Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, degree, base_ring, category=None):
        Base class for matrix groups over generic base rings

        You should not use this class directly. Instead, use one of
        the more specialized derived classes.


        - ``degree`` -- integer. The degree (matrix size) of the
          matrix group.

        - ``base_ring`` -- ring. The base ring of the matrices.


            sage: G = GL(2, QQ)
            sage: from sage.groups.matrix_gps.matrix_group import MatrixGroup_generic
            sage: isinstance(G, MatrixGroup_generic)
        assert is_Ring(base_ring)
        assert is_Integer(degree)

        self._deg = degree
        if self._deg <= 0:
            raise ValueError('the degree must be at least 1')

        if (category is None) and is_FiniteField(base_ring):
            from sage.categories.finite_groups import FiniteGroups
            category = FiniteGroups()
        super(MatrixGroup_generic, self).__init__(base=base_ring, category=category)
Exemple #2
    def _coerce_(self, x):

            >>> s = server(); c = client(s.port)
            >>> c._coerce_(False)
            >>> c._coerce_(True)
            >>> c._coerce_('lkjdf')
            >>> c._coerce_(2.5)
            >>> c._coerce_([1,2])
        if isinstance(x, bool):
            x = int(x)
        elif isinstance(x, (str, int, long, float)):
        elif is_Integer(x) and x.nbits()<32:
            x = int(x)
        elif is_RealNumber(x) and x.prec()==53:
            return float(x)
        elif isinstance(x, unicode):
            return str(x)
            x = '__pickle' + base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(cPickle.dumps(x, 2)))
        return x
Exemple #3
    def _coerce_(self, x):

            >>> s = server(); c = client(s.port)
            >>> c._coerce_(False)
            >>> c._coerce_(True)
            >>> c._coerce_('lkjdf')
            >>> c._coerce_(2.5)
            >>> c._coerce_([1,2])
        if isinstance(x, bool):
            x = int(x)
        elif isinstance(x, (str, int, long, float)):
        elif x is None:
        elif is_Integer(x) and x.nbits() < 32:
            x = int(x)
        elif is_RealNumber(x) and x.prec() == 53:
            return float(x)
        elif isinstance(x, unicode):
            return str(x)
            x = '__pickle' + base64.b64encode(
                zlib.compress(cPickle.dumps(x, 2)))
        return x
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, degree, base_ring, category=None):
        Base class for matrix groups over generic base rings

        You should not use this class directly. Instead, use one of
        the more specialized derived classes.


        - ``degree`` -- integer. The degree (matrix size) of the
          matrix group.

        - ``base_ring`` -- ring. The base ring of the matrices.


            sage: G = GL(2, QQ)
            sage: from sage.groups.matrix_gps.matrix_group import MatrixGroup_generic
            sage: isinstance(G, MatrixGroup_generic)
        assert is_Ring(base_ring)
        assert is_Integer(degree)

        self._deg = degree
        if self._deg <= 0:
            raise ValueError('the degree must be at least 1')

        if (category is None) and is_FiniteField(base_ring):
            from sage.categories.finite_groups import FiniteGroups
            category = FiniteGroups()
        super(MatrixGroup_generic, self).__init__(base=base_ring,
    def __call__(self, P):
        Returns a rational point P in the abstract Homset J(K), given:
        0. A point P in J = Jac(C), returning P; 1. A point P on the curve
        C such that J = Jac(C), where C is an odd degree model, returning
        [P - oo]; 2. A pair of points (P, Q) on the curve C such that J =
        Jac(C), returning [P-Q]; 2. A list of polynomials (a,b) such that
        `b^2 + h*b - f = 0 mod a`, returning [(a(x),y-b(x))].
            sage: P.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
            sage: f = x^5 - x + 1; h = x
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f,h,'u,v')
            sage: P = C(0,1,1)
            sage: J = C.jacobian()
            sage: Q = J(QQ)(P)
            sage: for i in range(6): i*Q
            (u, v - 1)
            (u^2, v + u - 1)
            (u^2, v + 1)
            (u, v + 1)
            sage: F.<a> = GF(3)
            sage: R.<x> = F[]
            sage: f = x^5-1
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f)
            sage: J = C.jacobian()
            sage: X = J(F)
            sage: a = x^2-x+1
            sage: b = -x +1
            sage: c = x-1
            sage: d = 0 
            sage: D1 = X([a,b])
            sage: D1
            (x^2 + 2*x + 1, y + x + 2)
            sage: D2 = X([c,d])
            sage: D2
            (x + 2, y)
            sage: D1+D2
            (x^2 + 2*x + 2, y + 2*x + 1)

