Exemple #1
def minimal_strata_spin_diff(gmax, rational=False):
    Return the differences of volumes between even and odd components in
    H(2g-2) for the genus `g` going from ``1`` up to ``gmax-1``.

    If there are no even/odd components, the corresponding total volume is 0.
    Formulas are from [CheMoeSauZag20]_.


        sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.masur_veech_volumes import minimal_strata_spin_diff
        sage: minimal_strata_spin_diff(5)
        [-1/3*pi^2, -1/120*pi^4, -143/544320*pi^6, -15697/1959552000*pi^8]
        sage: minimal_strata_spin_diff(5, rational=True)
        [-2, -3/4, -143/576, -15697/207360]
    n = 2 * gmax
    R = QQ['u']
    u = R.gen()
    # B(u) = formula (15) in [CMSZ20]
    B = (2 * (u/2)._sinh_series(n).shift(-1)).inverse_series_trunc(n)
    # Pz and a in section 6.3 of [CMSZ20]
    Pz = (sum(-bernoulli(2*j) * u**(2*j) / (2*j) / 2**j for j in range(1, n // 2)))._exp_series(n)
    a = ((u*Pz.inverse_series_trunc(n)).revert_series(n).shift(-1) ).inverse_series_trunc(n)
    # theorem 6.11 in [CMSZ20], normalized volume v(2g-2)=(2g-1)*Vol(2g-2), note the missing factor 2
    if rational:
        return [2* (-2) * a[2*g] * 2 * g / (2*g - 1) / bernoulli(2*g) for g in range(1, gmax)]
        return [2* (-1)**(g) * (2*pi)**(2*g) * a[2 * g] /(2*g - 1) / factorial(2*g - 1) for g in range(1, gmax)]
Exemple #2
def zeta_no_pi(k):
    zeta(2m+2) = (-1)^m B_{2m+2} (2pi)^(2m+2) / (2 (2m+2)!)


        sage: from surface_dynamics.topological_recursion.no_pi import zeta_no_pi
        sage: zeta_no_pi(2)
        sage: zeta_no_pi(4)
        sage: zeta_no_pi(6)

        sage: zeta(2)
        sage: zeta(4)
        sage: zeta(6)
    k = ZZ(k)
    if k % 2:
        raise ValueError
    m = (k - 2) // 2
    return ZZ(-1)**m * bernoulli(k) * ZZ_2**(k - 1) / k.factorial()
Exemple #3
    def eisenstein_series(self, k, prec):
        Compute the Hilbert Eisenstein series E_k(tau1, tau2).

        This is a simple algorithm based on the theta lift. We do not use a closed formula for Eisenstein series coefficients.

        - ``k`` -- the weight (an even integer >= 2)
        - ``prec`` -- the precision of the output

