Exemple #1
    def lattice_poset(self):
        Return the underlying lattice poset of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.analytic_type import AnalyticType
            sage: AnalyticType().lattice_poset()
            Finite lattice containing 10 elements

        return FiniteLatticePoset(self._base_poset.order_ideals_lattice(),
Exemple #2
    def subsets_lattice(self):
        Return the lattice of subsets ordered by containment.


            sage: X = Set([1,2,3])
            sage: X.subsets_lattice()
            Finite lattice containing 8 elements
            sage: Y = Set()
            sage: Y.subsets_lattice()
            Finite lattice containing 1 elements

        if not self.is_finite():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "this method is only implemented for finite sets")
        from sage.combinat.posets.lattices import FiniteLatticePoset
        from sage.graphs.graph import DiGraph
        from sage.rings.integer import Integer
        n = self.cardinality()
        # list, contains at position 0 <= i < 2^n
        # the i-th subset of self
        subset_of_index = [
            Set([self[i] for i in range(n) if v & (1 << i)])
            for v in range(2**n)
        # list, contains at position 0 <= i < 2^n
        # the list of indices of all immediate supersets
        upper_covers = [[
            Integer(x | (1 << y)) for y in range(n) if not x & (1 << y)
        ] for x in range(2**n)]
        # DiGraph, every subset points to all immediate supersets
        D = DiGraph({
            subset_of_index[v]: [subset_of_index[w] for w in upper_covers[v]]
            for v in range(2**n)
        # Lattice poset, defined by hasse diagram D
        L = FiniteLatticePoset(hasse_diagram=D)
        return L
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self):
        Container for all possible analytic types of forms and/or spaces.

        This class is supposed to be used as a Singleton.

        It first creates a ``Poset`` that contains all basic analytic
        properties to be modeled by the AnalyticType. Then the order
        ideals lattice of that Poset is taken as the underlying
        FiniteLatticePoset of ``self``.

        In particular elements of ``self`` describe what basic analytic
        properties are contained/included in that element.


            sage: AT = AnalyticType()
            sage: AT
            Analytic Type
            sage: isinstance(AT, FiniteLatticePoset)

            sage: AT.is_lattice()
            sage: AT.is_finite()
            sage: AT.cardinality()
            sage: AT.is_modular()
            sage: AT.is_bounded()
            sage: AT.is_distributive()
            sage: AT.list()
             weakly holomorphic modular,
             quasi cuspidal,
             quasi modular,
             quasi weakly holomorphic modular,
             meromorphic modular,
             quasi meromorphic modular]
            sage: len(AT.relations())
            sage: AT.cover_relations()
            [[zero, zero],
             [zero, cuspidal],
             [zero, quasi cuspidal],
             [cuspidal, modular],
             [cuspidal, quasi cuspidal],
             [modular, weakly holomorphic modular],
             [modular, quasi modular],
             [weakly holomorphic modular, quasi weakly holomorphic modular],
             [weakly holomorphic modular, meromorphic modular],
             [quasi cuspidal, quasi modular],
             [quasi modular, quasi weakly holomorphic modular],
             [quasi weakly holomorphic modular, quasi meromorphic modular],
             [meromorphic modular, quasi meromorphic modular]]
            sage: AT.has_top()
            sage: AT.has_bottom()
            sage: AT.top()
            quasi meromorphic modular
            sage: AT.bottom()

        # We (arbitrarily) choose to model by inclusion instead of restriction
        P_elements = [ "cusp", "holo", "weak", "mero", "quasi"]
        P_relations = [["cusp", "holo"], ["holo", "weak"], ["weak", "mero"]]
        self._base_poset = Poset([P_elements, P_relations], cover_relations=True, facade=False)
        L = self._base_poset.order_ideals_lattice()
        L = FiniteLatticePoset(L, facade=False)

        FiniteLatticePoset.__init__(self, hasse_diagram=L._hasse_diagram, elements=L._elements, category=L.category(), facade=L._is_facade, key=None)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self):
        Container for all possible analytic types of forms and/or spaces.

        This class is supposed to be used as a Singleton.

        It first creates a ``Poset`` that contains all basic analytic
        properties to be modeled by the AnalyticType. Then the order
        ideals lattice of that Poset is taken as the underlying
        FiniteLatticePoset of ``self``.

