def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano population evacuation

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Vector polygon layer of volcano impact zones
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        Counts number of people exposed to volcano event.

          Map of population exposed to the volcano hazard zone.
          Table with number of people evacuated and supplies required.

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(H.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not H.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected '
                   % H.get_name())
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. '
               'I got %s with layer '
               'type %s' % (H.get_name(),
        if not (H.is_polygon_data or H.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if H.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distance [km]']

            centers = H.get_geometry()
            attributes = H.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            H = make_circular_polygon(centers,
            # NOTE (Sunni) : I commented out this one because there will be
            # a permission problem on windows
            #H.write_to_file('Evac_zones_%s.shp' % str(radii))  # To check

            category_title = 'Radius'
            category_header = tr('Distance [km]')
            category_names = radii

            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'
            category_header = tr('Category')

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = ['Kawasan Rawan Bencana III',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I']

            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map
            attributes = H.get_data()

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in H.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in H.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in H.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (H.get_name(), category_title))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(H, E,

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = H.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        evacuated = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            pop = float(attr['population'])

            # Update population count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += pop

            # Update population count for each category
            cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
            categories[cat] += pop

        # Count totals
        total = int(numpy.sum(E.get_data(nan=0)))

        # Don't show digits less than a 1000
        total = round_thousand(total)

        # Count number and cumulative for each zone
        cum = 0
        pops = {}
        cums = {}
        for name in category_names:
            if category_title == 'Radius':
                key = name * 1000  # Convert to meters
                key = name

            pop = int(categories[key])

            pop = round_thousand(pop)

            cum += pop
            cum = round_thousand(cum)

            pops[name] = pop
            cums[name] = cum

        # Use final accumulation as total number needing evac
        evacuated = cum

        # Calculate estimated needs based on BNPB Perka
        # 7/2008 minimum bantuan
        # FIXME (Ole): Refactor into one function to be shared
        rice = int(evacuated * 2.8)
        drinking_water = int(evacuated * 17.5)
        water = int(evacuated * 67)
        family_kits = int(evacuated / 5)
        toilets = int(evacuated / 20)

        # Generate impact report for the pdf map
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([tr('Volcanos considered'),
                                '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                      TableRow([tr('People needing evacuation'),
                                '%s' % format_int(evacuated),
                                tr('Total'), tr('Cumulative')],

        for name in category_names:

        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Map shows population affected in '
                                       'each of volcano hazard polygons.')),
                           TableRow([tr('Needs per week'), tr('Total'),
                           [tr('Rice [kg]'), format_int(rice), blank_cell],
                           [tr('Drinking Water [l]'),
                            format_int(drinking_water), blank_cell],
                           [tr('Clean Water [l]'), format_int(water),
                           [tr('Family Kits'), format_int(family_kits),
                           [tr('Toilets'), format_int(toilets),
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
                           tr('Total population %s in the exposure layer')
                           % format_int(total),
                           tr('People need evacuation if they are within the '
                              'volcanic hazard zones.')])
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = tr('People affected by volcanic hazard zone')

        # Define classes for legend for flooded population counts
        colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00',
                   '#FFCC00', '#FF6600', '#FF0000', '#7A0000']
        population_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        cls = [0] + numpy.linspace(1,

        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
            lo = cls[i]
            hi = cls[i + 1]

            if i == 0:
                label = tr('0')
                label = tr('%i - %i') % (lo, hi)

            entry = dict(label=label, colour=colour, min=lo, max=hi,
                         transparency=50, size=1)

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,
                          legend_title=tr('Population Count'))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Population affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title,
                             'target_field': self.target_field},
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano hazard on building/structure

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              my_hazard: Hazard layer of volcano
              my_exposure: Vector layer of structure data on
              the same grid as my_hazard

        Counts number of building exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

          Map of building exposed to volcanic hazard zones
          Table with number of buildings affected

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano hazard layer
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)
        is_point_data = False

        question = get_question(my_hazard.get_name(), my_exposure.get_name(), self)

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = "Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected " % my_hazard.get_name()
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = "Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s " "with layer type %s" % (
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters["distances [km]"]
            is_point_data = True

