def local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass(self, P, prec=20, name='t'):
        For a non-Weierstrass point `P = (a,b)` on the hyperelliptic
        curve `y^2 = f(x)`, return `(x(t), y(t))` such that `(y(t))^2 = f(x(t))`,
        where `t = x - a` is the local parameter.


        - ``P = (a, b)`` -- a non-Weierstrass point on self
        - ``prec`` --  desired precision of the local coordinates
        - ``name`` -- gen of the power series ring (default: ``t``)


        `(x(t),y(t))` such that `y(t)^2 = f(x(t))` and `t = x - a`
        is the local parameter at `P`


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)
            sage: P = H(1,6)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass(P,prec=5)
            sage: x
            1 + t + O(t^5)
            sage: y
            6 + t - 7/2*t^2 - 1/2*t^3 - 25/48*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: Q = H(-2,12)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass(Q,prec=5)
            sage: x
            -2 + t + O(t^5)
            sage: y
            12 - 19/2*t - 19/32*t^2 + 61/256*t^3 - 5965/24576*t^4 + O(t^5)


            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        d = P[1]
        if d == 0:
            raise TypeError(
                "P = %s is a Weierstrass point. Use local_coordinates_at_weierstrass instead!"
                % P)
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        L = PowerSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = L.gen()
        K = PowerSeriesRing(L, 'x')
        pol = K(pol)
        x = K.gen()
        b = P[0]
        f = pol(t + b)
        for i in range((RR(log(prec) / log(2))).ceil()):
            d = (d + f / d) / 2
        return t + b + O(t**(prec)), d + O(t**(prec))
    def local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass(self, P, prec=20, name='t'):
        For a non-Weierstrass point `P = (a,b)` on the hyperelliptic
        curve `y^2 = f(x)`, return `(x(t), y(t))` such that `(y(t))^2 = f(x(t))`,
        where `t = x - a` is the local parameter.


        - ``P = (a, b)`` -- a non-Weierstrass point on self
        - ``prec`` --  desired precision of the local coordinates
        - ``name`` -- gen of the power series ring (default: ``t``)


        `(x(t),y(t))` such that `y(t)^2 = f(x(t))` and `t = x - a`
        is the local parameter at `P`


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)
            sage: P = H(1,6)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass(P,prec=5)
            sage: x
            1 + t + O(t^5)
            sage: y
            6 + t - 7/2*t^2 - 1/2*t^3 - 25/48*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: Q = H(-2,12)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass(Q,prec=5)
            sage: x
            -2 + t + O(t^5)
            sage: y
            12 - 19/2*t - 19/32*t^2 + 61/256*t^3 - 5965/24576*t^4 + O(t^5)


            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        d = P[1]
        if d == 0:
            raise TypeError("P = %s is a Weierstrass point. Use local_coordinates_at_weierstrass instead!"%P)
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        L = PowerSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = L.gen()
        K = PowerSeriesRing(L, 'x')
        pol = K(pol)
        x = K.gen()
        b = P[0]
        f = pol(t+b)
        for i in range((RR(log(prec)/log(2))).ceil()):
            d = (d + f/d)/2
        return t+b+O(t**(prec)), d + O(t**(prec))
Exemple #3
    def local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(self, P, prec=20, name='t'):
        For a finite Weierstrass point on the hyperelliptic                                
        curve y^2 = f(x), returns (x(t), y(t)) such that                                   
        (y(t))^2 = f(x(t)), where t = y is the local parameter.

            - P a finite Weierstrass point on self
            - prec: desired precision of the local coordinates
            - name: gen of the power series ring (default: 't')


        (x(t),y(t)) such that y(t)^2 = f(x(t)) and t = y
        is the local parameter at P                                             
            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']                                                              
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)               
            sage: A = H(4,0)                                                                   
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(A,prec =5)                          
            sage: x
            4 + 1/360*t^2 - 191/23328000*t^4 + 7579/188956800000*t^6 + O(t^7)
            sage: y 
            t + O(t^7)
            sage: B = H(-5,0)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(B,prec = 5)
            sage: x
            -5 + 1/1260*t^2 + 887/2000376000*t^4  + 643759/1587898468800000*t^6 + O(t^7)
            sage: y
            t + O(t^7)
            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        if P[1] != 0:
            raise TypeError, "P = %s is not a finite Weierstrass point. Use local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass instead!" % P
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        L = PowerSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = L.gen()
        L.set_default_prec(prec + 2)
        K = PowerSeriesRing(L, 'x')
        pol = K(pol)
        x = K.gen()
        b = P[0]
        g = pol / (x - b)
        c = b + 1 / g(b) * t**2
        f = pol - t**2
        fprime = f.derivative()
        for i in range((RR(log(prec + 2) / log(2))).ceil()):
            c = c - f(c) / fprime(c)
        return c + O(t**(prec + 2)), t + O(t**(prec + 2))
Exemple #4
    def local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(self, P, prec=20, name="t"):
        For a finite Weierstrass point on the hyperelliptic                                
        curve y^2 = f(x), returns (x(t), y(t)) such that                                   
        (y(t))^2 = f(x(t)), where t = y is the local parameter.

            - P a finite Weierstrass point on self
            - prec: desired precision of the local coordinates
            - name: gen of the power series ring (default: 't')


        (x(t),y(t)) such that y(t)^2 = f(x(t)) and t = y
        is the local parameter at P                                             
            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']                                                              
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)               
            sage: A = H(4,0)                                                                   
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(A,prec =5)                          
            sage: x
            4 + 1/360*t^2 - 191/23328000*t^4 + 7579/188956800000*t^6 + O(t^7)
            sage: y 
            t + O(t^7)
            sage: B = H(-5,0)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(B,prec = 5)
            sage: x
            -5 + 1/1260*t^2 + 887/2000376000*t^4  + 643759/1587898468800000*t^6 + O(t^7)
            sage: y
            t + O(t^7)
            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        if P[1] != 0:
            raise TypeError, "P = %s is not a finite Weierstrass point. Use local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass instead!" % P
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        L = PowerSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = L.gen()
        L.set_default_prec(prec + 2)
        K = PowerSeriesRing(L, "x")
        pol = K(pol)
        x = K.gen()
        b = P[0]
        g = pol / (x - b)
        c = b + 1 / g(b) * t ** 2
        f = pol - t ** 2
        fprime = f.derivative()
        for i in range((RR(log(prec + 2) / log(2))).ceil()):
            c = c - f(c) / fprime(c)
        return c + O(t ** (prec + 2)), t + O(t ** (prec + 2))
Exemple #5
def get_basic_integral(G, cocycle, gamma, center, j, prec=None):
    p = G.p
    HOC = cocycle.parent()
    V = HOC.coefficient_module()

    if prec is None:
        prec = V.precision_cap()
    Cp = Qp(p, prec)
    verbose('precision = %s' % prec)
    R = PolynomialRing(Cp, names='t')
    PS = PowerSeriesRing(Cp, names='z')
    t = R.gen()
    z = PS.gen()

    if prec is None:
        prec = V.precision_cap()
        coeff_depth = V.precision_cap()
    except AttributeError:
        coeff_depth = V.coefficient_module().precision_cap()
    resadd = ZZ(0)
    edgelist = G.get_covering(1)[1:]
    for rev, h in edgelist:
        a, b, c, d = [Cp(o) for o in G.embed(h, prec).list()]
            c0val = 0
            pol = PS(d * z + b) / PS(c * z + a)
            pol -= Cp.teichmuller(center)
            pol = pol**j
            pol = pol.polynomial()
            newgamma = G.Gpn(
                G.reduce_in_amalgam(h * gamma.quaternion_rep,
            if rev:  # DEBUG
                newgamma = newgamma.conjugate_by(G.wp())
                print 'reversing'
            if G.use_shapiro():
                mu_e = cocycle.evaluate_and_identity(newgamma)
                mu_e = cocycle.evaluate(newgamma)
            if newgamma.quaternion_rep != 1:
                print 'newgamma = ', newgamma
        except AttributeError:
        if HOC._use_ps_dists:
            tmp = sum(a * mu_e.moment(i)
                      for a, i in izip(pol.coefficients(), pol.exponents())
                      if i < len(mu_e._moments))
            tmp = mu_e.evaluate_at_poly(pol, Cp, coeff_depth)
        resadd += tmp
            if G.use_shapiro():
                tmp = cocycle.get_liftee().evaluate_and_identity(newgamma)
                tmp = cocycle.get_liftee().evaluate(newgamma)
        except IndexError:
    return resadd
Exemple #6
 def _e_bounds(self, n, prec):
     p = self._p
     prec = max(2,prec)
     R = PowerSeriesRing(ZZ,'T',prec+1)
     T = R(R.gen(),prec +1)
     w = (1+T)**(p**n) - 1
     return [infinity] + [valuation(w[j],p) for j in range(1,min(,prec))]
Exemple #7
    def local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(self, P, prec=20, name='t'):
        For a finite Weierstrass point on the hyperelliptic
        curve y^2 = f(x), returns (x(t), y(t)) such that
        (y(t))^2 = f(x(t)), where t = y is the local parameter.

            - P a finite Weierstrass point on self
            - prec: desired precision of the local coordinates
            - name: gen of the power series ring (default: 't')


        (x(t),y(t)) such that y(t)^2 = f(x(t)) and t = y
        is the local parameter at P

            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)
            sage: A = H(4, 0)

            sage: x, y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(A, prec=7)

            sage: x
            4 + 1/360*t^2 - 191/23328000*t^4 + 7579/188956800000*t^6 + O(t^7)
            sage: y
            t + O(t^7)
            sage: B = H(-5, 0)
            sage: x, y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(B, prec=5)
            sage: x
            -5 + 1/1260*t^2 + 887/2000376000*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: y
            t + O(t^5)

            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)

            - Francis Clarke (2012-08-26)
        if P[1] != 0:
            raise TypeError(
                "P = %s is not a finite Weierstrass point. Use local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass instead!"
                % P)
        L = PowerSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = L.gen()
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        pol_prime = pol.derivative()
        b = P[0]
        t2 = t**2
        c = b + t2 / pol_prime(b)
        c = c.add_bigoh(prec)
        for _ in range(1 + log(prec, 2)):
            c -= (pol(c) - t2) / pol_prime(c)
        return (c, t.add_bigoh(prec))
Exemple #8
    def zeta_series(self, n, t):
        Return the zeta series.

