def cleanup_list(wdir, skip_nzb): """ Remove all files whose extension matches the cleanup list, optionally ignoring the nzb extension """ if cfg.cleanup_list(): try: files = os.listdir(wdir) except: files = () for file in files: path = os.path.join(wdir, file) if os.path.isdir(path): cleanup_list(path, skip_nzb) else: if on_cleanup_list(file, skip_nzb): try:"Removing unwanted file %s", path) os.remove(path) except: logging.error(Ta('Removing %s failed'), path)"Traceback: ", exc_info = True) if files: try: remove_dir(wdir) except: pass
def rename_and_collapse_folder(oldpath, newpath, files): """ Rename folder, collapsing when there's just a single subfolder oldpath --> newpath OR oldpath/subfolder --> newpath Modify list of filenames accordingly """ orgpath = oldpath items = globber(oldpath) if len(items) == 1: folder = items[0] folder_path = os.path.join(oldpath, folder) if os.path.isdir(folder_path) and folder not in ('VIDEO_TS', 'AUDIO_TS'):'Collapsing %s', os.path.join(newpath, folder)) oldpath = folder_path oldpath = os.path.normpath(oldpath) newpath = os.path.normpath(newpath) files = [os.path.normpath(f).replace(oldpath, newpath) for f in files] renamer(oldpath, newpath) try: remove_dir(orgpath) except: pass return files
def cleanup_list(wdir, skip_nzb): """ Remove all files whose extension matches the cleanup list, optionally ignoring the nzb extension """ if cfg.cleanup_list(): try: files = os.listdir(wdir) except: files = () for filename in files: path = os.path.join(wdir, filename) if os.path.isdir(path): cleanup_list(path, skip_nzb) else: if on_cleanup_list(filename, skip_nzb): try:"Removing unwanted file %s", path) remove_file(path) except: logging.error(T('Removing %s failed'), clip_path(path))"Traceback: ", exc_info=True) if files: try: remove_dir(wdir) except: pass
def collapse_folder(oldpath, newpath): """ Rename folder, collapsing when there's just a single subfolder oldpath --> newpath OR oldpath/subfolder --> newpath """ orgpath = oldpath items = globber(oldpath) if len(items) == 1: folder_path = items[0] folder = os.path.split(folder_path)[1] if os.path.isdir(folder_path) and folder not in ('VIDEO_TS', 'AUDIO_TS'):'Collapsing %s', os.path.join(newpath, folder)) oldpath = folder_path renamer(oldpath, newpath) try: remove_dir(orgpath) except: pass
def move_to_parent_folder(workdir): """ Move content of 'workdir' to 'workdir/..' (except marker file) """ path1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(workdir, '..'))) #move things to the folder below for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workdir): for _file in files: path = os.path.join(root, _file) new_path = path.replace(workdir, path1) new_path = get_unique_filename(new_path) if not move_to_path(path, new_path, False): return path1, False cleanup_empty_directories(workdir) try: remove_dir(workdir) except: pass return path1, True
def move_to_parent_folder(workdir): """ Move content of 'workdir' to 'workdir/..' possibly skipping some files If afterwards the directory is not empty, rename it to _JUNK_folder, else remove it. """ skipped = False # Keep track of any skipped files path1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, '..')) #move things to the folder below for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workdir): for _file in files: path = os.path.join(root, _file) new_path = path.replace(workdir, path1) new_path = get_unique_filename(new_path) move_to_path(path, new_path, False) cleanup_empty_directories(workdir) try: remove_dir(workdir) except: pass return path1
def move_to_parent_folder(workdir): """ Move content of 'workdir' to 'workdir/..' possibly skipping some files If afterwards the directory is not empty, rename it to _JUNK_folder, else remove it. """ skipped = False # Keep track of any skipped files path1 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( workdir, '..')) #move things to the folder below for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workdir): for _file in files: path = os.path.join(root, _file) new_path = path.replace(workdir, path1) new_path = get_unique_filename(new_path) move_to_path(path, new_path, False) cleanup_empty_directories(workdir) try: remove_dir(workdir) except: pass return path1
