def inter_rater_reliability(bucket, experimentfilter, mldf, pred, outpth, QualityBrightnessThreshold=None, color=None): """ Calculates Cohen's Kappa across raters Rhodri Cusack Trinity College Dublin 2018-03-11 [email protected] :param bucket: s3 bucket for auto coding to load :param experimentfilter: experiment to work on (path in s3 for coded results) :return: """ if not color: color = 'r' s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket) # Download each subject and add to dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({'man_man_kappa': [], 'man_auto_kappa': []}) for subjind, codobj in enumerate( s3bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=experimentfilter)): # This is where the output will be written outkey = os.path.join('coding_summary', experimentfilter, 'summary.pickle') man_man_kappa = [] man_auto_kappa = [] fn = s3tools.getpath({'S3Bucket': bucket, 'S3ObjectName': codobj.key}) mldf_thissubj = mldf[mldf.index.str.match(codobj.key)] with open(fn, 'rb') as f: if QualityBrightnessThreshold is None or ( mldf_thissubj['QualityBrightness'] >= QualityBrightnessThreshold).any(): obj = pickle.load(f) m = [[ oneperson['code'] for oneperson in c['mancod_allraters'] if not oneperson['code'] is None ] for c in obj['coding']] m = np.array(m) a = pred[subjind] q = np.concatenate((np.array(a).reshape((-1, 1)), m), axis=1) for pair in combinations(range(np.size(m, 1)), 2): man_man_kappa.append( cohen_kappa_score(m[:, pair[0]], m[:, pair[1]])) for manind in range(np.size(m, 1)): man_auto_kappa.append(cohen_kappa_score(m[:, manind], a)) df = df.append( pd.DataFrame( { 'man_man_kappa': np.mean(man_man_kappa), 'man_auto_kappa': np.mean(man_auto_kappa) }, index=[codobj.key])) with open(os.path.join(outpth, 'kappa.txt'), 'a') as fout: print(df, file=fout) return df
def run_machine_learning(bucket, experimentfilters, outpth, colorscheme=None, possible_codes=None, usemedianforcentering=False): """ Runs leave-one-subject-out machine learning :param bucket: bucket to work :param experimentfilters: list of paths to coding_summary :return: """ # Colorscheme if not colorscheme: colorscheme = ['r', 'g', 'b'] # Write annotated video and coding files to s3 s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket) classifycols = [ 'Pitch', 'Roll', 'Yaw', 'leftPupil', 'rightPupil', 'eyeLeft', 'eyeRight', 'EyesOpenValue', 'EyesOpenConfidence' ] # All experiments allmldf = pd.DataFrame() # Load summary file allpred = [] for spind, sp in enumerate(experimentfilters): fn = s3tools.getpath({ 'S3Bucket': bucket, 'S3ObjectName': os.path.join(sp, 'summary.pickle') }) with open(fn, 'rb') as f: obj = pickle.load(f) # Find blanks for testsubjind, testdata in enumerate(obj): obj[testsubjind]['df_dropna'] = testdata['df'].dropna() # Centre the classification columns for testsubjind, testdata in enumerate(obj): if usemedianforcentering: testdata['df_zerocentre'] = testdata['df_dropna'][ classifycols].subtract( testdata['df_dropna'][classifycols].median()) else: testdata['df_zerocentre'] = testdata['df_dropna'][ classifycols].subtract( testdata['df_dropna'][classifycols].mean()) # Leave-one-subject-out classification pred = [] mldf = pd.DataFrame() for testsubjind, testsubj in enumerate(obj): testlabels = testsubj['df_dropna']['mancod'] testfeat = testsubj['df_zerocentre'] # Get TRAIN data from all but one subject trainlabels = pd.concat([ x[1]['df_dropna']['mancod'] for x in enumerate(obj) if not x[0] == testsubjind ]) trainfeat = pd.concat([ x[1]['df_zerocentre'] for x in enumerate(obj) if not x[0] == testsubjind ]) # Run and test classifier. Use quadratic