        Compute a power series approximation to the zeta function of a
        scheme over a finite field.


        -  ``n`` -- the number of terms of the power series to

        -  ``t`` -- the variable which the series should be


        A power series approximating the zeta function of self


            sage: P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(3))
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(x^3+x^2+1)
            sage: R.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(Integers())
            sage: C.zeta_series(4,t)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: (1+2*t+3*t^2)/(1-t)/(1-3*t) + O(t^5)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)

        Note that this function depends on count_points, which is only
        defined for prime order fields for general schemes.
        Nonetheless, since :trac:`15108` and :trac:`15148`, it supports
        hyperelliptic curves over non-prime fields::

            sage: C.base_extend(GF(9,'a')).zeta_series(4,t)
            1 + 12*t + 120*t^2 + 1092*t^3 + 9840*t^4 + O(t^5)

        F = self.base_ring()
        if not F.is_finite():
            raise TypeError(
                'zeta functions only defined for schemes over finite fields')
            a = self.count_points(n)
        except AttributeError:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'count_points() required but not implemented')
        R = PowerSeriesRing(Rationals(), 'u')
        u = R.gen()
        temp = sum(a[i - 1] * (u.O(n + 1))**i / i for i in range(1, n + 1))
        temp2 = temp.exp()
        return (temp2(t).O(n + 1))
    def local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(self, P, prec=20, name="t"):
        For a finite Weierstrass point on the hyperelliptic                                
        curve y^2 = f(x), returns (x(t), y(t)) such that                                   
        (y(t))^2 = f(x(t)), where t = y is the local parameter.

            - P a finite Weierstrass point on self
            - prec: desired precision of the local coordinates
            - name: gen of the power series ring (default: 't')


        (x(t),y(t)) such that y(t)^2 = f(x(t)) and t = y
        is the local parameter at P                                             
            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']                                                              
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)               
            sage: A = H(4, 0)

            sage: x, y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(A, prec=7)

            sage: x
            4 + 1/360*t^2 - 191/23328000*t^4 + 7579/188956800000*t^6 + O(t^7)
            sage: y 
            t + O(t^7)
            sage: B = H(-5, 0)
            sage: x, y = H.local_coordinates_at_weierstrass(B, prec=5)
            sage: x
            -5 + 1/1260*t^2 + 887/2000376000*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: y
            t + O(t^5)
            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)

            - Francis Clarke (2012-08-26)
        if P[1] != 0:
            raise TypeError, "P = %s is not a finite Weierstrass point. Use local_coordinates_at_nonweierstrass instead!" % P
        L = PowerSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = L.gen()
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        pol_prime = pol.derivative()
        b = P[0]
        t2 = t ** 2
        c = b + t2 / pol_prime(b)
        c = c.add_bigoh(prec)
        for _ in range(1 + log(prec, 2)):
            c -= (pol(c) - t2) / pol_prime(c)
        return (c, t.add_bigoh(prec))
Exemple #10
    def zeta_series(self, n, t):
        Return the zeta series.

        Compute a power series approximation to the zeta function of a
        scheme over a finite field.


        -  ``n`` -- the number of terms of the power series to

        -  ``t`` -- the variable which the series should be


        A power series approximating the zeta function of self


            sage: P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(3))
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(x^3+x^2+1)
            sage: R.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(Integers())
            sage: C.zeta_series(4,t)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: (1+2*t+3*t^2)/(1-t)/(1-3*t) + O(t^5)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)

        Note that this function depends on count_points, which is only
        defined for prime order fields for general schemes.
        Nonetheless, since :trac:`15108` and :trac:`15148`, it supports
        hyperelliptic curves over non-prime fields::

            sage: C.base_extend(GF(9,'a')).zeta_series(4,t)
            1 + 12*t + 120*t^2 + 1092*t^3 + 9840*t^4 + O(t^5)

        F = self.base_ring()
        if not F.is_finite():
            raise TypeError("zeta functions only defined for schemes over finite fields")
            a = self.count_points(n)
        except AttributeError:
            raise NotImplementedError("count_points() required but not implemented")
        R = PowerSeriesRing(Rationals(), "u")
        u = R.gen()
        temp = sum(a[i - 1] * (u.O(n + 1)) ** i / i for i in range(1, n + 1))
        temp2 = temp.exp()
        return temp2(t).O(n + 1)
Exemple #11
    def zeta_series(self, n, t):
        Return the zeta series.

        Compute a power series approximation to the zeta function of a
        scheme over a finite field.


        -  ``n`` -- the number of terms of the power series to

        -  ``t`` -- the variable which the series should be


        A power series approximating the zeta function of self


            sage: P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(3))
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(x^3+x^2+1)
            sage: R.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(Integers())
            sage: C.zeta_series(4,t)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: (1+2*t+3*t^2)/(1-t)/(1-3*t) + O(t^5)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)

        Note that this function depends on count_points, which is only
        defined for prime order fields::

            sage: C.base_extend(GF(9,'a')).zeta_series(4,t)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: Point counting only implemented for schemes over prime fields

        F = self.base_ring()
        if not F.is_finite():
            raise TypeError('zeta functions only defined for schemes over finite fields')
            a = self.count_points(n)
        except AttributeError:
            raise NotImplementedError('count_points() required but not implemented')
        R = PowerSeriesRing(Rationals(), 'u')
        u = R.gen()
        temp = sum(a[i-1]*(u.O(n+1))**i/i for i in range(1,n+1))
        temp2 = temp.exp()
Exemple #12
    def zeta_series(self, n, t):
        Return the zeta series.

        Compute a power series approximation to the zeta function of a
        scheme over a finite field.


        -  ``n`` - the number of terms of the power series to

        -  ``t`` - the variable which the series should be


        A power series approximating the zeta function of self


            sage: P.<x> = PolynomialRing(GF(3))
            sage: C = HyperellipticCurve(x^3+x^2+1)
            sage: R.<t> = PowerSeriesRing(Integers())
            sage: C.zeta_series(4,t)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)
            sage: (1+2*t+3*t^2)/(1-t)/(1-3*t) + O(t^5)
            1 + 6*t + 24*t^2 + 78*t^3 + 240*t^4 + O(t^5)

        Note that this function depends on count_points, which is only
        defined for prime order fields::

            sage: C.base_extend(GF(9,'a')).zeta_series(4,t)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: Point counting only implemented for schemes over prime fields

        F = self.base_ring()
        if not F.is_finite():
            raise TypeError, "Zeta functions only defined for schemes over finite fields"
        a = self.count_points(n)
        R = PowerSeriesRing(Rationals(), 'u')
        u = R.gen()
        temp = sum(a[i - 1] * (u.O(n + 1))**i / i for i in range(1, n + 1))
        temp2 = temp.exp()
        return (temp2(t).O(n + 1))
class MFSeriesConstructor(SageObject,UniqueRepresentation):
    Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
    (specific, basic) modular forms.

    The constructor is used by forms elements in case
    their Fourier expansion is needed or requested.

    def __classcall__(cls, group = HeckeTriangleGroup(3), prec=ZZ(10)):
        Return a (cached) instance with canonical parameters.

        .. NOTE:

            For each choice of group and precision the constructor is
            cached (only) once. Further calculations with different
            base rings and possibly numerical parameters are based on
            the same cached instance.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor() == MFSeriesConstructor(3, 10)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).hecke_n()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12).prec()

        if (group==infinity):
            group = HeckeTriangleGroup(infinity)
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(ZZ(group))
            except TypeError:
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(group.n())
        # We don't need this assumption the precision may in principle also be negative.
        # if (prec<1):
        #     raise Exception("prec must be an Integer >=1")

        return super(MFSeriesConstructor,cls).__classcall__(cls, group, prec)

    def __init__(self, group, prec):
        Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
        (specific, basic) modular forms.


        - ``group``      -- A Hecke triangle group (default: HeckeTriangleGroup(3)).

        - ``prec``       -- An integer (default: 10), the default precision used
                            in calculations in the LaurentSeriesRing or PowerSeriesRing.


        The constructor for Fourier expansion with the specified settings.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor()
            sage: MFC
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=3 with (basic series) precision 10
            Hecke triangle group for n = 3
            sage: MFC.prec()
            sage: MFC._series_ring
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4 with (basic series) precision 10
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5 with (basic series) precision 12
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=+Infinity with (basic series) precision 10

        self._group          = group
        self._prec           = prec
        self._series_ring    = PowerSeriesRing(QQ,'q',default_prec=self._prec)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return the string representation of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4 with (basic series) precision 10

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5 with (basic series) precision 12

        return "Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n={} with (basic series) precision {}".\
                format(self._group.n(), self._prec)

    def group(self):
        Return the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).group()
            Hecke triangle group for n = 4

        return self._group

    def hecke_n(self):
        Return the parameter ``n`` of the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).hecke_n()

        return self._group.n()

    def prec(self):
        Return the used default precision for the PowerSeriesRing or LaurentSeriesRing.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5).prec()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=20).prec()

        return self._prec

    def J_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``J_inv``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        This is the main function used to determine all Fourier expansions!

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``J_inv`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``J_inv_ZZ(q/d)``.

