def show_function_centric_wizard(self): """Show the keywords creation wizard.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import WizardDialog # Prevent spawning multiple copies since it is non model wizards = self.iface.findChildren(QWidget, "WizardDialogBase")"Wizards count: %i" % len(wizards)) if len(wizards) > 0: dialog = wizards[0] else: dialog = WizardDialog(self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface, self.dock_widget) dialog.set_function_centric_mode() # non-modal in order to hide for selecting user extent
def show_function_centric_wizard(self): """Show the keywords creation wizard.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import WizardDialog # Prevent spawning multiple copies since it is non model wizards = self.iface.findChildren(QWidget, "WizardDialogBase")'Wizards count: %i' % len(wizards)) if len(wizards) > 0: dialog = wizards[0] else: dialog = WizardDialog(self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface, self.dock_widget) dialog.set_function_centric_mode() # non-modal in order to hide for selecting user extent
class Plugin(object): """The QGIS interface implementation for the InaSAFE plugin. This class acts as the 'glue' between QGIS and our custom logic. It creates a toolbar and menu bar entry and launches the InaSAFE user interface if these are activated. """ def __init__(self, iface): """Class constructor. On instantiation, the plugin instance will be assigned a copy of the QGIS iface object which will allow this plugin to access and manipulate the running QGIS instance that spawned it. :param iface:Quantum GIS iface instance. This instance is automatically passed to the plugin by QGIS when it loads the plugin. :type iface: QGisAppInterface """ # Register all the impact functions register_impact_functions() # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface self.dock_widget = None self.action_import_dialog = None self.action_save_scenario = None self.action_batch_runner = None self.action_shake_converter = None self.action_minimum_needs = None self.action_minimum_needs_config = None self.action_impact_merge_dlg = None self.key_action = None self.action_options = None self.action_keywords_wizard = None self.action_function_centric_wizard = None self.action_extent_selector = None self.translator = None self.toolbar = None self.wizard = None self.actions = [] # list of all QActions we create for InaSAFE self.action_dock = None self.action_toggle_rubberbands = None self.message_bar_item = None # Flag indicating if toolbar should show only common icons or not self.full_toolbar = False # print'InaSAFE') # For enable/disable the keyword editor icon self.iface.currentLayerChanged.connect(self.layer_changed) # noinspection PyArgumentList def change_i18n(self, new_locale): """Change internationalisation for the plugin. Override the system locale and then see if we can get a valid translation file for whatever locale is effectively being used. :param new_locale: The new locale i.e. 'id', 'af', etc. :type new_locale: str :raises: TranslationLoadException """ os.environ['INASAFE_LANG'] = str(new_locale) LOGGER.debug('%s %s %s' % ( new_locale, QLocale.system().name(), os.environ['INASAFE_LANG'])) root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) translation_path = os.path.join( root, 'safe_qgis', 'i18n', 'inasafe_' + str(new_locale) + '.qm') if os.path.exists(translation_path): self.translator = QTranslator() result = self.translator.load(translation_path) if not result: message = 'Failed to load translation for %s' % new_locale raise TranslationLoadError(message) # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyCallByClass QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) LOGGER.debug('%s %s' % ( translation_path, os.path.exists(translation_path))) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('Plugin', message) def add_action(self, action, add_to_toolbar=True): """Add a toolbar icon to the InaSAFE toolbar. :param action: The action that should be added to the toolbar. :type action: QAction :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the InaSAFE toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool """ # store in the class list of actions for easy plugin unloading self.actions.append(action) self.iface.addPluginToMenu('InaSAFE'), action) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) def _create_dock_toggle_action(self): """Create action for plugin dockable window (show/hide).""" # pylint: disable=W0201 icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'icon.svg') self.action_dock = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Toggle InaSAFE Dock'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_dock.setObjectName('InaSAFEDockToggle') self.action_dock.setStatusTip( 'Show/hide InaSAFE dock widget')) self.action_dock.setWhatsThis( 'Show/hide InaSAFE dock widget')) self.action_dock.setCheckable(True) self.action_dock.setChecked(True) self.action_dock.triggered.connect(self.toggle_dock_visibility) self.add_action(self.action_dock) # -------------------------------------- # Create action for keywords creation wizard # ------------------------------------- def _create_keywords_wizard_action(self): """Create action for keywords creation wizard.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-keyword-wizard.svg') self.action_keywords_wizard = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Keywords Creation Wizard'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_keywords_wizard.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE keywords creation wizard')) self.action_keywords_wizard.