def rename_and_collapse_folder(oldpath, newpath, files): """ Rename folder, collapsing when there's just a single subfolder oldpath --> newpath OR oldpath/subfolder --> newpath Modify list of filenames accordingly """ orgpath = oldpath items = globber(oldpath) if len(items) == 1: folder_path = items[0] folder = os.path.split(folder_path)[1] if os.path.isdir(folder_path) and folder not in ('VIDEO_TS', 'AUDIO_TS'):'Collapsing %s', os.path.join(newpath, folder)) oldpath = folder_path oldpath = os.path.normpath(oldpath) newpath = os.path.normpath(newpath) files = [os.path.normpath(f).replace(oldpath, newpath) for f in files] renamer(oldpath, newpath) try: remove_dir(orgpath) except: pass return files
def process_job(nzo): """ Process one job """ assert isinstance(nzo, sabnzbd.nzbstuff.NzbObject) start = time.time() # keep track of whether we can continue all_ok = True # keep track of par problems par_error = False # keep track of any unpacking errors unpack_error = False nzb_list = [] # These need to be initialised incase of a crash workdir_complete = '' postproc_time = 0 script_log = '' script_line = '' crash_msg = '' ## Get the job flags nzo.save_attribs() flag_repair, flag_unpack, flag_delete = nzo.repair_opts # Normalize PP if flag_delete: flag_unpack = True if flag_unpack: flag_repair = True # Get the NZB name filename = nzo.final_name msgid = nzo.msgid if nzo.precheck: # Check result enough, ratio = nzo.check_quality() if enough: # Enough data present, do real download workdir = nzo.downpath, keep_basic=True) return True else: # Not enough data, flag as failed nzo.save_attribs() if cfg.allow_streaming() and not (flag_repair or flag_unpack or flag_delete): # After streaming, force +D nzo.set_pp(3) nzo.status = Status.FAILED nzo.save_attribs() all_ok = False try: # Get the folder containing the download result workdir = nzo.downpath tmp_workdir_complete = None # if no files are present (except __admin__), fail the job if len(globber(workdir)) < 2: if nzo.precheck: req_ratio = float(cfg.req_completion_rate()) / 100.0 # Make sure that rounded ratio doesn't equal required ratio # when it is actually below required if (ratio < req_ratio) and (req_ratio - ratio) < 0.001: ratio = req_ratio - 0.001 emsg = '%.1f%%' % (ratio * 100.0) emsg2 = '%.1f%%' % float(cfg.req_completion_rate()) emsg = T('Download might fail, only %s of required %s available') % (emsg, emsg2) else: emsg = T('Download failed - Out of your server\'s retention?') nzo.fail_msg = emsg nzo.set_unpack_info('Fail', emsg) nzo.status = Status.FAILED # do not run unpacking or parity verification flag_repair = flag_unpack = False par_error = unpack_error = True all_ok = False script = nzo.script cat ='Starting PostProcessing on %s' + \ ' => Repair:%s, Unpack:%s, Delete:%s, Script:%s, Cat:%s', filename, flag_repair, flag_unpack, flag_delete, script, cat) ## Par processing, if enabled if flag_repair: par_error, re_add = parring(nzo, workdir) if re_add: # Try to get more par files return False ## Check if user allows unsafe post-processing if flag_repair and cfg.safe_postproc(): all_ok = all_ok and not par_error # Set complete dir to workdir in case we need to abort workdir_complete = workdir dirname = nzo.final_name marker_file = None if all_ok: one_folder = False ## Determine class directory if cfg.create_group_folders(): complete_dir = addPrefixes(cfg.complete_dir.get_path(), nzo.dirprefix) complete_dir = create_dirs(complete_dir) else: catdir = config.get_categories(cat).dir() if catdir.endswith('*'): catdir = catdir.strip('*') one_folder = True complete_dir = real_path(cfg.complete_dir.get_path(), catdir) ## TV/Movie/Date Renaming code part 1 - detect and construct paths file_sorter = Sorter(cat) complete_dir = file_sorter.detect(dirname, complete_dir) if file_sorter.sort_file: one_folder = False if one_folder: workdir_complete = create_dirs(complete_dir) else: workdir_complete = get_unique_path(os.path.join(complete_dir, dirname), create_dir=True) marker_file = set_marker(workdir_complete) if not workdir_complete or not os.path.exists(workdir_complete): crash_msg = T('Cannot create final folder %s') % unicoder(os.path.join(complete_dir, dirname)) raise IOError if cfg.folder_rename() and not one_folder: tmp_workdir_complete = prefix(workdir_complete, '_UNPACK_') try: renamer(workdir_complete, tmp_workdir_complete) except: pass # On failure, just use the