        .. TODO:

          The functions that are used in this implementation are
          products of hypergeometric series with other, elementary,
          functions.  Implement them and clean up this representation.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 31/72 + 1823/27648*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 79/200 + 42877/640000*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 3/8 + 69/1024*q + O(q^2)

        F1       = lambda a,b:   self._series_ring(
                       [ ZZ(0) ]
                       + [
                           rising_factorial(a,k) * rising_factorial(b,k) / (ZZ(k).factorial())**2
                           * sum(ZZ(1)/(a+j) + ZZ(1)/(b+j) - ZZ(2)/ZZ(1+j)
                                  for j in range(ZZ(0),ZZ(k))
                           for k in range(ZZ(1), ZZ(self._prec+1))

        F        = lambda a,b,c: self._series_ring(
                         rising_factorial(a,k) * rising_factorial(b,k) / rising_factorial(c,k) / ZZ(k).factorial()
                         for k in range(ZZ(0), ZZ(self._prec+1))
        a        = self._group.alpha()
        b        = self._group.beta()
        Phi      = F1(a,b) / F(a,b,ZZ(1))
        q        = self._series_ring.gen()

        # the current implementation of power series reversion is slow
        # J_inv_ZZ = ZZ(1) / ((q*Phi.exp()).reverse())

        temp_f   = (q*Phi.exp()).polynomial()
        new_f    = temp_f.revert_series(
        J_inv_ZZ = ZZ(1) / (new_f + O(q**(

        return J_inv_ZZ

    def f_rho_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_rho``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_rho`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``f_rho_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 7/100*q + 21/160000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_rho_ZZ = self._series_ring(1)
            temp_expr = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
            f_rho_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()
        return f_rho_ZZ

    def f_i_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_i``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_i`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``f_i_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 13/40*q - 351/64000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_i_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 3/8*q + 3/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_i_ZZ = (-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative()/self.J_inv_ZZ()).power_series()
            temp_expr = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**n/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**(n-1)*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
            f_i_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()
        return f_i_ZZ

    def f_inf_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_inf``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_inf`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*f_inf_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + 7/82944*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 9/200*q^2 + 279/640000*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 1/8*q^2 + 7/1024*q^3 + O(q^4)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_inf_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**2*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
            temp_expr  = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**(2*n)/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**(2*n-2)*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1)**n)/q**(n-2)).power_series()
            f_inf_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()*q
        return f_inf_ZZ

    def G_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``G_inv``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``G_inv`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*G_inv_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 3/32 - 955/16384*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 15/128 - 15139/262144*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 1/8 - 59/1024*q + O(q^2)

        n = self.hecke_n()
        # Note that G_inv is not a weakly holomorphic form (because of the behavior at -1)
        if (n == infinity):
            q = self._series_ring.gen()
            temp_expr = (self.J_inv_ZZ()/self.f_inf_ZZ()*q**2).power_series()
            return 1/q*self.f_i_ZZ()*(temp_expr.log()/2).exp()
        elif (ZZ(2).divides(n)):
            return self.f_i_ZZ()*(self.f_rho_ZZ()**(ZZ(n/ZZ(2))))/self.f_inf_ZZ()
            #return self._qseries_ring([])
            raise ValueError("G_inv doesn't exist for n={}.".format(self.hecke_n()))

    def E4_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_4``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E4`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E4_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 21/100*q + 483/32000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 1/4*q + 7/256*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        E4_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        return E4_ZZ

    def E6_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_6``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E6`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E6_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 37/200*q - 14663/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 1/8*q - 31/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        E6_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**3/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**2*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        return E6_ZZ

    def Delta_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``Delta``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``Delta`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*Delta_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + 7/82944*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q + 47/200*q^2 + 11367/640000*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q + 3/8*q^2 + 63/1024*q^3 + O(q^4)

        return (self.f_inf_ZZ()**3*self.J_inv_ZZ()**2/(self.f_rho_ZZ()**6)).power_series()

    def E2_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E2``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E2`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E2_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 1/72*q - 1/41472*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 9/200*q - 369/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 1/8*q - 1/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        E2_ZZ = (q*self.f_inf_ZZ().derivative())/self.f_inf_ZZ()
        return E2_ZZ

    def EisensteinSeries_ZZ(self, k):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of the normalized Eisenstein series
        of weight ``k``, where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        Only arithmetic groups with ``n < infinity`` are supported!

        .. NOTE:

        THe Fourier expansion of the series is given by ``EisensteinSeries_ZZ(q/d)``.


        - ``k``  -- A non-negative even integer, namely the weight.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor(prec=6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=0)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/72*q - 1/41472*q^2 - 1/53747712*q^3 - 7/371504185344*q^4 - 1/106993205379072*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 - 427/17915904*q^3 - 7399/123834728448*q^4 - 3647/35664401793024*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 455/8292*q + 310765/4776192*q^2 + 20150585/6189944832*q^3 + 1909340615/42784898678784*q^4 + 3702799555/12322050819489792*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12).parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/32*q - 5/8192*q^2 - 1/524288*q^3 - 13/536870912*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=4)
            1 + 3/16*q + 39/4096*q^2 + 21/262144*q^3 + 327/268435456*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 7/32*q - 287/8192*q^2 - 427/524288*q^3 - 9247/536870912*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 63/11056*q + 133119/2830336*q^2 + 2790081/181141504*q^3 + 272631807/185488900096*q^4 + O(q^5)

            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor(group=6, prec=5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/18*q - 1/648*q^2 - 7/209952*q^3 - 7/22674816*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=4)
            1 + 2/9*q + 1/54*q^2 + 37/52488*q^3 + 73/5668704*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 1/6*q - 11/216*q^2 - 271/69984*q^3 - 1057/7558272*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 182/151329*q + 62153/2723922*q^2 + 16186807/882550728*q^3 + 381868123/95315478624*q^4 + O(q^5)

            if k < 0:
                raise TypeError(None)
            k = 2*ZZ(k/2)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("k={} has to be a non-negative even integer!".format(k))

        if (not or == infinity):
            # Exceptional cases should be called manually (see in FormsRing_abstract)
            raise NotImplementedError("Eisenstein series are only supported in the finite arithmetic cases!")

        # Trivial case
        if k == 0:
            return self._series_ring(1)

        M    = ZZ(**2)
        lamk = M**(ZZ(k/2))
        dval =

        def coeff(m):
            m = ZZ(m)
            if m < 0:
                return ZZ(0)
            elif m == 0:
                return ZZ(1)

            factor = -2*k / QQ(bernoulli(k)) / lamk
            sum1   = sigma(m, k-1)
            if M.divides(m):
                sum2 = (lamk-1) * sigma(ZZ(m/M), k-1)
                sum2 = ZZ(0)
            if (M == 1):
                sum3 = ZZ(0)
                if (m == 1):
                    N = ZZ(1)
                    N = ZZ(m / M**ZZ(m.valuation(M)))
                sum3 = -sigma(ZZ(N), k-1) * ZZ(m/N)**(k-1) / (lamk + 1)

            return factor * (sum1 + sum2 + sum3) * dval**m

        q = self._series_ring.gen()

        return sum([coeff(m)*q**m for m in range(self.prec())]).add_bigoh(self.prec())
Exemple #14
class MFSeriesConstructor(SageObject, UniqueRepresentation):
    Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
    (specific, basic) modular forms.

    The constructor is used by forms elements in case
    their Fourier expansion is needed or requested.
    def __classcall__(cls, group=HeckeTriangleGroup(3), prec=ZZ(10)):
        Return a (cached) instance with canonical parameters.

        .. NOTE:

            For each choice of group and precision the constructor is
            cached (only) once. Further calculations with different
            base rings and possibly numerical parameters are based on
            the same cached instance.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor() == MFSeriesConstructor(3, 10)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).hecke_n()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12).prec()

        if (group == infinity):
            group = HeckeTriangleGroup(infinity)
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(ZZ(group))
            except TypeError:
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(group.n())
        prec = ZZ(prec)
        # We don't need this assumption the precision may in principle also be negative.
        # if (prec<1):
        #     raise Exception("prec must be an Integer >=1")

        return super(MFSeriesConstructor, cls).__classcall__(cls, group, prec)

    def __init__(self, group, prec):
        Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
        (specific, basic) modular forms.


        - ``group``      -- A Hecke triangle group (default: HeckeTriangleGroup(3)).

        - ``prec``       -- An integer (default: 10), the default precision used
                            in calculations in the LaurentSeriesRing or PowerSeriesRing.


        The constructor for Fourier expansion with the specified settings.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor()
            sage: MFC
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=3 with (basic series) precision 10
            Hecke triangle group for n = 3
            sage: MFC.prec()
            sage: MFC._series_ring
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4 with (basic series) precision 10
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5 with (basic series) precision 12
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=+Infinity with (basic series) precision 10

        self._group = group
        self._prec = prec
        self._series_ring = PowerSeriesRing(QQ, 'q', default_prec=self._prec)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return the string representation of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4 with (basic series) precision 10

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5 with (basic series) precision 12

        return "Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n={} with (basic series) precision {}".\
                format(self._group.n(), self._prec)

    def group(self):
        Return the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).group()
            Hecke triangle group for n = 4

        return self._group

    def hecke_n(self):
        Return the parameter ``n`` of the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).hecke_n()

        return self._group.n()

    def prec(self):
        Return the used default precision for the PowerSeriesRing or LaurentSeriesRing.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5).prec()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=20).prec()

        return self._prec

    def J_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``J_inv``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        This is the main function used to determine all Fourier expansions!

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``J_inv`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``J_inv_ZZ(q/d)``.