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE keywords creation wizard')) self.action_keywords_wizard.setEnabled(False) self.action_keywords_wizard.triggered.connect( self.show_keywords_wizard) self.add_action(self.action_keywords_wizard) def _create_analysis_wizard_action(self): """Create action for IF-centric wizard.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-wizard.svg') self.action_function_centric_wizard = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Impact Function Centric Wizard'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_function_centric_wizard.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE impact function centric wizard')) self.action_function_centric_wizard.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE impact function centric wizard')) self.action_function_centric_wizard.setEnabled(True) self.action_function_centric_wizard.triggered.connect( self.show_function_centric_wizard) self.add_action(self.action_function_centric_wizard) def _create_options_dialog_action(self): """Create action for options dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'configure-inasafe.svg') self.action_options = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Options'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_options.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE options dialog')) self.action_options.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE options dialog')) self.action_options.triggered.connect(self.show_options) self.add_action(self.action_options, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_minimum_needs_action(self): """Create action for minimum needs dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-minimum-needs.svg') self.action_minimum_needs = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Minimum Needs Calculator'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_minimum_needs.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs calculator')) self.action_minimum_needs.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs calculator')) self.action_minimum_needs.triggered.connect(self.show_minimum_needs) self.add_action( self.action_minimum_needs, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_minimum_needs_options_action(self): """Create action for global minimum needs dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-global-minimum-needs.svg') self.action_minimum_needs_config = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Minimum Needs Configuration'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_minimum_needs_config.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs configuration')) self.action_minimum_needs_config.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs configuration')) self.action_minimum_needs_config.triggered.connect( self.show_minimum_needs_configuration) self.add_action( self.action_minimum_needs_config, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_shakemap_converter_action(self): """Create action for converter dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-converter-tool.svg') self.action_shake_converter = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Shakemap Converter'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_shake_converter.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE Converter')) self.action_shake_converter.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE Converter')) self.action_shake_converter.triggered.connect( self.show_shakemap_importer) self.add_action( self.action_shake_converter, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_batch_runner_action(self): """Create action for batch runner dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-batch-runner.svg') self.action_batch_runner = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Batch Runner'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_batch_runner.setStatusTip( 'Open Batch Runner')) self.action_batch_runner.setWhatsThis( 'Open Batch Runner')) self.action_batch_runner.triggered.connect(self.show_batch_runner) self.add_action( self.action_batch_runner, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_save_scenario_action(self): """Create action for save scenario dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'save-as-scenario.svg') self.action_save_scenario = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Save Current Scenario'), self.iface.mainWindow()) message ='Save current scenario to text file') self.action_save_scenario.setStatusTip(message) self.action_save_scenario.setWhatsThis(message) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.action_save_scenario.triggered.connect(self.save_scenario) self.add_action( self.action_save_scenario, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_osm_downloader_action(self): """Create action for import OSM Dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-osm-download.svg') self.action_import_dialog = QAction( QIcon(icon),'OpenStreetMap Downloader'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_import_dialog.setStatusTip( 'OpenStreetMap Downloader')) self.action_import_dialog.setWhatsThis( 'OpenStreetMap Downloader')) self.action_import_dialog.triggered.connect(self.show_osm_downloader) self.add_action(self.action_import_dialog) def _create_impact_merge_action(self): """Create action for impact layer merge Dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-impact-merge.svg') self.action_impact_merge_dlg = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Impact Layer Merger'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_impact_merge_dlg.setStatusTip( 'Impact Layer Merger')) self.action_impact_merge_dlg.setWhatsThis( 'Impact Layer Merger')) self.action_impact_merge_dlg.triggered.connect(self.show_impact_merge) self.add_action( self.action_impact_merge_dlg, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_rubber_bands_action(self): """Create action for toggling rubber bands.