        In particular elements of ``self`` describe what basic analytic
        properties are contained/included in that element.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.analytic_type import AnalyticType
            sage: from sage.combinat.posets.lattices import FiniteLatticePoset
            sage: AT = AnalyticType()
            sage: AT
            Analytic Type
            sage: isinstance(AT, FiniteLatticePoset)

            sage: AT.is_lattice()
            sage: AT.is_finite()
            sage: AT.cardinality()
            sage: AT.is_modular()
            sage: AT.is_bounded()
            sage: AT.is_distributive()
            sage: AT.list()
             weakly holomorphic modular,
             meromorphic modular,
             quasi cuspidal,
             quasi modular,
             quasi weakly holomorphic modular,
             quasi meromorphic modular]
            sage: len(AT.relations())
            sage: AT.cover_relations()
            [[zero, cuspidal],
             [zero, zero],
             [cuspidal, modular],
             [cuspidal, quasi cuspidal],
             [zero, quasi cuspidal],
             [modular, weakly holomorphic modular],
             [modular, quasi modular],
             [weakly holomorphic modular, meromorphic modular],
             [weakly holomorphic modular, quasi weakly holomorphic modular],
             [meromorphic modular, quasi meromorphic modular],
             [quasi cuspidal, quasi modular],
             [quasi modular, quasi weakly holomorphic modular],
             [quasi weakly holomorphic modular, quasi meromorphic modular]]
            sage: AT.has_top()
            sage: AT.has_bottom()
            sage: AT.top()
            quasi meromorphic modular
            sage: AT.bottom()
        # We (arbitrarily) choose to model by inclusion instead of restriction
        P_elements = ["cusp", "holo", "weak", "mero", "quasi"]
        P_relations = [["cusp", "holo"], ["holo", "weak"], ["weak", "mero"]]

        self._base_poset = Poset([P_elements, P_relations],

        L = self._base_poset.order_ideals_lattice()
        H = L._hasse_diagram.relabel({i: x
                                      for i, x in enumerate(L._elements)},
def lattice_from_incidences(atom_to_coatoms,
    Compute an atomic and coatomic lattice from the incidence between
    atoms and coatoms.


    - ``atom_to_coatoms`` -- list, ``atom_to_coatom[i]`` should list all
      coatoms over the ``i``-th atom;

    - ``coatom_to_atoms`` -- list, ``coatom_to_atom[i]`` should list all
      atoms under the ``i``-th coatom;

    - ``face_constructor`` -- function or class taking as the first two
      arguments sorted :class:`tuple` of integers and any keyword arguments.
      It will be called to construct a face over atoms passed as the first
      argument and under coatoms passed as the second argument. Default
      implementation will just return these two tuples as a tuple;

    - ``required_atoms`` -- list of atoms (default:None). Each
      non-empty "face" requires at least one of the specified atoms
      present. Used to ensure that each face has a vertex.

    - ``key`` -- any hashable value (default: None). It is passed down
      to :class:`~sage.combinat.posets.posets.FinitePoset`.

    - all other keyword arguments will be passed to ``face_constructor`` on
      each call.


    - :class:`finite poset <sage.combinat.posets.posets.FinitePoset>` with
      elements constructed by ``face_constructor``.

    .. NOTE::

        In addition to the specified partial order, finite posets in Sage have
        internal total linear order of elements which extends the partial one.
        This function will try to make this internal order to start with the
        bottom and atoms in the order corresponding to ``atom_to_coatoms`` and
        to finish with coatoms in the order corresponding to
        ``coatom_to_atoms`` and the top. This may not be possible if atoms and
        coatoms are the same, in which case the preference is given to the
        first list.


    The detailed description of the used algorithm is given in [KP2002]_.

    The code of this function follows the pseudo-code description in the
    section 2.5 of the paper, although it is mostly based on frozen sets
    instead of sorted lists - this makes the implementation easier and should
    not cost a big performance penalty. (If one wants to make this function
    faster, it should be probably written in Cython.)

    While the title of the paper mentions only polytopes, the algorithm (and
    the implementation provided here) is applicable to any atomic and coatomic
    lattice if both incidences are given, see Section 3.4.

    In particular, this function can be used for strictly convex cones and
    complete fans.

