Exemple #1
def make_extra_data(label, number, ainvs, gens):
    """Given a curve label (and number, as some data is only stored wih
    curve number 1 in each class) and its ainvs and gens, returns a
    dict with which to update the entry.

    Extra items computed here:
    'equation': latex string of curve's equation
    'signD': sign of discriminant
    'local_data': list of dicts, one item for each bad prime
    'min_quad_twist': dict holding curve's min quadratic twist and the twisting discriminant
    'heights': list of heights of gens

    and for curve #1 in a class only:

    'aplist': list of a_p for p<100
    'anlist': list of a_n for n<=20

    E = EllipticCurve(parse_ainvs(ainvs))
    data = {}
    # convert from a list of strings to a single string, e.g. from ['0','0','0','1','1'] to '[0,0,0,1,1]'
    data['equation'] = web_latex(E)
    data['signD'] = int(E.discriminant().sign())
    data['local_data'] = [{
        int(max(0, -(E.j_invariant().valuation(ld.prime().gen())))),
        web_latex(ld.kodaira_symbol()).replace('$', ''),
    } for ld in E.local_data()]
    Etw, Dtw = E.minimal_quadratic_twist()
    if Etw.conductor() == E.conductor():
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label': label, 'disc': int(1)}
        minq_ainvs = ''.join(['['] + [str(c) for c in Etw.ainvs()] + [']'])
        r = curves.find_one({
            'jinv': str(E.j_invariant()),
            'ainvs': minq_ainvs
        minq_label = "" if r is None else r['label']
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label': minq_label, 'disc': int(Dtw)}
    from lmfdb.elliptic_curves.web_ec import parse_points
    gens = [E(g) for g in parse_points(gens)]
    data['heights'] = [float(P.height()) for P in gens]
    if number == 1:
        data['aplist'] = E.aplist(100, python_ints=True)
        data['anlist'] = E.anlist(20, python_ints=True)
    return data
Exemple #2
def test1(B=10**4):
    from sage.all import polygen, primes, QQ, EllipticCurve
    import psage.libs.smalljac.wrapper
    x = polygen(QQ, 'x')
    J = psage.libs.smalljac.wrapper.SmallJac(x**3 + 17 * x + 3)
    E = EllipticCurve([17, 3])
    N = E.conductor()
    for p in primes(B):
        if N % p:
            assert E.ap(p) == J.ap(p)
def get_congruent_number_data(n):
    info = {'n': n}
    info['rank'] = rank = int(get_CN_data('rank', n)[1])
    info['is_congruent'] = cong = rank > 0

    ainvs = [0, 0, 0, -n * n, 0]
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvs)
    info['E'] = E

    gens_string = get_CN_data('MWgroup', n)[1]
    gens = [E(g) for g in parse_gens_string(gens_string)]
    info['gens'] = ", ".join([str(g) for g in gens])
    info['missing_generator'] = len(gens) < rank

    # better typesetting of points
    info['gens'] = [raw_typeset(P.xy()) for P in gens]
    if len(gens) == 1:
        info['gen'] = info['gens'][0]

    info['conductor'] = N = int(get_CN_data('conductor', n)[1])
    assert N == E.conductor()

    info['triangle'] = None
    if cong:
        P = 2 * gens[0]
        x, y = P.xy()
        Z = 2 * x.sqrt()
        XplusY = 2 * (x + n).sqrt()
        XminusY = 2 * (x - n).sqrt()
        X = (XplusY + XminusY) / 2
        Y = XplusY - X
        assert X * X + Y * Y == Z * Z
        assert X * Y == 2 * n
        assert X > 0 and Y > 0 and Z > 0
        if X > Y:
            X, Y = Y, X
        info['triangle'] = {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'Z': Z}

    res = db.ec_curvedata.search({'ainvs': ainvs})
        res = next(res)
        info['in_db'] = 'exact'
    except StopIteration:
        res = db.ec_curvedata.search({'jinv': [1728, 1], 'conductor': N})
            res = next(res)
            info['in_db'] = 'isomorphic'
        except StopIteration:
            info['in_db'] = False

    if info['in_db']:
        info['label'] = label = res['lmfdb_label'] if res else None
        info['url'] = url_for(".by_ec_label", label=label)

    return info
Exemple #4
def test1(B=10 ** 4):
    from sage.all import polygen, primes, QQ, EllipticCurve
    import psage.libs.smalljac.wrapper

    x = polygen(QQ, "x")
    J = psage.libs.smalljac.wrapper.SmallJac(x ** 3 + 17 * x + 3)
    E = EllipticCurve([17, 3])
    N = E.conductor()
    for p in primes(B):
        if N % p:
            assert E.ap(p) == J.ap(p)
def make_extra_data(label, number, ainvs, gens):
    C is a database elliptic curve entry.  Returns a dict with which to update the entry.

    Data fields needed in C already: 'ainvs', 'lmfdb_label', 'gens', 'number'
    E = EllipticCurve([int(a) for a in ainvs])
    data = {}
    # convert from a list of strings to a single string, e.g. from ['0','0','0','1','1'] to '[0,0,0,1,1]'
    data['xainvs'] = ''.join(['[', ','.join(ainvs), ']'])
    data['equation'] = web_latex(E)
    data['signD'] = int(E.discriminant().sign())
    data['local_data'] = [{
        int(max(0, -(E.j_invariant().valuation(ld.prime().gen())))),
        web_latex(ld.kodaira_symbol()).replace('$', ''),
    } for ld in E.local_data()]
    Etw, Dtw = E.minimal_quadratic_twist()
    if Etw.conductor() == E.conductor():
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label': label, 'disc': int(1)}
        # Later this should be changed to look for xainvs but now all curves have ainvs
        minq_ainvs = [str(c) for c in Etw.ainvs()]
        r = curves.find_one({
            'jinv': str(E.j_invariant()),
            'ainvs': minq_ainvs
        minq_label = "" if r is None else r['label']
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label': minq_label, 'disc': int(Dtw)}
    from lmfdb.elliptic_curves.web_ec import parse_points
    gens = [E(g) for g in parse_points(gens)]
    data['heights'] = [float(P.height()) for P in gens]
    if number == 1:
        data['aplist'] = E.aplist(100, python_ints=True)
        data['anlist'] = E.anlist(20, python_ints=True)
    return data
Exemple #6
def make_hash_SW(plist, N1=0, N2=999, nq=30, tate=False):
    """Here N1 and N2 are in [0..999] and refer to the batch number, where
    batch n has curves of conductor between n*10^5 and (n+1)*10^5