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'toggle-rubber-bands.svg') self.action_toggle_rubberbands = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Toggle Scenario Outlines'), self.iface.mainWindow()) message ='Toggle rubber bands showing scenario extents.') self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setStatusTip(message) self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setWhatsThis(message) # Set initial state self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setCheckable(True) settings = QSettings() flag = bool(settings.value( 'inasafe/showRubberBands', False, type=bool)) self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setChecked(flag) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.action_toggle_rubberbands.triggered.connect( self.dock_widget.toggle_rubber_bands) self.add_action(self.action_toggle_rubberbands) def _create_analysis_extent_action(self): """Create action for analysis extent dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'set-extents-tool.svg') self.action_extent_selector = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Set Analysis Area'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_extent_selector.setStatusTip( 'Set the analysis area for InaSAFE')) self.action_extent_selector.setWhatsThis( 'Set the analysis area for InaSAFE')) self.action_extent_selector.triggered.connect( self.show_extent_selector) self.add_action(self.action_extent_selector) def _create_test_layers_action(self): """Create action for adding layers (developer mode, non final only).""" final_release = release_status() == 'final' settings = QSettings() self.developer_mode = settings.value( 'inasafe/developer_mode', False, type=bool) if not final_release and self.developer_mode: icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'add-test-layers.svg') self.action_add_layers = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Add Test Layers'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_add_layers.setStatusTip( 'Add test layers')) self.action_add_layers.setWhatsThis( 'Add test layers')) self.action_add_layers.triggered.connect( self.add_test_layers) self.add_action(self.action_add_layers) def _create_dock(self): """Create dockwidget and tabify it with the legend.""" # Import dock here as it needs to be imported AFTER i18n is set up from safe.gui.widgets.dock import Dock self.dock_widget = Dock(self.iface) self.dock_widget.setObjectName('InaSAFE-Dock') self.iface.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.dock_widget) legend_tab = self.iface.mainWindow().findChild(QApplication, 'Legend') if legend_tab: self.iface.mainWindow().tabifyDockWidget( legend_tab, self.dock_widget) self.dock_widget.raise_() def initGui(self): """Gui initialisation procedure (for QGIS plugin api). .. note:: Don't change the name of this method from initGui! This method is called by QGIS and should be used to set up any graphical user interface elements that should appear in QGIS by default (i.e. before the user performs any explicit action with the plugin). """ self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar('InaSAFE') self.toolbar.setObjectName('InaSAFEToolBar') self.dock_widget = None # Now create the actual dock self._create_dock() # And all the menu actions # Configuration Group self._create_dock_toggle_action() self._create_options_dialog_action() self._create_minimum_needs_options_action() self._create_analysis_extent_action() self._create_rubber_bands_action() self._add_spacer_to_menu() self._create_keywords_wizard_action() self._create_analysis_wizard_action() self._add_spacer_to_menu() self._create_osm_downloader_action() self._create_shakemap_converter_action() self._create_minimum_needs_action() self._create_test_layers_action() self._add_spacer_to_menu() self._create_batch_runner_action() self._create_impact_merge_action() self._create_save_scenario_action() # Hook up a slot for when the dock is hidden using its close button # or view-panels # self.dock_widget.visibilityChanged.connect(self.toggle_inasafe_action) # Also deal with the fact that on start of QGIS dock may already be # hidden. self.action_dock.setChecked(self.dock_widget.isVisible()) def _add_spacer_to_menu(self): """Create a spacer to the menu to separate action groups.""" separator = QAction(self.iface.mainWindow()) separator.setSeparator(True) self.iface.addPluginToMenu('InaSAFE'), separator) def clear_modules(self): """Unload inasafe functions and try to return QGIS to before InaSAFE. .. todo:: I think this function can be removed. TS. """ # next lets force remove any inasafe related modules modules = [] for module in sys.modules: if 'inasafe' in module: # Check if it is really one of our modules i.e. exists in the # plugin directory tokens = module.split('.') path = '' for myToken in tokens: path += os.path.sep + myToken parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( __file__, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) full_path = os.path.join(parent, path + '.py') if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(full_path)): LOGGER.debug('Removing: %s' % module) modules.append(module) for module in modules: del (sys.modules[module]) for module in sys.modules: if 'inasafe' in module: print module # Lets also clean