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            Z = make_circular_polygon(centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)
            # To check
            category_title = "Radius"
            my_hazard = Z

            category_names = rad_m
            name_attribute = "NAME"  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = "KRB"

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = ["Kawasan Rawan Bencana III", "Kawasan Rawan Bencana II", "Kawasan Rawan Bencana I"]
            name_attribute = "GUNUNG"  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ""
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += "%s, " % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr("Not specified in data")

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = "Hazard data %s did not contain expected " "attribute %s " % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title)
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(my_hazard, my_exposure)

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a building count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count impacted building per polygon and total
        for attr in P.get_data():

            # Update building count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr["polygon_id"]
            if poly_id is not None:
                new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += 1

                # Update building count for each category
                cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
                categories[cat] += 1

        # Count totals
        total = len(my_exposure)

        # Generate simple impact report
        blank_cell = ""
        table_body = [
            TableRow([tr("Volcanos considered"), "%s" % volcano_names, blank_cell], header=True),
            TableRow([tr("Distance [km]"), tr("Total"), tr("Cumulative")], header=True),

        cum = 0
        for name in category_names:
            # prevent key error
            count = categories.get(name, 0)
            cum += count
            if is_point_data:
                name = int(name) / 1000
            table_body.append(TableRow([name, format_int(count), format_int(cum)]))

        table_body.append(TableRow(tr("Map shows buildings affected in " "each of volcano hazard polygons.")))
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
                TableRow(tr("Notes"), header=True),
                tr("Total number of buildings %s in the viewable " "area") % format_int(total),
                tr("Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap " "are considered."),

        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        building_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]

        if max(building_counts) == 0 == min(building_counts):
            table_body = [
                TableRow([tr("Number of buildings affected"), "%s" % format_int(cum), blank_cell], header=True),
            my_message = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
            raise ZeroImpactException(my_message)

        # Create style
        colours = ["#FFFFFF", "#38A800", "#79C900", "#CEED00", "#FFCC00", "#FF6600", "#FF0000", "#7A0000"]
        classes = create_classes(building_counts, len(colours))
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class["label"] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 0:
                transparency = 100
                style_class["min"] = 0
                transparency = 30
                style_class["min"] = classes[i - 1]
            style_class["transparency"] = transparency
            style_class["colour"] = colours[i]
            style_class["max"] = classes[i]

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field, style_classes=style_classes, style_type="graduatedSymbol")

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr("Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone")
        legend_notes = tr("Thousand separator is represented by %s" % get_thousand_separator())
        legend_units = tr("(building)")
        legend_title = tr("Building count")

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(
            name=tr("Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone"),
                "impact_summary": impact_summary,
                "impact_table": impact_table,
                "target_field": self.target_field,
                "map_title": map_title,
                "legend_notes": legend_notes,
                "legend_units": legend_units,
                "legend_title": legend_title,
        return V
Exemple #3
from safe.engine.interpolation import make_circular_polygon
from import read_layer

H = read_layer('/data_area/InaSAFE/public_data/hazard/Marapi.shp')
print H.get_geometry()

# Generate evacuation circle (as a polygon):
radius = 3000
center = H.get_geometry()[0]
Z = make_circular_polygon(center, radius)
Z.write_to_file('Marapi_evac_zone_%im.shp' % radius)
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano hazard on building/structure

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              my_hazard: Hazard layer of volcano
              my_exposure: Vector layer of structure data on
              the same grid as my_hazard

        Counts number of building exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

          Map of building exposed to volcanic hazard zones
          Table with number of buildings affected

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano hazard layer
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)
        is_point_data = False

        question = get_question(my_hazard.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected '
                   % my_hazard.get_name())
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s '
               'with layer type %s' %
               (my_hazard.get_name(), my_hazard.get_geometry_name()))
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distances [km]']
            is_point_data = True

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            Z = make_circular_polygon(centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)
            # To check
            category_title = 'Radius'
            my_hazard = Z

            category_names = rad_m
            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = ['Kawasan Rawan Bencana III',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I']
            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(my_hazard, my_exposure)

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a building count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count impacted building per polygon and total
        for attr in P.get_data():

            # Update building count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            if poly_id is not None:
                new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += 1

