def __init__(self, option: int, partition: int, combined_data: pd.DataFrame, effects: List[pd.DataFrame],
                 view: View, look_similar=None):
        Create a new partitioned option
        :param option: the option index
        :param partition: the partition index
        :param combined_data: all the data (including probabilistic effects) concatenated
        :param effects: the individiaul effects (each effect is a stochastic transition)
        :param view: the view
        :param look_similar: a set of other partition indices that look identical to this one (but are in fact not)
        if look_similar is None:
            look_similar = set()
        self._option = option
        self._view = view
        self._partition = partition
        self._states = pd2np(combined_data['state'])
        self._agent_states = pd2np(combined_data['agent_state'])

        state_column = 'next_state' if view == View.PROBLEM else 'next_agent_state'
        mask_column = 'mask' if view == View.PROBLEM else 'agent_mask'

        total_samples = sum(len(effect[state_column]) for effect in effects)
        self._effects = [(len(effect[state_column]) / total_samples, effect[['state', 'agent_state', 'reward',
                                                                             'next_state', 'next_agent_state',
                         for effect in effects]
        self._look_similar = look_similar  # other partitions that look similar but are not
        self._combined_data = combined_data
Exemple #2
def _is_overlap_init(A: pd.DataFrame, B: pd.DataFrame, **kwargs):
    epsilon = kwargs.get('init_epsilon', 0.05)
    min_samples = kwargs.get('init_min_samples', 5)
    X = pd2np(A['state'])
    Y = pd2np(B['state'])
    data = np.concatenate((X, Y))
    return _num_clusters(data, epsilon, min_samples) <= max(_num_clusters(X, epsilon, min_samples),
                                                            _num_clusters(Y, epsilon, min_samples))
def _merge(existing_cluster: pd.DataFrame,
           new_cluster: pd.DataFrame,
           **kwargs) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Given an existing and new cluster, determine whether there is any overlap in their initation sets. Overlapping data
    should be extracted and put into its own cluster
    :param existing_cluster: the existing cluster
    :param new_cluster: the new cluster
    :param verbose: the verbosity level
    :return: two boolean arrays specifying, for the existing and new cluster, which data should be extracted out into
    its own cluster
    # TODO: this code could be improved/optimised, but will do that another time
    epsilon = kwargs.get('init_epsilon', 0.05)
    min_samples = kwargs.get('init_min_samples', 5)

    column = 'agent_state' if kwargs.get(
        'view', View.PROBLEM) == View.AGENT else 'state'
    column = 'state'  # we check teh problem space information regardless because because if we did not (and the
    # option was not in fact stochastic), we'd have to correct it later on. So just do it here

    X = pd2np(existing_cluster[column])
    Y = pd2np(new_cluster[column])
    data = np.concatenate((X, Y))
    labels = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=min_samples).fit_predict(data)

    existing_labels = labels[0:len(X)]  # labels of the existing partition data
    new_labels = labels[len(X):]  # labels of the new partition data
    existing_labels_set = set(existing_labels)
    new_labels_set = set(new_labels)

    shared_labels = existing_labels_set.intersection(new_labels_set)
    shared_labels.discard(-1)  # remove noise if present
    existing_shared = np.isin(
        existing_labels, list(shared_labels)
    )  # cast set to list because numpy is stupid
    new_shared = np.isin(
        new_labels, list(shared_labels)
    )  # cast set to list because numpy is stupid

    # Handle "noise" - count as intersected if the whole group has been subsumed.
    # TODO is this actually necessary?
    if -1 in existing_labels_set and existing_labels_set.issubset(
        idx = np.where(
            existing_labels == -1)  # find all points classifies as noise
        existing_shared[idx] = True

    if -1 in new_labels_set and new_labels_set.issubset(existing_labels_set):
        idx = np.where(new_labels == -1)  # find all points classifies as noise
        new_shared[idx] = True

    show("Splitting data from old cluster", verbose
         and len(np.unique(existing_shared)) > 1)
    show("Splitting data from new cluster", verbose
         and len(np.unique(new_shared)) > 1)
    return existing_shared, new_shared
    def effects(self, view=None):

        if view is None:
            view = self._view

        state_modifier = '' if view == View.PROBLEM else 'agent_'
        mask_modifier = '' if self._view == View.PROBLEM else 'agent_'