    plist is a list of primes so we can make several hash tables in parallel

    If tate=True then ignore curves unless ord_p(j(E))=-1
    # Compute the first nq primes greater than the largest conductor:

    qlist = [next_prime((N2 + 1) * 10**5)]
    while len(qlist) < nq:

    # Initialize hash tables for each p:

    hashtabs = dict([(p, dict()) for p in plist])
    nc = 0
    for N in range(N1, N2 + 1):
        print("Batch {}".format(N))
        for dat in SteinWatkinsAllData(N):
            nc += 1
            NE = dat.conductor
            E = EllipticCurve(dat.curves[0][0])
            assert E.conductor() == NE
            if tate and all(E.j_invariant().valuation(p) >= 0 for p in plist):
            lab = SW_label(E)
            if nc % 10000 == 0:
            # if nc>10000:
            #     break
            h = hash1many(plist, E, qlist)
            for p in plist:
                if tate and E.j_invariant().valuation(p) >= 0:
                hp = h[p]
                if hp in hashtabs[p]:
                    print("p={}, new set {}".format(p, hashtabs[p][hp]))
                    hashtabs[p][hp] = [lab]

    ns = dict([(p, len([v for v in hashtabs[p].values() if len(v) > 1]))
               for p in plist])
    for p in plist:
        print("p={}: {} nontrivial sets of congruent curves".format(p, ns[p]))
    return hashtabs
def by_weierstrass(eqn):
    w = weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        w = short_weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
        ainvs = [ZZ(ai) for ai in w.groups()]
    except TypeError:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvs).global_minimal_model()
    N = E.conductor()
    data = db_ec().find_one({'xainvs': EC_ainvs(E)})
    if data is None:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {'conductor':N}, missing_curve=True)
    return redirect(url_for(".by_ec_label", label=data['lmfdb_label']), 301)
Exemple #8
def by_weierstrass(eqn):
    w = weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        w = short_weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
        ainvs = [ZZ(ai) for ai in w.groups()]
    except TypeError:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvs).global_minimal_model()
    label = db.ec_curvedata.lucky({'ainvs': EC_ainvs(E)},'lmfdb_label')
    if label is None:
        N = E.conductor()
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {'conductor':N}, missing_curve=True)
    return redirect(url_for(".by_ec_label", label=label), 301)
Exemple #9
def by_weierstrass(eqn):
    w = weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        w = short_weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
        ainvs = [ZZ(ai) for ai in w.groups()]
    except TypeError:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvs).global_minimal_model()
    label = db.ec_curves.lucky({'ainvs': EC_ainvs(E)},'lmfdb_label')
    if label is None:
        N = E.conductor()
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {'conductor':N}, missing_curve=True)
    return redirect(url_for(".by_ec_label", label=label), 301)
Exemple #10
def make_extra_data(label,number,ainvs,gens):
    """Given a curve label (and number, as some data is only stored wih
    curve number 1 in each class) and its ainvs and gens, returns a
    dict with which to update the entry.

    Extra items computed here:
    'equation': latex string of curve's equation
    'signD': sign of discriminant
    'local_data': list of dicts, one item for each bad prime
    'min_quad_twist': dict holding curve's min quadratic twist and the twisting discriminant
    'heights': list of heights of gens

    and for curve #1 in a class only:

    'aplist': list of a_p for p<100
    'anlist': list of a_n for n<=20

    E = EllipticCurve(parse_ainvs(ainvs))
    data = {}
    # convert from a list of strings to a single string, e.g. from ['0','0','0','1','1'] to '[0,0,0,1,1]'
    data['equation'] = web_latex(E)
    data['signD'] = int(E.discriminant().sign())
    data['local_data'] = [{'p': int(ld.prime().gen()),
                          for ld in E.local_data()]
    Etw, Dtw = E.minimal_quadratic_twist()
    if Etw.conductor()==E.conductor():
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label':label, 'disc':int(1)}
        minq_ainvs = ''.join(['['] + [str(c) for c in Etw.ainvs()] + [']'])
        r = curves.find_one({'jinv':str(E.j_invariant()), 'ainvs':minq_ainvs})
        minq_label = "" if r is None else r['label']
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label':minq_label, 'disc':int(Dtw)}
    from lmfdb.elliptic_curves.web_ec import parse_points
    gens = [E(g) for g in parse_points(gens)]
    data['heights'] = [float(P.height()) for P in gens]
    if number==1:
        data['aplist'] = E.aplist(100,python_ints=True)
        data['anlist'] = E.anlist(20,python_ints=True)
    return data
Exemple #11
def test1(B=50):
    Tests that the functions all run without crashing over a specific number field.
    Does not test that the output is correct.  That should be in
    another test.
    from sage.all import polygen, QQ, NumberField, EllipticCurve
    x = polygen(QQ,'x')
    F = NumberField(x**2 - x - 1,'a'); a = F.gen()
    E = EllipticCurve([1,a+1,a,a,0])
    assert len(ap_list(E,B,primes=True)) == 2
    apd = ap_dict(E,B)
    assert an_dict(E,B) == an_dict_from_ap(apd, E.conductor(), B)
Exemple #12
def elliptic_curve_jump(info):
    label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
    m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
    if m:
            return by_ec_label(label)
        except ValueError:
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label,
    elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
        label = label[8:]
        m = match_cremona_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label,
    elif match_cremona_label(label):
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
    elif label:
        # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
        # Weistrass coefficients:
        lab = re.sub(r'\s', '', label)
        lab = re.sub(r'^\[', '', lab)
        lab = re.sub(r']$', '', lab)
            labvec = lab.split(',')
            labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec]  # Rationals allowed
            E = EllipticCurve(labvec).minimal_model()
            # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
            # not be in the database.
            lmfdb_label = db.ec_curves.lucky({'ainvs': EC_ainvs(E)},
            if lmfdb_label is None:
                info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label,
            return by_ec_label(lmfdb_label)
        except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error('', info)
Exemple #13
def by_weierstrass(eqn):
    w = weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        w = short_weierstrass_eqn_regex.match(eqn)
    if not w:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
        ainvs = [ZZ(ai) for ai in w.groups()]
    except TypeError:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {})
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvs).global_minimal_model()
    N = E.conductor()
    ainvs = [str(ai) for ai in E.ainvs()]
    data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
    if data is None:
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(eqn, {'conductor':N}, missing_curve=True)
    return redirect(url_for(".by_ec_label", label=data['lmfdb_label']), 301)
Exemple #14
def elliptic_curve_jump(info):
    label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
    m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
    if m:
            return by_ec_label(label)
        except ValueError:
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
    elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
        label = label[8:]
        m = match_cremona_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
    elif match_cremona_label(label):
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
    elif label:
        # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
        # Weistrass coefficients:
        lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
        lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
        lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
            labvec = lab.split(',')
            labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
            E = EllipticCurve(labvec).minimal_model()
            # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
            # not be in the database.
            lmfdb_label = db.ec_curves.lucky({'ainvs': EC_ainvs(E)}, 'lmfdb_label')
            if lmfdb_label is None:
                info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
            return by_ec_label(lmfdb_label)
        except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
        return elliptic_curve_jump_error('', info)
Exemple #15
def make_extra_data(label,number,ainvs,gens):
    C is a database elliptic curve entry.  Returns a dict with which to update the entry.

    Data fields needed in C already: 'ainvs', 'lmfdb_label', 'gens', 'number'
    E = EllipticCurve([int(a) for a in ainvs])
    data = {}
    # convert from a list of strings to a single string, e.g. from ['0','0','0','1','1'] to '[0,0,0,1,1]'
    data['xainvs'] = ''.join(['[',','.join(ainvs),']'])
    data['equation'] = web_latex(E)
    data['signD'] = int(E.discriminant().sign())
    data['local_data'] = [{'p': int(ld.prime().gen()),
                          for ld in E.local_data()]
    Etw, Dtw = E.minimal_quadratic_twist()
    if Etw.conductor()==E.conductor():
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label':label, 'disc':int(1)}
        # Later this should be changed to look for xainvs but now all curves have ainvs
        minq_ainvs = [str(c) for c in Etw.ainvs()]
        r = curves.find_one({'jinv':str(E.j_invariant()), 'ainvs':minq_ainvs})
        minq_label = "" if r is None else r['label']
        data['min_quad_twist'] = {'label':minq_label, 'disc':int(Dtw)}
    from lmfdb.elliptic_curves.web_ec import parse_points
    gens = [E(g) for g in parse_points(gens)]
    data['heights'] = [float(P.height()) for P in gens]
    if number==1:
        data['aplist'] = E.aplist(100,python_ints=True)
        data['anlist'] = E.anlist(20,python_ints=True)
    return data
Exemple #16
def curves(line, verbose=False):
    r""" Parses one line from a curves file.  Returns the label and a dict
    containing fields with keys 'field_label', 'degree', 'signature',
    'abs_disc', 'label', 'short_label', conductor_label',
    'conductor_ideal', 'conductor_norm', 'iso_label', 'iso_nlabel',
    'number', 'ainvs', 'jinv', 'cm', 'q_curve', 'base_change',
    'torsion_order', 'torsion_structure', 'torsion_gens'; and (added
    May 2016): 'equation', 'local_data', 'non_min_p', 'minD'

    Input line fields (13):

    field_label conductor_label iso_label number conductor_ideal conductor_norm a1 a2 a3 a4 a6 cm base_change

    Sample input line: 65.18.1 a 1 [65,18,1] 65 1,1 1,1 0,1 -1,1 -1,0 0 0
    # Parse the line and form the full label:
    data = split(line)
    if len(data) != 13:
        print "line %s does not have 13 fields, skipping" % line
    field_label = data[0]  # string
    IQF_flag = field_label.split(".")[:2] == ['2', '0']
    K = nf_lookup(field_label) if IQF_flag else None
    conductor_label = data[1]  # string
    # convert label (does nothing except for imaginary quadratic)
    conductor_label = convert_conductor_label(field_label, conductor_label)
    iso_label = data[2]  # string
    iso_nlabel = numerify_iso_label(iso_label)  # int
    number = int(data[3])  # int
    short_class_label = "%s-%s" % (conductor_label, iso_label)
    short_label = "%s%s" % (short_class_label, str(number))
    class_label = "%s-%s" % (field_label, short_class_label)
    label = "%s-%s" % (field_label, short_label)

    conductor_ideal = data[4]  # string
    conductor_norm = int(data[5])  # int
    ainvs = ";".join(data[6:11])  # one string joining 5 NFelt strings
    cm = data[11]  # int or '?'
    if cm != '?':
        cm = int(cm)

    # Create the field and curve to compute the j-invariant:
    dummy, deg, sig, abs_disc = field_data(field_label)
    K = nf_lookup(field_label)
    #print("Field %s created, gen_name = %s" % (field_label,str(K.gen())))
    ainvsK = parse_ainvs(K, ainvs)  # list of K-elements
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvsK)
    #print("{} created with disc = {}, N(disc)={}".format(E,K.ideal(E.discriminant()).factor(),E.discriminant().norm().factor()))
    j = E.j_invariant()
    jinv = NFelt(j)
    if cm == '?':
        cm = get_cm(j)
        if cm:
            print "cm=%s for j=%s" % (cm, j)

    q_curve = data[12]  # 0, 1 or ?.  If unknown we'll determine this below.
    if q_curve in ['0', '1']:  # already set -- easy
        q_curve = bool(int(q_curve))
            q_curve = is_Q_curve(E)
        except NotImplementedError:
            q_curve = '?'