                # Update building count for each category
                cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
                categories[cat] += 1

        # Count totals
        total = len(my_exposure)

        # Generate simple impact report
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([tr('Volcanos considered'),
                                '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                      TableRow([tr('Distance [km]'), tr('Total'),

        cum = 0
        for name in category_names:
            # prevent key error
            count = categories.get(name, 0)
            cum += count
            if is_point_data:
                name = int(name) / 1000
            table_body.append(TableRow([name, format_int(count),

        table_body.append(TableRow(tr('Map shows buildings affected in '
                                      'each of volcano hazard polygons.')))
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
                           tr('Total number of buildings %s in the viewable '
                              'area') % format_int(total),
                           tr('Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap '
                              'are considered.')])
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')

        # Create style
        colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00',
                   '#FFCC00', '#FF6600', '#FF0000', '#7A0000']
        building_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        classes = create_classes(building_counts, len(colours))
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 0:
                transparency = 100
                style_class['min'] = 0
                transparency = 30
                style_class['min'] = classes[i - 1]
            style_class['transparency'] = transparency
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['max'] = classes[i]

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('Building affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by \'.\'')
        legend_units = tr('(building)')
        legend_title = tr('Building count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'target_field': self.target_field,
                             'map_title': map_title,
                             'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                             'legend_units': legend_units,
                             'legend_title': legend_title},
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano hazard on building/structure

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              my_hazard: Hazard layer of volcano
              my_exposure: Vector layer of structure data on
              the same grid as my_hazard

        Counts number of building exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

          Map of building exposed to volcanic hazard zones
          Table with number of buildings affected

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano hazard layer
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)
        is_point_data = False

        question = get_question(my_hazard.get_name(), my_exposure.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected ' %
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s '
               'with layer type %s' %
               (my_hazard.get_name(), my_hazard.get_geometry_name()))
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distances [km]']
            is_point_data = True

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            Z = make_circular_polygon(centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)
            # To check
            category_title = 'Radius'
            my_hazard = Z

            category_names = rad_m
            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = [
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana III', 'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I'
            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(my_hazard, my_exposure)

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a building count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count impacted building per polygon and total
        for attr in P.get_data():

            # Update building count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            if poly_id is not None:
                new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += 1

                # Update building count for each category
                cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
                categories[cat] += 1

        # Count totals
        total = len(my_exposure)

        # Generate simple impact report
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [
                [tr('Volcanos considered'),
                 '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
            TableRow([tr('Distance [km]'),

        cum = 0
        for name in category_names:
            # prevent key error
            count = categories.get(name, 0)
            cum += count
            if is_point_data:
                name = int(name) / 1000
                TableRow([name, format_int(count),

                tr('Map shows buildings affected in '
                   'each of volcano hazard polygons.')))
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
            TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
            tr('Total number of buildings %s in the viewable '
               'area') % format_int(total),
            tr('Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap '
               'are considered.')

        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        building_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]

        if max(building_counts) == 0 == min(building_counts):
            table_body = [
                    tr('Number of buildings affected'),
                    '%s' % format_int(cum), blank_cell
            my_message = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
            raise ZeroImpactException(my_message)

        # Create style
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        classes = create_classes(building_counts, len(colours))
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 0:
                transparency = 100
                style_class['min'] = 0
                transparency = 30
                style_class['min'] = classes[i - 1]
            style_class['transparency'] = transparency
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['max'] = classes[i]

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by %s' %
        legend_units = tr('(building)')
        legend_title = tr('Building count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                       'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                       'impact_table': impact_table,
                       'target_field': self.target_field,
                       'map_title': map_title,
                       'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                       'legend_units': legend_units,
                       'legend_title': legend_title
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for flood population evacuation

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of volcano depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        Counts number of people exposed to flood levels exceeding
        specified threshold.

