def sms2gate(request): count = 0 now = sms_list = SmsSend.objects.not_send_yet_sms2gate()[0:1000] if sms_list: #sendclient = send() for record in sms_list: data = {"id"} # payload = urllib.urlencode(data) #print payload,"========" try: # queue.sms2gate.delay(data) queue = TaskQueue('sms2gate') queue.add(Task("/backend/taskqueue/sms2gate",payload)) count+=1 except: st = SmsSendTrans() st.sms_send_to_gate( #print record.receive_mobile result = "total push message:"+str(count) return HttpResponse(result)
def runBatch(self): # sqlquery.writeLog('try to run task') # try: queue = TaskQueue('safecheck') queue.add(Task('/safecheckrun', 'safe parm')) # except Exception, e: # sqlquery.writeLog("queue error is: " + str(e))
def send_staff_unread(request): unread_mentors = unread_mentor() unread_waiters = unread_waiter() if not unread_mentors and not unread_mentors: return HttpResponse('') staffs = RelevantStaff.objects.exclude(send_mentor=False,send_waiter=False) for s in staffs: #发送短信,已有队列 if s.send_mentor and unread_mentors and msg = "<" + + ">导师留言后台有" + str(unread_mentors) + "条新客户留言. 请及时登录回复. 登录地址: " + SITE_INFO.domain + reverse('aq') helpers.send_staff_mobile(,msg) if s.send_waiter and unread_waiters and msg = "<" + + ">客服后台有" + str(unread_waiters) + "条新客服留言. 请及时登录回复. 登录地址: " + SITE_INFO.domain + reverse('waiter') helpers.send_staff_mobile(,msg) for s in staffs: #发送邮件队列 data = {"staff_id","unread_mentors":unread_mentors,"unread_waiters":unread_waiters} payload = urllib.urlencode(data) #执行转换 try: queue = TaskQueue('notice2staff') queue.add(Task("/backend/taskqueue/notice2staff",payload)) except: st = helpers.StaffTrans() st.kinger_notice_to_staff(,unread_mentors,unread_waiters) return HttpResponse('')
def add_task(user_dict,url,user): ''' add sae queue task ,fetch next page ''' url=url+'?&from=%s' %user queue = TaskQueue('fetch_next') queue.add(Task(url)) return None
def add_task(user_dict, url, user): ''' add sae queue task ,fetch next page ''' url = url + '?&from=%s' % user queue = TaskQueue('fetch_next') queue.add(Task(url)) return None
def addQueue(taskid,emailList): try:"Add queue,queueName:%s,taskid:%s" % (web.config.queueName,taskid)) queue = TaskQueue(web.config.queueName) tasks = [Task("/job/sendmail?taskid="+str(taskid)+"&email="+email) for email in emailList] queue.add(tasks) return 1 except Exception,e: logger.exception(e) return -1
def sms2send(request): """ 转换并发送 """ convert_count = 0 send_count = 0 now = k_sms_list = Sms.objects.not_send_yet_sms()[0:1000] # def get_test_sms(mobile=u'15814020825'): # sms = Sms.objects.all()[0] # = mobile # return [sms] # sms_list = get_test_sms() if k_sms_list: for record in k_sms_list: convert_count+=1 id = data = {"sms_id":id} # payload = urllib.urlencode(data) #执行转换 try: # queue.sms2send.delay(data) # print '+++++++++++' queue = TaskQueue('sms2send') queue.add(Task("/backend/taskqueue/sms2send",payload)) except: st = SmsTrans() st.kinger_sms_to_sms(id) print '-------------' result = "成功转换 "+str(convert_count) return HttpResponse(result)
def GET(self): channels = web.input(channel=[], _unicode=False).channel queue = TaskQueue('web_content_fetcher') ret = [] for channel in channels: newslist = [] # channel = channel.encode('ascii') if channel not in const.databases: injectionlog = logging.getLogger('injection_on_dbname') injectionlog.warning(channel+' - '+str(web.ctx.environ)) continue if channel=='meiriyiwen': link = const.databases[channel] if not self.contains(channel, link): newslist.append({'link': link, 'pubDate': None, 'tbln': channel}) else: url = const.databases[channel] #on windows mysql stores tables on filesystem, hence the table name is case-insensitive, #but on *nix they are case-sensitive # channel = channel.lower() pages = PageListParser(url) for p in pages: #p is sorted in desc, so if we find one then the rest is ignored if self.contains(channel, p['link']): break dt = dateSniffer(p['title']) if dt: p['pubDate'] = dt p['tbln'] = channel newslist.append(p) if newslist: queue.add((Task('/update', pickle.dumps(news)) for news in newslist)) queue.add(Task('/feed_generator', channel)) ret.append('DONE IN DISPATCHING %s' % channel) return '\n'.join(ret) if ret else "IT'S UP-TO-DATE"