        OUTPUT: HilbertModularForm


            sage: from weilrep import *
            sage: x = var('x')
            sage: K.<sqrt5> = NumberField(x^2 - 5)
            sage: HMF(K).eisenstein_series(2, 6)
            1 + 120*q1^(-1/10*sqrt5 + 1/2)*q2^(1/10*sqrt5 + 1/2) + 120*q1^(1/10*sqrt5 + 1/2)*q2^(-1/10*sqrt5 + 1/2) + 120*q1^(-2/5*sqrt5 + 1)*q2^(2/5*sqrt5 + 1) + 600*q1^(-1/5*sqrt5 + 1)*q2^(1/5*sqrt5 + 1) + 720*q1*q2 + 600*q1^(1/5*sqrt5 + 1)*q2^(-1/5*sqrt5 + 1) + 120*q1^(2/5*sqrt5 + 1)*q2^(-2/5*sqrt5 + 1) + 720*q1^(-1/2*sqrt5 + 3/2)*q2^(1/2*sqrt5 + 3/2) + 1200*q1^(-3/10*sqrt5 + 3/2)*q2^(3/10*sqrt5 + 3/2) + 1440*q1^(-1/10*sqrt5 + 3/2)*q2^(1/10*sqrt5 + 3/2) + 1440*q1^(1/10*sqrt5 + 3/2)*q2^(-1/10*sqrt5 + 3/2) + 1200*q1^(3/10*sqrt5 + 3/2)*q2^(-3/10*sqrt5 + 3/2) + 720*q1^(1/2*sqrt5 + 3/2)*q2^(-1/2*sqrt5 + 3/2) + 600*q1^(-4/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(4/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 1440*q1^(-3/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(3/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 2520*q1^(-2/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(2/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 2400*q1^(-1/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(1/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 3600*q1^2*q2^2 + 2400*q1^(1/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(-1/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 2520*q1^(2/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(-2/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 1440*q1^(3/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(-3/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 600*q1^(4/5*sqrt5 + 2)*q2^(-4/5*sqrt5 + 2) + 120*q1^(-11/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(11/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 1440*q1^(-9/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(9/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 2400*q1^(-7/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(7/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 3720*q1^(-1/2*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(1/2*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 3600*q1^(-3/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(3/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 3840*q1^(-1/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(1/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 3840*q1^(1/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(-1/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 3600*q1^(3/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(-3/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 3720*q1^(1/2*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(-1/2*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 2400*q1^(7/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(-7/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 1440*q1^(9/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(-9/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + 120*q1^(11/10*sqrt5 + 5/2)*q2^(-11/10*sqrt5 + 5/2) + O(q1, q2)^6
        w = self.weilrep()
            return (-((k + k) / bernoulli(k)) * w.eisenstein_series(
                ceil(prec * prec / 4) + 1)).theta_lift(prec)
        except (TypeError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
            raise ValueError('Invalid weight')
Exemple #4
def minimal_strata_CMSZ(gmax, rational=False):
    Return the volumes of `\cH(2g-2)` for the genus `g` going from ``1`` up to ``gmax-1``.

    The algorithm is the one from Sauvaget [Sau18]_ involving an implicit equation. As explained
    in [CheMoeSauZag20]_, one could go through Lagrange inversion. Note that they miss
    factor 2 in their theorem 4.1.


        sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.masur_veech_volumes import minimal_strata_CMSZ
        sage: minimal_strata_CMSZ(6, True)
        [2, 3/4, 305/576, 87983/207360, 1019547/2867200]
        sage: minimal_strata_CMSZ(6, False)

        sage: from surface_dynamics import AbelianStratum
        sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.masur_veech_volumes import masur_veech_volume
        sage: for rat in [True, False]:
        ....:     V0, V2, V4, V6 = minimal_strata_CMSZ(5, rational=rat)
        ....:     MV0 = masur_veech_volume(AbelianStratum(0), rat, 'table')
        ....:     assert V0 == MV0, (V0, MV0, rat)
        ....:     MV2 = masur_veech_volume(AbelianStratum(2), rat, 'table')
        ....:     assert V2 == MV2, (V2, MV2, rat)
        ....:     MV4 = masur_veech_volume(AbelianStratum(4), rat, 'table')
        ....:     assert V4 == MV4, (V4, MV4, rat)
        ....:     MV6 = masur_veech_volume(AbelianStratum(6), rat, 'table')
        ....:     assert V6 == MV6, (V6, MV6, rat)
    n = 2 * gmax - 1
    R = QQ['u']
    u = R.gen()
    # B(u) = formula (15) in [CMSZ20]
    B = (2 * (u/2)._sinh_series(n+1).shift(-1)).inverse_series_trunc(n+1)
    Q = u * (sum(factorial(j-1) * B[j] * u**(j) for j in range(1,n)))._exp_series(n+1)
    # A = formula (14) in [CSMZ20]
    tA = Q.revert_series(n+1).shift(-1).inverse_series_trunc(n)
    # normalized values of volumes in [CMSZ20] are
    # v(m_1, ..., m_n) = (2m_1+1) (2m_2+1) ... (2m_n+1) Vol(m_1, m_2, ..., m_n)
    if rational:
        return [-4 * (2*g) / ZZ(2*g-1) / bernoulli(2*g) * tA[2*g] for g in range(1,gmax)]
        return [2 * (2*pi)**(2*g) * (-1)**g / ZZ(2*g-1) / factorial(2*g - 1) * tA[2*g] for g in range(1,gmax)]
Exemple #5
    def eisenstein_series(self, k, prec, allow_small_weight=False):
        Compute the Eisenstein series. (i.e. the theta lift of a vector-valued Eisenstein series)