up all the path additions that were made package_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) LOGGER.debug('Path to remove: %s' % package_path) # We use a list comprehension to ensure duplicate entries are removed LOGGER.debug(sys.path) sys.path = [y for y in sys.path if package_path not in y] LOGGER.debug(sys.path) def unload(self): """GUI breakdown procedure (for QGIS plugin api). .. note:: Don't change the name of this method from unload! This method is called by QGIS and should be used to *remove* any graphical user interface elements that should appear in QGIS. """ # Remove the plugin menu item and icon if self.wizard: self.wizard.deleteLater() for myAction in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('InaSAFE'), myAction) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(myAction) self.iface.mainWindow().removeDockWidget(self.dock_widget) self.iface.mainWindow().removeToolBar(self.toolbar) self.dock_widget.setVisible(False) self.dock_widget.destroy() self.iface.currentLayerChanged.disconnect(self.layer_changed) def toggle_inasafe_action(self, checked): """Check or un-check the toggle inaSAFE toolbar button. This slot is called when the user hides the inaSAFE panel using its close button or using view->panels. :param checked: True if the dock should be shown, otherwise False. :type checked: bool """ self.action_dock.setChecked(checked) # Run method that performs all the real work def toggle_dock_visibility(self): """Show or hide the dock widget.""" if self.dock_widget.isVisible(): self.dock_widget.setVisible(False) else: self.dock_widget.setVisible(True) self.dock_widget.raise_() def add_test_layers(self): """Add standard test layers.""" from safe.test.utilities import load_standard_layers load_standard_layers() rect = QgsRectangle(106.806, -6.195, 106.837, -6.167) self.iface.mapCanvas().setExtent(rect) def show_extent_selector(self): """Show the extent selector widget for defining analysis extents.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ExtentSelectorDialog widget = ExtentSelectorDialog( self.iface, self.iface.mainWindow(), extent=self.dock_widget.extent.user_extent, crs=self.dock_widget.extent.user_extent_crs) widget.clear_extent.connect( self.dock_widget.extent.clear_user_analysis_extent) widget.extent_defined.connect( self.dock_widget.define_user_analysis_extent) # This ensures that run button state is updated on dialog close widget.extent_selector_closed.connect( self.dock_widget.show_next_analysis_extent) # Needs to be non modal to support hide -> interact with map -> show # non modal def show_minimum_needs(self): """Show the minimum needs dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ( NeedsCalculatorDialog ) dialog = NeedsCalculatorDialog(self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() def show_minimum_needs_configuration(self): """Show the minimum needs dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ( NeedsManagerDialog) dialog = NeedsManagerDialog( parent=self.iface.mainWindow(), dock=self.dock_widget) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_impact_merge(self): """Show the impact layer merge dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ImpactMergeDialog dialog = ImpactMergeDialog(self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_options(self): """Show the options dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import OptionsDialog dialog = OptionsDialog( self.iface, self.dock_widget, self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_keywords_wizard(self): """Show the keywords creation wizard.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import WizardDialog if self.iface.activeLayer() is None: return # Don't break an existing wizard session if accidentally clicked if self.wizard and self.wizard.isVisible(): return # Prevent spawning multiple copies since the IFCW is non modal if not self.wizard: self.wizard = WizardDialog( self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface, self.dock_widget) self.wizard.set_keywords_creation_mode() self.wizard.exec_() # modal def show_function_centric_wizard(self): """Show the function centric wizard.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import WizardDialog # Don't break an existing wizard session if accidentally clicked if self.wizard and self.wizard.isVisible(): return # Prevent spawning multiple copies since it is non modal if not self.wizard: self.wizard = WizardDialog( self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface, self.dock_widget) self.wizard.set_function_centric_mode() # non-modal in order to hide for selecting user extent def show_shakemap_importer(self): """Show the converter dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ( ShakemapConverterDialog) dialog = ShakemapConverterDialog(self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_osm_downloader(self): """Show the OSM buildings downloader dialog.""" from import OsmDownloaderDialog dialog = OsmDownloaderDialog(self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface) # non modal def show_batch_runner(self): """Show the batch runner dialog.""" from import BatchDialog dialog = BatchDialog( parent=self.iface.mainWindow(), iface=self.iface, dock=self.dock_widget) dialog.exec_() # modal def save_scenario(self): """Save current scenario to text file""" from import SaveScenarioDialog dialog = SaveScenarioDialog( iface=self.iface, dock=self.dock_widget) dialog.save_scenario() def _disable_keyword_tools(self): """Internal helper to disable the keyword and wizard actions.""" self.action_keywords_wizard.setEnabled(False) def layer_changed(self, layer): """Enable or disable keywords editor icon when active layer changes. :param layer: The layer that is now active. :type layer: QgsMapLayer """ if not layer: self._disable_keyword_tools() return if not hasattr(layer, 'providerType'): self._disable_keyword_tools() return if layer.providerType() == 'wms': self._disable_keyword_tools() return if is_raster_layer(layer) and layer.bandCount() > 1: self._disable_keyword_tools() return self.action_keywords_wizard.setEnabled(True) def shortcut_f7(self): """Executed when user press F7 - will show the shakemap importer.""" self.show_shakemap_importer()