def startQueue(group): from sae.taskqueue import TaskQueue,Task if group in GROUPS: for x in xrange(5): html = grabHTML(URL_START[group]) if html: print 'Get html from "%s" success!' % (URL_START[group]) break else: if x < 4: print 'Get html from "%s" fail, retrying: %d' % (URL_START[group], x + 1) else: print 'Get html from "%s" fail!' % (URL_START[group]) return None page = etree.HTML(html) tq = TaskQueue('crawler') if group == 'nmb': res = page.xpath(XPATH_START[group]) paramlist = [] for r in res: para = {'u' : r.find('h4/a').attrib['href'],'s':'qiniu'} extra = r.find("p/span") if extra: para['e'] = ''.join(extra.itertext()) pass tq.add(Task('/crawler/info/%s/handler/?%s' % (group,urlencode(para)))) return '%d tasks added' % len(res) if group == 'ske': root = page.xpath("//div[@id='sectionMain']")[0] count = 0 para = {'s':'qiniu'} for e in root.getchildren(): if e.tag == "span": para['e'] = e.find("h3").text.encode('utf-8') elif e.tag == "ul": for a in e.findall("li/dl/dd/h3/a"): para['u'] = a.attrib.get('href') tq.add(Task('/crawler/info/%s/handler/?%s' % (group,urlencode(para)))) count += 1 pass return '%d tasks added' % count else: res = page.xpath(XPATH_START[group]) if res: tl = [Task('crawler/info/%s/handler/?%s' % (group,urlencode({'u':r, 's':'qiniu'}))) for r in res] tq.add(tl) return '%d tasks added' % len(res) else: return None pass
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): operation = self.get_operation(request) tasks = self.as_task(operation) TaskQueue(self.QUEUE_NAME).add(tasks) content = 'added {0:d} tasks'.format(len(tasks)) return HttpResponse(content)
from models import * from framework.web import get, post, ctx, view, interceptor, seeother, notfound, unauthorized from framework.apis import api, Page, APIError, APIValueError, APIPermissionError, APIResourceNotFoundError import os.path import os, re, time, base64, hashlib, logging from config import configs import import markdown2 from framework import db import random import sae.kvdb from sae.taskqueue import Task, TaskQueue import base64 kv = sae.kvdb.Client() counter_queue = TaskQueue(configs.taskqueue) _COOKIE_NAME = 'jblog' _COOKIE_KEY = configs.session.secret CHUNKSIZE = 8192 UPLOAD_PATH = 'upload' SAE_BUCKET =['bucket'] def tag_count_add(tag): tag.number += 1 tag.update() def tag_count_min(tag): tag.number -= 1
def post(self, nodeid='1'): n_obj = Node.get_by_key('n-'+str(nodeid)) if not n_obj: self.set_status(404) self.write('404') return errors = [] author = str(self.get_cookie('username','')) title = self.get_argument('title','') content = self.get_argument('content','') t_obj = TOPIC_DICT.copy() if title and content: if len(title)<=TITLE_MAX_S and len(content)<=CONTENT_MAX_S: int_time = int(time()) #check spam u_topic_time = kv.get('u_topic_time:'+author) if u_topic_time: tlist = u_topic_time.split(',') if len(tlist)== MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC and (int_time-int(tlist[-1])) < 3600: self.write(u'403:不要发帖太频繁了 <a href="/newpost/%s">请返回</a>' % nodeid) return #check repeat content = textilize(content) #content = safe_encode(content) con_md5 = md5(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if mc.get('c_'+con_md5): self.write(u'403:请勿灌水 <a href="/newpost/%s">请返回</a>' % nodeid) return else: mc.set('c_'+con_md5, '1', 36000) t_obj['title'] = title t_obj['nodeid'] = str(nodeid) t_obj['nodename'] = n_obj['name'] t_obj['author'] = author t_obj['add'] = int_time t_obj['content'] = content if n_obj['count']: topic_id = int(n_obj['count']) + 1 else: topic_id = 1 if Topic.add(topic_id, t_obj): topic_key = 't-%s-%s' % (str(nodeid), str(topic_id)) #node count +1 n_obj['count'] = str(topic_id)'n-'+str(nodeid), n_obj) #member recent +key #Member.add_key_rencent_topic(author, topic_key) rt_obj = kv.get('topic-'+author) if rt_obj: olist = rt_obj.split(',') if topic_key not in olist: olist.insert(0, topic_key) rt_obj = ','.join(olist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC]) kv.set('topic-'+author, rt_obj) else: rt_obj = topic_key kv.set('topic-'+author, topic_key) #recent in home +key Commomkvdb.add_key_rencent_topic('recent-topic-home', topic_key) #all topic counter +1 Count.key_incr('all-topic-num') #hot node tqueue = TaskQueue('default') tqueue.add(Task('/task/hotnode/%s/%s' % ('n-'+str(nodeid), str(topic_id)), delay=5)) #notifications mentions = findall_mentions(t_obj['content'], author) if mentions: tqueue.add(Task('/task/mentions/'+topic_key, 'member='+','.join(mentions), delay=8)) #set for check spam #u_topic_time = kv.get('u_topic_time:'+author) if u_topic_time: tlist = u_topic_time.split(',') if str(int_time) not in tlist: tlist.insert(0, str(int_time)) u_topic_time = ','.join(tlist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC]) kv.set('u_topic_time:'+author, u_topic_time) else: u_topic_time = str(int_time) kv.set('u_topic_time:'+author, u_topic_time) ##set new sr_code cur_user = self.cur_user() code_list = [cur_user['code'],u_topic_time] u_comment_time = kv.get('u_comment_time:'+author) if u_comment_time: code_list.append(u_comment_time) self.set_cookie('usercode', md5(''.join(code_list)).hexdigest(), path="/", expires_days = 365 ) #del cache clear_cache_multi(['get_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home','get_topic_by_keys:topic-' + author, 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home', 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-comment-topic-home','cur_user:'******'/'+topic_key) return else: errors.append("服务器出现错误,请稍后再试") else: t_obj['title'] = title t_obj['content'] = content errors.append(u"注意标题和内容的最大字数:%s %d" % (len(title), len(content))) else: errors.append("标题和内容必填") self.echo('newpost.html', { 'title': "发新帖子", 'errors':errors, 'n_obj': n_obj, 't_obj': t_obj, }, layout='_layout.html')
def post(self, nodeid, topicid): author = str(self.get_cookie('username','')) content = self.get_argument('content','') if author and content and len(content)<=COMMENT_MAX_S: int_time = int(time()) #check spam u_comment_time = kv.get('u_comment_time:'+author) if u_comment_time: tlist = u_comment_time.split(',') if len(tlist)== MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC and (int_time-int(tlist[-1])) < 3600: self.write(u'403:不要回复太频繁了 <a href="/t-%s-%s">请返回</a>' % (nodeid, topicid)) return #check repeat content = textilize(content) #content = safe_encode(content) con_md5 = md5(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if mc.get('c_'+con_md5): self.write(u'403:请勿灌水 <a href="/t-%s-%s">请返回</a>' % (nodeid, topicid)) return else: mc.set('c_'+con_md5, '1', 36000) ## t_key = 't-%s-%s' % (str(nodeid), str(topicid)) t_obj = Topic.get_by_key(t_key) if t_obj['cnum']: id_num = int(t_obj['cnum']) + 1 else: id_num = 1 c_key = 't-%s-%s-%d' % (str(nodeid), str(topicid), id_num) c_obj = COMMENT_DICT.copy() c_obj['author'] = author c_obj['add'] = int_time c_obj['content'] = content if, c_obj): #topic commont count +1 t_obj['cnum'] = id_num t_obj['reply'] = author t_obj['edit'] = int_time, t_obj) #member recent +key #Member.add_key_rencent_comment_topic(author, t_key) rt_obj = kv.get('comment-topic-'+author) if rt_obj: olist = rt_obj.split(',') if t_key in olist: olist.remove(t_key) olist.insert(0, t_key) kv.set('comment-topic-'+author, ','.join(olist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC])) else: kv.set('comment-topic-'+author, t_key) #recent comment in home +key Commomkvdb.add_key_rencent_topic('recent-comment-topic-home', t_key) #all comment counter +1 Count.key_incr('all-comment-num') #notifications if t_obj['author'] != author: mentions = findall_mentions(c_obj['content']+' @%s '%t_obj['author'], author) else: mentions = findall_mentions(c_obj['content'], author) if mentions: tqueue = TaskQueue('default') tqueue.add(Task('/task/mentions/'+t_key, 'member='+','.join(mentions), delay=5)) #set for check spam #u_comment_time = kv.get('u_comment_time:'+author) if u_comment_time: tlist = u_comment_time.split(',') if str(int_time) not in tlist: tlist.insert(0, str(int_time)) u_comment_time = ','.join(tlist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC]) kv.set('u_comment_time:'+author, u_comment_time) else: u_comment_time = str(int_time) kv.set('u_comment_time:'+author, u_comment_time) ##set new sr_code cur_user = self.cur_user() code_list = [cur_user['code']] u_topic_time = kv.get('u_topic_time:'+author) if u_topic_time: code_list.append(u_topic_time) if u_comment_time: code_list.append(u_comment_time) self.set_cookie('usercode', md5(''.join(code_list)).hexdigest(), path="/", expires_days = 365 ) #del cache cachekeys = ['get_topic_by_keys:recent-comment-topic-home', 'get_topic_by_keys:comment-topic-'+author, 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home', 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-comment-topic-home','cur_user:'******'recent-topic-home') if tks and t_key in tks.split(','): cachekeys.append('get_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home') if id_num<EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM: cachekeys.append('get_comments:%s:1' % t_key) else: cachekeys.append('get_comments:%s:%d' % (t_key, [i for i in range(1,id_num,EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM)][-1])) clear_cache_multi(cachekeys) self.redirect('/'+t_key) return else: self.set_status(403) self.write('错误: 403 (请返回填写内容 或 内容太长了)')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import url_for from sae.taskqueue import Task, TaskQueue import json queue = TaskQueue('mailq') def send_mail(subject='', body='', recipients=None, reply_to='*****@*****.**'): queue.add(Task(url_for('util.send_mail'), json.dumps({ 'subject': subject, 'body': body, 'recipients': recipients, 'reply_to': reply_to, }) ))
def startQueue(group): from sae.taskqueue import TaskQueue, Task if group in GROUPS: for x in xrange(5): html = grabHTML(URL_START[group]) if html: print 'Get html from "%s" success!' % (URL_START[group]) break else: if x < 4: print 'Get html from "%s" fail, retrying: %d' % ( URL_START[group], x + 1) else: print 'Get html from "%s" fail!' % (URL_START[group]) return None page = etree.HTML(html) tq = TaskQueue('crawler') if group == 'nmb': res = page.xpath(XPATH_START[group]) paramlist = [] for r in res: para = {'u': r.find('h4/a').attrib['href'], 's': 'qiniu'} extra = r.find("p/span") if extra: para['e'] = ''.join(extra.itertext()) pass tq.add( Task('/crawler/info/%s/handler/?%s' % (group, urlencode(para)))) return '%d tasks added' % len(res) if group == 'ske': root = page.xpath("//div[@id='sectionMain']")[0] count = 0 para = {'s': 'qiniu'} for e in root.getchildren(): if e.tag == "span": para['e'] = e.find("h3").text.encode('utf-8') elif e.tag == "ul": for a in e.findall("li/dl/dd/h3/a"): para['u'] = a.attrib.get('href') tq.add( Task('/crawler/info/%s/handler/?%s' % (group, urlencode(para)))) count += 1 pass return '%d tasks added' % count else: res = page.xpath(XPATH_START[group]) if res: tl = [ Task('crawler/info/%s/handler/?%s' % (group, urlencode({ 'u': r, 's': 'qiniu' }))) for r in res ] tq.add(tl) return '%d tasks added' % len(res) else: return None pass