    # Here we should check that the conductor of the constructed curve
    # agrees with the input conductor.
    N = ideal_from_string(K, conductor_ideal)
    NE = E.conductor()
    if N == "wrong" or N != NE:
            "Wrong conductor ideal {} for label {}, using actual conductor {} instead"
            .format(conductor_ideal, label, NE))
        conductor_ideal = ideal_to_string(NE)
        N = NE

    # get torsion order, structure and generators:
    torgroup = E.torsion_subgroup()
    ntors = int(torgroup.order())
    torstruct = [int(n) for n in list(torgroup.invariants())]
    torgens = [point_string(P.element()) for P in torgroup.gens()]

    # get label of elliptic curve over Q for base_change cases (a
    # subset of Q-curves)

    if True:  # q_curve: now we have not precomputed Q-curve status
        # but still want to test for base change!
        if verbose:
            print("testing {} for base-change...".format(label))
        E1list = E.descend_to(QQ)
        if len(E1list):
            base_change = [cremona_to_lmfdb(E1.label()) for E1 in E1list]
            if verbose:
                print "%s is base change of %s" % (label, base_change)
            base_change = []
            # print "%s is a Q-curve, but not base-change..." % label
        base_change = []

    # NB if this is not a global minimal model then local_data may
    # include a prime at which we have good reduction.  This causes no
    # problems except that the bad_reduction_type is then None which
    # cannot be converted to an integer.  The bad reduction types are
    # coded as (Sage) integers in {-1,0,1}.
    local_data = [{
        int(max(0, -(E.j_invariant().valuation(ld.prime())))),
        if ld.bad_reduction_type() == None else int(ld.bad_reduction_type()),
        web_latex(ld.kodaira_symbol()).replace('$', ''),
    } for ld in E.local_data()]

    non_minimal_primes = [ideal_to_string(P) for P in E.non_minimal_primes()]
    minD = ideal_to_string(E.minimal_discriminant_ideal())

    edata = {
        'field_label': field_label,
        'degree': deg,
        'signature': sig,
        'abs_disc': abs_disc,
        'class_label': class_label,
        'short_class_label': short_class_label,
        'label': label,
        'short_label': short_label,
        'conductor_label': conductor_label,
        'conductor_ideal': conductor_ideal,
        'conductor_norm': conductor_norm,
        'iso_label': iso_label,
        'iso_nlabel': iso_nlabel,
        'number': number,
        'ainvs': ainvs,
        'jinv': jinv,
        'cm': cm,
        'q_curve': q_curve,
        'base_change': base_change,
        'torsion_order': ntors,
        'torsion_structure': torstruct,
        'torsion_gens': torgens,
        'equation': web_latex(E),
        'local_data': local_data,
        'minD': minD,
        'non_min_p': non_minimal_primes,

    return label, edata
Exemple #17
def elliptic_curve_search(info):

    if info.get('download') == '1' and info.get('Submit') and info.get('query'):
        return download_search(info)

    if 'SearchAgain' in info:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    query = {}
    bread = info.get('bread',[('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")), ('Search Results', '.')])

    if 'jump' in info:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                xainvs = ''.join(['[',','.join(ainvs),']'])
                data = db_ec().find_one({'xainvs': xainvs})
                if data is None:
                    data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                    if data is None:
                        info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                        return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

        parse_ints(info,query,'torsion','torsion order')
        parse_ints(info,query,'sha','analytic order of &#1064;')
        # speed up slow torsion_structure searches by also setting torsion
        if 'torsion_structure' in query and not 'torsion' in query:
            query['torsion'] = reduce(mul,[int(n) for n in query['torsion_structure']],1)
        if 'include_cm' in info:
            if info['include_cm'] == 'exclude':
                query['cm'] = 0
            elif info['include_cm'] == 'only':
                query['cm'] = {'$ne' : 0}


        parse_primes(info, query, 'surj_primes', name='surjective primes',
                     qfield='non-maximal_primes', mode='complement')
        if info.get('surj_quantifier') == 'exactly':
            mode = 'exact'
            mode = 'append'
        parse_primes(info, query, 'nonsurj_primes', name='non-surjective primes',
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = str(err)
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    count = parse_count(info,100)
    start = parse_start(info)

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    info['query'] = query
    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING),
                       ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    info['count'] = count
    info['more'] = int(start + count < nres)