          Map of population exposed to flood levels exceeding the threshold
          Table with number of people evacuated and supplies required

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(H.get_name(), E.get_name(), self)

        # Input checks
        if not H.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected ' %
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. '
               'I got %s with layer '
               'type %s' % (H.get_name(), H.get_geometry_name()))
        if not (H.is_polygon_data or H.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if H.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['R [km]']

            centers = H.get_geometry()
            attributes = H.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            H = make_circular_polygon(centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)
            #H.write_to_file('Evac_zones_%s.shp' % str(radii))  # To check

            category_title = 'Radius'
            category_header = tr('Distance [km]')
            category_names = radii

            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'
            category_header = tr('Category')

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = [
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana III', 'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I'

            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map
            attributes = H.get_data()

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in H.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in H.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in H.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (H.get_name(), category_title))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(H,

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = H.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        evacuated = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            pop = float(attr['population'])

            # Update population count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += pop

            # Update population count for each category
            cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
            categories[cat] += pop

        # Count totals
        total = int(numpy.sum(E.get_data(nan=0)))

        # Don't show digits less than a 1000
        if total > 1000:
            total = total // 1000 * 1000

        # Count number and cumulative for each zone
        cum = 0
        pops = {}
        cums = {}
        for name in category_names:
            if category_title == 'Radius':
                key = name * 1000  # Convert to meters
                key = name

            pop = int(categories[key])

            if pop > 1000:
                pop = pop // 1000 * 1000

            cum += pop
            if cum > 1000:
                cum = cum // 1000 * 1000

            pops[name] = pop
            cums[name] = cum

        # Use final accumulation as total number needing evac
        evacuated = cum

        # Calculate estimated needs based on BNPB Perka
        # 7/2008 minimum bantuan
        # FIXME (Ole): Refactor into one function to be shared
        rice = int(evacuated * 2.8)
        drinking_water = int(evacuated * 17.5)
        water = int(evacuated * 67)
        family_kits = int(evacuated / 5)
        toilets = int(evacuated / 20)

        # Generate impact report for the pdf map
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [
                [tr('Volcanos considered'),
                 '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                tr('People needing evacuation'),
                '%s' % format_int(evacuated), blank_cell
                 tr('Total'), tr('Cumulative')], header=True)

        for name in category_names:

                tr('Map shows population affected in '
                   'each of volcano hazard polygons.')),
            TableRow([tr('Needs per week'),
                      tr('Total'), blank_cell],
            [tr('Rice [kg]'), format_int(rice), blank_cell],
            [tr('Drinking Water [l]'),
             format_int(drinking_water), blank_cell],
            [tr('Clean Water [l]'),
             format_int(water), blank_cell],
            [tr('Family Kits'),
             format_int(family_kits), blank_cell],
            [tr('Toilets'), format_int(toilets), blank_cell]
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
            TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
            tr('Total population %s in the viewable area') % format_int(total),
            tr('People need evacuation if they are within the '
               'volcanic hazard zones.')
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = tr('People affected by volcanic hazard zone')

        # Define classes for legend for flooded population counts
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        population_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        cls = [0] + numpy.linspace(1, max(population_counts),

        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
            lo = cls[i]
            hi = cls[i + 1]

            if i == 0:
                label = tr('0')
                label = tr('%i - %i') % (lo, hi)

            entry = dict(label=label,

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,
                          legend_title=tr('Population Count'))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Population affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                       'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                       'impact_table': impact_table,
                       'map_title': map_title,
                       'target_field': self.target_field
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano population evacuation

        :param layers: List of layers expected to contain where two layers
            should be present.

            * my_hazard: Vector polygon layer of volcano impact zones
            * my_exposure: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as

        Counts number of people exposed to volcano event.

        :returns: Map of population exposed to the volcano hazard zone.
            The returned dict will include a table with number of people
            evacuated and supplies required.
        :rtype: dict

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano KRB
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(
            my_hazard.get_name(), my_exposure.get_name(), self)

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected '
                   % my_hazard.get_name())
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s with '
               'layer type %s' % (my_hazard.get_name(),
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distance [km]']

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            my_hazard = make_circular_polygon(
                centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)

            category_title = 'Radius'
            category_header = tr('Distance [km]')
            category_names = radii

            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'
            category_header = tr('Category')

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = ['Kawasan Rawan Bencana III',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I']

            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(
            my_hazard, my_exposure, attribute_name='population')

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        evacuated = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            pop = float(attr['population'])

            # Update population count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += pop

            # Update population count for each category
            cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
            categories[cat] += pop