        if isinstance(P, (int, long, Integer)) and P == 0:
            R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), 'x')
            return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, (R(1), R(0)))
        elif isinstance(P, (list, tuple)):
            if len(P) == 1 and P[0] == 0:
                R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), 'x')
                return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, (R(1), R(0)))
            elif len(P) == 2:
                P1 = P[0]
                P2 = P[1]
                if is_Integer(P1) and is_Integer(P2):
                    R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), 'x')
                    P1 = R(P1)
                    P2 = R(P2)
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(
                        self, tuple([P1, P2]))
                if is_Integer(P1) and is_Polynomial(P2):
                    R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), 'x')
                    P1 = R(P1)
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(
                        self, tuple([P1, P2]))
                if is_Integer(P2) and is_Polynomial(P1):
                    R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), 'x')
                    P2 = R(P2)
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(
                        self, tuple([P1, P2]))
                if is_Polynomial(P1) and is_Polynomial(P2):
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, tuple(P))
                if is_SchemeMorphism(P1) and is_SchemeMorphism(P2):
                    return self(P1) - self(P2)
            raise TypeError, "Argument P (= %s) must have length 2." % P
        elif isinstance(
                JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field) and self == P.parent():
            return P
        elif is_SchemeMorphism(P):
            x0 = P[0]
            y0 = P[1]
            R, x = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), 'x').objgen()
            return self((x - x0, R(y0)))
        raise TypeError, "Argument P (= %s) does not determine a divisor class" % P
Exemple #6
    def __call__(self, P):
        Returns a rational point P in the abstract Homset J(K), given:

        0. A point P in J = Jac(C), returning P; 1. A point P on the curve
        C such that J = Jac(C), where C is an odd degree model, returning
        [P - oo]; 2. A pair of points (P, Q) on the curve C such that J =
        Jac(C), returning [P-Q]; 2. A list of polynomials (a,b) such that
        `b^2 + h*b - f = 0 mod a`, returning [(a(x),y-b(x))].


            sage: P.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
            sage: f = x^5 - x + 1; h = x
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f,h,'u,v')
            sage: P = C(0,1,1)
            sage: J = C.jacobian()
            sage: Q = J(QQ)(P)
            sage: for i in range(6): i*Q
            (u, v - 1)
            (u^2, v + u - 1)
            (u^2, v + 1)
            (u, v + 1)


            sage: F.<a> = GF(3)
            sage: R.<x> = F[]
            sage: f = x^5-1
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(f)
            sage: J = C.jacobian()
            sage: X = J(F)
            sage: a = x^2-x+1
            sage: b = -x +1
            sage: c = x-1
            sage: d = 0
            sage: D1 = X([a,b])
            sage: D1
            (x^2 + 2*x + 1, y + x + 2)
            sage: D2 = X([c,d])
            sage: D2
            (x + 2, y)
            sage: D1+D2
            (x^2 + 2*x + 2, y + 2*x + 1)

        if isinstance(P, (int, long, Integer)) and P == 0:
            R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), "x")
            return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, (R(1), R(0)))
        elif isinstance(P, (list, tuple)):
            if len(P) == 1 and P[0] == 0:
                R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), "x")
                return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, (R(1), R(0)))
            elif len(P) == 2:
                P1 = P[0]
                P2 = P[1]
                if is_Integer(P1) and is_Integer(P2):
                    R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), "x")
                    P1 = R(P1)
                    P2 = R(P2)
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, tuple([P1, P2]))
                if is_Integer(P1) and is_Polynomial(P2):
                    R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), "x")
                    P1 = R(P1)
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, tuple([P1, P2]))
                if is_Integer(P2) and is_Polynomial(P1):
                    R = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), "x")
                    P2 = R(P2)
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, tuple([P1, P2]))
                if is_Polynomial(P1) and is_Polynomial(P2):
                    return JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field(self, tuple(P))
                if is_SchemeMorphism(P1) and is_SchemeMorphism(P2):
                    return self(P1) - self(P2)
            raise TypeError, "Argument P (= %s) must have length 2." % P
        elif isinstance(P, JacobianMorphism_divisor_class_field) and self == P.parent():
            return P
        elif is_SchemeMorphism(P):
            x0 = P[0]
            y0 = P[1]
            R, x = PolynomialRing(self.value_ring(), "x").objgen()
            return self((x - x0, R(y0)))
        raise TypeError, "Argument P (= %s) does not determine a divisor class" % P