    REFERENCES: [KP2002]_


    - Andrey Novoseltsev (2010-05-13) with thanks to Marshall Hampton for the


    Let us construct the lattice of subsets of {0, 1, 2}.
    Our atoms are {0}, {1}, and {2}, while our coatoms are {0,1}, {0,2}, and
    {1,2}. Then incidences are ::

        sage: atom_to_coatoms = [(0,1), (0,2), (1,2)]
        sage: coatom_to_atoms = [(0,1), (0,2), (1,2)]

    and we can compute the lattice as ::

        sage: from sage.geometry.cone import lattice_from_incidences
        sage: L = lattice_from_incidences(
        ....:                     atom_to_coatoms, coatom_to_atoms)
        sage: L
        Finite lattice containing 8 elements with distinguished linear extension
        sage: for level in L.level_sets(): print(level)
        [((), (0, 1, 2))]
        [((0,), (0, 1)), ((1,), (0, 2)), ((2,), (1, 2))]
        [((0, 1), (0,)), ((0, 2), (1,)), ((1, 2), (2,))]
        [((0, 1, 2), ())]

    For more involved examples see the *source code* of
    :meth:`sage.geometry.cone.ConvexRationalPolyhedralCone.face_lattice` and
    def default_face_constructor(atoms, coatoms, **kwds):
        return (atoms, coatoms)

    if face_constructor is None:
        face_constructor = default_face_constructor
    atom_to_coatoms = [frozenset(atc) for atc in atom_to_coatoms]
    A = frozenset(range(len(atom_to_coatoms)))  # All atoms
    coatom_to_atoms = [frozenset(cta) for cta in coatom_to_atoms]
    C = frozenset(range(len(coatom_to_atoms)))  # All coatoms
    # Comments with numbers correspond to steps in Section 2.5 of the article
    L = DiGraph(1)  # 3: initialize L
    faces = {}
    atoms = frozenset()
    coatoms = C
    faces[atoms, coatoms] = 0
    next_index = 1
    Q = [(atoms, coatoms)]  # 4: initialize Q with the empty face
    while Q:  # 5
        q_atoms, q_coatoms = Q.pop()  # 6: remove some q from Q
        q = faces[q_atoms, q_coatoms]
        # 7: compute H = {closure(q+atom) : atom not in atoms of q}
        H = {}
        candidates = set(A.difference(q_atoms))
        for atom in candidates:
            coatoms = q_coatoms.intersection(atom_to_coatoms[atom])
            atoms = A
            for coatom in coatoms:
                atoms = atoms.intersection(coatom_to_atoms[coatom])
            H[atom] = (atoms, coatoms)
        # 8: compute the set G of minimal sets in H
        minimals = set([])
        while candidates:
            candidate = candidates.pop()
            atoms = H[candidate][0]
            if atoms.isdisjoint(candidates) and atoms.isdisjoint(minimals):
        # Now G == {H[atom] : atom in minimals}
        for atom in minimals:  # 9: for g in G:
            g_atoms, g_coatoms = H[atom]
            if required_atoms is not None:
                if g_atoms.isdisjoint(required_atoms):
            if (g_atoms, g_coatoms) in faces:
                g = faces[g_atoms, g_coatoms]
            else:  # 11: if g was newly created
                g = next_index
                faces[g_atoms, g_coatoms] = g
                next_index += 1
                Q.append((g_atoms, g_coatoms))  # 12
            L.add_edge(q, g)  # 14

    # End of algorithm, now construct a FiniteLatticePoset.

    # In principle, it is recommended to use Poset or in this case perhaps
    # even LatticePoset, but it seems to take several times more time
    # than the above computation, makes unnecessary copies, and crashes.
    # So for now we will mimic the relevant code from Poset.

    # Enumeration of graph vertices must be a linear extension of the poset
    new_order = L.topological_sort()
    # Make sure that coatoms are in the end in proper order
    tail = [
        faces[atomes, frozenset([coatom])]
        for coatom, atomes in enumerate(coatom_to_atoms)
    tail.append(faces[A, frozenset()])
    new_order = [n for n in new_order if n not in tail] + tail
    # Make sure that atoms are in the beginning in proper order
    head = [0]  # We know that the empty face has index 0
    head.extend(faces[frozenset([atom]), coatoms]
                for atom, coatoms in enumerate(atom_to_coatoms)
                if required_atoms is None or atom in required_atoms)
    new_order = head + [n for n in new_order if n not in head]
    # "Invert" this list to a dictionary
    labels = {}
    for new, old in enumerate(new_order):
        labels[old] = new
    # Construct the actual poset elements
    elements = [None] * next_index
    for face, index in faces.items():
        atoms, coatoms = face
        elements[labels[index]] = face_constructor(tuple(sorted(atoms)),
    D = {i: f for i, f in enumerate(elements)}
    return FiniteLatticePoset(L, elements, key=key)