        - ``k`` -- the weight (an even integer)
        - ``prec`` -- the output precision

        OUTPUT: OrthogonalModularFormLorentzian


            sage: from weilrep import *
            sage: OrthogonalModularForms(diagonal_matrix([-2, 2, 2])).eisenstein_series(4, 5)
            1 + 480*t + (240*x^-2 + (2880*r_0^-1 + 7680 + 2880*r_0)*x^-1 + (240*r_0^-2 + 7680*r_0^-1 + 18720 + 7680*r_0 + 240*r_0^2) + (2880*r_0^-1 + 7680 + 2880*r_0)*x + 240*x^2)*t^2 + ((480*r_0^-2 + 15360*r_0^-1 + 28800 + 15360*r_0 + 480*r_0^2)*x^-2 + (15360*r_0^-2 + 76800*r_0^-1 + 92160 + 76800*r_0 + 15360*r_0^2)*x^-1 + (28800*r_0^-2 + 92160*r_0^-1 + 134400 + 92160*r_0 + 28800*r_0^2) + (15360*r_0^-2 + 76800*r_0^-1 + 92160 + 76800*r_0 + 15360*r_0^2)*x + (480*r_0^-2 + 15360*r_0^-1 + 28800 + 15360*r_0 + 480*r_0^2)*x^2)*t^3 + (2160*x^-4 + (7680*r_0^-2 + 44160*r_0^-1 + 61440 + 44160*r_0 + 7680*r_0^2)*x^-3 + (7680*r_0^-3 + 112320*r_0^-2 + 207360*r_0^-1 + 312960 + 207360*r_0 + 112320*r_0^2 + 7680*r_0^3)*x^-2 + (44160*r_0^-3 + 207360*r_0^-2 + 380160*r_0^-1 + 430080 + 380160*r_0 + 207360*r_0^2 + 44160*r_0^3)*x^-1 + (2160*r_0^-4 + 61440*r_0^-3 + 312960*r_0^-2 + 430080*r_0^-1 + 656160 + 430080*r_0 + 312960*r_0^2 + 61440*r_0^3 + 2160*r_0^4) + (44160*r_0^-3 + 207360*r_0^-2 + 380160*r_0^-1 + 430080 + 380160*r_0 + 207360*r_0^2 + 44160*r_0^3)*x + (7680*r_0^-3 + 112320*r_0^-2 + 207360*r_0^-1 + 312960 + 207360*r_0 + 112320*r_0^2 + 7680*r_0^3)*x^2 + (7680*r_0^-2 + 44160*r_0^-1 + 61440 + 44160*r_0 + 7680*r_0^2)*x^3 + 2160*x^4)*t^4 + O(t^5)
        w = self.__weilrep
            return (-((k + k) / bernoulli(k)) * w.eisenstein_series(
                k + self.input_wt(),
                ceil(prec * prec / 4) + 1,
        except (TypeError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
            raise ValueError('Invalid weight') from None
Exemple #6
def bch_iterator(X=None, Y=None):
    A generator function which returns successive terms of the
    Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula.


    - ``X`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra
    - ``Y`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra

    The BCH formula is an expression for `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y))` as a sum of Lie
    brackets of ``X`` and ``Y`` with rational coefficients. In arbitrary Lie
    algebras, the infinite sum is only guaranteed to converge for ``X`` and
    ``Y`` close to zero.

