Exemple #1
    def mmi_to_shapefile(self, force_flag=False):
        """Convert grid.xml's mmi column to a vector shp file using ogr2ogr.

        An ESRI shape file will be created.

        :param force_flag: bool (Optional). Whether to force the regeneration
            of the output file. Defaults to False.

        :return: Path to the resulting tif file.
        :rtype: str

        Example of the ogr2ogr call we generate::

           ogr2ogr -select mmi -a_srs EPSG:4326 mmi.shp mmi.vrt mmi

        .. note:: It is assumed that ogr2ogr is in your path.
        LOGGER.debug('mmi_to_shapefile requested.')

        shp_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir,
                                '%s-points.shp' % self.output_basename)
        # Short circuit if the tif is already created.
        if os.path.exists(shp_path) and force_flag is not True:
            return shp_path

        # Ensure the vrt mmi file exists (it will generate csv too if needed)
        vrt_path = self.mmi_to_vrt(force_flag)

        # now generate the tif using default interpolation options

        binary_list = which('ogr2ogr')
        LOGGER.debug('Path for ogr2ogr: %s' % binary_list)
        if len(binary_list) < 1:
            raise CallGDALError(
                tr('ogr2ogr could not be found on your computer'))
        # Use the first matching gdalwarp found
        binary = binary_list[0]
        command = (('%(ogr2ogr)s -overwrite -select mmi -a_srs EPSG:4326 '
                    '%(shp)s %(vrt)s mmi') % {
                        'ogr2ogr': binary,
                        'shp': shp_path,
                        'vrt': vrt_path

        LOGGER.info('Created this ogr command:\n%s' % command)
        # Now run ogr2ogr ...
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember

        # Lastly copy over the standard qml (QGIS Style file) for the mmi.tif
        qml_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir,
                                '%s-points.qml' % self.output_basename)
        source_qml = resources_path('converter_data', 'mmi-shape.qml')
        shutil.copyfile(source_qml, qml_path)
        return shp_path
Exemple #2
def _clip_raster_layer(
        layer, extent, cell_size=None, extra_keywords=None):
    """Clip a Hazard or Exposure raster layer to the extents provided.

    The layer must be a raster layer or an exception will be thrown.

    .. note:: The extent *must* be in EPSG:4326.

    The output layer will always be in WGS84/Geographic.

    :param layer: A valid QGIS raster layer in EPSG:4326
    :type layer: QgsRasterLayer

    :param extent:  An array representing the exposure layer
           extents in the form [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]. It is assumed
           that the coordinates are in EPSG:4326 although currently
           no checks are made to enforce this.
           A QgsGeometry of type polygon.
           **Polygon clipping currently only supported for vector datasets.**
    :type extent: list(float), QgsGeometry

    :param cell_size: Cell size (in GeoCRS) which the layer should
            be resampled to. If not provided for a raster layer (i.e.
            theCellSize=None), the native raster cell size will be used.
    :type cell_size: float

    :returns: Output clipped layer (placed in the system temp dir).
    :rtype: QgsRasterLayer

    :raises: InvalidProjectionError - if input layer is a density
        layer in projected coordinates. See issue #123.

    if not layer or not extent:
        message = tr('Layer or Extent passed to clip is None.')
        raise InvalidParameterError(message)

    if layer.type() != QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer:
        message = tr(
            'Expected a raster layer but received a %s.' %
        raise InvalidParameterError(message)

    working_layer = layer.source()

    # Check for existence of keywords file
    base, _ = os.path.splitext(working_layer)
    keywords_path = base + '.keywords'
    message = tr(
        'Input file to be clipped "%s" does not have the '
        'expected keywords file %s' % (
    verify(os.path.isfile(keywords_path), message)

    # Raise exception if layer is projected and refers to density (issue #123)
    # FIXME (Ole): Need to deal with it - e.g. by automatically reprojecting
    # the layer at this point and setting the native resolution accordingly
    # in its keywords.
    keywords = read_file_keywords(keywords_path)
    if 'datatype' in keywords and keywords['datatype'] == 'count':
        if str(layer.crs().authid()) != 'EPSG:4326':

            # This layer is not WGS84 geographic
            message = (
                'Layer %s represents count but has spatial reference "%s". '
                'Count layers must be given in WGS84 geographic coordinates, '
                'so please reproject and try again. For more information, see '
                'issue https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/123' % (
            raise InvalidProjectionError(message)

    # We need to provide gdalwarp with a dataset for the clip
    # because unlike gdal_translate, it does not take projwin.
    clip_kml = extent_to_kml(extent)

    # Create a filename for the clipped, resampled and reprojected layer
    handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp('.tif', 'clip_', temp_dir())

    # If no cell size is specified, we need to run gdalwarp without
    # specifying the output pixel size to ensure the raster dims
    # remain consistent.
    binary_list = which('gdalwarp')
    LOGGER.debug('Path for gdalwarp: %s' % binary_list)
    if len(binary_list) < 1:
        raise CallGDALError(
            tr('gdalwarp could not be found on your computer'))
    # Use the first matching gdalwarp found
    binary = binary_list[0]
    if cell_size is None:
        command = (
            '"%s" -q -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r near -cutline %s -crop_to_cutline '
            '-ot Float64 -of GTiff "%s" "%s"' % (
        command = (
            '"%s" -q -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r near -tr %s %s -cutline %s '
            '-crop_to_cutline -ot Float64 -of GTiff "%s" "%s"' % (

    result = QProcess().execute(command)

    # For QProcess exit codes see
    # http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qprocess.html#execute
    if result == -2:  # cannot be started
        message_detail = tr('Process could not be started.')
        message = tr(
            '<p>Error while executing the following shell command:'
            '</p><pre>%s</pre><p>Error message: %s'
            % (command, message_detail))
        raise CallGDALError(message)
    elif result == -1:  # process crashed
        message_detail = tr('Process crashed.')
        message = tr(
            '<p>Error while executing the following shell command:</p>'
            '<pre>%s</pre><p>Error message: %s' % (command, message_detail))
        raise CallGDALError(message)

    # .. todo:: Check the result of the shell call is ok
    keyword_io = KeywordIO()
    keyword_io.copy_keywords(layer, filename, extra_keywords=extra_keywords)
    base_name = '%s clipped' % layer.name()
    layer = QgsRasterLayer(filename, base_name)

    return layer