def components(self):
        Returns a list of the connected components of the multicurve
        corresponding to the 1-cycle, each given as a OneCycle.

        Assumes for simplicity that the weights are at most one and
        the support of the cycle is a simple multicurve.
        assert all(abs(w) <= 1 for w in self.weights)
        D = self.cellulation
        G = Graph(multiedges=True)
        for edge in D.edges:
            if self.weights[edge.index] != 0:
                i, j = [v.index for v in edge.vertices]
                G.add_edge(i, j, edge.index)

        assert G.num_verts() == G.num_edges()

        ans = []
        for H in G.connected_components_subgraphs():
            weights = len(self.weights) * [0]
            for i in H.edge_labels():
                weights[i] = self.weights[i]
            ans.append(OneCycle(self.cellulation, weights))
        return ans
    def check_orthogonal_diagonals(self, motion_types,  active_NACs, extra_cycles_orthog_diag=[]):
        Check the necessary conditions for orthogonal diagonals.

        return orthogonality_graph
        perp_by_NAC = [cycle for delta in active_NACs for cycle in self._orthogonal_diagonals[delta]]
        deltoids = [cycle for cycle, t in motion_types.items() if t in ['e','o']]

        orthogonalLines = []
        for perpCycle in perp_by_NAC + deltoids + extra_cycles_orthog_diag:
            orthogonalLines.append(Set([Set([perpCycle[0],perpCycle[2]]), Set([perpCycle[1],perpCycle[3]])]))

        orthogonalityGraph = Graph(orthogonalLines, format='list_of_edges', multiedges=False)
        n_edges = -1

        while  n_edges != orthogonalityGraph.num_edges():
            n_edges = orthogonalityGraph.num_edges()
            for perp_subgraph in orthogonalityGraph.connected_components_subgraphs():
                isBipartite, partition = perp_subgraph.is_bipartite(certificate=True)
                if isBipartite:
                    graph_0 = Graph([v.list() for v in partition if partition[v]==0])
                    graph_1 = Graph([v.list() for v in partition if partition[v]==1])
                    for comp_0 in graph_0.connected_components():
                        for comp_1 in graph_1.connected_components():
                            for e0 in Subsets(comp_0,2):
                                for e1 in Subsets(comp_1,2):
                                    orthogonalityGraph.add_edge([Set(e0), Set(e1)])
                    raise exceptions.RuntimeError('A component of the orthogonality graph is not bipartite!')

        self._orthogonality_graph = orthogonalityGraph
        check_again = False
        H = {self._edge_ordered(u,v):None for u,v in self._graph.edges(labels=False)}
        self._set_same_lengths(H, motion_types)

        for c in motion_types:
            if not orthogonalityGraph.has_edge(Set([c[0],c[2]]),Set([c[1],c[3]])):
            if motion_types[c]=='a':       # inconsistent since antiparallel motion cannot have orthogonal diagonals
                return False
            elif motion_types[c]=='p':     # this cycle must be rhombus
                self._set_two_edge_same_lengths(H, c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], 0)
                self._set_two_edge_same_lengths(H, c[0], c[1], c[1], c[2], 0)
                self._set_two_edge_same_lengths(H, c[0], c[1], c[0], c[3], 0)
                check_again = True

        for c in motion_types:
            if motion_types[c]=='g':
                labels = [H[self._edge_ordered(c[i-1],c[i])] for i in range(0,4)]
                if (not None in labels
                    and ((len(Set(labels))==2 and labels.count(labels[0])==2)
                        or len(Set(labels))==1)):
                    return False
                if (orthogonalityGraph.has_edge(Set([c[0],c[2]]),Set([c[1],c[3]]))
                    and True in [(H[self._edge_ordered(c[i-1], c[i])]==H[self._edge_ordered(c[i-2], c[i-1])]
                                  and H[self._edge_ordered(c[i-1],c[i])]!= None) for i in range(0,4)]):
                    return False

        if check_again:
            for K23_edges in [Graph(self._graph).subgraph(k23_ver).edges(labels=False) for k23_ver in self._graph.induced_K23s()]:
                if MotionClassifier._same_edge_lengths(H, K23_edges):
                    return False

        return True