def post(self, nodeid='1'): n_obj = Node.get_by_key('n-' + str(nodeid)) if not n_obj: self.set_status(404) self.write('404') return errors = [] author = str(self.get_cookie('username', '')) title = self.get_argument('title', '') content = self.get_argument('content', '') t_obj = TOPIC_DICT.copy() if title and content: if len(title) <= TITLE_MAX_S and len(content) <= CONTENT_MAX_S: int_time = int(time()) #check spam u_topic_time = kv.get('u_topic_time:' + author) if u_topic_time: tlist = u_topic_time.split(',') if len(tlist) == MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC and ( int_time - int(tlist[-1])) < 3600: self.write( u'403:不要发帖太频繁了 <a href="/newpost/%s">请返回</a>' % nodeid) return #check repeat content = textilize(content) #content = safe_encode(content) con_md5 = md5(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if mc.get('c_' + con_md5): self.write(u'403:请勿灌水 <a href="/newpost/%s">请返回</a>' % nodeid) return else: mc.set('c_' + con_md5, '1', 36000) t_obj['title'] = title t_obj['nodeid'] = str(nodeid) t_obj['nodename'] = n_obj['name'] t_obj['author'] = author t_obj['add'] = int_time t_obj['content'] = content if n_obj['count']: topic_id = int(n_obj['count']) + 1 else: topic_id = 1 if Topic.add(topic_id, t_obj): topic_key = 't-%s-%s' % (str(nodeid), str(topic_id)) #node count +1 n_obj['count'] = str(topic_id)'n-' + str(nodeid), n_obj) #member recent +key #Member.add_key_rencent_topic(author, topic_key) rt_obj = kv.get('topic-' + author) if rt_obj: olist = rt_obj.split(',') if topic_key not in olist: olist.insert(0, topic_key) rt_obj = ','.join(olist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC]) kv.set('topic-' + author, rt_obj) else: rt_obj = topic_key kv.set('topic-' + author, topic_key) #recent in home +key Commomkvdb.add_key_rencent_topic('recent-topic-home', topic_key) #all topic counter +1 Count.key_incr('all-topic-num') #hot node tqueue = TaskQueue('default') tqueue.add( Task('/task/hotnode/%s/%s' % ('n-' + str(nodeid), str(topic_id)), delay=5)) #notifications mentions = findall_mentions(t_obj['content'], author) if mentions: tqueue.add( Task('/task/mentions/' + topic_key, 'member=' + ','.join(mentions), delay=8)) #set for check spam #u_topic_time = kv.get('u_topic_time:'+author) if u_topic_time: tlist = u_topic_time.split(',') if str(int_time) not in tlist: tlist.insert(0, str(int_time)) u_topic_time = ','.join( tlist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC]) kv.set('u_topic_time:' + author, u_topic_time) else: u_topic_time = str(int_time) kv.set('u_topic_time:' + author, u_topic_time) ##set new sr_code cur_user = self.cur_user() code_list = [cur_user['code'], u_topic_time] u_comment_time = kv.get('u_comment_time:' + author) if u_comment_time: code_list.append(u_comment_time) self.set_cookie('usercode', md5(''.join(code_list)).hexdigest(), path="/", expires_days=365) #del cache clear_cache_multi([ 'get_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home', 'get_topic_by_keys:topic-' + author, 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home', 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-comment-topic-home', 'cur_user:'******'/' + topic_key) return else: errors.append("服务器出现错误,请稍后再试") else: t_obj['title'] = title t_obj['content'] = content errors.append(u"注意标题和内容的最大字数:%s %d" % (len(title), len(content))) else: errors.append("标题和内容必填") self.echo('newpost.html', { 'title': "发新帖子", 'errors': errors, 'n_obj': n_obj, 't_obj': t_obj, }, layout='_layout.html')