        .. TODO:

          The functions that are used in this implementation are
          products of hypergeometric series with other, elementary,
          functions.  Implement them and clean up this representation.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 31/72 + 1823/27648*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 79/200 + 42877/640000*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 3/8 + 69/1024*q + O(q^2)

        F1 = lambda a, b: self._series_ring([ZZ(0)] + [
            rising_factorial(a, k) * rising_factorial(b, k) /
            (ZZ(k).factorial())**2 * sum(
                ZZ(1) / (a + j) + ZZ(1) / (b + j) - ZZ(2) / ZZ(1 + j)
                for j in range(ZZ(0), ZZ(k)))
            for k in range(ZZ(1), ZZ(self._prec + 1))
        ], ZZ(self._prec + 1))

        F = lambda a, b, c: self._series_ring([
            rising_factorial(a, k) * rising_factorial(b, k) / rising_factorial(
                c, k) / ZZ(k).factorial()
            for k in range(ZZ(0), ZZ(self._prec + 1))
        ], ZZ(self._prec + 1))
        a = self._group.alpha()
        b = self._group.beta()
        Phi = F1(a, b) / F(a, b, ZZ(1))
        q = self._series_ring.gen()

        # the current implementation of power series reversion is slow
        # J_inv_ZZ = ZZ(1) / ((q*Phi.exp()).reverse())

        temp_f = (q * Phi.exp()).polynomial()
        new_f = temp_f.revert_series( + 1)
        J_inv_ZZ = ZZ(1) / (new_f + O(q**( + 1)))

        return J_inv_ZZ

    def f_rho_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_rho``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_rho`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``f_rho_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 7/100*q + 21/160000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_rho_ZZ = self._series_ring(1)
            temp_expr = ((-q * self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2 /
                         (self.J_inv_ZZ() *
                          (self.J_inv_ZZ() - 1))).power_series()
            f_rho_ZZ = (temp_expr.log() / (n - 2)).exp()
        return f_rho_ZZ

    def f_i_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_i``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_i`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``f_i_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 13/40*q - 351/64000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_i_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 3/8*q + 3/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_i_ZZ = (-q * self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative() /
            temp_expr = ((-q * self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**n /
                         (self.J_inv_ZZ()**(n - 1) *
                          (self.J_inv_ZZ() - 1))).power_series()
            f_i_ZZ = (temp_expr.log() / (n - 2)).exp()
        return f_i_ZZ

    def f_inf_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_inf``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_inf`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*f_inf_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + 7/82944*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 9/200*q^2 + 279/640000*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 1/8*q^2 + 7/1024*q^3 + O(q^4)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_inf_ZZ = ((-q * self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2 /
                        (self.J_inv_ZZ()**2 *
                         (self.J_inv_ZZ() - 1))).power_series()
            temp_expr = ((-q * self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**(2 * n) /
                         (self.J_inv_ZZ()**(2 * n - 2) *
                          (self.J_inv_ZZ() - 1)**n) /
                         q**(n - 2)).power_series()
            f_inf_ZZ = (temp_expr.log() / (n - 2)).exp() * q
        return f_inf_ZZ

    def G_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``G_inv``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``G_inv`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*G_inv_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 3/32 - 955/16384*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 15/128 - 15139/262144*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 1/8 - 59/1024*q + O(q^2)

        n = self.hecke_n()
        # Note that G_inv is not a weakly holomorphic form (because of the behavior at -1)
        if (n == infinity):
            q = self._series_ring.gen()
            temp_expr = (self.J_inv_ZZ() / self.f_inf_ZZ() *
            return 1 / q * self.f_i_ZZ() * (temp_expr.log() / 2).exp()
        elif (ZZ(2).divides(n)):
            return self.f_i_ZZ() * (self.f_rho_ZZ()**(ZZ(
                n / ZZ(2)))) / self.f_inf_ZZ()
            #return self._qseries_ring([])
            raise ValueError("G_inv doesn't exist for n={}.".format(

    def E4_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_4``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E4`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E4_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 21/100*q + 483/32000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 1/4*q + 7/256*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        E4_ZZ = ((-q * self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2 /
                 (self.J_inv_ZZ() * (self.J_inv_ZZ() - 1))).power_series()
        return E4_ZZ

    def E6_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_6``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E6`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E6_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 37/200*q - 14663/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 1/8*q - 31/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        E6_ZZ = ((-q * self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**3 /
                 (self.J_inv_ZZ()**2 * (self.J_inv_ZZ() - 1))).power_series()
        return E6_ZZ

    def Delta_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``Delta``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``Delta`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*Delta_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + 7/82944*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q + 47/200*q^2 + 11367/640000*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q + 3/8*q^2 + 63/1024*q^3 + O(q^4)

        return (self.f_inf_ZZ()**3 * self.J_inv_ZZ()**2 /

    def E2_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E2``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E2`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E2_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 1/72*q - 1/41472*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 9/200*q - 369/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 1/8*q - 1/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        E2_ZZ = (q * self.f_inf_ZZ().derivative()) / self.f_inf_ZZ()
        return E2_ZZ

    def EisensteinSeries_ZZ(self, k):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of the normalized Eisenstein series
        of weight ``k``, where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        Only arithmetic groups with ``n < infinity`` are supported!

        .. NOTE:

        THe Fourier expansion of the series is given by ``EisensteinSeries_ZZ(q/d)``.


        - ``k``  -- A non-negative even integer, namely the weight.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import MFSeriesConstructor
            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor(prec=6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=0)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/72*q - 1/41472*q^2 - 1/53747712*q^3 - 7/371504185344*q^4 - 1/106993205379072*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 - 427/17915904*q^3 - 7399/123834728448*q^4 - 3647/35664401793024*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 455/8292*q + 310765/4776192*q^2 + 20150585/6189944832*q^3 + 1909340615/42784898678784*q^4 + 3702799555/12322050819489792*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12).parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/32*q - 5/8192*q^2 - 1/524288*q^3 - 13/536870912*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=4)
            1 + 3/16*q + 39/4096*q^2 + 21/262144*q^3 + 327/268435456*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 7/32*q - 287/8192*q^2 - 427/524288*q^3 - 9247/536870912*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 63/11056*q + 133119/2830336*q^2 + 2790081/181141504*q^3 + 272631807/185488900096*q^4 + O(q^5)

            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor(group=6, prec=5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/18*q - 1/648*q^2 - 7/209952*q^3 - 7/22674816*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=4)
            1 + 2/9*q + 1/54*q^2 + 37/52488*q^3 + 73/5668704*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 1/6*q - 11/216*q^2 - 271/69984*q^3 - 1057/7558272*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: MFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 182/151329*q + 62153/2723922*q^2 + 16186807/882550728*q^3 + 381868123/95315478624*q^4 + O(q^5)

            if k < 0:
                raise TypeError(None)
            k = 2 * ZZ(k / 2)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                "k={} has to be a non-negative even integer!".format(k))

        if (not or == infinity):
            # Exceptional cases should be called manually (see in FormsRing_abstract)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Eisenstein series are only supported in the finite arithmetic cases!"

        # Trivial case
        if k == 0:
            return self._series_ring(1)

        M = ZZ(**2)
        lamk = M**(ZZ(k / 2))
        dval =

        def coeff(m):
            m = ZZ(m)
            if m < 0:
                return ZZ(0)
            elif m == 0:
                return ZZ(1)

            factor = -2 * k / QQ(bernoulli(k)) / lamk
            sum1 = sigma(m, k - 1)
            if M.divides(m):
                sum2 = (lamk - 1) * sigma(ZZ(m / M), k - 1)
                sum2 = ZZ(0)
            if (M == 1):
                sum3 = ZZ(0)
                if (m == 1):
                    N = ZZ(1)
                    N = ZZ(m / M**ZZ(m.valuation(M)))
                sum3 = -sigma(ZZ(N), k - 1) * ZZ(m / N)**(k - 1) / (lamk + 1)

            return factor * (sum1 + sum2 + sum3) * dval**m

        q = self._series_ring.gen()

        return sum([coeff(m) * q**m
                    for m in range(self.prec())]).add_bigoh(self.prec())
    def series(self, n=2, quadratic_twist=+1, prec=5):
        Returns the `n`-th approximation to the `p`-adic L-series as a
        power series in `T` (corresponding to `\gamma-1` with
        `\gamma=1+p` as a generator of `1+p\ZZ_p`).  Each coefficient
        is a `p`-adic number whose precision is provably correct.
        Here the normalization of the `p`-adic L-series is chosen such
        that `L_p(J,1) = (1-1/\alpha)^2 L(J,1)/\Omega_J` where
        `\alpha` is the unit root

            - ``n`` - (default: 2) a positive integer
            - ``quadratic_twist`` - (default: +1) a fundamental
              discriminant of a quadratic field, coprime to the
              conductor of the curve
            - ``prec`` - (default: 5) maximal number of terms of the
              series to compute; to compute as many as possible just
              give a very large number for ``prec``; the result will
              still be correct.

        ALIAS: power_series is identical to series.


	    sage: J = J0(188)[0]
	    sage: p = 7
	    sage: L = J.padic_lseries(p)
	    sage: L.is_ordinary()
	    sage: f = L.series(2)
	    sage: f[0]
	    sage: f[1].norm()
	    3 + 4*7 + 3*7^2 + 6*7^3 + 5*7^4 + 5*7^5 + 6*7^6 + 4*7^7 + 5*7^8 + 7^10 + 5*7^11 + 4*7^13 + 4*7^14 + 5*7^15 + 2*7^16 + 5*7^17 + 7^18 + 7^19 + O(7^20)