class Plugin(object): """The QGIS interface implementation for the InaSAFE plugin. This class acts as the 'glue' between QGIS and our custom logic. It creates a toolbar and menu bar entry and launches the InaSAFE user interface if these are activated. """ def __init__(self, iface): """Class constructor. On instantiation, the plugin instance will be assigned a copy of the QGIS iface object which will allow this plugin to access and manipulate the running QGIS instance that spawned it. :param iface:Quantum GIS iface instance. This instance is automatically passed to the plugin by QGIS when it loads the plugin. :type iface: QGisAppInterface """ # Register all the impact functions register_impact_functions() # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface self.dock_widget = None self.action_import_dialog = None self.action_save_scenario = None self.action_batch_runner = None self.action_shake_converter = None self.action_minimum_needs = None self.action_minimum_needs_config = None self.action_impact_merge_dlg = None self.key_action = None self.action_options = None self.action_keywords_wizard = None self.action_function_centric_wizard = None self.action_extent_selector = None self.translator = None self.toolbar = None self.wizard = None self.actions = [] # list of all QActions we create for InaSAFE self.action_dock = None self.action_toggle_rubberbands = None self.message_bar_item = None # Flag indicating if toolbar should show only common icons or not self.full_toolbar = False # print'InaSAFE') # For enable/disable the keyword editor icon self.iface.currentLayerChanged.connect(self.layer_changed) # noinspection PyArgumentList def change_i18n(self, new_locale): """Change internationalisation for the plugin. Override the system locale and then see if we can get a valid translation file for whatever locale is effectively being used. :param new_locale: The new locale i.e. 'id', 'af', etc. :type new_locale: str :raises: TranslationLoadException """ os.environ['INASAFE_LANG'] = str(new_locale) LOGGER.debug('%s %s %s' % ( new_locale, QLocale.system().name(), os.environ['INASAFE_LANG'])) root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) translation_path = os.path.join( root, 'safe_qgis', 'i18n', 'inasafe_' + str(new_locale) + '.qm') if os.path.exists(translation_path): self.translator = QTranslator() result = self.translator.load(translation_path) if not result: message = 'Failed to load translation for %s' % new_locale raise TranslationLoadError(message) # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyCallByClass QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) LOGGER.debug('%s %s' % ( translation_path, os.path.exists(translation_path))) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('Plugin', message) def add_action(self, action, add_to_toolbar=True): """Add a toolbar icon to the InaSAFE toolbar. :param action: The action that should be added to the toolbar. :type action: QAction :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the InaSAFE toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool """ # store in the class list of actions for easy plugin unloading self.actions.append(action) self.iface.addPluginToMenu('InaSAFE'), action) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) def _create_dock_toggle_action(self): """Create action for plugin dockable window (show/hide).""" # pylint: disable=W0201 icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'icon.svg') self.action_dock = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Toggle InaSAFE Dock'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_dock.setObjectName('InaSAFEDockToggle') self.action_dock.setStatusTip( 'Show/hide InaSAFE dock widget')) self.action_dock.setWhatsThis( 'Show/hide InaSAFE dock widget')) self.action_dock.setCheckable(True) self.action_dock.setChecked(True) self.action_dock.triggered.connect(self.toggle_dock_visibility) self.add_action(self.action_dock) # -------------------------------------- # Create action for keywords creation wizard # ------------------------------------- def _create_keywords_wizard_action(self): """Create action for keywords creation wizard.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-keyword-wizard.svg') self.action_keywords_wizard = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Keywords Creation Wizard'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_keywords_wizard.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE keywords creation wizard')) self.action_keywords_wizard.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE keywords creation wizard')) self.action_keywords_wizard.setEnabled(False) self.action_keywords_wizard.triggered.connect( self.show_keywords_wizard) self.add_action(self.action_keywords_wizard) def _create_analysis_wizard_action(self): """Create action for IF-centric wizard.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-wizard.svg') self.action_function_centric_wizard = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Impact Function Centric Wizard'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_function_centric_wizard.