def post(self, nodeid, topicid): author = str(self.get_cookie('username', '')) content = self.get_argument('content', '') if author and content and len(content) <= COMMENT_MAX_S: int_time = int(time()) #check spam u_comment_time = kv.get('u_comment_time:' + author) if u_comment_time: tlist = u_comment_time.split(',') if len(tlist) == MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC and ( int_time - int(tlist[-1])) < 3600: self.write(u'403:不要回复太频繁了 <a href="/t-%s-%s">请返回</a>' % (nodeid, topicid)) return #check repeat content = textilize(content) #content = safe_encode(content) con_md5 = md5(content.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if mc.get('c_' + con_md5): self.write(u'403:请勿灌水 <a href="/t-%s-%s">请返回</a>' % (nodeid, topicid)) return else: mc.set('c_' + con_md5, '1', 36000) ## t_key = 't-%s-%s' % (str(nodeid), str(topicid)) t_obj = Topic.get_by_key(t_key) if t_obj['cnum']: id_num = int(t_obj['cnum']) + 1 else: id_num = 1 c_key = 't-%s-%s-%d' % (str(nodeid), str(topicid), id_num) c_obj = COMMENT_DICT.copy() c_obj['author'] = author c_obj['add'] = int_time c_obj['content'] = content if, c_obj): #topic commont count +1 t_obj['cnum'] = id_num t_obj['reply'] = author t_obj['edit'] = int_time, t_obj) #member recent +key #Member.add_key_rencent_comment_topic(author, t_key) rt_obj = kv.get('comment-topic-' + author) if rt_obj: olist = rt_obj.split(',') if t_key in olist: olist.remove(t_key) olist.insert(0, t_key) kv.set('comment-topic-' + author, ','.join(olist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC])) else: kv.set('comment-topic-' + author, t_key) #recent comment in home +key Commomkvdb.add_key_rencent_topic('recent-comment-topic-home', t_key) #all comment counter +1 Count.key_incr('all-comment-num') #notifications if t_obj['author'] != author: mentions = findall_mentions( c_obj['content'] + ' @%s ' % t_obj['author'], author) else: mentions = findall_mentions(c_obj['content'], author) if mentions: tqueue = TaskQueue('default') tqueue.add( Task('/task/mentions/' + t_key, 'member=' + ','.join(mentions), delay=5)) #set for check spam #u_comment_time = kv.get('u_comment_time:'+author) if u_comment_time: tlist = u_comment_time.split(',') if str(int_time) not in tlist: tlist.insert(0, str(int_time)) u_comment_time = ','.join(tlist[:MEMBER_RECENT_TOPIC]) kv.set('u_comment_time:' + author, u_comment_time) else: u_comment_time = str(int_time) kv.set('u_comment_time:' + author, u_comment_time) ##set new sr_code cur_user = self.cur_user() code_list = [cur_user['code']] u_topic_time = kv.get('u_topic_time:' + author) if u_topic_time: code_list.append(u_topic_time) if u_comment_time: code_list.append(u_comment_time) self.set_cookie('usercode', md5(''.join(code_list)).hexdigest(), path="/", expires_days=365) #del cache cachekeys = [ 'get_topic_by_keys:recent-comment-topic-home', 'get_topic_by_keys:comment-topic-' + author, 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home', 'get_comment_topic_by_keys:recent-comment-topic-home', 'cur_user:'******'recent-topic-home') if tks and t_key in tks.split(','): cachekeys.append('get_topic_by_keys:recent-topic-home') if id_num < EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM: cachekeys.append('get_comments:%s:1' % t_key) else: cachekeys.append('get_comments:%s:%d' % (t_key, [ i for i in range(1, id_num, EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM) ][-1])) clear_cache_multi(cachekeys) self.redirect('/' + t_key) return else: self.set_status(403) self.write('错误: 403 (请返回填写内容 或 内容太长了)')
def get_queue(queue_name): """ 获取队列 """ if queue_name not in CachedQueue: CachedQueue[queue_name] = TaskQueue(queue_name) return CachedQueue[queue_name]