        n = ZZ(n)
        if n < 1:
            raise ValueError, "n (=%s) must be a positive integer"%n
        if not self.is_ordinary():
            raise ValueError, "p (=%s) must be an ordinary prime"%p
        # check if the conditions on quadratic_twist are satisfied
        D = ZZ(quadratic_twist)
        if D != 1:
            if D % 4 == 0:
                d = D//4
                if not d.is_squarefree() or d % 4 == 1:
                    raise ValueError, "quadratic_twist (=%s) must be a fundamental discriminant of a quadratic field"%D
                if not D.is_squarefree() or D % 4 != 1:
                    raise ValueError, "quadratic_twist (=%s) must be a fundamental discriminant of a quadratic field"%D
            if gcd(D,self._p) != 1:
                raise ValueError, "quadratic twist (=%s) must be coprime to p (=%s) "%(D,self._p)
            if gcd(D,self._E.conductor())!= 1:
                for ell in prime_divisors(D):
                    if valuation(self._E.conductor(),ell) > valuation(D,ell) :
                        raise ValueError, "can not twist a curve of conductor (=%s) by the quadratic twist (=%s)."%(self._E.conductor(),D)
        p = self._p
        if p == 2 and self._normalize :
            print 'Warning : For p=2 the normalization might not be correct !'
        #verbose("computing L-series for p=%s, n=%s, and prec=%s"%(p,n,prec))
#        bounds = self._prec_bounds(n,prec)
#        padic_prec = max(bounds[1:]) + 5
        padic_prec = 10
#        verbose("using p-adic precision of %s"%padic_prec)
        res_series_prec = min(p**(n-1), prec)
        verbose("using series precision of %s"%res_series_prec)
        ans = self._get_series_from_cache(n, res_series_prec,D)
        if not ans is None:
            verbose("found series in cache")
            return ans
        K = QQ
        gamma = K(1 + p)
        R = PowerSeriesRing(K,'T',res_series_prec)
        T = R(R.gen(),res_series_prec )
        #L = R(0) 
        one_plus_T_factor = R(1) 
        gamma_power = K(1)
        teich = self.teichmuller(padic_prec)
        p_power = p**(n-1)
#        F = Qp(p,padic_prec)

        verbose("Now iterating over %s summands"%((p-1)*p_power))
        verbose_level = get_verbose()
        count_verb = 0
        alphas = self.alpha()
        #print len(alphas)
        Lprod = []
        self._emb = 0
        if len(alphas) == 2:
            split = True
            split = False
        for alpha in alphas:
            L = R(0)
            self._emb = self._emb + 1
            for j in range(p_power):
                s = K(0)
                if verbose_level >= 2 and j/p_power*100 > count_verb + 3:
                    verbose("%.2f percent done"%(float(j)/p_power*100))
                    count_verb += 3
                for a in range(1,p):
                    if split:
#                        b = ((F.teichmuller(a)).lift() % ZZ(p**n))
                        b = (teich[a]) % ZZ(p**n)
                        b = b*gamma_power
                        b = teich[a] * gamma_power
                    s += self.measure(b, n, padic_prec,D,alpha)
                L += s * one_plus_T_factor
                one_plus_T_factor *= 1+T
                gamma_power *= gamma
            Lprod = Lprod + [L]
        if len(Lprod)==1:
            return Lprod[0]
            return Lprod[0]*Lprod[1]
class MFSeriesConstructor(SageObject,UniqueRepresentation):
    Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
    (specific, basic) modular forms.

    The constructor is used by forms elements in case
    their Fourier expansion is needed or requested.

    def __classcall__(cls, group = HeckeTriangleGroup(3), base_ring = ZZ, prec=ZZ(10), fix_d=False, set_d=None, d_num_prec=ZZ(53)):
        Return a (cached) instance with canonical parameters.

        In particular in case ``fix_d = True`` or if ``set_d`` is
        set then the ``base_ring`` is replaced by the common parent
        of ``base_ring`` and the parent of ``set_d`` (resp. the
        numerical value of ``d`` in case ``fix_d=True``).


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor() == MFSeriesConstructor(3, ZZ, 10, False, None, 53)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(base_ring = CC, set_d=CC(1)) == MFSeriesConstructor(set_d=CC(1))
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).base_ring() == QQ
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).base_ring() == RR

        if (group==infinity):
            group = HeckeTriangleGroup(infinity)
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(ZZ(group))
            except TypeError:
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(group.n())
        #if (prec<1):
        #    raise Exception("prec must be an Integer >=1")

        fix_d = bool(fix_d)
        if (fix_d):
            n = group.n()
            d = group.dvalue()
            if (group.is_arithmetic()):
                d_num_prec = None
                set_d = 1/base_ring(1/d)
                d_num_prec = ZZ(d_num_prec)
                set_d = group.dvalue().n(d_num_prec)
            d_num_prec = None

        if (set_d is not None):
        #elif (not base_ring.is_exact()):
        #    raise NotImplementedError

        return super(MFSeriesConstructor,cls).__classcall__(cls, group, base_ring, prec, fix_d, set_d, d_num_prec)

    def __init__(self, group, base_ring, prec, fix_d, set_d, d_num_prec):
        Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
        (specific, basic) modular forms.


        - ``group``       - A Hecke triangle group (default: HeckeTriangleGroup(3)).

        - ``base_ring``   - The base ring (default: ZZ)

        - ``prec``        - An integer (default: 10), the default precision used
                            in calculations in the LaurentSeriesRing or PowerSeriesRing.

        - ``fix_d``       - ``True`` or ``False`` (default: ``False``).

                            If ``fix_d == False`` the base ring of the power series
                            is (the fraction field) of the polynomial ring over the base
                            ring in one formal parameter ``d``.

                            If ``fix_d == True`` the formal parameter ``d`` is replaced
                            by its numerical value with numerical precision at least ``d_num_prec``
                            (or exact in case n=3, 4, 6). The base ring of the PowerSeriesRing
                            or LaurentSeriesRing is changed to a common parent of
                            ``base_ring`` and the parent of the mentioned value ``d``.

        - ``set_d``       - A number which replaces the formal parameter ``d``.
                            The base ring of the PowerSeriesRing or LaurentSeriesRing is
                            changed to a common parent of ``base_ring``
                            and the parent of the specified value for ``d``.
                            Note that in particular ``set_d=1`` will produce
                            rational Fourier expansions.

        - ``d_num_prec``  - An integer, a lower bound for the precision of the
                            numerical value of ``d``.


        The constructor for Fourier expansion with the specified settings.


            sage: MFC = MFSeriesConstructor()
            sage: MFC
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=3, base ring=Integer Ring
            with (basic series) precision 10 with formal parameter d
            Hecke triangle group for n = 3
            sage: MFC.prec()
            sage: MFC.d().parent()
            Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFC._ZZseries_ring
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(set_d=CC(1))
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=3, base ring=Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
            with (basic series) precision 10 with parameter d=1.00000000000000
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4, base ring=Rational Field
            with (basic series) precision 10 with parameter d=1/256

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5, base ring=Real Field with 53 bits of precision
            with (basic series) precision 10 with parameter d=0.00705223418128563

        self._group          = group
        self._base_ring      = base_ring
        self._prec           = prec
        self._fix_d          = fix_d
        self._set_d          = set_d
        self._d_num_prec     = d_num_prec

        if (set_d):
            self._coeff_ring = FractionField(base_ring)
            self._d          = set_d
            self._coeff_ring = FractionField(PolynomialRing(base_ring,"d"))
            self._d          = self._coeff_ring.gen()

        self._ZZseries_ring  = PowerSeriesRing(QQ,'q',default_prec=self._prec)
        self._qseries_ring   = PowerSeriesRing(self._coeff_ring,'q',default_prec=self._prec)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return the string representation of ``self``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4, base ring=Rational Field
            with (basic series) precision 10 with parameter d=1/256

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5, base ring=Integer Ring
            with (basic series) precision 10 with formal parameter d

        if (self._set_d):
            return "Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n={}, base ring={} with (basic series) precision {} with parameter d={}".\
                format(self._group.n(), self._base_ring, self._prec, self._d)
            return "Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n={}, base ring={} with (basic series) precision {} with formal parameter d".\
                format(self._group.n(), self._base_ring, self._prec)

    def group(self):
        Return the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).group()
            Hecke triangle group for n = 4

        return self._group

    def hecke_n(self):
        Return the parameter ``n`` of the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).hecke_n()

        return self._group.n()

    def base_ring(self):
        Return base ring of ``self``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).base_ring()
            Real Field with 53 bits of precision
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True, d_num_prec=100).base_ring()
            Real Field with 100 bits of precision

        return self._base_ring

    def prec(self):
        Return the used default precision for the PowerSeriesRing or LaurentSeriesRing.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).prec()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=20).prec()

        return self._prec

    def fix_d(self):
        Return whether the numerical value for the parameter
        ``d`` will be substituted or not.
        Note: Depending on whether ``set_d`` is ``None`` or
        not ``d`` might still be substituted despite ``fix_d``
        being ``False``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True, set_d=1).fix_d()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True, set_d=1).set_d()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, set_d=1).fix_d()

        return self._fix_d

    def set_d(self):
        Return the numerical value which is substituted for
        the parameter ``d``. Default: ``None``, meaning
        the formal parameter ``d`` is used.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True, set_d=1).set_d()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, set_d=1).set_d()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, set_d=1).set_d().parent()
            Integer Ring

        return self._set_d

    def is_exact(self):
        Return whether used ``base_ring`` is exact.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).is_exact()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).is_exact()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, set_d=1).is_exact()

        return self._base_ring.is_exact()

    def d(self):
        Return the formal parameter ``d`` respectively
        its (possibly numerical) value in case ``set_d``
        is not ``None``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).d()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).d()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).d().parent()
            Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).d()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, set_d=1).d()

        return self._d

    def q(self):
        Return the generator of the used PowerSeriesRing.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).q()
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).q().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).q().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self._qseries_ring.gen()

    def coeff_ring(self):
        Return coefficient ring of ``self``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).coeff_ring()
            Rational Field
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).coeff_ring()
            Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).coeff_ring()
            Real Field with 53 bits of precision
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5).coeff_ring()
            Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring

        return self._coeff_ring

    def qseries_ring(self):
        Return the used PowerSeriesRing.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, fix_d=True).qseries_ring()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4).qseries_ring()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, fix_d=True).qseries_ring()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5).qseries_ring()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring

        return self._qseries_ring

    def J_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``J_inv``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        This is the main function used to determine all Fourier expansions!