discriminant as look/don't look is non-linear function of position clf = QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis(), trainlabels) prednonan = clf.predict(testfeat) # We've filtered out nans before predicting. # Put them back in before storing, so indices of pred correspond to data before filtering out nans predallrows = np.ones((testsubj['df'].shape[0])) predallrows[testsubj['df'].notnull().all(axis=1)] = prednonan pred.append(predallrows) # First index (rows) are the "truth" of manual coding in testlabels cnf = metrics.confusion_matrix(testlabels, prednonan, labels=possible_codes) # Adjust for trials in which no face was detected # In absence of face, machine coding defaults to option 0 - for experiment 1, no face; for experiment 2, left rowisnan = testsubj['df'].isnull().any(axis=1) cnf[0, 0] = cnf[0, 0] + (testsubj['df']['mancod'][rowisnan] == possible_codes[0]).sum() cnf[1, 0] = cnf[1, 0] + (testsubj['df']['mancod'][rowisnan] == possible_codes[1]).sum() # Signal detection theory heuristic - if hits or fa=0 then replace with half a trial, and same at max end fa = cnf[0, 1] if not cnf[0, 1] == 0 else 0.5 hits = cnf[1, 1] if not cnf[1, 1] == 0 else 0.5 n0 = cnf[0, :].sum() n1 = cnf[1, :].sum() hits = hits if not hits == n1 else n1 - 0.5 fa = fa if not fa == n0 else n0 - 0.5 hits = hits / n1 fa = fa / n0 # Summary statistics proponeface = len(testsubj['df_dropna']) / len(testsubj['df']) mldf = mldf.append( pd.DataFrame( { 'proponeface': proponeface, 'score': clf.score(testfeat, testlabels), 'fa': fa, 'hits': hits, 'n0': n0, 'n1': n1, 'Confidence': testsubj['df']['Confidence'].mean(skipna=True), 'QualitySharpness': testsubj['df']['QualitySharpness'].mean( skipna=True), 'QualityBrightness': testsubj['df']['QualityBrightness'].mean( skipna=True), 'deltat': testsubj['deltat'], 'fps': testsubj['fps'], 'dur': testsubj['dur'], }, index=[testsubj['S3ObjectName']])) plt.figure("boundingbox") ax = plt.subplot(111) bb = testsubj['df'][[ 'BoundingBoxLeft', 'BoundingBoxTop', 'BoundingBoxWidth', 'BoundingBoxHeight' ]].mean() ax.add_patch( mpatches.Rectangle( (bb[0], bb[1] - bb[3]), bb[2], bb[3], edgecolor=(1 - proponeface, proponeface, 0), Fill=False)) # print(mldf.describe()) plt.figure("ROC") # Add d-prime lines for dprime in np.arange(3): fan = np.arange(-5, 5 - dprime, 0.1) hitsn = fan + dprime plt.plot(norm.cdf(fan), norm.cdf(hitsn), linestyle='dashed', color='gray', alpha=0.5) # Add hits and fa plt.scatter(data=mldf, x='fa', y='hits', s=64 * mldf['proponeface'], color=colorscheme[spind]) mldf['dprime'] = norm.ppf(mldf['hits']) - norm.ppf(mldf['fa']) plt.figure('Confidence-dprime') plt.scatter(x='Confidence', y='dprime', data=mldf, color=colorscheme[spind]) plt.figure('QualitySharpness-dprime') plt.scatter(x='QualitySharpness', y='dprime', data=mldf, color=colorscheme[spind]) plt.figure('QualityBrightness-dprime') plt.scatter(x='QualityBrightness', y='dprime', data=mldf, color=colorscheme[spind]) plt.figure('proponeface-dprime') plt.scatter(x='proponeface', y='dprime', data=mldf, color=colorscheme[spind]) # Store across experiments mldf['spind'] = spind allmldf = allmldf.append(mldf) allpred.append(pred) fig = plt.figure("ROC") plt.xlabel('False alarm rate') plt.ylabel('Hit rate') plt.xlim([0, 1]) plt.ylim([0, 1]) fig.savefig(os.path.join(outpth, 'ROC.pdf'), format='pdf') fig = plt.figure("boundingbox") plt.xlim([-0.3, 1.3]) plt.ylim([-0.3, 1.3]) ax.add_patch(mpatches.