class UserDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
    """A QDialog instance inheriting"""
    def __init__(self, caller=None, user=None): #*args):
        # Initialization
        QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, None)
        self.ui = Ui_UserDialog()
        # Parameters
        self.caller = caller
        self.backupUser = None
        if user:                                # If user is specified, we should be editing it.
            self.backupUser = deepcopy(user)    # Back it up in case user presses cancel after modifying.
            self.user = user
            self.editMode = True
        else:                                   # Else create a new user.
            self.user = User()                  # Empty user to be filled in.
            self.editMode = False
            self.backupUser = None              # Indicate this is a new user to slotCancel.
        self.currentWarnings = set()            # To keep the warning sentences in.        
        self.slotSwitchToNormal(True)           # Select plain password radio button.
        if user:                                
            self.loadUserInformation(user)      # Load user data if user is specified.
        self.connectSlots()                     # Connect signal-slot pairs.
        self.loadGroups()                       # Load the group list

    def connectSlots(self):
        """Connects signal-slots"""
        # When normal(plain) password radio button is selected:
        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.normal, QtCore.SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self.slotSwitchToNormal)
        # When shadowed password radio button is selected:
        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.shadowed, QtCore.SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self.slotSwitchToShadowed)
        # OK and Cancel Buttons
        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.OK, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotOK)
        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.Cancel, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotCancel)
    def slotSwitchToShadowed(self, choosen):
        """When shadowed option selected, enables shadowed LineEdit and
         disables normal LineEdit"""
        if choosen:
            self.ui.shadowedPassword.setEnabled(True)       # Enable shadowed line edit.
            self.shadowPassword()                           # Shadow he content of plain.
            self.ui.normalPassword.setDisabled(True)        # Disable normal line edit.
    def slotSwitchToNormal(self, choosen):
        """When plain option selected, enables plain LineEdit and
        disables shadowed LineEdit"""
        if choosen:
            self.ui.normalPassword.setEnabled(True)         # Enable normal line edit.
            self.ui.shadowedPassword.clear()                # Clear shadow line edit.
            self.ui.shadowedPassword.setDisabled(True)      # Disable shadowed line edit.
    def slotOK(self):
        """When clicked on OK, gathers information filled in the form,
        validates them and saves accordingly, closing the dialog."""
        valid = self.checkAll()
        if valid:
            if self.editMode:
    def slotCancel(self):
        """Closes the dialog, Restores the user if the OK button is not clicked.""" 
        if self.user.username != None and self.backupUser != None:    # Means self.user is changed.
            self.restoreUser()                          # Then restore backup
        # No restore required if there's no change.
        self.close()                                    # Close the window
    # --------------------------------------------
    # ----------- Uyarlanacak-----------
    def loadGroups(self):  
        """Loads all groups and checks the default or selected ones """        
        allGroups     = allGroupList()                  # Get the group list from OS
        self.ui.groupList.clear()                       # Clear group list.
        self.ui.groupList.insertItems(0, allGroups)     # Insert all the groups.
        self.ui.groupList.sortItems()                   # Sorts the list in ascending order

        # -------------------------
        # Define which groups to check
        if self.editMode:
            # If a user is specified, check its own groups.
            groupsToCheck = self.user.groups
            # If no user specified, check the default groups.
            groupsToCheck = kahya().defaultGroups
        # ------------------------- 
        # Iterate over the list items to check the selected/default ones.
        count = self.ui.groupList.count()
        for i in range(count):
            item = self.ui.groupList.item(i)
            # Set checkable (checkbox appears next)
            item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled)

            # Now check if needed.
            if str(item.text()) in groupsToCheck:
                item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) # Do not delete this!
    # -----------------------------------------------
    def updateWarningMessage(self):
        """Updates the warning message on the GUI with the warning messages."""
    def loadUserInformation(self, user):
        """Loads the infomation of the user specified into the form."""
        self.user = user
        if user.shadowedPassword:                                           # If shadowed is preferred,
            self.ui.shadowed.setChecked(True)                               # Check the shadowed option.
            self.slotSwitchToShadowed(True)                                 # Enable/disable stuff.
    def saveUserInformation(self):
        """Updates the information of a user on the UserHandler
        and AutoLoginHandler."""
        oldUsername = self.backupUser.username        
        # Update user list and autologin box.
        self.caller.UserHandler.updateItem(oldUsername, self.user.username, self.user)
        self.caller.AutoLoginHandler.removeItem(displayText = oldUsername)
        self.caller.AutoLoginHandler.addItem(self.user.username, self.user)
    def gatherGroups(self):
        """Sets the user's groups as the ones selected in the list."""
        # Gather the groups information
        userGroups = []
        count = self.ui.groupList.count()
        for i in range(count):                                              # Iterate over items
            item = self.ui.groupList.item(i)            
            if item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked:                      # If item is checked,
                userGroups.append(str(item.text()))                         # Add it to the list.
        self.user.groups = userGroups                                       # Update user's groups.
    def gatherInformation(self):
        """Updates user's information according to the form."""
        self.user.username = str(self.ui.username.text())                   # Update username
        self.user.realName = unicode(self.ui.realName.text())               # Update realname
        self.user.normalPassword = str(self.ui.normalPassword.text())       # Update Normal password
        self.user.shadowedPassword = str(self.ui.shadowedPassword.text())   # Update Shadowed password
        self.gatherGroups()                                                 # Update Groups
        if self.user.shadowedPassword:                                      # If shadowed
            self.user.shadowed = True                                       # Flag as shadowed
    def saveNewUser(self):
        """Inserts the recently created user into UserHandler and
        self.caller.UserHandler.addItem(self.user.username, self.user)
        self.caller.AutoLoginHandler.addItem(self.user.username, self.user)

