Exemple #1
    def verify(self, inequalities, equations):
        Compare result to PPL if the base ring is QQ.

        This method is for debugging purposes and compares the
        computation with another backend if available.


        - ``inequalities``, ``equations`` -- see :class:`Hrep2Vrep`.


            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.double_description_inhomogeneous import Hrep2Vrep
            sage: H = Hrep2Vrep(QQ, 1, [(1,2)], [])
            sage: H.verify([(1,2)], [])
        from sage.rings.all import QQ
        from sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor import Polyhedron
        if self.base_ring is not QQ:
        P = Polyhedron(vertices=self.vertices, rays=self.rays, lines=self.lines,
                       base_ring=QQ, ambient_dim=self.dim, backend='ppl')
        Q = Polyhedron(ieqs=inequalities, eqns=equations,
                       base_ring=QQ, ambient_dim=self.dim, backend='ppl')
        if (P != Q) or \
           (len(self.vertices) != P.n_vertices()) or \
           (len(self.rays) != P.n_rays()) or \
           (len(self.lines) != P.n_lines()):
            print 'incorrect!',
            print Q.Vrepresentation()
            print P.Hrepresentation()
Exemple #2
    def verify(self, vertices, rays, lines):
        Compare result to PPL if the base ring is QQ.

        This method is for debugging purposes and compares the
        computation with another backend if available.


        - ``vertices``, ``rays``, ``lines`` -- see :class:`Vrep2Hrep`.


            sage: from sage.geometry.polyhedron.double_description_inhomogeneous import Vrep2Hrep
            sage: vertices = [(-1/2,0)]
            sage: rays = [(-1/2,2/3), (1/2,-1/3)]
            sage: lines = []
            sage: V2H = Vrep2Hrep(QQ, 2, vertices, rays, lines)
            sage: V2H.verify(vertices, rays, lines)
        from sage.rings.all import QQ
        from sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor import Polyhedron
        if self.base_ring is not QQ:
        P = Polyhedron(vertices=vertices, rays=rays, lines=lines,
                       base_ring=QQ, ambient_dim=self.dim)
        trivial = [self.base_ring.one()] + [self.base_ring.zero()] * self.dim   # always true equation
        Q = Polyhedron(ieqs=self.inequalities + [trivial], eqns=self.equations,
                       base_ring=QQ, ambient_dim=self.dim)
        if not P == Q:
            print 'incorrect!', P, Q
            print Q.Vrepresentation()
            print P.Hrepresentation()
def family_two(n, backend=None):
    Return the vector configuration of the simplicial arrangement
    `A(n,1)` from the family `\mathcal R(1)` in Grunbaum's list [Gru]_.

    The arrangement will have an ``n`` hyperplanes, with ``n`` even, consisting
    of the edges of the regular `n/2`-gon and the `n/2` lines of 
    mirror symmetry.


    - ``n`` -- integer. ``n`` `\geq 6`. The number of lines in the arrangement.
    - ``backend`` -- string (default = ``None``). The backend to use.


    A vector configuration.


        sage: from cn_hyperarr.infinite_families import *
        sage: pf = family_two(8,'normaliz'); pf   # optional - pynormaliz
        Vector configuration of 8 vectors in dimension 3

    The number of lines must be even::

        sage: pf3 = family_two(3,'normaliz');     # optional - pynormaliz
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        AssertionError: n must be even

    The number of lines must be at least 6::

        sage: pf4 = family_two(4,'normaliz')      # optional - pynormaliz
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: n (=2) must be an integer greater than 2
    assert n % 2 == 0, "n must be even"
    reg_poly = polytopes.regular_polygon(n / QQ(2), backend='normaliz')
    reg_cone = Polyhedron(
        rays=[list(v.vector()) + [1] for v in reg_poly.vertices()],
    vecs = [h.A() for h in reg_cone.Hrepresentation()]

    z = QQbar.zeta(n)
    vecs += [[(z**k).real(), (z**k).imag(), 0] for k in range(n / QQ(2))]
    return VectorConfiguration(vecs, backend=backend)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, points):
        See ``VoronoiDiagram`` for full documentation.


            sage: V = VoronoiDiagram([[1, 3, 3], [2, -2, 1], [-1 ,2, -1]]); V
            The Voronoi diagram of 3 points of dimension 3 in the Rational Field
        self._P = {}
        self._points = PointConfiguration(points)
        self._n = self._points.n_points()
        if not self._n or self._points.base_ring().is_subring(QQ):
            self._base_ring = QQ
        elif self._points.base_ring() in [RDF, AA]:
            self._base_ring = self._points.base_ring()
        elif isinstance(self._points.base_ring(), RealField_class):
            self._base_ring = RDF
            self._points = PointConfiguration([[RDF(cor) for cor in poi]
                                               for poi in self._points])
            raise NotImplementedError('Base ring of the Voronoi diagram must '
                                      'be one of QQ, RDF, AA.')

        if self._n > 0:
            self._d = self._points.ambient_dim()
            e = [([sum(vector(i)[k] ** 2
                       for k in range(self._d))] +
                  [(-2) * vector(i)[l] for l in range(self._d)] + [1])
                 for i in self._points]
            # we attach hyperplane to the paraboloid

            e = [[self._base_ring(i) for i in k] for k in e]
            p = Polyhedron(ieqs=e, base_ring=self._base_ring)
            # To understand the reordering that takes place when
            # defining a rational polyhedron, we generate two sorted
            # lists, that are used a few lines below
            if self.base_ring() == QQ:
                enormalized = []
                for ineq in e:
                    if ineq[0] == 0:
                        enormalized.append([i / ineq[0] for i in ineq[1:]])
                # print enormalized
                hlist = [list(ineq) for ineq in p.Hrepresentation()]
                hlistnormalized = []
                for ineq in hlist:
                    if ineq[0] == 0:
                        hlistnormalized.append([i / ineq[0] for i in ineq[1:]])
                # print hlistnormalized

        for i in range(self._n):
            # for base ring RDF and AA, Polyhedron keeps the order of the
            # points in the input, for QQ we resort
            if self.base_ring() == QQ:
                equ = p.Hrepresentation(hlistnormalized.index(enormalized[i]))
                equ = p.Hrepresentation(i)
            pvert = [[u[k] for k in range(self._d)] for u in equ.incident()
                     if u.is_vertex()]
            prays = [[u[k] for k in range(self._d)] for u in equ.incident()
                     if u.is_ray()]
            pline = [[u[k] for k in range(self._d)] for u in equ.incident()
                     if u.is_line()]
            (self._P)[self._points[i]] = Polyhedron(vertices=pvert,
                                                    lines=pline, rays=prays,