        # Count totals
        total = int(numpy.sum(my_exposure.get_data(nan=0)))

        # Don't show digits less than a 1000
        total = round_thousand(total)

        # Count number and cumulative for each zone
        cum = 0
        pops = {}
        cums = {}
        for name in category_names:
            if category_title == 'Radius':
                key = name * 1000  # Convert to meters
                key = name
            # prevent key error
            pop = int(categories.get(key, 0))

            pop = round_thousand(pop)

            cum += pop
            cum = round_thousand(cum)

            pops[name] = pop
            cums[name] = cum

        # Use final accumulation as total number needing evac
        evacuated = cum

        tot_needs = evacuated_population_weekly_needs(evacuated)

        # Generate impact report for the pdf map
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([tr('Volcanos considered'),
                                '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                      TableRow([tr('People needing evacuation'),
                                '%s' % format_int(evacuated),
                                tr('Total'), tr('Cumulative')],

        for name in category_names:

        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Map shows population affected in '
                                       'each of volcano hazard polygons.')),
                           TableRow([tr('Needs per week'), tr('Total'),
                           [tr('Rice [kg]'), format_int(tot_needs['rice']),
                           [tr('Drinking Water [l]'),
                           [tr('Clean Water [l]'),
                           [tr('Family Kits'),
                           [tr('Toilets'), format_int(tot_needs['toilets']),
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
                           tr('Total population %s in the exposure layer')
                           % format_int(total),
                           tr('People need evacuation if they are within the '
                              'volcanic hazard zones.')])

        population_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # check for zero impact
        if numpy.nanmax(population_counts) == 0 == numpy.nanmin(
            table_body = [
                TableRow([tr('People needing evacuation'),
                          '%s' % format_int(evacuated),
                          blank_cell], header=True)]
            my_message = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
            raise ZeroImpactException(my_message)

        # Create style
        colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00',
                   '#FFCC00', '#FF6600', '#FF0000', '#7A0000']
        classes = create_classes(population_counts, len(colours))
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 0:
                transparency = 100
                style_class['min'] = 0
                transparency = 30
                style_class['min'] = classes[i - 1]
            style_class['transparency'] = transparency
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['max'] = classes[i]

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('People affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by  %s' %
        legend_units = tr('(people)')
        legend_title = tr('Population count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Population affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'target_field': self.target_field,
                             'map_title': map_title,
                             'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                             'legend_units': legend_units,
                             'legend_title': legend_title},
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano population evacuation

        :param layers: List of layers expected to contain where two layers
            should be present.

            * my_hazard: Vector polygon layer of volcano impact zones
            * my_exposure: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as

        Counts number of people exposed to volcano event.

        :returns: Map of population exposed to the volcano hazard zone.
            The returned dict will include a table with number of people
            evacuated and supplies required.
        :rtype: dict

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano KRB
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(my_hazard.get_name(), my_exposure.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected ' %
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. I got %s with '
               'layer type %s' %
               (my_hazard.get_name(), my_hazard.get_geometry_name()))
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distance [km]']

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            my_hazard = make_circular_polygon(centers,

            category_title = 'Radius'
            category_header = tr('Distance [km]')
            category_names = radii

            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'
            category_header = tr('Category')

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = [
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana III', 'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I'

            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title))
            # noinspection PyExceptionInherit
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(my_hazard,

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        evacuated = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():
            # Get population at this location
            pop = float(attr['population'])

            # Update population count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += pop

            # Update population count for each category
            cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
            categories[cat] += pop

        # Count totals
        total = int(numpy.sum(my_exposure.get_data(nan=0)))

        # Don't show digits less than a 1000
        total = round_thousand(total)

        # Count number and cumulative for each zone
        cum = 0
        pops = {}
        cums = {}
        for name in category_names:
            if category_title == 'Radius':
                key = name * 1000  # Convert to meters
                key = name
            # prevent key error
            pop = int(categories.get(key, 0))

            pop = round_thousand(pop)

            cum += pop
            cum = round_thousand(cum)

            pops[name] = pop
            cums[name] = cum

        # Use final accumulation as total number needing evac
        evacuated = cum

        tot_needs = evacuated_population_weekly_needs(evacuated)