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 31/72 + 1823/27648*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 79/200 + 42877/640000*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).J_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        F1       = lambda a,b:   self._ZZseries_ring(\
                       [ ZZ(0) ] + [\
                           rising_factorial(a,k) * rising_factorial(b,k) / (ZZ(k).factorial())**2 * sum([\
                               ZZ(1)/(a+j)+ZZ(1)/(b+j)-ZZ(2)/ZZ(1+j) for j in range(ZZ(0),ZZ(k))\
                           ]) for k in range(ZZ(1),ZZ(self._prec+1))
                       ], ZZ(self._prec+1)\
        F        = lambda a,b,c: self._ZZseries_ring([\
                       rising_factorial(a,k) * rising_factorial(b,k) / rising_factorial(c,k) / (ZZ(k).factorial())\
                       for k in range(ZZ(0),ZZ(self._prec+1))\
                   ], ZZ(self._prec+1))
        a        = self._group.alpha()
        b        = self._group.beta()
        Phi      = F1(a,b) / F(a,b,ZZ(1))
        q        = self._ZZseries_ring.gen()
        J_inv_ZZ = ZZ(1) / ((q*Phi.exp()).reversion())
        return J_inv_ZZ

    def J_inv(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``J_inv``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).J_inv()
            1/1728*q^-1 + 31/72 + 1823/16*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).J_inv_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).J_inv()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv()
            d*q^-1 + 79/200 + 42877/(640000*d)*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).J_inv()
            0.00705223418128563*q^-1 + 0.395000000000000 + 9.49987064777062*q + O(q^2)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).J_inv().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self.J_inv_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def F_rho_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``F_rho``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).F_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 7/100*q + 21/160000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_rho_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        q = self._ZZseries_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        temp_expr = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        F_rho_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()
        return F_rho_ZZ

    def F_rho(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``F_rho``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).F_rho()
            1 + 240*q + 2160*q^2 + O(q^3)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).F_rho_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).F_rho()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).F_rho()
            1 + 7/(100*d)*q + 21/(160000*d^2)*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_rho()
            1.00000000000000 + 9.92593243510795*q + 2.63903932249093*q^2 + O(q^3)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).F_rho().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_rho().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self.F_rho_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def F_i_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``F_i``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).F_i_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_i_ZZ()
            1 - 13/40*q - 351/64000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_i_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        q = self._ZZseries_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        temp_expr = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**n/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**(n-1)*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        F_i_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()
        return F_i_ZZ

    def F_i(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``F_i``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).F_i()
            1 - 504*q - 16632*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).F_i_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).F_i()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).F_i()
            1 - 13/(40*d)*q - 351/(64000*d^2)*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_i()
            1.00000000000000 - 46.0846863058583*q - 110.274143118371*q^2 + O(q^3)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).F_i().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_i().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self.F_i_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def F_inf_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``F_inf``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).F_inf_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + 7/82944*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_inf_ZZ()
            q - 9/200*q^2 + 279/640000*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_inf_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        q = self._ZZseries_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        temp_expr  = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**(2*n)/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**(2*n-2)*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1)**n)/q**(n-2)).power_series()
        F_inf_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()*q
        return F_inf_ZZ

    def F_inf(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``F_inf``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).F_inf()
            q - 24*q^2 + 252*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).F_inf_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).F_inf()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).F_inf()
            q - 9/(200*d)*q^2 + 279/(640000*d^2)*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_inf()
            0.000000000000000 + 1.00000000000000*q - 6.38095656542654*q^2 + 8.76538060684488*q^3 + O(q^4)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).F_inf().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).F_inf().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self._d*self.F_inf_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def G_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``G_inv``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 3/32 - 955/16384*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3, fix_d=True).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 15/128 - 15139/262144*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3, fix_d=True).G_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (ZZ(2).divides(n)):
            return self.F_i_ZZ()*(self.F_rho_ZZ()**(ZZ(n/ZZ(2))))/self.F_inf_ZZ()
            #return self._qseries_ring([])
            raise Exception("G_inv doesn't exist for n={}.".format(self.hecke_n()))
    def G_inv(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``G_inv``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=3, fix_d=True).G_inv()
            1/16777216*q^-1 - 3/2097152 - 955/4194304*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=3, set_d=1).G_inv()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv()
            d^3*q^-1 - 15*d^2/128 - 15139*d/262144*q + O(q^2)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3, fix_d=True).G_inv()
            1.64838830030189e-6*q^-1 - 0.0000163526310530017 - 0.000682197999433738*q + O(q^2)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3, fix_d=True).G_inv().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return (self._d)**2*self.G_inv_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def E4_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_4``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 21/100*q + 483/32000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E4_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        q = self._ZZseries_ring.gen()
        E4_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        return E4_ZZ

    def E4(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``E_4``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).E4()
            1 + 240*q + 2160*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E4_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).E4()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4()
            1 + 21/(100*d)*q + 483/(32000*d^2)*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E4()
            1.00000000000000 + 29.7777973053239*q + 303.489522086457*q^2 + O(q^3)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E4().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self.E4_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def E6_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_6``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 37/200*q - 14663/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E6_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        q = self._ZZseries_ring.gen()
        n = self.hecke_n()
        E6_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**3/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**2*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        return E6_ZZ

    def E6(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``E_6``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).E6()
            1 - 504*q - 16632*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E6_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).E6()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6()
            1 - 37/(200*d)*q - 14663/(320000*d^2)*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E6()
            1.00000000000000 - 26.2328214356424*q - 921.338894897250*q^2 + O(q^3)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E6().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self.E6_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def Delta_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``Delta``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).Delta_ZZ()
            71/50*q + 28267/16000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).Delta_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        n = self.hecke_n()
        return self.E4_ZZ()**(2*n-6)*(self.E4_ZZ()**n-self.E6_ZZ()**2)

    def Delta(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``Delta``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).Delta()
            q - 24*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).Delta_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).Delta()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta()
            71/50*q + 28267/(16000*d)*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).Delta()
            0.000000000000000 + 1.42000000000000*q + 250.514582270711*q^2 + O(q^3)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).Delta().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return (self._d)*self.Delta_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)

    def E2_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E2``,
        where ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 1/72*q - 1/41472*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 9/200*q - 369/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E2_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

        q = self._ZZseries_ring.gen()
        E2_ZZ = (q*self.F_inf_ZZ().derivative())/self.F_inf_ZZ()
        return E2_ZZ

    def E2(self):
        Return the Fourier expansion of ``E2``.


            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, fix_d=True).E2()
            1 - 24*q - 72*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E2_ZZ() == MFSeriesConstructor(prec=3, set_d=1).E2()

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2()
            1 - 9/(200*d)*q - 369/(320000*d^2)*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E2()
            1.00000000000000 - 6.38095656542654*q - 23.1858454761703*q^2 + O(q^3)

            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in d over Integer Ring
            sage: MFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3, fix_d=True).E2().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Real Field with 53 bits of precision

        return self.E2_ZZ()(self._qseries_ring.gen()/self._d)
class JFSeriesConstructor(SageObject,UniqueRepresentation):
    Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
    (specific, basic) modular forms.

    The constructor is used by forms elements in case
    their Fourier expansion is needed or requested.

    def __classcall__(cls, group = HeckeTriangleGroup(3), prec=ZZ(10)):
        Return a (cached) instance with canonical parameters.

        .. NOTE:

            For each choice of group and precision the constructor is
            cached (only) once. Further calculations with different
            base rings and possibly numerical parameters are based on
            the same cached instance.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor() == JFSeriesConstructor(3, 10)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=4).hecke_n()
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12).prec()

        if (group==infinity):
            group = HeckeTriangleGroup(infinity)
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(ZZ(group))
            except TypeError:
                group = HeckeTriangleGroup(group.n())
        # We don't need this assumption the precision may in principle also be negative.
        # if (prec<1):
        #     raise Exception("prec must be an Integer >=1")

        return super(JFSeriesConstructor,cls).__classcall__(cls, group, prec)

    def __init__(self, group, prec):
        Constructor for the Fourier expansion of some
        (specific, basic) modular forms.


        - ``group``      -- A Hecke triangle group (default: HeckeTriangleGroup(3)).

        - ``prec``       -- An integer (default: 10), the default precision used
                            in calculations in the LaurentSeriesRing or PowerSeriesRing.


        The constructor for Fourier expansion with the specified settings.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFC = JFSeriesConstructor()
            sage: JFC
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=3 with (basic series) precision 10
            Hecke triangle group for n = 3
            sage: JFC.prec()
            sage: JFC._series_ring
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=4)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4 with (basic series) precision 10
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5 with (basic series) precision 12
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=+Infinity with (basic series) precision 10

        self._group          = group
        self._prec           = prec
        FR = FractionField(PolynomialRing(ZZ,'p,d'))
        self._series_ring    = PowerSeriesRing(FR,'q',default_prec=self._prec)
        #self._series_ring2   = PowerSeriesRing(QQ[['q']],'p',default_prec=self._prec)
        self._qseries_ring   = PowerSeriesRing(QQ,'q',default_prec=self._prec)

    def _repr_(self):
        Return the string representation of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=4)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=4 with (basic series) precision 10

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=12)
            Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n=5 with (basic series) precision 12

        return "Power series constructor for Hecke modular forms for n={} with (basic series) precision {}".\
                format(self._group.n(), self._prec)

    def group(self):
        Return the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=4).group()
            Hecke triangle group for n = 4

        return self._group

    def hecke_n(self):
        Return the parameter ``n`` of the (Hecke triangle) group of ``self``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=4).hecke_n()

        return self._group.n()

    def prec(self):
        Return the used default precision for the PowerSeriesRing or LaurentSeriesRing.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5).prec()
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=20).prec()

        return self._prec

    def J_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``J_inv``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        This is the main function used to determine all Fourier expansions!

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``J_inv`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``J_inv_ZZ(q/d)``.