original name else: tmp_workdir_complete = workdir_complete newfiles = [] ## Run Stage 2: Unpack if flag_unpack: if all_ok: #set the current nzo status to "Extracting...". Used in History nzo.status = Status.EXTRACTING"Running unpack_magic on %s", filename) unpack_error, newfiles = unpack_magic(nzo, workdir, tmp_workdir_complete, flag_delete, one_folder, (), (), (), ())"unpack_magic finished on %s", filename) else: nzo.set_unpack_info('Unpack', T('No post-processing because of failed verification')) if cfg.safe_postproc(): all_ok = all_ok and not unpack_error if all_ok: ## Move any (left-over) files to destination nzo.status = Status.MOVING nzo.set_action_line(T('Moving'), '...') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workdir): if not root.endswith(JOB_ADMIN): for file_ in files: path = os.path.join(root, file_) new_path = path.replace(workdir, tmp_workdir_complete) new_path = get_unique_filename(new_path) newfiles.append(new_path) if not move_to_path(path, new_path, unique=False): nzo.set_unpack_info('Unpack', T('Failed moving %s to %s') % (unicoder(path), unicoder(new_path))) all_ok = False break ## Set permissions right set_permissions(tmp_workdir_complete) if all_ok and marker_file: del_marker(os.path.join(tmp_workdir_complete, marker_file)) remove_from_list(marker_file, newfiles) if all_ok: ## Remove files matching the cleanup list cleanup_list(tmp_workdir_complete, True) ## Check if this is an NZB-only download, if so redirect to queue ## except when PP was Download-only if flag_repair: nzb_list = nzb_redirect(tmp_workdir_complete, nzo.final_name, nzo.pp, script, cat, priority=nzo.priority) else: nzb_list = None if nzb_list: nzo.set_unpack_info('Download', T('Sent %s to queue') % unicoder(nzb_list)) try: remove_dir(tmp_workdir_complete) except: pass else: cleanup_list(tmp_workdir_complete, False) script_output = '' script_ret = 0 if not nzb_list: ## Give destination its final name if cfg.folder_rename() and tmp_workdir_complete and not one_folder: if not all_ok: workdir_complete = tmp_workdir_complete.replace('_UNPACK_', '_FAILED_') workdir_complete = get_unique_path(workdir_complete, n=0, create_dir=False) try: collapse_folder(tmp_workdir_complete, workdir_complete) except: logging.error(Ta('Error renaming "%s" to "%s"'), tmp_workdir_complete, workdir_complete)"Traceback: ", exc_info = True) job_result = int(par_error) + int(unpack_error)*2 if cfg.ignore_samples() > 0: remove_samples(workdir_complete) ## TV/Movie/Date Renaming code part 2 - rename and move files to parent folder if all_ok and file_sorter.sort_file: if newfiles: file_sorter.rename(newfiles, workdir_complete) workdir_complete, ok = file_sorter.move(workdir_complete) else: workdir_complete, ok = file_sorter.rename_with_ext(workdir_complete) if not ok: nzo.set_unpack_info('Unpack', T('Failed to move files')) all_ok = False ## Run the user script script_path = make_script_path(script) if all_ok and (not nzb_list) and script_path: #set the current nzo status to "Ext Script...". Used in History nzo.status = Status.RUNNING nzo.set_action_line(T('Running script'), unicoder(script)) nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', T('Running user script %s') % unicoder(script), unique=True) script_log, script_ret = external_processing(script_path, workdir_complete, nzo.filename, msgid, dirname, cat,, job_result) script_line = get_last_line(script_log) if script_log: script_output = nzo.nzo_id if script_line: nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', unicoder(script_line), unique=True) else: nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', T('Ran %s') % unicoder(script), unique=True) else: script = "" script_line = "" script_ret = 0 ## Email the results if (not nzb_list) and cfg.email_endjob(): if (cfg.email_endjob() == 1) or (cfg.email_endjob() == 2 and (unpack_error or par_error)): emailer.endjob(dirname, msgid, cat, all_ok, workdir_complete, nzo.bytes_downloaded, nzo.unpack_info, script, TRANS(script_log), script_ret) if script_output: # Can do this only now, otherwise it would show up in the email if script_ret: script_ret = 'Exit(%s) ' % script_ret else: script_ret = '' if script_line: nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', u'%s%s <a href="./scriptlog?name=%s">(%s)</a>' % (script_ret, unicoder(script_line), urllib.quote(script_output), T('More')), unique=True) else: nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', u'%s<a href="./scriptlog?name=%s">%s</a>' % (script_ret, urllib.quote(script_output), T('View script output')), unique=True) ## Cleanup again, including NZB files if all_ok: cleanup_list(workdir_complete, False) ## Remove newzbin bookmark, if any if msgid and all_ok: elif all_ok and isinstance(nzo.url, str): sabnzbd.proxy_rm_bookmark(nzo.url) ## Show final status in history if all_ok: growler.send_notification(T('Download Completed'), filename, 'complete') nzo.status = Status.COMPLETED else: growler.send_notification(T('Download Failed'), filename, 'complete') nzo.status = Status.FAILED except: logging.error(Ta('Post Processing Failed for %s (%s)'), filename, crash_msg) if not crash_msg:"Traceback: ", exc_info = True) crash_msg = T('see logfile') nzo.fail_msg = T('PostProcessing was aborted (%s)') % unicoder(crash_msg) growler.send_notification(T('Download Failed'), filename, 'complete') nzo.status = Status.FAILED par_error = True all_ok = False info = nzo.unpack_info.copy() info['fail'] = [nzo.fail_msg] if cfg.email_endjob(): emailer.endjob(dirname, msgid, cat, all_ok, workdir_complete, nzo.bytes_downloaded, info, '', '', 0) if all_ok: # If the folder only contains one file OR folder, have that as the path # Be aware that series/generic/date sorting may move a single file into a folder containing other files workdir_complete = one_file_or_folder(workdir_complete) workdir_complete = os.path.normpath(workdir_complete) # Log the overall time taken for postprocessing postproc_time = int(time.time() - start) # Create the history DB instance history_db = database.get_history_handle() # Add the nzo to the database. Only the path, script and time taken is passed # Other information is obtained from the nzo history_db.add_history_db(nzo, workdir_complete, nzo.downpath, postproc_time, script_log, script_line) # The connection is only used once, so close it here history_db.close() ## Clean up the NZO try:'Cleaning up %s (keep_basic=%s)', filename, str(not all_ok)), keep_basic=not all_ok) except: logging.error(Ta('Cleanup of %s failed.'), nzo.final_name)"Traceback: ", exc_info = True) ## Remove download folder if all_ok: try: if os.path.exists(workdir): logging.debug('Removing workdir %s', workdir) remove_all(workdir, recursive=True) except: logging.error(Ta('Error removing workdir (%s)'), workdir)"Traceback: ", exc_info = True) return True
def process_job(nzo): """ Process one job """ assert isinstance(nzo, sabnzbd.nzbstuff.NzbObject) start = time.time() # keep track of whether we can continue all_ok = True # keep track of par problems par_error = False # keep track of any unpacking errors unpack_error = False nzb_list = [] # These need to be initialised incase of a crash workdir_complete = '' postproc_time = 0 script_log = '' script_line = '' crash_msg = '' ## Get the job flags nzo.save_attribs() flag_repair, flag_unpack, flag_delete = nzo.repair_opts # Normalize PP if flag_delete: flag_unpack = True if flag_unpack: flag_repair = True # Get the NZB name filename = nzo.final_name msgid = nzo.msgid if nzo.precheck: # Check result enough, ratio = nzo.check_quality() if enough: # Enough data present, do real download workdir = nzo.downpath, keep_basic=True) return True else: # Not enough data, flag as failed nzo.save_attribs() if cfg.allow_streaming() and not (flag_repair or flag_unpack or flag_delete): # After streaming, force +D nzo.set_pp(3) nzo.status = Status.FAILED nzo.save_attribs() all_ok = False try: # Get the folder containing the download result workdir = nzo.downpath tmp_workdir_complete = None # if no files are present (except __admin__), fail the job if len(globber(workdir)) < 2: if nzo.precheck: req_ratio = float(cfg.req_completion_rate()) / 100.0 # Make sure that rounded ratio doesn't equal required ratio # when it is actually below required if (ratio < req_ratio) and (req_ratio - ratio) < 0.001: ratio = req_ratio - 0.001 emsg = '%.1f%%' % (ratio * 100.0) emsg2 = '%.1f%%' % float(cfg.req_completion_rate()) emsg = T( 'Download might fail, only %s of required %s available' ) % (emsg, emsg2) else: emsg = T('Download failed - Out of your server\'s retention?') nzo.fail_msg = emsg nzo.set_unpack_info('Fail', emsg) nzo.status = Status.FAILED # do not run unpacking or parity verification flag_repair = flag_unpack = False par_error = unpack_error = True all_ok = False script = nzo.script cat ='Starting PostProcessing on %s' + \ ' => Repair:%s, Unpack:%s, Delete:%s, Script:%s, Cat:%s', filename, flag_repair, flag_unpack, flag_delete, script, cat) ## Par processing, if enabled if flag_repair: par_error, re_add = parring(nzo, workdir) if re_add: # Try to get more par files return False ## Check if user allows unsafe post-processing if flag_repair and cfg.safe_postproc(): all_ok = all_ok and not par_error # Set complete dir to workdir in case we need to abort workdir_complete = workdir dirname = nzo.final_name marker_file = None if all_ok: one_folder = False ## Determine class directory if cfg.create_group_folders(): complete_dir = addPrefixes(cfg.complete_dir.get_path(), nzo.dirprefix) complete_dir = create_dirs(complete_dir) else: catdir = config.get_categories(cat).dir() if catdir.endswith('*'): catdir = catdir.strip('*') one_folder = True complete_dir = real_path(cfg.complete_dir.get_path(), catdir) ## TV/Movie/Date Renaming code part 1 - detect and construct paths file_sorter = Sorter(cat) complete_dir = file_sorter.detect(dirname, complete_dir) if file_sorter.sort_file: one_folder = False if one_folder: workdir_complete = create_dirs(complete_dir) else: workdir_complete = get_unique_path(os.path.join( complete_dir, dirname), create_dir=True) marker_file = set_marker(workdir_complete) if not workdir_complete or not os.path.exists(workdir_complete): crash_msg = T('Cannot create final folder %s') % unicoder( os.path.join(complete_dir, dirname)) raise IOError if cfg.folder_rename() and not one_folder: tmp_workdir_complete = prefix(workdir_complete, '_UNPACK_') try: renamer(workdir_complete, tmp_workdir_complete) except: pass # On failure, just use the original name else: tmp_workdir_complete = workdir_complete newfiles = [] ## Run Stage 2: Unpack if flag_unpack: if all_ok: #set the current nzo status to "Extracting...". Used in History nzo.status = Status.EXTRACTING"Running unpack_magic on %s", filename) unpack_error, newfiles = unpack_magic( nzo, workdir, tmp_workdir_complete, flag_delete, one_folder, (), (), (), ())"unpack_magic finished on %s", filename) else: nzo.set_unpack_info( 'Unpack', T('No post-processing because of failed verification')) if cfg.safe_postproc(): all_ok = all_ok and not unpack_error if all_ok: ## Move any (left-over) files to destination nzo.status = Status.MOVING nzo.set_action_line(T('Moving'), '...') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(workdir): if not root.endswith(JOB_ADMIN): for file_ in files: path = os.path.join(root, file_) new_path = path.replace(workdir, tmp_workdir_complete) new_path = get_unique_filename(new_path) newfiles.append(new_path) if not move_to_path(path, new_path, unique=False): nzo.set_unpack_info( 'Unpack', T('Failed moving %s to %s') % (unicoder(path), unicoder(new_path))) all_ok = False break ## Set permissions right set_permissions(tmp_workdir_complete) if all_ok and marker_file: del_marker(os.path.join(tmp_workdir_complete, marker_file)) remove_from_list(marker_file, newfiles) if all_ok: ## Remove files matching the cleanup list cleanup_list(tmp_workdir_complete, True) ## Check if this is an NZB-only download, if so redirect to queue ## except when PP was Download-only if flag_repair: nzb_list = nzb_redirect(tmp_workdir_complete, nzo.final_name, nzo.pp, script, cat, priority=nzo.priority) else: nzb_list = None if nzb_list: nzo.set_unpack_info( 'Download', T('Sent %s to queue') % unicoder(nzb_list)) try: remove_dir(tmp_workdir_complete) except: pass else: cleanup_list(tmp_workdir_complete, False) script_output = '' script_ret = 0 if not nzb_list: ## Give destination its final name if cfg.folder_rename() and tmp_workdir_complete and not one_folder: if not all_ok: workdir_complete = tmp_workdir_complete.replace( '_UNPACK_', '_FAILED_') workdir_complete = get_unique_path(workdir_complete, n=0, create_dir=False) try: collapse_folder(tmp_workdir_complete, workdir_complete) except: logging.error(Ta('Error renaming "%s" to "%s"'), tmp_workdir_complete, workdir_complete)"Traceback: ", exc_info=True) job_result = int(par_error) + int(unpack_error) * 2 if cfg.ignore_samples() > 0: remove_samples(workdir_complete) ## TV/Movie/Date Renaming code part 2 - rename and move files to parent folder if all_ok and file_sorter.sort_file: if newfiles: file_sorter.rename(newfiles, workdir_complete) workdir_complete, ok = file_sorter.move(workdir_complete) else: workdir_complete, ok = file_sorter.rename_with_ext( workdir_complete) if not ok: nzo.set_unpack_info('Unpack', T('Failed to move files')) all_ok = False ## Run the user script script_path = make_script_path(script) if all_ok and (not nzb_list) and script_path: #set the current nzo status to "Ext Script...". Used in History nzo.status = Status.RUNNING nzo.set_action_line(T('Running script'), unicoder(script)) nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', T('Running user script %s') % unicoder(script), unique=True) script_log, script_ret = external_processing( script_path, workdir_complete, nzo.filename, msgid, dirname, cat,, job_result) script_line = get_last_line(script_log) if script_log: script_output = nzo.nzo_id if script_line: nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', unicoder(script_line), unique=True) else: nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', T('Ran %s') % unicoder(script), unique=True) else: script = "" script_line = "" script_ret = 0 ## Email the results if (not nzb_list) and cfg.email_endjob(): if (cfg.email_endjob() == 1) or (cfg.email_endjob() == 2 and (unpack_error or par_error)): emailer.endjob(dirname, msgid, cat, all_ok, workdir_complete, nzo.bytes_downloaded, nzo.unpack_info, script, TRANS(script_log), script_ret) if script_output: # Can do this only now, otherwise it would show up in the email if script_ret: script_ret = 'Exit(%s) ' % script_ret else: script_ret = '' if script_line: nzo.set_unpack_info( 'Script', u'%s%s <a href="./scriptlog?name=%s">(%s)</a>' % (script_ret, unicoder(script_line), urllib.quote(script_output), T('More')), unique=True) else: nzo.set_unpack_info('Script', u'%s<a href="./scriptlog?name=%s">%s</a>' % (script_ret, urllib.quote(script_output), T('View script output')), unique=True) ## Cleanup again, including NZB files if all_ok: cleanup_list(workdir_complete, False) ## Remove newzbin bookmark, if any if msgid and all_ok: elif all_ok and isinstance(nzo.url, str): sabnzbd.proxy_rm_bookmark(nzo.url) ## Show final status in history if all_ok: growler.send_notification(T('Download Completed'), filename, 'complete') nzo.status = Status.COMPLETED else: growler.send_notification(T('Download Failed'), filename, 'complete') nzo.status = Status.FAILED except: logging.error(Ta('Post Processing Failed for %s (%s)'), filename, crash_msg) if not crash_msg:"Traceback: ", exc_info=True) crash_msg = T('see logfile') nzo.fail_msg = T('PostProcessing was aborted (%s)') % unicoder( crash_msg) growler.send_notification(T('Download Failed'), filename, 'complete') nzo.status = Status.FAILED par_error = True all_ok = False info = nzo.unpack_info.copy() info['fail'] = [nzo.fail_msg] if cfg.email_endjob(): emailer.endjob(dirname, msgid, cat, all_ok, workdir_complete, nzo.bytes_downloaded, info, '', '', 0) if all_ok: # If the folder only contains one file OR folder, have that as the path # Be aware that series/generic/date sorting may move a single file into a folder containing other files workdir_complete = one_file_or_folder(workdir_complete) workdir_complete = os.path.normpath(workdir_complete) # Log the overall time taken for postprocessing postproc_time = int(time.time() - start) # Create the history DB instance history_db = database.get_history_handle() # Add the nzo to the database. Only the path, script and time taken is passed # Other information is obtained from the nzo history_db.add_history_db(nzo, workdir_complete, nzo.downpath, postproc_time, script_log, script_line) # The connection is only used once, so close it here history_db.close() ## Clean up the NZO try:'Cleaning up %s (keep_basic=%s)', filename, str(not all_ok)), keep_basic=not all_ok) except: logging.error(Ta('Cleanup of %s failed.'), nzo.final_name)"Traceback: ", exc_info=True) ## Remove download folder if all_ok: try: if os.path.exists(workdir): logging.debug('Removing workdir %s', workdir) remove_all(workdir, recursive=True) except: logging.error(Ta('Error removing workdir (%s)'), workdir)"Traceback: ", exc_info=True) return True