    def restoreUser(self):
        """Restores self.user's information from backed up user."""
        self.user.username = self.backupUser.username
        self.user.realName = self.backupUser.realName
        self.user.normalPassword = self.backupUser.normalPassword
        self.user.shadowedPassword = self.backupUser.shadowedPassword
        self.user.groups = self.backupUser.groups
    def checkUsername(self):
        """Checks if the username is valid or not."""
        if self.user.isUsernameValid():
            return True
            self.currentWarnings.add(_("Invalid username. Should include only [a-z][A-Z]_[0-9]"))
            return False
    def checkRealName(self):
        """Checks if the realName is valid or not."""
        if self.user.isRealNameValid():
            return True
            self.currentWarnings.add(_("Invalid real name. Can't have newline or : characters."))
            return False
    def checkPassword(self):
        """Checks if the password is valid or not."""
        if self.user.isPasswordValid():
            return True
            self.currentWarnings.add(_("Invalid password. Password should be at least 4 characters."))
            return False
    def checkExistingUser(self):
        """Checks if a user with the same name exists."""
        if (self.editMode and self.backupUser.username != self.user.username) or not self.editMode:
            if self.caller.UserHandler.hasItem(self.user.username) or self.user.username == "root":
                self.currentWarnings.add(_("There's another user with username %s") % self.user.username)
                return False
                return True
            # Assume user won't delete or open up another window while editing one user.
            return True
    def checkAll(self):
        """Performs all the checks and updates warning messages label on GUI."""
        a = self.checkUsername() 
        b = self.checkExistingUser() 
        c = self.checkRealName()
        d = self.checkPassword()
        if a and b and c and d:
            return True
            return False
    def shadowPassword(self):
        """Shadows the password from plain box to the shadowed box."""
    def isShadowSelected(self):
        """Returns if shadowed option is selected."""
        return self.ui.shadowedPassword.isChecked()
Exemple #2
class UserDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
    """A QDialog instance inheriting"""
    def __init__(self, caller=None, user=None):  #*args):
        # Initialization
        QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, None)
        self.ui = Ui_UserDialog()

        # Parameters
        self.caller = caller
        self.backupUser = None

        if user:  # If user is specified, we should be editing it.
            self.backupUser = deepcopy(
            )  # Back it up in case user presses cancel after modifying.
            self.user = user
            self.editMode = True
        else:  # Else create a new user.
            self.user = User()  # Empty user to be filled in.
            self.editMode = False
            self.backupUser = None  # Indicate this is a new user to slotCancel.

        self.currentWarnings = set()  # To keep the warning sentences in.
        self.slotSwitchToNormal(True)  # Select plain password radio button.
        if user:
                user)  # Load user data if user is specified.

        self.connectSlots()  # Connect signal-slot pairs.
        self.loadGroups()  # Load the group list

    def connectSlots(self):
        """Connects signal-slots"""
        # When normal(plain) password radio button is selected:
        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.normal, QtCore.SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"),
        # When shadowed password radio button is selected:
        # OK and Cancel Buttons
        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.OK, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),
        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.Cancel, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"),

    def slotSwitchToShadowed(self, choosen):
        """When shadowed option selected, enables shadowed LineEdit and
         disables normal LineEdit"""
        if choosen:
                True)  # Enable shadowed line edit.
            self.shadowPassword()  # Shadow he content of plain.
                True)  # Disable normal line edit.

    def slotSwitchToNormal(self, choosen):
        """When plain option selected, enables plain LineEdit and
        disables shadowed LineEdit"""
        if choosen:
            self.ui.normalPassword.setEnabled(True)  # Enable normal line edit.
            self.ui.shadowedPassword.clear()  # Clear shadow line edit.
                True)  # Disable shadowed line edit.

    def slotOK(self):
        """When clicked on OK, gathers information filled in the form,
        validates them and saves accordingly, closing the dialog."""
        valid = self.checkAll()
        if valid:
            if self.editMode:

    def slotCancel(self):
        """Closes the dialog, Restores the user if the OK button is not clicked."""
        if self.user.username != None and self.backupUser != None:  # Means self.user is changed.
            self.restoreUser()  # Then restore backup
        # No restore required if there's no change.
        self.close()  # Close the window