        .. TODO:

          The functions that are used in this implementation are
          products of hypergeometric series with other, elementary,
          functions.  Implement them and clean up this representation.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 31/72 + 1823/27648*q + O(q^2)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 79/200 + 42877/640000*q + O(q^2)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).J_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 + 3/8 + 69/1024*q + O(q^2)

        F1       = lambda a,b:   self._qseries_ring(
                       [ ZZ(0) ]
                       + [
                           rising_factorial(a,k) * rising_factorial(b,k) / (ZZ(k).factorial())**2
                           * sum(ZZ(1)/(a+j) + ZZ(1)/(b+j) - ZZ(2)/ZZ(1+j)
                                  for j in range(ZZ(0),ZZ(k))
                           for k in range(ZZ(1), ZZ(self._prec+1))

        F        = lambda a,b,c: self._qseries_ring(
                         rising_factorial(a,k) * rising_factorial(b,k) / rising_factorial(c,k) / ZZ(k).factorial()
                         for k in range(ZZ(0), ZZ(self._prec+1))
        a        = self._group.alpha()
        b        = self._group.beta()
        Phi      = F1(a,b) / F(a,b,ZZ(1))
        q        = self._qseries_ring.gen()

        # the current implementation of power series reversion is slow
        # J_inv_ZZ = ZZ(1) / ((q*Phi.exp()).reversion())

        temp_f   = (q*Phi.exp()).polynomial()
        new_f    = temp_f.revert_series(
        J_inv_ZZ = ZZ(1) / (new_f + O(q**(
        q        = self._series_ring.gen()
        J_inv_ZZ = sum([J_inv_ZZ.coefficients()[m] * q**J_inv_ZZ.exponents()[m] for m in range(len(J_inv_ZZ.coefficients()))]) + O(q**J_inv_ZZ.prec())

        return J_inv_ZZ

    def f_rho_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_rho``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_rho`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``f_rho_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()
            1 + 7/100*q + 21/160000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_rho_ZZ()

        q = self._series_ring.gen(0)
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_rho_ZZ = self._series_ring(1)
            temp_expr = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
            f_rho_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()
        return f_rho_ZZ

    def f_i_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_i``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_i`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``f_i_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 13/40*q - 351/64000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_i_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_i_ZZ()
            1 - 3/8*q + 3/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen(0)
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_i_ZZ = (-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative()/self.J_inv_ZZ()).power_series()
            temp_expr = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**n/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**(n-1)*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
            f_i_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()
        return f_i_ZZ

    def f_inf_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``f_inf``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``f_inf`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*f_inf_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + 7/82944*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 9/200*q^2 + 279/640000*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).f_inf_ZZ()
            q - 1/8*q^2 + 7/1024*q^3 + O(q^4)

        q = self._series_ring.gen(0)
        n = self.hecke_n()
        if (n == infinity):
            f_inf_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**2*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
            temp_expr  = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**(2*n)/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**(2*n-2)*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1)**n)/q**(n-2)).power_series()
            f_inf_ZZ = (temp_expr.log()/(n-2)).exp()*q
        return f_inf_ZZ

    def G_inv_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``G_inv``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``G_inv`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*G_inv_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 3/32 - 955/16384*q + O(q^2)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 15/128 - 15139/262144*q + O(q^2)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=8, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ().parent()
            Laurent Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).G_inv_ZZ()
            q^-1 - 1/8 - 59/1024*q + O(q^2)

        n = self.hecke_n()
        # Note that G_inv is not a weakly holomorphic form (because of the behavior at -1)
        if (n == infinity):
            q = self._series_ring.gen(0)
            temp_expr = (self.J_inv_ZZ()/self.f_inf_ZZ()*q**2).power_series()
            return 1/q*self.f_i_ZZ()*(temp_expr.log()/2).exp()
        elif (ZZ(2).divides(n)):
            return self.f_i_ZZ()*(self.f_rho_ZZ()**(ZZ(n/ZZ(2))))/self.f_inf_ZZ()
            #return self._qseries_ring([])
            raise ValueError("G_inv doesn't exist for n={}.".format(self.hecke_n()))

    def E4_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_4``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E4`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E4_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 5/36*q + 5/6912*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 21/100*q + 483/32000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E4_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E4_ZZ()
            1 + 1/4*q + 7/256*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen(0)
        E4_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**2/(self.J_inv_ZZ()*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        return E4_ZZ

    def E6_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E_6``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E6`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E6_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 37/200*q - 14663/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E6_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E6_ZZ()
            1 - 1/8*q - 31/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen(0)
        E6_ZZ = ((-q*self.J_inv_ZZ().derivative())**3/(self.J_inv_ZZ()**2*(self.J_inv_ZZ()-1))).power_series()
        return E6_ZZ

    def Delta_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``Delta``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``Delta`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``d*Delta_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q - 1/72*q^2 + 7/82944*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q + 47/200*q^2 + 11367/640000*q^3 + O(q^4)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).Delta_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).Delta_ZZ()
            q + 3/8*q^2 + 63/1024*q^3 + O(q^4)

        return (self.f_inf_ZZ()**3*self.J_inv_ZZ()**2/(self.f_rho_ZZ()**6)).power_series()

    def E2_ZZ(self):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of ``E2``,
        where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        .. NOTE:

        The Fourier expansion of ``E2`` for ``d!=1``
        is given by ``E2_ZZ(q/d)``.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 1/72*q - 1/41472*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 9/200*q - 369/320000*q^2 + O(q^3)
            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=5, prec=3).E2_ZZ().parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFSeriesConstructor(group=infinity, prec=3).E2_ZZ()
            1 - 1/8*q - 1/512*q^2 + O(q^3)

        q = self._series_ring.gen(0)
        E2_ZZ = (q*self.f_inf_ZZ().derivative())/self.f_inf_ZZ()
        return E2_ZZ

    def EisensteinSeries_ZZ(self, k):
        Return the rational Fourier expansion of the normalized Eisenstein series
        of weight ``k``, where the parameter ``d`` is replaced by ``1``.

        Only arithmetic groups with ``n < infinity`` are supported!

        .. NOTE:

        THe Fourier expansion of the series is given by ``EisensteinSeries_ZZ(q/d)``.


        - ``k``  -- A non-negative even integer, namely the weight.


            sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.series_constructor import JFSeriesConstructor
            sage: JFC = JFSeriesConstructor(prec=6)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=0)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/72*q - 1/41472*q^2 - 1/53747712*q^3 - 7/371504185344*q^4 - 1/106993205379072*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 7/24*q - 77/13824*q^2 - 427/17915904*q^3 - 7399/123834728448*q^4 - 3647/35664401793024*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 455/8292*q + 310765/4776192*q^2 + 20150585/6189944832*q^3 + 1909340615/42784898678784*q^4 + 3702799555/12322050819489792*q^5 + O(q^6)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12).parent()
            Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field

            sage: JFC = JFSeriesConstructor(group=4, prec=5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/32*q - 5/8192*q^2 - 1/524288*q^3 - 13/536870912*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=4)
            1 + 3/16*q + 39/4096*q^2 + 21/262144*q^3 + 327/268435456*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 7/32*q - 287/8192*q^2 - 427/524288*q^3 - 9247/536870912*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 63/11056*q + 133119/2830336*q^2 + 2790081/181141504*q^3 + 272631807/185488900096*q^4 + O(q^5)

            sage: JFC = JFSeriesConstructor(group=6, prec=5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=2)
            1 - 1/18*q - 1/648*q^2 - 7/209952*q^3 - 7/22674816*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=4)
            1 + 2/9*q + 1/54*q^2 + 37/52488*q^3 + 73/5668704*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=6)
            1 - 1/6*q - 11/216*q^2 - 271/69984*q^3 - 1057/7558272*q^4 + O(q^5)
            sage: JFC.EisensteinSeries_ZZ(k=12)
            1 + 182/151329*q + 62153/2723922*q^2 + 16186807/882550728*q^3 + 381868123/95315478624*q^4 + O(q^5)

            if k < 0:
                raise TypeError(None)
            k = 2*ZZ(k/2)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("k={} has to be a non-negative even integer!".format(k))

        if (not or == infinity):
            # Exceptional cases should be called manually (see in FormsRing_abstract)
            raise NotImplementedError("Eisenstein series are only supported in the finite arithmetic cases!")

        # Trivial case
        if k == 0:
            return self._series_ring(1)

        M    = ZZ(**2)
        lamk = M**(ZZ(k/2))
        dval =

        def coeff(m):
            m = ZZ(m)
            if m < 0:
                return ZZ(0)
            elif m == 0:
                return ZZ(1)

            factor = -2*k / QQ(bernoulli(k)) / lamk
            sum1   = sigma(m, k-1)
            if M.divides(m):
                sum2 = (lamk-1) * sigma(ZZ(m/M), k-1)
                sum2 = ZZ(0)
            if (M == 1):
                sum3 = ZZ(0)
                if (m == 1):
                    N = ZZ(1)
                    N = ZZ(m / M**ZZ(m.valuation(M)))
                sum3 = -sigma(ZZ(N), k-1) * ZZ(m/N)**(k-1) / (lamk + 1)

            return factor * (sum1 + sum2 + sum3) * dval**m

        q = self._series_ring.gen(0)

        return sum([coeff(m)*q**m for m in range(self.prec())]).add_bigoh(self.prec())

    #TODO: We only need this for the classical case where the coefficients of the eisenstein series
    #      are known explicitely (no HeckeTriangleGroup necessary)
    #TODO: Rename all methods and remove everything unnecessary
    #TODO2: use a very clear convention what is meant by q,s,p,etc...

