def affine(self, kac_moody=False):
        Return the affine Lie algebra of ``self``.


            sage: sp6 = lie_algebras.sp(QQ, 6)
            sage: sp6
            Lie algebra of ['C', 3] in the Chevalley basis
            sage: sp6.affine()
            Affine Kac-Moody algebra of ['C', 3] in the Chevalley basis
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.affine_lie_algebra import AffineLieAlgebra
        return AffineLieAlgebra(self, kac_moody)
    def affine(self, kac_moody=False):
        Return the affine (Kac-Moody) Lie algebra of ``self``.


            sage: so5 =, 5, 'matrix')
            sage: so5
            Special orthogonal Lie algebra of rank 5 over Rational Field
            sage: so5.affine()
            Affine Special orthogonal Kac-Moody algebra of rank 5 over Rational Field
        from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.affine_lie_algebra import AffineLieAlgebra
        return AffineLieAlgebra(self, kac_moody)
Exemple #3
    def __classcall_private__(cls,
        Select the correct parent based upon input.


            sage: LieAlgebra(QQ, abelian=True, names='x,y,z')
            Abelian Lie algebra on 3 generators (x, y, z) over Rational Field
            sage: LieAlgebra(QQ, {('e','h'): {'e':-2}, ('f','h'): {'f':2},
            ....:                 ('e','f'): {'h':1}}, names='e,f,h')
            Lie algebra on 3 generators (e, f, h) over Rational Field
        # Parse associative algebra input
        # -----

        assoc = kwds.get("associative", None)
        if assoc is not None:
            return LieAlgebraFromAssociative(assoc,

        # Parse input as a Cartan type
        # -----

        ct = kwds.get("cartan_type", None)
        if ct is not None:
            from sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_type import CartanType
            ct = CartanType(ct)
            if ct.is_affine():
                from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.affine_lie_algebra import AffineLieAlgebra
                return AffineLieAlgebra(R,
                                        kac_moody=kwds.get("kac_moody", True))
            if not ct.is_finite():
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "non-finite types are not implemented yet, see trac #14901 for details"
            rep = kwds.get("representation", "bracket")
            if rep == 'bracket':
                from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.classical_lie_algebra import LieAlgebraChevalleyBasis
                return LieAlgebraChevalleyBasis(R, ct)
            if rep == 'matrix':
                from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.classical_lie_algebra import ClassicalMatrixLieAlgebra
                return ClassicalMatrixLieAlgebra(R, ct)
            raise ValueError("invalid representation")

        # Parse the remaining arguments
        # -----

        if R is None:
            raise ValueError("invalid arguments")

        check_assoc = lambda A: (isinstance(A, (Ring, MatrixSpace)) or A in
                                 Rings() or A in Algebras(R).Associative())
        if arg0 in ZZ or check_assoc(arg1):
            # Check if we need to swap the arguments
            arg0, arg1 = arg1, arg0

        # Parse the first argument
        # -----

        if isinstance(arg0, dict):
            if not arg0:
                from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
                return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names, index_set)
            elif isinstance(next(iter(arg0.keys())), (list, tuple)):
                # We assume it is some structure coefficients
                arg1, arg0 = arg0, arg1

        if isinstance(arg0, (list, tuple)):
            if all(isinstance(x, str) for x in arg0):
                # If they are all strings, then it is a list of variables
                names = tuple(arg0)

        if isinstance(arg0, str):
            names = tuple(arg0.split(','))
        elif isinstance(names, str):
            names = tuple(names.split(','))

        # Parse the second argument

        if isinstance(arg1, dict):
            # Assume it is some structure coefficients
            from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.structure_coefficients import LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients
            return LieAlgebraWithStructureCoefficients(R, arg1, names,
                                                       index_set, **kwds)

        # Otherwise it must be either a free or abelian Lie algebra

        if arg1 in ZZ:
            if isinstance(arg0, str):
                names = arg0
            if names is None:
                index_set = list(range(arg1))
                if isinstance(names, str):
                    names = tuple(names.split(','))
                    if arg1 != 1 and len(names) == 1:
                        names = tuple('{}{}'.format(names[0], i)
                                      for i in range(arg1))
                if arg1 != len(names):
                    raise ValueError("the number of names must equal the"
                                     " number of generators")

        if abelian:
            from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.abelian import AbelianLieAlgebra
            return AbelianLieAlgebra(R, names, index_set)

        # Otherwise it is the free Lie algebra
        rep = kwds.get("representation", "bracket")
        if rep == "polynomial":
            # Construct the free Lie algebra from polynomials in the
            #   free (associative unital) algebra
            # TODO: Change this to accept an index set once FreeAlgebra accepts one
            from sage.algebras.free_algebra import FreeAlgebra
            F = FreeAlgebra(R, names)
            if index_set is None:
                index_set = F.variable_names()
            # TODO: As part of #16823, this should instead construct a
            #   subclass with specialized methods for the free Lie algebra
            return LieAlgebraFromAssociative(F,

        raise NotImplementedError("the free Lie algebra has only been"
                                  " implemented using polynomials in the"
                                  " free algebra, see trac ticket #16823")