def example(cls):
        Construct a sample Canvas3D output container

        This static method is meant for doctests, so they can easily
        construct an example.


        An instance of :class:`OutputSceneCanvas3d`.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputSceneWavefront
            sage: rich_output = OutputSceneWavefront.example();  rich_output
            OutputSceneWavefront container

            sage: rich_output.obj
            buffer containing 227 bytes
            sage: rich_output.obj.get_str()
            'mtllib scene.mtl\ng obj_1\n...\nf 1 5 6 2\nf 1 4 7 5\nf 6 5 7 8\nf 7 4 3 8\nf 3 2 6 8\n'

            sage: rich_output.mtl
            buffer containing 80 bytes
            sage: rich_output.mtl.get_str()
            'newmtl texture177\nKa 0.2 0.2 0.5\nKd 0.4 0.4 1.0\nKs 0.0 0.0 0.0\nillum 1\nNs 1\nd 1\n'
        from sage.env import SAGE_EXTCODE
        with_path = lambda x: os.path.join(
            SAGE_EXTCODE, 'doctest', 'rich_output', 'example_wavefront', x)
        return cls(
Exemple #2
    def example(cls):
        Construct a sample Canvas3D output container

        This static method is meant for doctests, so they can easily
        construct an example.


        An instance of :class:`OutputSceneCanvas3d`.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputSceneWavefront
            sage: rich_output = OutputSceneWavefront.example();  rich_output
            OutputSceneWavefront container

            sage: rich_output.obj
            buffer containing 227 bytes
            sage: rich_output.obj.get()
            'mtllib scene.mtl\ng obj_1\n...\nf 1 5 6 2\nf 1 4 7 5\nf 6 5 7 8\nf 7 4 3 8\nf 3 2 6 8\n'

            sage: rich_output.mtl
            buffer containing 80 bytes
            sage: rich_output.mtl.get()
            'newmtl texture177\nKa 0.2 0.2 0.5\nKd 0.4 0.4 1.0\nKs 0.0 0.0 0.0\nillum 1\nNs 1\nd 1\n'
        from sage.env import SAGE_EXTCODE
        with_path = lambda x: os.path.join(
            SAGE_EXTCODE, 'doctest', 'rich_output', 'example_wavefront', x)
        return cls(
    def example(cls):
        Construct a sample Canvas3D output container

        This static method is meant for doctests, so they can easily
        construct an example.


        An instance of :class:`OutputSceneCanvas3d`.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputSceneCanvas3d
            sage: rich_output = OutputSceneCanvas3d.example();  rich_output
            OutputSceneCanvas3d container

            sage: rich_output.canvas3d
            buffer containing 829 bytes
            sage: rich_output.canvas3d.get_str()
        from sage.env import SAGE_EXTCODE
        filename = os.path.join(
            SAGE_EXTCODE, 'doctest', 'rich_output', 'example.canvas3d')
        return cls(OutputBuffer.from_file(filename))
    def example(cls):
        Construct a sample video output container

        This static method is meant for doctests, so they can easily
        construct an example.  The method is implemented in the abstract
        :class:`OutputVideoBase` class, but should get invoked on a
        concrete subclass for which an actual example can exist.


        An instance of the class on which this method is called.

            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputVideoOgg
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example()
            OutputVideoOgg container
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example().video
            buffer containing 5612 bytes
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example().ext
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example().mimetype
        from sage.env import SAGE_EXTCODE
        filename = os.path.join(SAGE_EXTCODE, 'doctest', 'rich_output',
                                'example' + cls.ext)
        return cls(OutputBuffer.from_file(filename),
                   {'controls': True, 'loop': False})
Exemple #5
    def example(cls):
        Construct a sample Canvas3D output container

        This static method is meant for doctests, so they can easily
        construct an example.


        An instance of :class:`OutputSceneCanvas3d`.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputSceneCanvas3d
            sage: rich_output = OutputSceneCanvas3d.example();  rich_output
            OutputSceneCanvas3d container

            sage: rich_output.canvas3d
            buffer containing 829 bytes
            sage: rich_output.canvas3d.get()
        from sage.env import SAGE_EXTCODE
        filename = os.path.join(SAGE_EXTCODE, 'doctest', 'rich_output',
        return cls(OutputBuffer.from_file(filename))
Exemple #6
    def example(cls):
        Construct a sample video output container

        This static method is meant for doctests, so they can easily
        construct an example.  The method is implemented in the abstract
        :class:`OutputVideoBase` class, but should get invoked on a
        concrete subclass for which an actual example can exist.