        # Generate impact report for the pdf map
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [
                [tr('Volcanos considered'),
                 '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                tr('People needing evacuation'),
                '%s' % format_int(evacuated), blank_cell
                 tr('Total'), tr('Cumulative')], header=True)

        for name in category_names:

                tr('Map shows population affected in '
                   'each of volcano hazard polygons.')),
            TableRow([tr('Needs per week'),
                      tr('Total'), blank_cell],
            [tr('Rice [kg]'),
             format_int(tot_needs['rice']), blank_cell],
                tr('Drinking Water [l]'),
                format_int(tot_needs['drinking_water']), blank_cell
                tr('Clean Water [l]'),
                format_int(tot_needs['water']), blank_cell
                tr('Family Kits'),
                format_int(tot_needs['family_kits']), blank_cell
            ], [tr('Toilets'),
                format_int(tot_needs['toilets']), blank_cell]
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
            TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
            tr('Total population %s in the exposure layer') %
            tr('People need evacuation if they are within the '
               'volcanic hazard zones.')

        population_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # check for zero impact
        if numpy.nanmax(population_counts) == 0 == numpy.nanmin(
            table_body = [
                    tr('People needing evacuation'),
                    '%s' % format_int(evacuated), blank_cell
            my_message = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
            raise ZeroImpactException(my_message)

        # Create style
        colours = [
            '#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00', '#FFCC00', '#FF6600',
            '#FF0000', '#7A0000'
        classes = create_classes(population_counts, len(colours))
        interval_classes = humanize_class(classes)
        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i in xrange(len(colours)):
            style_class = dict()
            style_class['label'] = create_label(interval_classes[i])
            if i == 0:
                transparency = 100
                style_class['min'] = 0
                transparency = 30
                style_class['min'] = classes[i - 1]
            style_class['transparency'] = transparency
            style_class['colour'] = colours[i]
            style_class['max'] = classes[i]

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,

        # For printing map purpose
        map_title = tr('People affected by volcanic hazard zone')
        legend_notes = tr('Thousand separator is represented by  %s' %
        legend_units = tr('(people)')
        legend_title = tr('Population count')

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Population affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                       'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                       'impact_table': impact_table,
                       'target_field': self.target_field,
                       'map_title': map_title,
                       'legend_notes': legend_notes,
                       'legend_units': legend_units,
                       'legend_title': legend_title
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for volcano hazard on building/structure

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              my_hazard: Hazard layer of volcano
              my_exposure: Vector layer of structure data on
              the same grid as my_hazard

        Counts number of building exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

          Map of building exposed to volcanic hazard zones
          Table with number of buildings affected

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        my_hazard = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Volcano hazard layer
        my_exposure = get_exposure_layer(layers)
        is_point_data = False

        question = get_question(my_hazard.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not my_hazard.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected '
                   % my_hazard.get_name())
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. '
               'I got %s with layer '
               'type %s' % (my_hazard.get_name(),
        if not (my_hazard.is_polygon_data or my_hazard.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if my_hazard.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distances [km]']
            is_point_data = True

            centers = my_hazard.get_geometry()
            attributes = my_hazard.get_data()
            rad_m = [x * 1000 for x in radii]  # Convert to meters
            Z = make_circular_polygon(centers, rad_m, attributes=attributes)
            # NOTE (Sunni) : I commented out this one because there will be
            # a permission problem on windows
            # Z.write_to_file('Marapi_evac_zone_%s.shp' % str(rad_m))
            # To check
            category_title = 'Radius'
            my_hazard = Z

            category_names = rad_m
            name_attribute = 'NAME'  # As in e.g. the Smithsonian dataset
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = ['Kawasan Rawan Bencana III',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I']
            name_attribute = 'GUNUNG'  # As in e.g. BNPB hazard map

        # Get names of volcanos considered
        if name_attribute in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            D = {}
            for att in my_hazard.get_data():
                # Run through all polygons and get unique names
                D[att[name_attribute]] = None

            volcano_names = ''
            for name in D:
                volcano_names += '%s, ' % name
            volcano_names = volcano_names[:-2]  # Strip trailing ', '
            volcano_names = tr('Not specified in data')

        if not category_title in my_hazard.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (my_hazard.get_name(), category_title))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(my_hazard, my_exposure)

