Exemple #1
def bench(n_lambdas=100, eps=1e-4):

    lambda_range = lambda_min, lambda_max

    default_lambdas = lambda_max * \
        (lambda_min / lambda_max) ** (np.arange(n_lambdas) / (n_lambdas - 1.))

    tic = time.time()
    eps_ = eps * np.linalg.norm(y) ** 2
    model = enet_solvers(X, y, default_lambdas, None, mu, eps_)
    tac = time.time() - tic

    times[0, i_grid] = tac
    betas = model[1]
    gaps = model[2]
    n_grids[0, i_grid] = default_lambdas.shape[0]
    max_gaps[0, i_grid] = np.max(gaps)
    eps_path = error_grid(X, y, betas, gaps, default_lambdas, mu, nu)
    xi = eps_path
    errors_path[0, i_grid] = xi

    print("\n time default grid = ", tac, "error default = ", xi,
          "max_gap = ", np.max(gaps))

    for i_method, method in enumerate(grid_names[1:]):
        i_method += 1

        if method == "Uniform unilateral":
            adaptive = False
            large_step = False

        elif method == "Uniform bilateral":
            adaptive = False
            large_step = True

        elif method == "Adaptive unilateral":
            adaptive = True
            large_step = False

        else:  # method is "Adaptive bilateral":
            adaptive = True
            large_step = True

        tic = time.time()
        lambdas, gaps, betas = compute_path(X, y, xi, mu, nu, lambda_range,
                                            adaptive, large_step, tau)
        tac = time.time() - tic

        times[i_method, i_grid] = tac
        n_grids[i_method, i_grid] = lambdas.shape[0]
        max_gaps[i_method, i_grid] = np.max(gaps)
        error = error_grid(X, y, betas, gaps, lambdas, mu, nu)
        errors_path[i_method, i_grid] = error

        print("time = ", tac, "error = ", errors_path[i_method, i_grid],
              "n_grid = ", lambdas.shape[0], "max_gap = ", np.max(gaps))
lars_aug_lambdas, lars_aug_betas = augmented_lars(lars_betas, lars_lambdas, 10)
lars_aug_n_lambdas = lars_aug_lambdas.shape[0]
lars_aug_obj = np.empty(lars_aug_n_lambdas)

for t in range(lars_aug_n_lambdas):
    lars_aug_obj[t] = lasso_objective(X, y, lars_aug_betas[:, t],
                                      lars_aug_lambdas[t] * n_samples)

print("Computing approximation of the regularization path")
mu = 0.
nu = 1.
tau = 2.
xi = np.linalg.norm(y)**2 / 20.
lambda_range = lambda_min, lambda_max
approx_lambdas, approx_gaps, approx_betas =\
    compute_path(X, y, xi, mu, nu, lambda_range,
                 adaptive=True, large_step=False, tau=tau)

approx_n_lambdas = approx_lambdas.shape[0]
approx_obj = np.empty(2 * approx_n_lambdas - 1)
approx_aug_lambdas = np.empty(2 * approx_n_lambdas - 1)

for t in np.arange(approx_n_lambdas):
    approx_obj[2 * t] = lasso_objective(X, y, approx_betas[:, t],
    if t == approx_n_lambdas - 1:

    approx_obj[2 * t + 1] = lasso_objective(X, y, approx_betas[:, t],
                                            approx_lambdas[t + 1])

for t in np.arange(approx_n_lambdas):
Exemple #3
eps_min = delta_eps / 10.
eps_max = delta_eps * 10.

eps_vals = np.geomspace(eps_min, eps_max, n_eval)
selected_errors = np.empty(n_eval)
selected_lambdas = np.empty(n_eval)

for i_eps_val, eps_val in enumerate(eps_vals):

    nu = 1. / mu
    xi = 0.5 * mu * (eps_val / norm_X_test)**2

    print("Sequential computation of the path with")
    tic = time.time()
    path_lambdas, path_gaps, path_betas =\
        compute_path(X_train, y_train, xi, mu, nu, lambda_range,
                     adaptive=True, large_step=True)

    tac = time.time() - tic

    path_approx_errors = np.empty(path_lambdas.shape[0])

    for i_lmd, lambda_ in enumerate(path_lambdas):
        path_approx_errors[i_lmd] =\
            np.linalg.norm(X_test.dot(path_betas[:, i_lmd]) - y_test)

    if i_eps_val <= 1:
        i_best = np.argmin(path_approx_errors)
        tmp = np.where(
            path_approx_errors - np.min(approx_errors) <= eps_val)[0]
        worst_best = np.max(path_approx_errors[tmp])