    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2: 
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    #credit = 'John Cremona'
    #if 'non-surjective_primes' in query or 'non-maximal_primes' in query:
    #    credit += ' and Andrew Sutherland'

    t = info.get('title','Elliptic Curves search results')
    return render_template("ec-search-results.html", info=info, credit=ec_credit(), bread=bread, title=t)
Exemple #18
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)

    if "download" in info and info["download"] != "0":
        return download_search(info)

    query = {}
    bread = [
        ("Elliptic Curves", url_for("ecnf.index")),
        ("$\Q$", url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
        ("Search Results", "."),
    if "SearchAgain" in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if "jump" in args:
        label = info.get("label", "").replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r"\s", "", label)
            lab = re.sub(r"^\[", "", lab)
            lab = re.sub(r"]$", "", lab)
                labvec = lab.split(",")
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec]  # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({"ainvs": ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info["conductor"] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data["lmfdb_label"])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query["label"] = ""

        parse_rational(info, query, "jinv", "j-invariant")
        parse_ints(info, query, "conductor")
        parse_ints(info, query, "torsion", "torsion order")
        parse_ints(info, query, "rank")
        parse_ints(info, query, "sha", "analytic order of &#1064;")
            info, query, "torsion_structure", maxlength=2, process=str, check_divisibility="increasing"
            info, query, "surj_primes", name="surjective primes", qfield="non-surjective_primes", mode="complement"
        if info.get("surj_quantifier") == "exactly":
            mode = "exact"
            mode = "append"
            info, query, "nonsurj_primes", name="non-surjective primes", qfield="non-surjective_primes", mode=mode
    except ValueError as err:
        info["err"] = str(err)
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    count = parse_count(info, 100)
    start = parse_start(info)

    if "optimal" in info and info["optimal"] == "on":
        # fails on 990h3
        query["number"] = 1

    info["query"] = query
    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if start >= nres:
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if start < 0:
        start = 0
    res = (
        cursor.sort([("conductor", ASCENDING), ("iso_nlabel", ASCENDING), ("lmfdb_number", ASCENDING)])
    info["curves"] = res
    info["format_ainvs"] = format_ainvs
    info["curve_url"] = lambda dbc: url_for(
    info["iso_url"] = lambda dbc: url_for(
        ".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc["conductor"], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc["lmfdb_iso"])[1]
    info["number"] = nres
    info["start"] = start
    info["count"] = count
    info["more"] = int(start + count < nres)

    if nres == 1:
        info["report"] = "unique match"
    elif nres == 2:
        info["report"] = "displaying both matches"
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info["report"] = "displaying matches %s-%s of %s" % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info["report"] = "displaying all %s matches" % nres
    credit = "John Cremona"
    if "non-surjective_primes" in query:
        credit += "and Andrew Sutherland"
    t = "Elliptic Curves search results"
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Exemple #19
def allgens(line):
    r""" Parses one line from an allgens file.  Returns the label and
    a dict containing fields with keys 'conductor', 'iso', 'number',
    'ainvs', 'jinv', 'cm', 'rank', 'gens', 'torsion_order', 'torsion_structure',
    'torsion_generators', all values being strings or ints, and more.

    Input line fields:

    conductor iso number ainvs rank torsion_structure gens torsion_gens

    Sample input line:

    20202 i 2 [1,0,0,-298389,54947169] 1 [2,4] [-570:6603:1] [-622:311:1] [834:19239:1]
    global lmfdb_label_to_label
    global label_to_lmfdb_label

    data = split(line)
    iso = data[0] + data[1]
    label = iso + data[2]
        lmfdb_label = label_to_lmfdb_label[label]
    except AttributeError:
        print("Label {} not found in label_to_lmfdb_label dict!".format(label))
        lmfdb_label = ""

    global nallgens
    nallgens += 1
    if nallgens % 100 == 0:
        print("processing allgens for {} (#{})".format(label, nallgens))
    rank = int(data[4])
    t = data[5]
    tor_struct = [] if t == '[]' else t[1:-1].split(",")
    torsion = int(prod([int(ti) for ti in tor_struct], 1))
    ainvs = parse_ainvs(data[3])
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvs)
    jinv = text_type(E.j_invariant())
    if E.has_cm():
        cm = int(E.cm_discriminant())
        cm = int(0)
    N = E.conductor()
    bad_p = N.prime_factors()  # will be sorted
    num_bad_p = len(bad_p)

    local_data = [{
        int(max(0, -(E.j_invariant().valuation(ld.prime().gen())))),
        web_latex(ld.kodaira_symbol()).replace('$', ''),
    } for ld in E.local_data()]
    semistable = all([ld['ord_cond'] == 1 for ld in local_data])

    gens = [
        gen.replace("[", "(").replace("]", ")") for gen in data[6:6 + rank]
    tor_gens = ["%s" % parse_tgens(tgens[1:-1]) for tgens in data[6 + rank:]]

    from lmfdb.elliptic_curves.web_ec import parse_points
    heights = [float(E(P).height()) for P in parse_points(gens)]

    Etw, Dtw = E.minimal_quadratic_twist()
    if Etw.conductor() == N:
        min_quad_twist = {
            'label': label,
            'lmfdb_label': lmfdb_label,
            'disc': int(1)
        minq_ainvs = Etw.ainvs()
        r = curves.lucky({
            'jinv': str(E.j_invariant()),
            'ainvs': minq_ainvs
                         projection=['label', 'lmfdb_label'])
        min_quad_twist = {
            'label': r['label'],
            'lmfdb_label': r['lmfdb_label'],
            'disc': int(Dtw)

    trace_hash = TraceHashClass(iso, E)

    return label, {
        'conductor': int(data[0]),
        'iso': iso,
        'number': int(data[2]),
        'ainvs': ainvs,
        'jinv': jinv,
        'cm': cm,
        'rank': rank,
        'gens': gens,
        'torsion': torsion,
        'torsion_structure': tor_struct,
        'torsion_generators': tor_gens,
        'trace_hash': trace_hash,
        'equation': web_latex(E),
        'bad_primes': bad_p,
        'num_bad_primes': num_bad_p,
        'local_data': local_data,
        'semistable': semistable,
        'signD': int(E.discriminant().sign()),
        'heights': heights,
        'aplist': E.aplist(100, python_ints=True),
        'anlist': E.anlist(20, python_ints=True),
        'min_quad_twist': min_quad_twist,
Exemple #20
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)
    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")),
             ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'SearchAgain' in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