    If the elements ``X`` and ``Y`` are not given, then the iterator will
    return successive terms of the abstract BCH formula, i.e., the BCH formula
    for the generators of the free Lie algebra on 2 generators.

    If the Lie algebra containing ``X`` and ``Y`` is not nilpotent, the
    iterator will output infinitely many elements. If the Lie algebra is
    nilpotent, the number of elements outputted is equal to the nilpotency step.


    The terms of the abstract BCH formula up to fifth order brackets::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: next(bch)
        X + Y
        sage: next(bch)
        1/2*[X, Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/12*[X, [X, Y]] + 1/12*[[X, Y], Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/24*[X, [[X, Y], Y]]
        sage: next(bch)
        -1/720*[X, [X, [X, [X, Y]]]] + 1/180*[X, [X, [[X, Y], Y]]]
        + 1/360*[[X, [X, Y]], [X, Y]] + 1/180*[X, [[[X, Y], Y], Y]]
        + 1/120*[[X, Y], [[X, Y], Y]] - 1/720*[[[[X, Y], Y], Y], Y]

    For nilpotent Lie algebras the BCH formula only has finitely many terms::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 2, step=3)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_12, X_112, X_122
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1, X_2)]
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12, 1/12*X_112 + 1/12*X_122]
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1 + X_2, X_12)]
        [X_1 + X_2 + X_12, 1/2*X_112 - 1/2*X_122, 0]

    The elements ``X`` and ``Y`` don't need to be elements of the same Lie
    algebra if there is a coercion from one to the other::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 3, step=2)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_3, X_12, X_13, X_23
        sage: S = L.subalgebra(X_1, X_2)
        sage: bch1 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), S(X_2))]; bch1
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12]
        sage: bch1[0].parent() == S
        sage: bch2 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), X_3)]; bch2
        [X_1 + X_3, 1/2*X_13]
        sage: bch2[0].parent() == L

    The BCH formula requires a coercion from the rationals::

        sage: L.<X,Y,Z> = LieAlgebra(ZZ, 2, step=2)
        sage: bch = bch_iterator(X, Y); next(bch)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: the BCH formula is not well defined since Integer Ring has no coercion from Rational Field


    Compare to the BCH formula up to degree 5 given by wikipedia::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: L.<X,Y> = LieAlgebra(QQ)
        sage: L = L.Lyndon()
        sage: computed_BCH = L.sum(next(bch) for k in range(5))
        sage: wikiBCH = X + Y + 1/2*L[X,Y] + 1/12*(L[X,[X,Y]] + L[Y,[Y,X]])
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/24*L[Y,[X,[X,Y]]]
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/720*(L[Y,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[X,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/360*(L[X,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[Y,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/120*(L[Y,[X,[Y,[X,Y]]]] + L[X,[Y,[X,[Y,X]]]])
        sage: computed_BCH == wikiBCH


    The BCH formula `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y)) = \sum_k Z_k` is computed starting
    from `Z_1 = X + Y`, by the recursion

    .. MATH::

        (m+1)Z_{m+1} =  \frac{1}{2}[X - Y, Z_m]
        + \sum_{2\leq 2p \leq m}\frac{B_{2p}}{(2p)!}\sum_{k_1+\cdots+k_{2p}=m}
        [Z_{k_1}, [\cdots [Z_{k_{2p}}, X + Y]\cdots],

    where `B_{2p}` are the Bernoulli numbers, see Lemma 2.15.3. in [Var1984]_.