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, alpha=0.1)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(outpth, 'boundingbox.pdf'), format='pdf') fig = plt.figure('Confidence-dprime') sns.regplot(x='Confidence', y='dprime', marker="", line_kws={'color': '0.5'}, data=allmldf, dropna=True) plt.xlabel('Confidence of Face Detection') plt.ylabel('d-prime') fig.savefig(os.path.join(outpth, 'Confidence-dprime.pdf'), format='pdf') fig = plt.figure('QualitySharpness-dprime') sns.regplot(x='QualitySharpness', y='dprime', marker="", line_kws={'color': '0.5'}, data=allmldf, dropna=True) plt.xlabel('Quality - Sharpness') plt.ylabel('d-prime') fig.savefig(os.path.join(outpth, 'QualitySharpness-dprime.pdf'), format='pdf') fig = plt.figure('QualityBrightness-dprime') sns.regplot(x='QualityBrightness', y='dprime', marker="", line_kws={'color': '0.5'}, data=allmldf, dropna=True) plt.xlabel('Quality - Brightness') plt.ylabel('d-prime') fig.savefig(os.path.join(outpth, 'QualityBrightness-dprime.pdf'), format='pdf') fig = plt.figure('proponeface-dprime') sns.regplot(x='proponeface', y='dprime', marker="", line_kws={'color': '0.5'}, data=allmldf, dropna=True) plt.xlabel('PropOneFace') plt.ylabel('d-prime') fig.savefig(os.path.join(outpth, 'proponeface-dprime.pdf'), format='pdf') return {'allpred': allpred, 'allmldf': allmldf}
def process_rekognition_video(bucket, compmsg, doevenifdone=False): """ Extract details from processed video, :param bucket: S3 bucket for data :param compmsg: SQS message returned by rekogntion :param doevenifdone: Do again even if output already present :return: """ # Get result from rekognition rekognition = boto3.client('rekognition') jobid = compmsg['JobId'] vid = compmsg['Video'] if vid['S3ObjectName'][-12:] == '_lighter.mp4': print("Skipping lighter video %s" % vid['S3ObjectName']) return # Annotated video filename outkey_annotated = "annotated/" + vid['S3ObjectName'] outfn_annotated = s3tools.getcacheoutpath(outkey_annotated) # Coding filename outkey_coding = "coding/" + os.path.splitext( vid['S3ObjectName'])[0] + '.pickle' outfn_coding = os.path.join(Path.home(), ".s3cache-out", outkey_coding) s3bucket = boto3.resource('s3').Bucket(vid['S3Bucket']) s3client = boto3.client('s3') if doevenifdone or 'Contents' not in s3client.list_objects( Bucket=vid['S3Bucket'], Prefix=outkey_coding): try: if jobid is not None: response = rekognition.get_face_detection(JobId=jobid) assert response[ 'JobStatus'] == 'SUCCEEDED', "Rekogntion job status not SUCCEEDED but %s" % response[ 'JobStatus'] allfaces = response['Faces'] while 'NextToken' in response: response = rekognition.get_face_detection( JobId=jobid, NextToken=response['NextToken']) allfaces.extend(response['Faces']) print("%d faces detected" % len(allfaces)) else: allfaces = compmsg['allfaces'] # Work out what sampling rekogition seems to be using ts = [face['Timestamp'] for face in allfaces] difft = np.ediff1d(ts) difft = [x for x in difft if not x == 0] deltat = stats.mode(difft).mode print("Delta t is %f" % deltat) # Get the behavioural file that corresponds to the video behav = find_behav_for_video(vid) if not behav['matches']: print("No behavioural file found to correspond to %s" % vid['S3ObjectName']) return False exp = [] for rater in behav['matches']: pth = s3tools.getpath({ 'S3Bucket': behav['S3Bucket'], 'S3ObjectName': rater }) exp.append(behav['experiment'](pth)) print(behav) # Get the video v = videotools.Video(vid) if v._pth is None or not os.path.exists(v._pth): print("Video not found") return False else: dur = v.get_dur() fps = v.get_fps() print("Dur %f and FPS %f" % (dur, fps)) timestamps = [face['Timestamp'] for face in allfaces] # Make directory if necessary dirname = os.path.dirname(outfn_coding) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) writer = facetimes = [face['Timestamp'] for face in allfaces] firstface = 0 lastface = 0 # Store all coding results coding = [] while v.isopen: # Get frame img = v.get_next_frame() # End of video if img is None: break currtime_ms = np.round(v.currtime * 1000) # Move forwards the first face we need to consider, if appropriate while firstface < len( facetimes) and facetimes[firstface] < ( currtime_ms - deltat / 2 + 1): # 1 ms buffer for rounding errors firstface += 1 # Add all faces to the last one we need to consider faces = [] for ind in range(firstface, len(facetimes) - 1): if facetimes[ind] >= (currtime_ms + deltat / 2): break faces.append(ind) # Count them and set up colours countfaces = len(faces) cols = [(0, 0, 255, 128)] * countfaces # Mark one or more infant faces in green infantfaces = [] infantind = [] for i0, faceind in enumerate(faces): if allfaces[faceind]['Face']['AgeRange']['Low'] < 10: infantind.append( i0) # which of elements in faces are infants infantfaces.append(allfaces[faceind]['Face']) cols[i0] = (255, 0, 0, 128) # If two largely overlapping faces are found, they must be the same one, so delete one if len(infantind) == 2: bb0 = allfaces[faces[ infantind[0]]]['Face']['BoundingBox'] bb1 = allfaces[faces[ infantind[1]]]['Face']['BoundingBox'] dx = bb0['Left'] - bb1['Left'] mw = 0.5 * (bb0['Width'] + bb1['Width']) dy = bb0['Top'] - bb1['Top'] mh = 0.5 * (bb0['Height'] + bb1['Height']) if np.sqrt((dx / mw)**2 + (dy / mh)**2 ) < 0.1: # shifted by less than 10% of size infantind = [infantind[0]] infantfaces = [infantfaces[0]] # Automatic scoring autocod = exp[0].score_face(infantfaces) if len(infantind) == 1: cols[infantind[0]] = autocod['colour'] # Annotate faces img = faceannotation.markfaces( [allfaces[item] for item in faces], img, cols) img = faceannotation.marklandmarks( [allfaces[item] for item in faces], img) img = faceannotation.markeyesclosed( [allfaces[item] for item in faces], img) # Get manual coding average # Annotate manual coding status on border of image mancod_allraters = [] coltot = (0, 0, 0, 0) for singlerater in exp: mancod_allraters.append( singlerater.get_mancod_state(currtime_ms)) coltot = np.array(coltot) + np.array( mancod_allraters[-1]['colour']) colmean = tuple(map(int, coltot / len(exp))) # Outer border, coloured appropriately img = faceannotation.markmanual(img, colmean) # Write annotated frame writer.writeFrame(img) # Store the coding results coding.append({ 'autocod': autocod, 'mancod_allraters': mancod_allraters, 'faces': faces, 'infantind': infantind }) writer.close() # Frame-by-frame manual coding - modal value across raters m = [ stats.mode([ oneperson['code'] for oneperson in c['mancod_allraters'] if not oneperson['code'] is None ]) for c in coding ] m = [x.mode[0] if len(x.mode) >= 1 else None for x in m] # Correct for frames with no ratings m = [0 if x is None else x for x in m] # No ratings, set code to zero # Frame-by-frame auto coding a = [c['autocod']['code'] for c in coding] a = [0 if x is None else x for x in a] # No faces, set code to zero # Possible codes and descriptions possible_codes = exp[0].possible_codes() # Calculate confusion matrix conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(m, a, labels=possible_codes['code']) print(exp[0].possible_codes()['desc']) print(conf) # Create summary dict summary = { 'coding': coding, 'conf': conf, 'possible_codes': possible_codes, 'allfaces': allfaces, 'behav': behav, 'vid': vid, 'compmsg': compmsg, 'deltat': deltat, 'fps': fps, 'dur': dur } # Write coding file with open(outfn_coding, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(summary, f) # Write annotated video and coding files to s3 s3bucket.upload_file(outfn_annotated, outkey_annotated) s3bucket.upload_file(outfn_coding, outkey_coding) return True except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ResourceNotFoundException': print("No response from rekognition available for jobid %s" % compmsg['JobId']) return False else: raise else: print("Not repeating previously annotated %s" % outkey_coding) return False