    if info.get('jinv'):
        j = clean_input(info['jinv'])
        j = j.replace('+', '')
        if not QQ_RE.match(j):
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the j-invariant.  It needs to be a rational number.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['jinv'] = str(QQ(j)) # to simplify e.g. 1728/1

    for field in ['conductor', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha']:
        if info.get(field):
            info[field] = clean_input(info[field])
            ran = info[field]
            ran = ran.replace('..', '-').replace(' ', '')
            if not LIST_RE.match(ran):
                names = {'conductor': 'conductor', 'torsion': 'torsion order', 'rank':
                         'rank', 'sha': 'analytic order of &#1064;'}
                info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s.  It needs to be an integer (such as 25), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).' % names[field]
                return search_input_error(info, bread)
            # Past input check
            tmp = parse_range2(ran, field)
            # work around syntax for $or
            # we have to foil out multiple or conditions
            if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query:
                newors = []
                for y in tmp[1]:
                    oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']]
                    for x in oldors:
                tmp[1] = newors
            query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    if 'torsion_structure' in info and info['torsion_structure']:
        res = parse_torsion_structure(info['torsion_structure'])
        if 'Error' in res:
            info['err'] = res
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        #update info for repeat searches
        info['torsion_structure'] = str(res).replace(' ','')
        query['torsion_structure'] = [str(r) for r in res]

    if info.get('surj_primes'):
        info['surj_primes'] = clean_input(info['surj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['surj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            surj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['surj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in surj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$nin": surj_primes}
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for surjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if info.get('nonsurj_primes'):
        info['nonsurj_primes'] = clean_input(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            nonsurj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['nonsurj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in nonsurj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            if info['surj_quantifier'] == 'exactly':
                query['non-surjective_primes'] = nonsurj_primes
                if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$nin": surj_primes, "$all": nonsurj_primes }
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$all": nonsurj_primes }
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for nonsurjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if 'download' in info and info['download'] != '0':
        res = db_ec().find(query).sort([ ('conductor', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_iso', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING) ])
        return download_search(info, res)
    count_default = 100
    if info.get('count'):
            count = int(info['count'])
            count = count_default
        count = count_default
    info['count'] = count

    start_default = 0
    if info.get('start'):
            start = int(info['start'])
            if(start < 0):
                start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count
            start = start_default
        start = start_default

    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_iso', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2:
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
        credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves search results'
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Exemple #21
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)

    if 'download' in info and info['download'] != '0':
        return download_search(info)

    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")),
             ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'SearchAgain' in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

        parse_ints(info,query,'torsion','torsion order')
        parse_ints(info,query,'sha','analytic order of &#1064;')
        if 'include_cm' in info:
            if info['include_cm'] == 'exclude':
                query['cm'] = 0
            elif info['include_cm'] == 'only':
                query['cm'] = {'$ne' : 0}

        parse_primes(info, query, 'surj_primes', name='surjective primes',
                     qfield='non-surjective_primes', mode='complement')
        if info.get('surj_quantifier') == 'exactly':
            mode = 'exact'
            mode = 'append'
        parse_primes(info, query, 'nonsurj_primes', name='non-surjective primes',
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = str(err)
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    count = parse_count(info,100)
    start = parse_start(info)

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    info['query'] = query
    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING),
                       ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)]).skip(start).limit(count)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    info['count'] = count
    info['more'] = int(start + count < nres)

    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2: 
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres
    credit = 'John Cremona'
    if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
        credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves search results'
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Exemple #22
def elliptic_curve_search(**args):
    info = to_dict(args)
    query = {}
    bread = [('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")),
             ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")),
             ('Search Results', '.')]
    if 'SearchAgain' in args:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    if 'jump' in args:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec)
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                ainvs = [str(c) for c in E.minimal_model().ainvs()]
                data = db_ec().find_one({'ainvs': ainvs})
                if data is None:
                    info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

    if info.get('jinv'):
        j = clean_input(info['jinv'])
        j = j.replace('+', '')
        if not QQ_RE.match(j):
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the j-invariant.  It needs to be a rational number.'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        query['jinv'] = str(QQ(j)) # to simplify e.g. 1728/1

    for field in ['conductor', 'torsion', 'rank', 'sha']:
        if info.get(field):
            info[field] = clean_input(info[field])
            ran = info[field]
            ran = ran.replace('..', '-').replace(' ', '')
            if not LIST_RE.match(ran):
                names = {'conductor': 'conductor', 'torsion': 'torsion order', 'rank':
                         'rank', 'sha': 'analytic order of &#1064;'}
                info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for the %s.  It needs to be an integer (such as 25), a range of integers (such as 2-10 or 2..10), or a comma-separated list of these (such as 4,9,16 or 4-25, 81-121).' % names[field]
                return search_input_error(info, bread)
            # Past input check
            tmp = parse_range2(ran, field)
            # work around syntax for $or
            # we have to foil out multiple or conditions
            if tmp[0] == '$or' and '$or' in query:
                newors = []
                for y in tmp[1]:
                    oldors = [dict.copy(x) for x in query['$or']]
                    for x in oldors:
                tmp[1] = newors
            query[tmp[0]] = tmp[1]