    def _cstheta(self, d, r):
        #returns coefficient c(d,r) p^r q^d of i q^(-1/8) theta1; s = shift = i q^{-1/8}
        k = r - QQ(1/2)
        if k in ZZ and 2*d == (k**2+k):
            return (-1)**k
            return 0
    def _cseta(self, m):
        #returns coefficient q^m of q^{1/24} eta^{-1}
        if m < 0: return 0
        return Partitions(m).cardinality()
    def _cseta3(self, m):
        #returns coeffcient q^m of q^{1/8} eta^{-3}
        if m < 0: return 0
        return PartitionTuples(3,m).cardinality()
    def _cK(self, d, r):
        #K = i theta_1 / \eta^3 = stheta*seta3
        #return coefficient c(d,r) p^r q^d
        ## Since Jacobi form coffs satisfy r^2 < 4mn. theta1 coffs satisfy r^2 < 2 n. Here n = d + 1/8 so zero except for r^2 <= 2d + 1/4.
        if d < 0: return 0
        return sum( self._cseta3(d - a)*self._cstheta(a,r) for a in range(0,d+1) )
    def _cK2(self, d, r):
        ## theta1^2 satisfy 4^2 < 4 n. n = d + 1/4, we get c(d,r) non-zero for r^2 <= 4d + 1.
        if d < 0: return 0
        coff = 0
        for a in range(0,d+1):
            L = sqrt(2*a + QQ(1/4)).round()
            #print "a,L", a, L
            coff += sum( self._cK(d - a,r-QQ(b/2))*self._cK(a,QQ(b/2))  for b in range(-2*L,2*L+1) if is_odd(b) )
        return coff
    def _cWP(self, d, r):
        #\wp(z) & = \frac{1}{12} + \frac{p}{(1-p)^2} + \sum_{k,r \geq 1} k (p^k - 2 + p^{-k}) q^{kr}
        if d < 0: return 0
        if d == 0:
            if r < 0: return 0
            elif r == 0: return QQ(1/12)
            else: return r
        if d > 0:
            if r == 0: return -2*sigma(d,1)
            elif d % r == 0:
              return abs(r)
              return 0
    def _cZ(self, d, r):
        #elliptic genus 24*K**2*wp
        if d < 0: return 0
        coff = 0
        for a in range(0,d + 1):
            L = sqrt(4*a + 1).round()
            coff += sum( 24*self._cWP(d - a,r-b)*self._cK2(a,b)  for b in range(-L,L+1) )
        return coff

    def K(self):
        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        p = self._series_ring.base_ring().gen()

        def min_rcoeff(d):
            return -10
        def max_rcoeff(d):
            return 10

        return sum([sum([self._cK(d,r)*p**r for r in range(min_rcoeff(d), max_rcoeff(d) + 1)])*q**d for d in range(self.prec())])

    def wp(self):
        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        p = self._series_ring.base_ring().gen()

        def min_rcoeff(d):
            return -10
        def max_rcoeff(d):
            return 10

        return sum([sum([self._cWP(d,r)*p**r for r in range(min_rcoeff(d), max_rcoeff(d) + 1)])*q**d for d in range(self.prec())])

    def J1(self):
        q = self._series_ring.gen()
        p = self._series_ring.base_ring().gen()

        def min_rcoeff(d):
            return -10
        def max_rcoeff(d):
            return 10

        return sum([sum([self._cK(d,r)*p**r for r in range(min_rcoeff(d), max_rcoeff(d) + 1)])*q**d for d in range(self.prec())])
Exemple #18
    def series(self, n=2, quadratic_twist=+1, prec=5):
        Returns the `n`-th approximation to the `p`-adic L-series as a
        power series in `T` (corresponding to `\gamma-1` with
        `\gamma=1+p` as a generator of `1+p\ZZ_p`).  Each coefficient
        is a `p`-adic number whose precision is provably correct.

        Here the normalization of the `p`-adic L-series is chosen such
        that `L_p(J,1) = (1-1/\alpha)^2 L(J,1)/\Omega_J` where
        `\alpha` is the unit root


            - ``n`` - (default: 2) a positive integer
            - ``quadratic_twist`` - (default: +1) a fundamental
              discriminant of a quadratic field, coprime to the
              conductor of the curve
            - ``prec`` - (default: 5) maximal number of terms of the
              series to compute; to compute as many as possible just
              give a very large number for ``prec``; the result will
              still be correct.

        ALIAS: power_series is identical to series.


        sage: J = J0(188)[0]
        sage: p = 7
        sage: L = J.padic_lseries(p)
        sage: L.is_ordinary()
        sage: f = L.series(2)
        sage: f[0]
        sage: f[1].norm()
        3 + 4*7 + 3*7^2 + 6*7^3 + 5*7^4 + 5*7^5 + 6*7^6 + 4*7^7 + 5*7^8 + 7^10 + 5*7^11 + 4*7^13 + 4*7^14 + 5*7^15 + 2*7^16 + 5*7^17 + 7^18 + 7^19 + O(7^20)

        n = ZZ(n)
        if n < 1:
            raise ValueError("n (={0}) must be a positive integer".format(n))
        if not self.is_ordinary():
            raise ValueError("p (={0}) must be an ordinary prime".format(
        # check if the conditions on quadratic_twist are satisfied
        D = ZZ(quadratic_twist)
        if D != 1:
            if D % 4 == 0:
                d = D // 4
                if not d.is_squarefree() or d % 4 == 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "quadratic_twist (={0}) must be a fundamental discriminant of a quadratic field"
                if not D.is_squarefree() or D % 4 != 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "quadratic_twist (={0}) must be a fundamental discriminant of a quadratic field"
            if gcd(D, self._p) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "quadratic twist (={0}) must be coprime to p (={1}) ".
                    format(D, self._p))
            if gcd(D, self._E.conductor()) != 1:
                for ell in prime_divisors(D):
                    if valuation(self._E.conductor(), ell) > valuation(D, ell):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "can not twist a curve of conductor (={0}) by the quadratic twist (={1})."
                            .format(self._E.conductor(), D))

        p = self._p
        if p == 2 and self._normalize:
            print('Warning : For p=2 the normalization might not be correct !')
        #verbose("computing L-series for p=%s, n=%s, and prec=%s"%(p,n,prec))

#        bounds = self._prec_bounds(n,prec)
#        padic_prec = max(bounds[1:]) + 5
        padic_prec = 10
        #        verbose("using p-adic precision of %s"%padic_prec)

        res_series_prec = min(p**(n - 1), prec)
        verbose("using series precision of %s" % res_series_prec)

        ans = self._get_series_from_cache(n, res_series_prec, D)
        if not ans is None:
            verbose("found series in cache")
            return ans

        K = QQ
        gamma = K(1 + p)
        R = PowerSeriesRing(K, 'T', res_series_prec)
        T = R(R.gen(), res_series_prec)
        #L = R(0)
        one_plus_T_factor = R(1)
        gamma_power = K(1)
        teich = self.teichmuller(padic_prec)
        p_power = p**(n - 1)
        #        F = Qp(p,padic_prec)

        verbose("Now iterating over %s summands" % ((p - 1) * p_power))
        verbose_level = get_verbose()
        count_verb = 0
        alphas = self.alpha()
        #print len(alphas)
        Lprod = []
        self._emb = 0
        if len(alphas) == 2:
            split = True
            split = False
        for alpha in alphas:
            L = R(0)
            self._emb = self._emb + 1
            for j in range(p_power):
                s = K(0)
                if verbose_level >= 2 and j / p_power * 100 > count_verb + 3:
                    verbose("%.2f percent done" % (float(j) / p_power * 100))
                    count_verb += 3
                for a in range(1, p):
                    if split:
                        b = (teich[a]) % ZZ(p**n)
                        b = b * gamma_power
                        b = teich[a] * gamma_power
                    s += self.measure(b, n, padic_prec, D, alpha)
                L += s * one_plus_T_factor
                one_plus_T_factor *= 1 + T
                gamma_power *= gamma

            Lprod = Lprod + [L]
        if len(Lprod) == 1:
            return Lprod[0]
            return Lprod[0] * Lprod[1]
Exemple #19
def double_integral_zero_infty(Phi, tau1, tau2):
    p = Phi.parent().prime()
    K = tau1.parent()
    R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x')
    x = R.gen()
    R1 = PowerSeriesRing(K, 'r1')
    r1 = R1.gen()
    except AttributeError:
    level = Phi._map._manin.level()
    E0inf = [M2Z([0, -1, level, 0])]
    E0Zp = [M2Z([p, a, 0, 1]) for a in range(p)]

    predicted_evals = num_evals(tau1, tau2)

    a, b, c, d = find_center(p, level, tau1, tau2).list()
    h = M2Z([a, b, c, d])
    E = [h * e0 for e0 in E0Zp + E0inf]

    resadd = 0
    resmul = 1
    total_evals = 0
    percentage = QQ(0)
    ii = 0
    f = (x - tau2) / (x - tau1)
    while len(E) > 0:
        ii += 1
        increment = QQ((100 - percentage) / len(E))
            'remaining %s percent (and done %s of %s evaluations)' %
            (RealField(10)(100 - percentage), total_evals, predicted_evals))
        newE = []
        for e in E:
            a, b, c, d = e.list()
            assert ZZ(c) % level == 0
                y0 = f((a * r1 + b) / (c * r1 + d))
                val = y0(y0.parent().base_ring()(0))
                if all([xx.valuation(p) > 0 for xx in (y0 / val - 1).list()]):
                    if total_evals % 100 == 0:
                    pol = val.log(p_branch=0) + (
                        (y0.derivative() / y0).integral())
                    V = [0] * pol.valuation() + pol.shift(

                        phimap = Phi._map(M2Z([b, d, a, c]))
                    except OverflowError:
                        print(a, b, c, d)
                        raise OverflowError, 'Matrix too large?'
                    # mu_e0 = ZZ(phimap.moment(0).rational_reconstruction())
                    mu_e0 = ZZ(Phi._liftee._map(M2Z([b, d, a, c])).moment(0))
                    mu_e = [mu_e0] + [
                        phimap.moment(o).lift() for o in range(1, len(V))
                    resadd += sum(starmap(mul, izip(V, mu_e)))
                    resmul *= val**mu_e0
                    percentage += increment
                    total_evals += 1
                    newE.extend([e * e0 for e0 in E0Zp])
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                #raise RuntimeError,'Probably not enough working precision...'
                newE.extend([e * e0 for e0 in E0Zp])
        E = newE
    verbose('total evaluations = %s' % total_evals)
    val = resmul.valuation()
    return p**val * K.teichmuller(p**(-val) * resmul) * resadd.exp()