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = my_hazard.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        # total_affected = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():

            # Update building count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            if poly_id is not None:
                new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += 1

                # Update building count for each category
                cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
                categories[cat] += 1

            # Update total
            # total_affected += 1

        # Count totals
        total = len(my_exposure)

        # Generate simple impact report
        blank_cell = ''
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([tr('Volcanos considered'),
                                '%s' % volcano_names, blank_cell],
                      TableRow([tr('Distance [km]'), tr('Total'),

        cum = 0
        for name in category_names:
            # prevent key error
            count = categories.get(name, 0)
            cum += count
            if is_point_data:
                name = int(name) / 1000
            table_body.append(TableRow([name, format_int(count),

        table_body.append(TableRow(tr('Map shows buildings affected in '
                                      'each of volcano hazard polygons.')))
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
                           tr('Total number of buildings %s in the viewable '
                              'area') % format_int(total),
                           tr('Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap '
                              'are considered.')])
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')

        # Define classes for legend for flooded building counts
        colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00',
                   '#FFCC00', '#FF6600', '#FF0000', '#7A0000']
        building_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        cls = [0] + numpy.linspace(1,

        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
            lo = cls[i]
            hi = cls[i + 1]

            if i == 0:
                label = tr('0')
                label = tr('%i - %i') % (lo, hi)

            entry = dict(label=label, colour=colour, min=lo, max=hi,
                         transparency=0, size=1)

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,
                          legend_title=tr('Building Count'))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title,
                             'target_field': self.target_field},
        return V
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for flood population evacuation

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of volcano depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        Counts number of people exposed to each volcano hazard zones.

          Map of population exposed to volcanic hazard zones
          Table with number of buildings affected

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(H.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not H.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected '
                   % H.get_name())
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. '
               'I got %s with layer '
               'type %s' % (H.get_name(),
        if not (H.is_polygon_data or H.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if H.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distances']

            centers = H.get_geometry()
            attributes = H.get_data()
            Z = make_circular_polygon(centers, radii, attributes=attributes)
            Z.write_to_file('Marapi_evac_zone_%s.shp' % str(radii))  # To check
            category_title = 'Radius'
            H = Z

            #category_names = ['%s m' % x for x in radii]
            category_names = radii
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = ['Kawasan Rawan Bencana III',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I']

        if not category_title in H.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (H.get_name(), category_title))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(H, E)

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = H.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        total_affected = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():

            # Update building count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            if poly_id is not None:
                new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += 1

                # Update building count for each category
                cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
                categories[cat] += 1

            # Update total
            total_affected += 1

        # Count totals
        total = len(E)

        # Generate simple impact report
        table_body = [question,
                    TableRow([tr('Buildings'), tr('Total'), tr('Cumulative')],
                    TableRow([tr('All'), format_int(total_affected), ''])]

        cum = 0
        for name in category_names:
            count = categories[name]
            cum += count
            table_body.append(TableRow([name, format_int(count),

        table_body.append(TableRow(tr('Map shows buildings affected in '
                                     'each of volcano hazard polygons.')))
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(tr('Notes'), header=True),
                           tr('Total number of buildings %s in the viewable '
                             'area') % format_int(total),
                           tr('Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap '
                             'are considered.')])
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')

        # Define classes for legend for flooded building counts
        colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00',
                   '#FFCC00', '#FF6600', '#FF0000', '#7A0000']
        building_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        cls = [0] + numpy.linspace(1,

        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
            lo = cls[i]
            hi = cls[i + 1]

            if i == 0:
                label = tr('0')
                label = tr('%i - %i') % (lo, hi)

            entry = dict(label=label, colour=colour, min=lo, max=hi,
                         transparency=0, size=1)

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,
                          legend_title=tr('Building Count'))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=tr('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title,
                             'target_field': self.target_field},
        return V
Exemple #11
    def run(self, layers):
        """Risk plugin for flood population evacuation

          layers: List of layers expected to contain
              H: Raster layer of volcano depth
              P: Raster layer of population data on the same grid as H

        Counts number of people exposed to flood levels exceeding
        specified threshold.