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    if 'torsion_structure' in info and info['torsion_structure']:
        res = parse_torsion_structure(info['torsion_structure'],2)
        if 'Error' in res:
            info['err'] = res
            return search_input_error(info, bread)
        #update info for repeat searches
        info['torsion_structure'] = str(res).replace(' ','')
        query['torsion_structure'] = [str(r) for r in res]

    if info.get('surj_primes'):
        info['surj_primes'] = clean_input(info['surj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['surj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            surj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['surj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in surj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            query['non-surjective_primes'] = {"$nin": surj_primes}
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for surjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if info.get('nonsurj_primes'):
        info['nonsurj_primes'] = clean_input(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        format_ok = LIST_POSINT_RE.match(info['nonsurj_primes'])
        if format_ok:
            nonsurj_primes = [int(p) for p in info['nonsurj_primes'].split(',')]
            format_ok = all([ZZ(p).is_prime(proof=False) for p in nonsurj_primes])
        if format_ok:
            if info['surj_quantifier'] == 'exactly':
                query['non-surjective_primes'] = nonsurj_primes
                if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$nin": surj_primes, "$all": nonsurj_primes }
                    query['non-surjective_primes'] = { "$all": nonsurj_primes }
            info['err'] = 'Error parsing input for nonsurjective primes.  It needs to be a prime (such as 5), or a comma-separated list of primes (such as 2,3,11).'
            return search_input_error(info, bread)

    if 'download' in info and info['download'] != '0':
        res = db_ec().find(query).sort([ ('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING) ])
        return download_search(info, res)
    count_default = 100
    if info.get('count'):
            count = int(info['count'])
            count = count_default
        count = count_default
    info['count'] = count

    start_default = 0
    if info.get('start'):
            start = int(info['start'])
            if(start < 0):
                start += (1 - (start + 1) / count) * count
            start = start_default
        start = start_default

    cursor = db_ec().find(query)
    nres = cursor.count()
    if(start >= nres):
        start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    if(start < 0):
        start = 0
    res = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING), ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)
    info['curves'] = res
    info['format_ainvs'] = format_ainvs
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    info['count'] = count
    info['more'] = int(start + count < nres)
    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2:
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres

    credit = 'John Cremona'
    if 'non-surjective_primes' in query:
        credit += 'and Andrew Sutherland'
    t = 'Elliptic Curves search results'
    return render_template("search_results.html", info=info, credit=credit, bread=bread, title=t)
Exemple #23
def curves(line, verbose=False):
    r""" Parses one line from a curves file.  Returns the label and a dict
    containing fields with keys 'field_label', 'degree', 'signature',
    'abs_disc', 'label', 'short_label', conductor_label',
    'conductor_ideal', 'conductor_norm', 'iso_label', 'iso_nlabel',
    'number', 'ainvs', 'jinv', 'cm', 'q_curve', 'base_change',
    'torsion_order', 'torsion_structure', 'torsion_gens'; and (added
    May 2016): 'equation', 'local_data', 'non_min_p', 'minD'

    Input line fields (13):

    field_label conductor_label iso_label number conductor_ideal conductor_norm a1 a2 a3 a4 a6 cm base_change

    Sample input line: 65.18.1 a 1 [65,18,1] 65 1,1 1,1 0,1 -1,1 -1,0 0 0
    # Parse the line and form the full label:
    data = split(line)
    if len(data) != 13:
        print "line %s does not have 13 fields, skipping" % line
    field_label = data[0]       # string
    IQF_flag = field_label.split(".")[:2] == ['2','0']
    K = nf_lookup(field_label) if IQF_flag else None
    conductor_label = data[1]   # string
    # convert label (does nothing except for imaginary quadratic)
    conductor_label = convert_conductor_label(field_label, conductor_label)
    iso_label = data[2]         # string
    iso_nlabel = numerify_iso_label(iso_label)         # int
    number = int(data[3])       # int
    short_class_label = "%s-%s" % (conductor_label, iso_label)
    short_label = "%s%s" % (short_class_label, str(number))
    class_label = "%s-%s" % (field_label, short_class_label)
    label = "%s-%s" % (field_label, short_label)

    conductor_ideal = data[4]     # string
    conductor_norm = int(data[5]) # int
    ainvs = ";".join(data[6:11])  # one string joining 5 NFelt strings
    cm = data[11]                 # int or '?'
    if cm != '?':
        cm = int(cm)
    q_curve = (data[12] == '1')   # bool

    # Create the field and curve to compute the j-invariant:
    dummy, deg, sig, abs_disc = field_data(field_label)
    K = nf_lookup(field_label)
    #print("Field %s created, gen_name = %s" % (field_label,str(K.gen())))
    ainvsK = parse_ainvs(K,ainvs)  # list of K-elements
    E = EllipticCurve(ainvsK)
    #print("{} created with disc = {}, N(disc)={}".format(E,K.ideal(E.discriminant()).factor(),E.discriminant().norm().factor()))
    j = E.j_invariant()
    jinv = NFelt(j)
    if cm == '?':
        cm = get_cm(j)
        if cm:
            print "cm=%s for j=%s" % (cm, j)

    # Here we should check that the conductor of the constructed curve
    # agrees with the input conductor.
    N = ideal_from_string(K,conductor_ideal)
    NE = E.conductor()
    if N=="wrong" or N!=NE:
        print("Wrong conductor ideal {} for label {}, using actual conductor {} instead".format(conductor_ideal,label,NE))
        conductor_ideal = ideal_to_string(NE)
        N = NE

    # get torsion order, structure and generators:
    torgroup = E.torsion_subgroup()
    ntors = int(torgroup.order())
    torstruct = [int(n) for n in list(torgroup.invariants())]
    torgens = [point_string(P.element()) for P in torgroup.gens()]

    # get label of elliptic curve over Q for base_change cases (a
    # subset of Q-curves)

    if True:  # q_curve: now we have not precomputed Q-curve status
              # but still want to test for base change!
        if verbose:
            print("testing {} for base-change...".format(label))
        E1list = E.descend_to(QQ)
        if len(E1list):
            base_change = [cremona_to_lmfdb(E1.label()) for E1 in E1list]
            if verbose:
                print "%s is base change of %s" % (label, base_change)
            base_change = []
            # print "%s is a Q-curve, but not base-change..." % label
        base_change = []

