localSuccess:
        ryw.give_bad_news("check_local_file failed.", logging.error)

    if not ryw_upload.check_required_fields(form, checkFile=not localFound):

    if localFound:
        buf = None
        # just read a tiny bit to see if we have an empty upload file.
        buf = ryw_upload.attempt_read_uploaded_file(form, "local_filename")
        if not buf:

    localExcerptResult = ryw_upload.check_local_file(form, fieldName="local_excerpt_filename")

    # check aux file uploads: thumbnails, exerpts...
    success, auxExists, aux = ryw_upload.check_aux_file_uploads(form, localExcerptStuff=localExcerptResult)
    if not success:

    tmpdir = attempt_make_tmpdir()
    if not tmpdir:

    success, auxDir, auxInfo = ryw_upload.read_aux_files(
        form, aux, tmpdir, auxExists, localExcerptStuff=localExcerptResult
    if not success:
        ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1)

    filename = ryw_upload.decide_tmp_data_file_name(form, localPath=localFilePath, isLocalDir=localIsDir)
    if not filename:
        ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1)

    success, found, bytes = ryw_upload.copy_local_file_for_upload(
        form, tmpdir, filename, localFound, localFilePath, localIsDir
    if not success:
        ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1)
    kB = math.ceil(bytes / 1024.0)

    if not found:
        ryw.give_news2("<BR>Copying remote file...",
        kB, bytes = ryw_upload.read_uploaded_file(form, buf, tmpdir, filename, "local_filename")
    if kB == 0:
        ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1)

    meta = ryw_upload.try_process_attributes(name, form, filename, kB, bytes)
    if not meta:
        ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, None, None, 1)

    meta = ryw_upload.add_aux_attributes(meta, auxInfo)

    if not localIsDir:
        ryw_ffmpeg.try_exec(RepositoryRoot, meta, tmpdir, filename)

    success, metafile = ryw_upload.write_tmp_metafile(meta, tmpdir)
    if not success:
        ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, None, 1)

    if localIsDir:
        nameToUpload, extractDir = (os.path.join(tmpdir, filename), None)
        nameToUpload, extractDir = ryw_upload.try_unzip_file(form, tmpdir, filename, kB)
        if not nameToUpload:
            ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, extractDir, 1)

    ryw.give_news2("<BR>Storing the data in the repository...",
    ryw.db_print2("<BR>" + "meta: " + repr(meta) + "<BR>", 57)
    ryw.db_print2("nameToUpload: " + nameToUpload + "<BR>", 22)
    ryw.db_print2("auxDir: " + repr(auxDir) + "<BR>", 22)
    if not try_upload_object(meta, nameToUpload, auxDir):
        ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, extractDir, 1)

    # ryw_view.show_server_object(meta)
    searchFile = show_one_server_object(meta)

    # cgi.print_form(form)

    ryw_upload.cleanup_and_exit(tmpdir, metafile, extractDir, 0)