    # --------------------------------------------
    # ----------- Uyarlanacak-----------
    def loadGroups(self):
        """Loads all groups and checks the default or selected ones """
        allGroups = allGroupList()  # Get the group list from OS
        self.ui.groupList.clear()  # Clear group list.
        self.ui.groupList.insertItems(0, allGroups)  # Insert all the groups.
        self.ui.groupList.sortItems()  # Sorts the list in ascending order

        # -------------------------
        # Define which groups to check
        if self.editMode:
            # If a user is specified, check its own groups.
            groupsToCheck = self.user.groups
            # If no user specified, check the default groups.
            groupsToCheck = kahya().defaultGroups

        # -------------------------
        # Iterate over the list items to check the selected/default ones.
        count = self.ui.groupList.count()
        for i in range(count):
            item = self.ui.groupList.item(i)
            # Set checkable (checkbox appears next)
                          | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled)

            # Now check if needed.
            if str(item.text()) in groupsToCheck:
                item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked)  # Do not delete this!

    # -----------------------------------------------
    def updateWarningMessage(self):
        """Updates the warning message on the GUI with the warning messages."""

    def loadUserInformation(self, user):
        """Loads the infomation of the user specified into the form."""
        self.user = user


        if user.shadowedPassword:  # If shadowed is preferred,
            self.ui.shadowed.setChecked(True)  # Check the shadowed option.
            self.slotSwitchToShadowed(True)  # Enable/disable stuff.

    def saveUserInformation(self):
        """Updates the information of a user on the UserHandler
        and AutoLoginHandler."""
        oldUsername = self.backupUser.username
        # Update user list and autologin box.
        self.caller.UserHandler.updateItem(oldUsername, self.user.username,
        self.caller.AutoLoginHandler.addItem(self.user.username, self.user)

    def gatherGroups(self):
        """Sets the user's groups as the ones selected in the list."""
        # Gather the groups information
        userGroups = []
        count = self.ui.groupList.count()
        for i in range(count):  # Iterate over items
            item = self.ui.groupList.item(i)
            if item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked:  # If item is checked,
                userGroups.append(str(item.text()))  # Add it to the list.

        self.user.groups = userGroups  # Update user's groups.

    def gatherInformation(self):
        """Updates user's information according to the form."""
        self.user.username = str(self.ui.username.text())  # Update username
        self.user.realName = unicode(
            self.ui.realName.text())  # Update realname
        self.user.normalPassword = str(
            self.ui.normalPassword.text())  # Update Normal password
        self.user.shadowedPassword = str(
            self.ui.shadowedPassword.text())  # Update Shadowed password
        self.gatherGroups()  # Update Groups
        if self.user.shadowedPassword:  # If shadowed
            self.user.shadowed = True  # Flag as shadowed

    def saveNewUser(self):
        """Inserts the recently created user into UserHandler and
        self.caller.UserHandler.addItem(self.user.username, self.user)
        self.caller.AutoLoginHandler.addItem(self.user.username, self.user)

    def restoreUser(self):
        """Restores self.user's information from backed up user."""
        self.user.username = self.backupUser.username
        self.user.realName = self.backupUser.realName
        self.user.normalPassword = self.backupUser.normalPassword
        self.user.shadowedPassword = self.backupUser.shadowedPassword
        self.user.groups = self.backupUser.groups

    def checkUsername(self):
        """Checks if the username is valid or not."""
        if self.user.isUsernameValid():
            return True
                _("Invalid username. Should include only [a-z][A-Z]_[0-9]"))
            return False

    def checkRealName(self):
        """Checks if the realName is valid or not."""
        if self.user.isRealNameValid():
            return True
                _("Invalid real name. Can't have newline or : characters."))
            return False

    def checkPassword(self):
        """Checks if the password is valid or not."""
        if self.user.isPasswordValid():
            return True
                _("Invalid password. Password should be at least 4 characters."
            return False

    def checkExistingUser(self):
        """Checks if a user with the same name exists."""
        if (self.editMode and self.backupUser.username != self.user.username
            ) or not self.editMode:
            if self.caller.UserHandler.hasItem(
                    self.user.username) or self.user.username == "root":
                    _("There's another user with username %s") %
                return False
                return True
            # Assume user won't delete or open up another window while editing one user.
            return True

    def checkAll(self):
        """Performs all the checks and updates warning messages label on GUI."""
        a = self.checkUsername()
        b = self.checkExistingUser()
        c = self.checkRealName()
        d = self.checkPassword()
        if a and b and c and d:
            return True
            return False

    def shadowPassword(self):
        """Shadows the password from plain box to the shadowed box."""

    def isShadowSelected(self):
        """Returns if shadowed option is selected."""
        return self.ui.shadowedPassword.isChecked()