    # NB if this is not a global minimal model then local_data may
    # include a prime at which we have good reduction.  This causes no
    # problems except that the bad_reduction_type is then None which
    # cannot be converted to an integer.  The bad reduction types are
    # coded as (Sage) integers in {-1,0,1}.
    local_data = [{'p': ideal_to_string(ld.prime()),
                   'normp': str(ld.prime().norm()),
                   'red':None if ld.bad_reduction_type()==None else int(ld.bad_reduction_type()),
                  for ld in E.local_data()]

    non_minimal_primes = [ideal_to_string(P) for P in E.non_minimal_primes()]
    minD = ideal_to_string(E.minimal_discriminant_ideal())

    edata = {
        'field_label': field_label,
        'degree': deg,
        'signature': sig,
        'abs_disc': abs_disc,
        'class_label': class_label,
        'short_class_label': short_class_label,
        'label': label,
        'short_label': short_label,
        'conductor_label': conductor_label,
        'conductor_ideal': conductor_ideal,
        'conductor_norm': conductor_norm,
        'iso_label': iso_label,
        'iso_nlabel': iso_nlabel,
        'number': number,
        'ainvs': ainvs,
        'jinv': jinv,
        'cm': cm,
        'q_curve': q_curve,
        'base_change': base_change,
        'torsion_order': ntors,
        'torsion_structure': torstruct,
        'torsion_gens': torgens,
        'equation': web_latex(E),
        'local_data': local_data,
        'minD': minD,
        'non_min_p': non_minimal_primes,

    return label, edata
Exemple #24
def elliptic_curve_search(info):

    if info.get('download') == '1' and info.get('Submit') and info.get('query'):
        return download_search(info)

    if 'SearchAgain' in info:
        return rational_elliptic_curves()

    query = {}
    bread = info.get('bread',[('Elliptic Curves', url_for("ecnf.index")), ('$\Q$', url_for(".rational_elliptic_curves")), ('Search Results', '.')])

    if 'jump' in info:
        label = info.get('label', '').replace(" ", "")
        m = match_lmfdb_label(label)
        if m:
                return by_ec_label(label)
            except ValueError:
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif label.startswith("Cremona:"):
            label = label[8:]
            m = match_cremona_label(label)
            if m:
                    return by_ec_label(label)
                except ValueError:
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, wellformed_label=True)
        elif match_cremona_label(label):
            return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, cremona_label=True)
        elif label:
            # Try to parse a string like [1,0,3,2,4] as valid
            # Weistrass coefficients:
            lab = re.sub(r'\s','',label)
            lab = re.sub(r'^\[','',lab)
            lab = re.sub(r']$','',lab)
                labvec = lab.split(',')
                labvec = [QQ(str(z)) for z in labvec] # Rationals allowed
                E = EllipticCurve(labvec).minimal_model()
                # Now we do have a valid curve over Q, but it might
                # not be in the database.
                data = db_ec().find_one({'xainvs': EC_ainvs(E)})
                if data is None:
                    info['conductor'] = E.conductor()
                    return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info, missing_curve=True)
                return by_ec_label(data['lmfdb_label'])
            except (TypeError, ValueError, ArithmeticError):
                return elliptic_curve_jump_error(label, info)
            query['label'] = ''

        parse_ints(info,query,'torsion','torsion order')
        parse_ints(info,query,'sha','analytic order of &#1064;')
        # speed up slow torsion_structure searches by also setting torsion
        if 'torsion_structure' in query and not 'torsion' in query:
            query['torsion'] = reduce(mul,[int(n) for n in query['torsion_structure']],1)
        if 'include_cm' in info:
            if info['include_cm'] == 'exclude':
                query['cm'] = 0
            elif info['include_cm'] == 'only':
                query['cm'] = {'$ne' : 0}


        parse_primes(info, query, 'surj_primes', name='surjective primes',
                     qfield='non-maximal_primes', mode='complement')
        if info.get('surj_quantifier') == 'exactly':
            mode = 'exact'
            mode = 'append'
        parse_primes(info, query, 'nonsurj_primes', name='non-surjective primes',
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = str(err)
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    count = parse_count(info,100)
    start = parse_start(info)

    if 'optimal' in info and info['optimal'] == 'on':
        # fails on 990h3
        query['number'] = 1

    info['query'] = query
    cursor = db_ec().find(query);
    cursor = cursor.sort([('conductor', ASCENDING), ('iso_nlabel', ASCENDING),
                       ('lmfdb_number', ASCENDING)]);
    # equivalent to
    # cursor = res
    # nres = res.count()
    # if(start >= nres):
    #     start -= (1 + (start - nres) / count) * count
    # if(start < 0):
    #    start = 0
    # res = res.skip(start).limit(count)
        start, nres, res = search_cursor_timeout_decorator(cursor, start, count);
    except ValueError as err:
        info['err'] = err;
        return search_input_error(info, bread)

    info['curves'] = res
    info['curve_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_triple_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1], number=dbc['lmfdb_number'])
    info['iso_url'] = lambda dbc: url_for(".by_double_iso_label", conductor=dbc['conductor'], iso_label=split_lmfdb_label(dbc['lmfdb_iso'])[1])
    info['number'] = nres
    info['start'] = start
    info['count'] = count
    info['more'] = int(start + count < nres)

    if nres == 1:
        info['report'] = 'unique match'
    elif nres == 2: 
        info['report'] = 'displaying both matches'
        if nres > count or start != 0:
            info['report'] = 'displaying matches %s-%s of %s' % (start + 1, min(nres, start + count), nres)
            info['report'] = 'displaying all %s matches' % nres

    t = info.get('title','Elliptic Curves search results')
    return render_template("ec-search-results.html", info=info, credit=ec_credit(), bread=bread, title=t)
Exemple #25
def EC_from_SW_label(lab):
    N, ainvs = lab.split(".")
    N = ZZ(N)
    E = EllipticCurve([ZZ(a) for a in ainvs[1:-1].split(",")])
    assert E.conductor() == N
    return N, E