def post_rekognition_summary(bucket, experimentfilter): """ Aggregates data across subjects from auto and manual coding Rhodri Cusack Trinity College Dublin 2018-03-11 [email protected] :param bucket: s3 bucket for auto coding to load :param experimentfilter: experiment to work on (path in s3 for coded results) :return: """ # Write annotated video and coding files to s3 s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket) # Columns to be extracted pose_columns = ['Pitch', 'Yaw', 'Roll'] landmark_columns = [['leftPupil', 'X'], ['rightPupil', 'X'], ['eyeLeft', 'X'], ['eyeRight', 'X']] bb_columns = ['Top', 'Left', 'Width', 'Height'] df = [] allagerangelow = [] allagerangehigh = [] # Download each subject and add to dataframe for codobj in s3bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=experimentfilter): # This is where the output will be written outkey = os.path.join('coding_summary', experimentfilter, 'summary.pickle') fn = s3tools.getpath({'S3Bucket': bucket, 'S3ObjectName': codobj.key}) df.append({ 'S3Bucket': bucket, 'S3ObjectName': codobj.key, 'df': pd.DataFrame(columns=pose_columns + [x[0] for x in landmark_columns] + ['mancod']) }) with open(fn, 'rb') as f: obj = pickle.load(f) df[-1]['deltat'] = obj['deltat'] df[-1]['fps'] = obj['fps'] df[-1]['dur'] = obj['dur'] q = [ [x['faces'][y] for y in x['infantind']] for x in obj['coding'] ] # "faces" contains indices within allfaces. "infantind" contains indices within faces. Get indices of infants among allfaces. myfaces = [[obj['allfaces'][z1] for z1 in z0] for z0 in q] # get actual face data from allfaces # Get the face details allagerangelow.extend( [x['Face']['AgeRange']['Low'] for x in obj['allfaces']]) allagerangehigh.extend( [x['Face']['AgeRange']['High'] for x in obj['allfaces']]) for ind, item in enumerate(myfaces): # Build a row row = {} # One infant face? if len(item) == 1: # Pose for col in pose_columns: row[col] = item[0]['Face']['Pose'][col] # Landmarks for col in landmark_columns: row[col[0]] = [ x[col[1]] for x in item[0]['Face']['Landmarks'] if x['Type'] == col[0] ][0] # Eyes open row['EyesOpenValue'] = int( item[0]['Face']['EyesOpen']['Value']) row['EyesOpenConfidence'] = item[0]['Face']['EyesOpen'][ 'Confidence'] # Bounding box for col in bb_columns: row['BoundingBox' + col] = item[0]['Face']['BoundingBox'][col] # Confidence and Quality row['Confidence'] = item[0]['Face']['Confidence'] row['QualitySharpness'] = item[0]['Face']['Quality'][ 'Sharpness'] row['QualityBrightness'] = item[0]['Face']['Quality'][ 'Brightness'] # And mean manual coder list = [ x['code'] for x in obj['coding'][ind]['mancod_allraters'] ] row['mancod'] = float(max(set(list), key=list.count)) df[-1]['df'] = df[-1]['df'].append(pd.DataFrame([row]), ignore_index=True) print(df[-1]['df'].describe()) # Save result and upload to S3 fname = s3tools.getcacheoutpath(outkey) with open(fname, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(df, f) s3 = boto3.resource('s3') s3.Bucket(bucket).upload_file(fname, outkey) # Done! print("All done") return ({'agerangelow': allagerangelow, 'agerangehigh': allagerangehigh})
def __init__(self,pth): self._pth=s3tools.getpath(pth)