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE impact function centric wizard')) self.action_function_centric_wizard.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE impact function centric wizard')) self.action_function_centric_wizard.setEnabled(True) self.action_function_centric_wizard.triggered.connect( self.show_function_centric_wizard) self.add_action(self.action_function_centric_wizard) def _create_options_dialog_action(self): """Create action for options dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'configure-inasafe.svg') self.action_options = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Options'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_options.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE options dialog')) self.action_options.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE options dialog')) self.action_options.triggered.connect(self.show_options) self.add_action(self.action_options, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_minimum_needs_action(self): """Create action for minimum needs dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-minimum-needs.svg') self.action_minimum_needs = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Minimum Needs Calculator'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_minimum_needs.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs calculator')) self.action_minimum_needs.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs calculator')) self.action_minimum_needs.triggered.connect(self.show_minimum_needs) self.add_action( self.action_minimum_needs, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_minimum_needs_options_action(self): """Create action for global minimum needs dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-global-minimum-needs.svg') self.action_minimum_needs_config = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Minimum Needs Configuration'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_minimum_needs_config.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs configuration')) self.action_minimum_needs_config.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE minimum needs configuration')) self.action_minimum_needs_config.triggered.connect( self.show_minimum_needs_configuration) self.add_action( self.action_minimum_needs_config, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_shakemap_converter_action(self): """Create action for converter dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-converter-tool.svg') self.action_shake_converter = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Shakemap Converter'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_shake_converter.setStatusTip( 'Open InaSAFE Converter')) self.action_shake_converter.setWhatsThis( 'Open InaSAFE Converter')) self.action_shake_converter.triggered.connect( self.show_shakemap_importer) self.add_action( self.action_shake_converter, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_batch_runner_action(self): """Create action for batch runner dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-batch-runner.svg') self.action_batch_runner = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Batch Runner'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_batch_runner.setStatusTip( 'Open Batch Runner')) self.action_batch_runner.setWhatsThis( 'Open Batch Runner')) self.action_batch_runner.triggered.connect(self.show_batch_runner) self.add_action( self.action_batch_runner, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_save_scenario_action(self): """Create action for save scenario dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'save-as-scenario.svg') self.action_save_scenario = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Save Current Scenario'), self.iface.mainWindow()) message ='Save current scenario to text file') self.action_save_scenario.setStatusTip(message) self.action_save_scenario.setWhatsThis(message) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.action_save_scenario.triggered.connect(self.save_scenario) self.add_action( self.action_save_scenario, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_osm_downloader_action(self): """Create action for import OSM Dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-osm-download.svg') self.action_import_dialog = QAction( QIcon(icon),'OpenStreetMap Downloader'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_import_dialog.setStatusTip( 'OpenStreetMap Downloader')) self.action_import_dialog.setWhatsThis( 'OpenStreetMap Downloader')) self.action_import_dialog.triggered.connect(self.show_osm_downloader) self.add_action(self.action_import_dialog) def _create_impact_merge_action(self): """Create action for impact layer merge Dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'show-impact-merge.svg') self.action_impact_merge_dlg = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Impact Layer Merger'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_impact_merge_dlg.setStatusTip( 'Impact Layer Merger')) self.action_impact_merge_dlg.setWhatsThis( 'Impact Layer Merger')) self.action_impact_merge_dlg.triggered.connect(self.show_impact_merge) self.add_action( self.action_impact_merge_dlg, add_to_toolbar=self.full_toolbar) def _create_rubber_bands_action(self): """Create action for toggling rubber bands.