          Map of population exposed to volcanic hazard zones
          Table with number of buildings affected

        # Identify hazard and exposure layers
        H = get_hazard_layer(layers)  # Flood inundation
        E = get_exposure_layer(layers)

        question = get_question(H.get_name(),

        # Input checks
        if not H.is_vector:
            msg = ('Input hazard %s  was not a vector layer as expected '
                   % H.get_name())
            raise Exception(msg)

        msg = ('Input hazard must be a polygon or point layer. '
               'I got %s with layer '
               'type %s' % (H.get_name(),
        if not (H.is_polygon_data or H.is_point_data):
            raise Exception(msg)

        if H.is_point_data:
            # Use concentric circles
            radii = self.parameters['distances']

            centers = H.get_geometry()
            attributes = H.get_data()
            Z = make_circular_polygon(centers, radii, attributes=attributes)
            Z.write_to_file('Marapi_evac_zone_%s.shp' % str(radii))  # To check
            category_title = 'Radius'
            H = Z

            #category_names = ['%s m' % x for x in radii]
            category_names = radii
            # Use hazard map
            category_title = 'KRB'

            # FIXME (Ole): Change to English and use translation system
            category_names = ['Kawasan Rawan Bencana III',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana II',
                              'Kawasan Rawan Bencana I']

        if not category_title in H.get_attribute_names():
            msg = ('Hazard data %s did not contain expected '
                   'attribute %s ' % (H.get_name(), category_title))
            raise InaSAFEError(msg)

        # Run interpolation function for polygon2raster
        P = assign_hazard_values_to_exposure_data(H, E)

        # Initialise attributes of output dataset with all attributes
        # from input polygon and a population count of zero
        new_attributes = H.get_data()

        categories = {}
        for attr in new_attributes:
            attr[self.target_field] = 0
            cat = attr[category_title]
            categories[cat] = 0

        # Count affected population per polygon and total
        total_affected = 0
        for attr in P.get_data():

            # Update building count for associated polygon
            poly_id = attr['polygon_id']
            if poly_id is not None:
                new_attributes[poly_id][self.target_field] += 1

                # Update building count for each category
                cat = new_attributes[poly_id][category_title]
                categories[cat] += 1

            # Update total
            total_affected += 1

        # Count totals
        total = len(E)

        # Generate simple impact report
        table_body = [question,
                      TableRow([_('Buildings'), _('Total'), _('Cumulative')],
                      TableRow([_('All'), str(total_affected), ''])]

        cum = 0
        for name in category_names:
            count = categories[name]
            cum += count
            table_body.append(TableRow([name, str(count), str(cum)]))

        table_body.append(TableRow(_('Map shows buildings affected in '
                                     'each of volcano hazard polygons.')))
        impact_table = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()

        # Extend impact report for on-screen display
        table_body.extend([TableRow(_('Notes'), header=True),
                           _('Total number of buildings %i in the viewable '
                             'area') % total,
                           _('Only buildings available in OpenStreetMap '
                             'are considered.')])
        impact_summary = Table(table_body).toNewlineFreeString()
        map_title = _('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone')

        # Define classes for legend for flooded building counts
        colours = ['#FFFFFF', '#38A800', '#79C900', '#CEED00',
                   '#FFCC00', '#FF6600', '#FF0000', '#7A0000']
        building_counts = [x[self.target_field] for x in new_attributes]
        cls = [0] + numpy.linspace(1,

        # Define style info for output polygons showing population counts
        style_classes = []
        for i, colour in enumerate(colours):
            lo = cls[i]
            hi = cls[i + 1]

            if i == 0:
                label = _('0')
                label = _('%i - %i') % (lo, hi)

            entry = dict(label=label, colour=colour, min=lo, max=hi,
                         transparency=0, size=1)

        # Override style info with new classes and name
        style_info = dict(target_field=self.target_field,
                          legend_title=_('Building Count'))

        # Create vector layer and return
        V = Vector(data=new_attributes,
                   name=_('Buildings affected by volcanic hazard zone'),
                   keywords={'impact_summary': impact_summary,
                             'impact_table': impact_table,
                             'map_title': map_title,
                             'target_field': self.target_field},
        return V