Exemple #1
    def unrank(self, x):
        For finite Cartesian products, we can reduce unrank to the
        constituent iterators.


            sage: from sage.combinat.cartesian_product import CartesianProduct_iters
            sage: C = CartesianProduct_iters(range(1000), range(1000), range(1000))
            sage: C[238792368]
            [238, 792, 368]

        Check for :trac:`15919`::

            sage: FF = IntegerModRing(29)
            sage: C = CartesianProduct_iters(FF, FF, FF)
            sage: C.unrank(0)
            [0, 0, 0]
            lens = [_len(it) for it in self.iters]
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
        positions = []
        for n in lens:
            if n is infinity:
                return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
            if n == 0:
                raise IndexError("Cartesian Product is empty")
            positions.append(x % n)
            x = x // n
        if x != 0:
            raise IndexError("x larger than the size of the Cartesian Product")
        return [unrank(L, i) for L, i in zip(self.iters, positions)]
Exemple #2
    def unrank(self, x):
        For finite Cartesian products, we can reduce unrank to the
        constituent iterators.


            sage: from sage.combinat.cartesian_product import CartesianProduct_iters
            sage: C = CartesianProduct_iters(range(1000), range(1000), range(1000))
            sage: C[238792368]
            [238, 792, 368]

        Check for :trac:`15919`::

            sage: FF = IntegerModRing(29)
            sage: C = CartesianProduct_iters(FF, FF, FF)
            sage: C.unrank(0)
            [0, 0, 0]
            lens = [_len(it) for it in self.iters]
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
        positions = []
        for n in lens:
            if n is infinity:
                return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
            if n == 0:
                raise IndexError("Cartesian Product is empty")
            positions.append(x % n)
            x = x // n
        if x != 0:
            raise IndexError("x larger than the size of the Cartesian Product")
        return [unrank(L, i) for L,i in zip(self.iters, positions)]
Exemple #3
    def is_finite(self):
        The Cartesian product is finite if all of its inputs are
        finite, or if any input is empty.


            sage: from sage.combinat.cartesian_product import CartesianProduct_iters
            sage: CartesianProduct_iters(ZZ, []).is_finite()
            sage: CartesianProduct_iters(4,4).is_finite()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Unable to determine whether this product is finite
        finites = [_is_finite(L, fallback=None) for L in self.iters]
        if any(f is None for f in finites):
            raise ValueError(
                "Unable to determine whether this product is finite")
        if all(f is True for f in finites):
            return True
        lens = [_len(L) for L in self.iters]
        if any(l == 0 for l in lens):
            return True
        return False
    def unrank(self, x):
        For finite cartesian products, we can reduce unrank to the
        constituent iterators.


            sage: C = CartesianProduct(xrange(1000), xrange(1000), xrange(1000))
            sage: C[238792368]
            [238, 792, 368]
            lens = [_len(it) for it in self.iters]
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
        positions = []
        for n in lens:
            if n is infinity:
                return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
            if n == 0:
                raise IndexError("Cartesian Product is empty")
            positions.append(x % n)
            x = x // n
        if x != 0:
            raise IndexError("x larger than the size of the Cartesian Product")
        return [L[i] for L, i in zip(self.iters, positions)]
Exemple #5
    def unrank(self, x):
        For finite cartesian products, we can reduce unrank to the
        constituent iterators.


            sage: C = CartesianProduct(xrange(1000), xrange(1000), xrange(1000))
            sage: C[238792368]
            [238, 792, 368]
            lens = [_len(it) for it in self.iters]
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
        positions = []
        for n in lens:
            if n is infinity:
                return CartesianProduct_iters.unrank(self, x)
            if n == 0:
                raise IndexError("Cartesian Product is empty")
            positions.append(x % n)
            x = x // n
        if x != 0:
            raise IndexError("x larger than the size of the Cartesian Product")
        return [L[i] for L,i in zip(self.iters, positions)]
    def is_finite(self):
        The cartesian product is finite if all of its inputs are
        finite, or if any input is empty.


            sage: CartesianProduct(ZZ, []).is_finite()
            sage: CartesianProduct(4,4).is_finite()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Unable to determine whether this product is finite
        finites = [_is_finite(L, fallback=None) for L in self.iters]
        if any(f is None for f in finites):
            raise ValueError("Unable to determine whether this product is finite")
        if all(f is True for f in finites):
            return True
        lens = [_len(L) for L in self.iters]
        if any(l == 0 for l in lens):
            return True
        return False
Exemple #7
    def some_elements(self, S=None):
        Returns a list (or iterable) of elements of ``self`` on which
        the tests should be run. This is only meaningful for container
        objects like parents.


        - ``S`` -- a set of elements to select from.  By default this
          will use the elements passed to this tester at creation
          time, or the result of :meth:`.some_elements` if no elements
          were specified.


        A list of at most ``self._max_runs`` elements of ``S``.


        By default, this calls :meth:`.some_elements` on the instance::

            sage: from sage.misc.sage_unittest import InstanceTester
            sage: class MyParent(Parent):
            ...       def some_elements(self):
            ...           return [1,2,3,4,5]
            sage: tester = InstanceTester(MyParent())
            sage: list(tester.some_elements())
            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

            sage: tester = InstanceTester(ZZ, elements = [1,3,5])
            sage: list(tester.some_elements())
            [1, 3, 5]

            sage: tester = InstanceTester(ZZ, elements = srange(100), max_runs=20)
            sage: S = tester.some_elements()
            sage: len(S)
            sage: C = CartesianProduct(S, S, S, S)
            sage: len(C)
            sage: S = tester.some_elements(C)
            sage: len(S)
        if S is None:
            if self._elements is None:
                S = self._instance.some_elements()
                S = self._elements
        from sage.misc.mrange import _len
            n = _len(S)
            if n > self._max_runs:
                from random import sample
                S = sample(S, self._max_runs)
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            # We already can't tell what the length of n is, so
            # there's no harm in obscuring it further.
            import itertools
            return itertools.islice(S,0,self._max_runs)
        return S
Exemple #8
    def some_elements(self, S=None):
        Returns a list (or iterable) of elements of ``self`` on which
        the tests should be run. This is only meaningful for container
        objects like parents.


        - ``S`` -- a set of elements to select from.  By default this
          will use the elements passed to this tester at creation
          time, or the result of :meth:`.some_elements` if no elements
          were specified.


        A list of at most ``self._max_runs`` elements of ``S``.


        By default, this calls :meth:`.some_elements` on the instance::

            sage: from sage.misc.sage_unittest import InstanceTester
            sage: class MyParent(Parent):
            ...       def some_elements(self):
            ...           return [1,2,3,4,5]
            sage: tester = InstanceTester(MyParent())
            sage: list(tester.some_elements())
            [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

            sage: tester = InstanceTester(ZZ, elements = [1,3,5])
            sage: list(tester.some_elements())
            [1, 3, 5]

            sage: tester = InstanceTester(ZZ, elements = srange(100), max_runs=20)
            sage: S = tester.some_elements()
            sage: len(S)
            sage: C = CartesianProduct(S, S, S, S)
            sage: len(C)
            sage: S = tester.some_elements(C)
            sage: len(S)
        if S is None:
            if self._elements is None:
                S = self._instance.some_elements()
                S = self._elements
        from sage.misc.mrange import _len
            n = _len(S)
            if n > self._max_runs:
                from random import sample
                S = sample(S, self._max_runs)
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
            # We already can't tell what the length of n is, so
            # there's no harm in obscuring it further.
            import itertools
            return itertools.islice(S, 0, self._max_runs)
        return S