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'toggle-rubber-bands.svg') self.action_toggle_rubberbands = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Toggle Scenario Outlines'), self.iface.mainWindow()) message ='Toggle rubber bands showing scenario extents.') self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setStatusTip(message) self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setWhatsThis(message) # Set initial state self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setCheckable(True) settings = QSettings() flag = bool(settings.value( 'inasafe/showRubberBands', False, type=bool)) self.action_toggle_rubberbands.setChecked(flag) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.action_toggle_rubberbands.triggered.connect( self.dock_widget.toggle_rubber_bands) self.add_action(self.action_toggle_rubberbands) def _create_analysis_extent_action(self): """Create action for analysis extent dialog.""" icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'set-extents-tool.svg') self.action_extent_selector = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Set Analysis Area'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_extent_selector.setStatusTip( 'Set the analysis area for InaSAFE')) self.action_extent_selector.setWhatsThis( 'Set the analysis area for InaSAFE')) self.action_extent_selector.triggered.connect( self.show_extent_selector) self.add_action(self.action_extent_selector) def _create_test_layers_action(self): """Create action for adding layers (developer mode, non final only).""" final_release = release_status() == 'final' settings = QSettings() self.developer_mode = settings.value( 'inasafe/developer_mode', False, type=bool) if not final_release and self.developer_mode: icon = resources_path('img', 'icons', 'add-test-layers.svg') self.action_add_layers = QAction( QIcon(icon),'Add Test Layers'), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.action_add_layers.setStatusTip( 'Add test layers')) self.action_add_layers.setWhatsThis( 'Add test layers')) self.action_add_layers.triggered.connect( self.add_test_layers) self.add_action(self.action_add_layers) def _create_dock(self): """Create dockwidget and tabify it with the legend.""" # Import dock here as it needs to be imported AFTER i18n is set up from safe.gui.widgets.dock import Dock self.dock_widget = Dock(self.iface) self.dock_widget.setObjectName('InaSAFE-Dock') self.iface.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.dock_widget) legend_tab = self.iface.mainWindow().findChild(QApplication, 'Legend') if legend_tab: self.iface.mainWindow().tabifyDockWidget( legend_tab, self.dock_widget) self.dock_widget.raise_() def initGui(self): """Gui initialisation procedure (for QGIS plugin api). .. note:: Don't change the name of this method from initGui! This method is called by QGIS and should be used to set up any graphical user interface elements that should appear in QGIS by default (i.e. before the user performs any explicit action with the plugin). """ self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar('InaSAFE') self.toolbar.setObjectName('InaSAFEToolBar') self.dock_widget = None # Now create the actual dock self._create_dock() # And all the menu actions # Configuration Group self._create_dock_toggle_action() self._create_options_dialog_action() self._create_minimum_needs_options_action() self._create_analysis_extent_action() self._create_rubber_bands_action() self._add_spacer_to_menu() self._create_keywords_wizard_action() self._create_analysis_wizard_action() self._add_spacer_to_menu() self._create_osm_downloader_action() self._create_shakemap_converter_action() self._create_minimum_needs_action() self._create_test_layers_action() self._add_spacer_to_menu() self._create_batch_runner_action() self._create_impact_merge_action() self._create_save_scenario_action() # Hook up a slot for when the dock is hidden using its close button # or view-panels # self.dock_widget.visibilityChanged.connect(self.toggle_inasafe_action) # Also deal with the fact that on start of QGIS dock may already be # hidden. self.action_dock.setChecked(self.dock_widget.isVisible()) def _add_spacer_to_menu(self): """Create a spacer to the menu to separate action groups.""" separator = QAction(self.iface.mainWindow()) separator.setSeparator(True) self.iface.addPluginToMenu('InaSAFE'), separator) def clear_modules(self): """Unload inasafe functions and try to return QGIS to before InaSAFE. .. todo:: I think this function can be removed. TS. """ # next lets force remove any inasafe related modules modules = [] for module in sys.modules: if 'inasafe' in module: # Check if it is really one of our modules i.e. exists in the # plugin directory tokens = module.split('.') path = '' for myToken in tokens: path += os.path.sep + myToken parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( __file__, os.path.pardir, os.path.pardir)) full_path = os.path.join(parent, path + '.py') if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(full_path)): LOGGER.debug('Removing: %s' % module) modules.append(module) for module in modules: del (sys.modules[module]) for module in sys.modules: if 'inasafe' in module: print module # Lets also clean up all the path additions that were made package_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) LOGGER.debug('Path to remove: %s' % package_path) # We use a list comprehension to ensure duplicate entries are removed LOGGER.debug(sys.path) sys.path = [y for y in sys.path if package_path not in y] LOGGER.debug(sys.path) def unload(self): """GUI breakdown procedure (for QGIS plugin api). .. note:: Don't change the name of this method from unload! This method is called by QGIS and should be used to *remove* any graphical user interface elements that should appear in QGIS. """ # Remove the plugin menu