    .. WARNING::

        The time needed to compute each successive term increases exponentially.
        For example on one machine iterating through `Z_{11},...,Z_{18}` for a
        free Lie algebra, computing each successive term took 4-5 times longer,
        going from 0.1s for `Z_{11}` to 21 minutes for `Z_{18}`.
    if X is None or Y is None:
        L = LieAlgebra(QQ, ['X', 'Y']).Lyndon()
        X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        X, Y = canonical_coercion(X, Y)
        L = X.parent()

    R = L.base_ring()
    if not R.has_coerce_map_from(QQ):
        raise TypeError("the BCH formula is not well defined since %s "
                        "has no coercion from %s" % (R, QQ))

    xdif = X - Y
    Z = [0, X + Y]  # 1-based indexing for convenience
    m = 1
    yield Z[1]

    while True:
        m += 1
        if L in LieAlgebras.Nilpotent and m > L.step():

        # apply the recursion formula of [Var1984]
        Zm = ~QQ(2 * m) * xdif.bracket(Z[-1])
        for p in range(1, (m - 1) // 2 + 1):
            partitions = IntegerListsLex(m - 1, length=2 * p, min_part=1)
            coeff = bernoulli(2 * p) / QQ(m * factorial(2 * p))
            for kvec in partitions:
                W = Z[1]
                for k in kvec:
                    W = Z[k].bracket(W)
                Zm += coeff * W

        yield Zm
Exemple #7
def minimal_strata_hyp(g, rational=False):
    Return the volume of the hyperelliptic component H^{hyp}(2g-2).

    The explicit formula appears in section 6.5 of [CheMoeSauZag20]_.


        sage: from surface_dynamics.flat_surfaces.masur_veech_volumes import minimal_strata_hyp
        sage: minimal_strata_hyp(2)
        sage: minimal_strata_hyp(4)
        sage: minimal_strata_hyp(10)
        sage: minimal_strata_hyp(10, rational=True)
    if rational:
        return (-1)**(g+1) * 4 * factorial(2*g) / ( (2*g-1)*2*g*(2*g+1) * 2**(4*g-2) * bernoulli(2*g) * factorial(g-1)**2 )
        return 2*pi**(2*g) / ( (2*g-1)*2*g*(2*g+1) * 2**(2*g-2) * factorial(g-1)**2 )
Exemple #8
def bch_iterator(X=None, Y=None):
    A generator function which returns successive terms of the
    Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula.


    - ``X`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra
    - ``Y`` -- (optional) an element of a Lie algebra

    The BCH formula is an expression for `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y))` as a sum of Lie
    brackets of ``X`` and ``Y`` with rational coefficients. In arbitrary Lie
    algebras, the infinite sum is only guaranteed to converge for ``X`` and
    ``Y`` close to zero.

    If the elements ``X`` and ``Y`` are not given, then the iterator will
    return successive terms of the abstract BCH formula, i.e., the BCH formula
    for the generators of the free Lie algebra on 2 generators.

    If the Lie algebra containing ``X`` and ``Y`` is not nilpotent, the
    iterator will output infinitely many elements. If the Lie algebra is
    nilpotent, the number of elements outputted is equal to the nilpotency step.


    The terms of the abstract BCH formula up to fifth order brackets::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: next(bch)
        X + Y
        sage: next(bch)
        1/2*[X, Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/12*[X, [X, Y]] + 1/12*[[X, Y], Y]
        sage: next(bch)
        1/24*[X, [[X, Y], Y]]
        sage: next(bch)
        -1/720*[X, [X, [X, [X, Y]]]] + 1/180*[X, [X, [[X, Y], Y]]]
        + 1/360*[[X, [X, Y]], [X, Y]] + 1/180*[X, [[[X, Y], Y], Y]]
        + 1/120*[[X, Y], [[X, Y], Y]] - 1/720*[[[[X, Y], Y], Y], Y]

    For nilpotent Lie algebras the BCH formula only has finitely many terms::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 2, step=3)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_12, X_112, X_122
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1, X_2)]
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12, 1/12*X_112 + 1/12*X_122]
        sage: [Z for Z in bch_iterator(X_1 + X_2, X_12)]
        [X_1 + X_2 + X_12, 1/2*X_112 - 1/2*X_122, 0]