        for probability, frame in self._effects:
            yield probability, pd2np(frame['{}state'.format(state_modifier)]), pd2np(frame['reward']), pd2np(
                frame['next_{}state'.format(state_modifier)]), pd2np(frame['{}mask'.format(mask_modifier)]).astype(int)
def find_goal_symbols(factors: List[List[int]], vocabulary: Iterable[Proposition], transition_data: pd.DataFrame,
                      verbose=False, **kwargs) -> Tuple[float, List[Proposition]]:
    Find the set of symbols that best described the goal condition. In teh data, the goal being achieved is specified
    by the done flag
    :param factors: the domain factorisation
    :param vocabulary: the list of symbols
    :param transition_data: the transition data
    :param verbose: the verbosity level
    :return the probability of the symbols modelling the goal, and the list of symbols themselves
    show("Searching for goal symbols", verbose)
    # the goal states
    column = get_column_by_view('next_state', kwargs)
    positive_samples = pd2np(transition_data.loc[transition_data['goal_achieved'] == True][column])
    negative_samples = pd2np(transition_data.loc[transition_data['goal_achieved'] == False][column])

    # fit a classifier to the data
    svm = _learn_precondition(positive_samples, negative_samples, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)

    # Find the existing symbols that best match the goal precondition
    show("Finding matching symbols", verbose)
    precondition_factors = _mask_to_factors(svm.mask, factors)
    candidates = list()
    for factor in precondition_factors:
        candidates.append([proposition for proposition in vocabulary if set(proposition.mask) == set(factor)])

    combinations = list(itertools.product(*candidates))
    show("Searching through {} candidates...".format(len(combinations)), verbose)

    best_score = 0
    best_candidates = None

    for count, candidates in enumerate(combinations):
        show("Checking candidate {}".format(count), verbose)
        if _masks_overlap(candidates):
            # This should never happen, but putting a check to make sure
            warn("Overlapping candidates in PDDL building!")

        # probability of propositions matching classifier
        precondition_prob = _probability_in_precondition(candidates, svm)
        if precondition_prob > best_score:
            best_score = precondition_prob
            best_candidates = candidates
    show("Best candidates with probability {}: {}".format(best_score, ' '.join([str(x) for x in best_candidates])),
    return best_score, list(best_candidates)
Exemple #6
def _cluster_effects(samples: pd.DataFrame, mask: List[int], verbose=False, **kwargs) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    Cluster samples based on their effects
    :param samples: the samples
    :param mask: the state variables modified by the option
    :param verbose: the verbosity level
    :return: a list of data frames, which each element in the list representing a single cluster
    epsilon = kwargs.get('effect_epsilon', 0.05)
    min_samples = kwargs.get('effect_min_samples', 5)
    data = pd2np(samples['next_state'])  # convert to numpy
    masked_data = data[:, mask]  # cluster only on state variables that changed

    db = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=min_samples).fit(masked_data)
    labels = db.labels_
    show("Found {}/{} noisy samples".format((labels == -1).sum(), len(labels)), verbose)
    clusters = list()
    for label in set(labels):
        if label == -1:
            # noise
        clusters.append(samples.loc[np.where(labels == label)])
    # reset the index back to zero based
    clusters = [cluster.reset_index(drop=True) for cluster in clusters]  # not in place
    return clusters
Exemple #7
def _generate_start_symbols(transition_data: pd.DataFrame, factors: List[List[int]],
                            verbose=False, **kwargs) -> List[StateDensityEstimator]:
    show("Generating start state symbols...", verbose)

    # group by episode and get the first state from each
    initial_states = pd2np(transition_data.groupby('episode').nth(0)['state'])

    return _generate_symbols(initial_states, factors, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, option: int, partition: int, init_cluster: pd.DataFrame,
              effects: List[pd.DataFrame]):
     self._option = option
     self._partition = partition
     self._states = pd2np(init_cluster['state'])
     total_samples = sum(len(effect['next_state']) for effect in effects)
     self._effects = [(len(effect['next_state']) / total_samples,
                       effect[['state', 'reward', 'next_state', 'mask']])
                      for effect in effects]
Exemple #9
def _cluster_data(samples: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str, epsilon: float, min_samples: int,
                  verbose=False) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    data = samples[column_name]
    # TODO how to get a non object dtype out of pandas???
    db = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=min_samples).fit(pd2np(data))
    labels = db.labels_
    show("Found {}/{} noisy samples".format((labels == -1).sum(), len(labels)), verbose)
    clusters = list()
    for label in set(labels):
        if label == -1:
            # noise
        clusters.append(samples.loc[np.where(labels == label)])
    # reset the index back to zero based
    clusters = [cluster.reset_index(drop=True) for cluster in clusters]  # not in place
    return clusters
Exemple #10
def _learn_preconditions(
        init_data: pd.DataFrame,
        partitioned_options: List[PartitionedOption],
        all_partitions: Dict[int, List[PartitionedOption]],
        **kwargs) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], PreconditionClassifier]:

    state_column = 'state' if kwargs.get(
        'view', View.PROBLEM) == View.PROBLEM else 'agent_state'

    preconditions = dict()
    prev_option = None
    negative_data = None
    for partition in partitioned_options:
        option = partition.option
        if option != prev_option:
            # no need to reload if no change
            negative_data = pd2np(init_data.loc[
                (init_data['option'] == option)
                & (init_data['can_execute'] == False)][state_column])
        # must do equals False because Pandas!

            'Learning precondition for option {}, partition {}'.format(
                option, partition.partition), verbose)
        if kwargs.get('augment_negative', True):
            # augment negative samples from the initiation sets of the other partitions
            negative_samples = _augment_negative(negative_data,
            negative_samples = negative_data

        # this property gets either agent or problem-space states, whichever was used to partition in the first place
        positive_samples = partition.states

            "Calculating mask for option {}, partition {} ...".format(
                partition.option, partition.partition), verbose)
        precondition = _learn_precondition(positive_samples,
        preconditions[(option, partition.partition)] = precondition
        prev_option = option
    return preconditions
def _cluster_effects(samples: pd.DataFrame,
                     mask: List[int],
                     **kwargs) -> List[pd.DataFrame]:
    Cluster samples based on their effects
    :param samples: the samples
    :param mask: the state variables modified by the option
    :param verbose: the verbosity level
    :return: a list of data frames, which each element in the list representing a single cluster
    epsilon = kwargs.get('effect_epsilon', 0.05)
    min_samples = kwargs.get('effect_min_samples', 5)

    column = 'next_agent_state' if kwargs.get(
        'view', View.PROBLEM) == View.AGENT else 'next_state'

    data = pd2np(samples[column])  # convert to numpy
    masked_data = data[:, mask]  # cluster only on state variables that changed

    if len(mask) == 0:
        # we're just going to assume that everything is one class!
        labels = np.zeros(shape=(len(masked_data), ))
        if len(masked_data) < min_samples:
            labels += -1
        db = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=min_samples).fit(masked_data)
        labels = db.labels_
    show("Found {}/{} noisy samples".format((labels == -1).sum(), len(labels)),
    clusters = list()
    for label in set(labels):
        if label == -1:
            # noise
        clusters.append(samples.loc[np.where(labels == label)])
    # reset the index back to zero based
    clusters = [cluster.reset_index(drop=True)
                for cluster in clusters]  # not in place
    return clusters
Exemple #12
def _generate_goal_symbols(transition_data: pd.DataFrame, factors: List[List[int]],
                           verbose=False, **kwargs) -> List[KernelDensityEstimator]:
    show("Generating goal symbols...", verbose)
    goal_states = pd2np(transition_data.loc[transition_data['done'] == True]['next_state'])
    return _generate_symbols(goal_states, factors, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
Exemple #13
 def effects(self):
     for probability, frame in self._effects:
         yield probability, pd2np(frame['state']), pd2np(
             frame['reward']), pd2np(frame['next_state']), pd2np(
def find_closest_start_partition(problem_symbols: QuickCluster, transition_data: pd.DataFrame):
    initial_states = pd2np(transition_data.groupby('episode').nth(0)['state'])
    target = np.mean(initial_states, 0)
    return problem_symbols.get(target)
def _generate_goal_symbols(transition_data: pd.DataFrame, factors: List[List[int]],
                           verbose=False, **kwargs) -> List[StateDensityEstimator]:
    show("Generating goal symbols...", verbose)
    column = get_column_by_view('next_state', kwargs)
    goal_states = pd2np(transition_data.loc[transition_data['done'] == True][column])
    return _generate_symbols(goal_states, factors, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)