item and icon if self.wizard: self.wizard.deleteLater() for myAction in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('InaSAFE'), myAction) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(myAction) self.iface.mainWindow().removeDockWidget(self.dock_widget) self.iface.mainWindow().removeToolBar(self.toolbar) self.dock_widget.setVisible(False) self.dock_widget.destroy() self.iface.currentLayerChanged.disconnect(self.layer_changed) def toggle_inasafe_action(self, checked): """Check or un-check the toggle inaSAFE toolbar button. This slot is called when the user hides the inaSAFE panel using its close button or using view->panels. :param checked: True if the dock should be shown, otherwise False. :type checked: bool """ self.action_dock.setChecked(checked) # Run method that performs all the real work def toggle_dock_visibility(self): """Show or hide the dock widget.""" if self.dock_widget.isVisible(): self.dock_widget.setVisible(False) else: self.dock_widget.setVisible(True) self.dock_widget.raise_() def add_test_layers(self): """Add standard test layers.""" from safe.test.utilities import load_standard_layers load_standard_layers() rect = QgsRectangle(106.806, -6.195, 106.837, -6.167) self.iface.mapCanvas().setExtent(rect) def show_extent_selector(self): """Show the extent selector widget for defining analysis extents.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ExtentSelectorDialog widget = ExtentSelectorDialog( self.iface, self.iface.mainWindow(), extent=self.dock_widget.extent.user_extent, crs=self.dock_widget.extent.user_extent_crs) widget.clear_extent.connect( self.dock_widget.extent.clear_user_analysis_extent) widget.extent_defined.connect( self.dock_widget.define_user_analysis_extent) # This ensures that run button state is updated on dialog close widget.extent_selector_closed.connect( self.dock_widget.show_next_analysis_extent) # Needs to be non modal to support hide -> interact with map -> show # non modal def show_minimum_needs(self): """Show the minimum needs dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ( NeedsCalculatorDialog ) dialog = NeedsCalculatorDialog(self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() def show_minimum_needs_configuration(self): """Show the minimum needs dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ( NeedsManagerDialog) dialog = NeedsManagerDialog( parent=self.iface.mainWindow(), dock=self.dock_widget) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_impact_merge(self): """Show the impact layer merge dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ImpactMergeDialog dialog = ImpactMergeDialog(self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_options(self): """Show the options dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import OptionsDialog dialog = OptionsDialog( self.iface, self.dock_widget, self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_keywords_wizard(self): """Show the keywords creation wizard.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import WizardDialog if self.iface.activeLayer() is None: return # Don't break an existing wizard session if accidentally clicked if self.wizard and self.wizard.isVisible(): return # Prevent spawning multiple copies since the IFCW is non modal if not self.wizard: self.wizard = WizardDialog( self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface, self.dock_widget) self.wizard.set_keywords_creation_mode() self.wizard.exec_() # modal def show_function_centric_wizard(self): """Show the keywords creation wizard.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import WizardDialog # Don't break an existing wizard session if accidentally clicked if self.wizard and self.wizard.isVisible(): return # Prevent spawning multiple copies since it is non modal if not self.wizard: self.wizard = WizardDialog( self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface, self.dock_widget) self.wizard.set_function_centric_mode() # non-modal in order to hide for selecting user extent def show_shakemap_importer(self): """Show the converter dialog.""" # import here only so that it is AFTER i18n set up from import ( ShakemapConverterDialog) dialog = ShakemapConverterDialog(self.iface.mainWindow()) dialog.exec_() # modal def show_osm_downloader(self): """Show the OSM buildings downloader dialog.""" from import OsmDownloaderDialog dialog = OsmDownloaderDialog(self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface) # non modal def show_batch_runner(self): """Show the batch runner dialog.""" from import BatchDialog dialog = BatchDialog( parent=self.iface.mainWindow(), iface=self.iface, dock=self.dock_widget) dialog.exec_() # modal def save_scenario(self): """Save current scenario to text file""" from import SaveScenarioDialog dialog = SaveScenarioDialog( iface=self.iface, dock=self.dock_widget) dialog.save_scenario() def _disable_keyword_tools(self): """Internal helper to disable the keyword and wizard actions.""" self.action_keywords_wizard.setEnabled(False) def layer_changed(self, layer): """Enable or disable keywords editor icon when active layer changes. :param layer: The layer that is now active. :type layer: QgsMapLayer """ if not layer: self._disable_keyword_tools() return if not hasattr(layer, 'providerType'): self._disable_keyword_tools() return if layer.providerType() == 'wms': self._disable_keyword_tools() return if is_raster_layer(layer) and layer.bandCount() > 1: self._disable_keyword_tools() return self.action_keywords_wizard.setEnabled(True) def shortcut_f7(self): """Executed when user press F7 - will show the shakemap importer.""" self.show_shakemap_importer()