    The elements ``X`` and ``Y`` don't need to be elements of the same Lie
    algebra if there is a coercion from one to the other::

        sage: L = LieAlgebra(QQ, 3, step=2)
        sage: L.inject_variables()
        Defining X_1, X_2, X_3, X_12, X_13, X_23
        sage: S = L.subalgebra(X_1, X_2)
        sage: bch1 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), S(X_2))]; bch1
        [X_1 + X_2, 1/2*X_12]
        sage: bch1[0].parent() == S
        sage: bch2 = [Z for Z in bch_iterator(S(X_1), X_3)]; bch2
        [X_1 + X_3, 1/2*X_13]
        sage: bch2[0].parent() == L

    The BCH formula requires a coercion from the rationals::

        sage: L.<X,Y,Z> = LieAlgebra(ZZ, 2, step=2)
        sage: bch = bch_iterator(X, Y); next(bch)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: the BCH formula is not well defined since Integer Ring has no coercion from Rational Field


    Compare to the BCH formula up to degree 5 given by wikipedia::

        sage: from sage.algebras.lie_algebras.bch import bch_iterator
        sage: bch = bch_iterator()
        sage: L.<X,Y> = LieAlgebra(QQ)
        sage: L = L.Lyndon()
        sage: computed_BCH = L.sum(next(bch) for k in range(5))
        sage: wikiBCH = X + Y + 1/2*L[X,Y] + 1/12*(L[X,[X,Y]] + L[Y,[Y,X]])
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/24*L[Y,[X,[X,Y]]]
        sage: wikiBCH += -1/720*(L[Y,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[X,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/360*(L[X,[Y,[Y,[Y,X]]]] + L[Y,[X,[X,[X,Y]]]])
        sage: wikiBCH += 1/120*(L[Y,[X,[Y,[X,Y]]]] + L[X,[Y,[X,[Y,X]]]])
        sage: computed_BCH == wikiBCH


    The BCH formula `\log(\exp(X)\exp(Y)) = \sum_k Z_k` is computed starting
    from `Z_1 = X + Y`, by the recursion

    .. MATH::

        (m+1)Z_{m+1} =  \frac{1}{2}[X - Y, Z_m]
        + \sum_{2\leq 2p \leq m}\frac{B_{2p}}{(2p)!}\sum_{k_1+\cdots+k_{2p}=m}
        [Z_{k_1}, [\cdots [Z_{k_{2p}}, X + Y]\cdots],

    where `B_{2p}` are the Bernoulli numbers, see Lemma 2.15.3. in [Var1984]_.

    .. WARNING::

        The time needed to compute each successive term increases exponentially.
        For example on one machine iterating through `Z_{11},...,Z_{18}` for a
        free Lie algebra, computing each successive term took 4-5 times longer,
        going from 0.1s for `Z_{11}` to 21 minutes for `Z_{18}`.
    if X is None or Y is None:
        L = LieAlgebra(QQ, ['X', 'Y']).Lyndon()
        X, Y = L.lie_algebra_generators()
        X, Y = canonical_coercion(X, Y)
        L = X.parent()

    R = L.base_ring()
    if not R.has_coerce_map_from(QQ):
        raise TypeError("the BCH formula is not well defined since %s "
                        "has no coercion from %s" % (R, QQ))

    xdif = X - Y
    Z = [0, X + Y]  # 1-based indexing for convenience
    m = 1
    yield Z[1]

    while True:
        m += 1
        if L in LieAlgebras.Nilpotent and m > L.step():

        # apply the recursion formula of [Var1984]
        Zm = ~QQ(2 * m) * xdif.bracket(Z[-1])
        for p in range(1, (m - 1) // 2 + 1):
            partitions = IntegerListsLex(m - 1, length=2 * p, min_part=1)
            coeff = bernoulli(2 * p) / QQ(m * factorial(2 * p))
            for kvec in partitions:
                W = Z[1]
                for k in kvec:
                    W = Z[k].bracket(W)
                Zm += coeff * W

        yield Zm