Exemple #1
    def newform(self, names=None):
        Return the newform that this modular abelian variety is attached to.


            sage: f = Newform('37a')
            sage: A = f.abelian_variety()
            sage: A.newform()
            q - 2*q^2 - 3*q^3 + 2*q^4 - 2*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: A.newform() is f

        If the a variable name has not been specified, we must specify one::

            sage: A = AbelianVariety('67b')
            sage: A.newform()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: You must specify the name of the generator.
            sage: A.newform('alpha')
            q + alpha*q^2 + (-alpha - 3)*q^3 + (-3*alpha - 3)*q^4 - 3*q^5 + O(q^6)

        If the eigenform is actually over `\QQ` then we don't have to specify
        the name::

            sage: A = AbelianVariety('67a')
            sage: A.newform()
            q + 2*q^2 - 2*q^3 + 2*q^4 + 2*q^5 + O(q^6)
            return self.__named_newforms[names]
        except KeyError:
            self.__named_newforms[names] = Newform(self.__f.parent().change_ring(QQ), self.__f.modular_symbols(1), names=names, check=False)
            return self.__named_newforms[names]
    def minimal_twist(self):
        Return a newform (not necessarily unique) which is a twist of the
        original form `f` by a Dirichlet character of `p`-power conductor, and
        which has minimal level among such twists of `f`.

        An error will be raised if `f` is already minimal.


            sage: from sage.modular.local_comp.type_space import TypeSpace, example_type_space
            sage: T = example_type_space(1)
            sage: T.form().q_expansion(12)
            q - q^2 + 2*q^3 + q^4 - 2*q^6 - q^8 + q^9 + O(q^12)
            sage: g = T.minimal_twist()
            sage: g.q_expansion(12)
            q - q^2 - 2*q^3 + q^4 + 2*q^6 + q^7 - q^8 + q^9 + O(q^12)
            sage: g.level()
            sage: TypeSpace(g, 7).is_minimal()

        Test that :trac:`13158` is fixed::

            sage: f = Newforms(256,names='a')[0]
            sage: T = TypeSpace(f,2)
            sage: g = T.minimal_twist()
            sage: g[0:3]
            [0, 1, 0]
            sage: str(g[3]) in ('a', '-a', '-1/2*a', '1/2*a')
            sage: g[4:]
            sage: g.level()
        if self.is_minimal():
            raise ValueError("Form is already minimal")

        NN = self.form().level()
        V = self.t_space
        A = V.ambient()

        while not V.is_submodule(A.new_submodule()):
            NN = NN / self.prime()
            D1 = A.degeneracy_map(NN, 1)
            Dp = A.degeneracy_map(NN, self.prime())
            A = D1.codomain()
            vecs = [D1(v).element()
                    for v in V.basis()] + [Dp(v).element() for v in V.basis()]
            VV = A.free_module().submodule(vecs)
            V = A.submodule(VV, check=False)

        D = V.decomposition()[0]
        #if len(D.star_eigenvalues()) == 2:
        #    D = D.sign_submodule(1)
        D1 = D.modular_symbols_of_sign(1)
        M = ModularForms(D1.group(), D1.weight(), D1.base_ring())
        ff = Newform(M, D1, names='a')
        return ff