        An instance of the class on which this method is called.

            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputVideoOgg
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example()
            OutputVideoOgg container
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example().video
            buffer containing 5612 bytes
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example().ext
            sage: OutputVideoOgg.example().mimetype
        from sage.env import SAGE_EXTCODE
        filename = os.path.join(SAGE_EXTCODE, 'doctest', 'rich_output',
                                'example' + cls.ext)
        return cls(OutputBuffer.from_file(filename), {
            'controls': True,
            'loop': False
Exemple #7
    def graphics_from_save(self, save_function, save_kwds,
                           file_extension, output_container,
                           figsize=None, dpi=None):
        Helper to construct graphics.

        This method can be used to simplify the implementation of a
        ``_rich_repr_`` method of a graphics object if there is
        already a function to save graphics to a file.


        - ``save_function`` -- callable that can save graphics to a file
          and accepts options like

        - ``save_kwds`` -- dictionary. Keyword arguments that are
          passed to the save function.

        - ``file_extension`` -- string starting with ``'.'``. The file
          extension of the graphics file.

        - ``output_container`` -- subclass of
          :class:`sage.repl.rich_output.output_basic.OutputBase`. The
          output container to use. Must be one of the types in

        - ``figsize`` -- pair of integers (optional). The desired graphics
          size in pixels. Suggested, but need not be respected by the

        - ``dpi`` -- integer (optional). The desired resolution in dots
          per inch. Suggested, but need not be respected by the output.


        Return an instance of ``output_container``.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output import get_display_manager
            sage: dm = get_display_manager()
            sage: plt = plot(sin)
            sage: out = dm.graphics_from_save(, dict(), '.png', dm.types.OutputImagePng)
            sage: out
            OutputImagePng container
            sage: out.png.get().startswith('\x89PNG')
            sage: out.png.filename()   # random
        import os
        if not file_extension.startswith(os.path.extsep):
            raise ValueError('file_extension must start with a period')
        if output_container not in self.supported_output():
            raise OutputTypeException('output_container is not supported by backend')
        from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
        filename = tmp_filename(ext=file_extension)
        # Call the save_function with the right arguments
        kwds = dict(save_kwds)
        if figsize is not None:
            kwds['figsize'] = figsize
        if dpi is not None:
            kwds['dpi'] = dpi
        save_function(filename, **kwds)
        from sage.repl.rich_output.buffer import OutputBuffer
        buf = OutputBuffer.from_file(filename)
        return output_container(buf)
Exemple #8
    def graphics_from_save(self,
        Helper to construct graphics.

        This method can be used to simplify the implementation of a
        ``_rich_repr_`` method of a graphics object if there is
        already a function to save graphics to a file.


        - ``save_function`` -- callable that can save graphics to a file
          and accepts options like

        - ``save_kwds`` -- dictionary. Keyword arguments that are
          passed to the save function.

        - ``file_extension`` -- string starting with ``'.'``. The file
          extension of the graphics file.

        - ``output_container`` -- subclass of
          :class:`sage.repl.rich_output.output_basic.OutputBase`. The
          output container to use. Must be one of the types in

        - ``figsize`` -- pair of integers (optional). The desired graphics
          size in pixels. Suggested, but need not be respected by the

        - ``dpi`` -- integer (optional). The desired resolution in dots
          per inch. Suggested, but need not be respected by the output.


        Return an instance of ``output_container``.


            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output import get_display_manager
            sage: dm = get_display_manager()
            sage: plt = plot(sin)
            sage: out = dm.graphics_from_save(, dict(), '.png', dm.types.OutputImagePng)
            sage: out
            OutputImagePng container
            sage: out.png.get().startswith('\x89PNG')
            sage: out.png.filename()   # random
        import os
        if not file_extension.startswith(os.path.extsep):
            raise ValueError('file_extension must start with a period')
        if output_container not in self.supported_output():
            raise OutputTypeException(
                'output_container is not supported by backend')
        from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
        filename = tmp_filename(ext=file_extension)
        # Call the save_function with the right arguments
        kwds = dict(save_kwds)
        if figsize is not None:
            kwds['figsize'] = figsize
        if dpi is not None:
            kwds['dpi'] = dpi
        save_function(filename, **kwds)
        from sage.repl.rich_output.buffer import OutputBuffer
        buf = OutputBuffer.from_file(filename)
        return output_container(buf)