def removetree(self): # -> bool # utility return skfileio.removetree(self.path)
def main(): # Use UTF-8 encoding for Qt from PySide.QtCore import QTextCodec #sys_codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale() u8codec = QTextCodec.codecForName("UTF-8") QTextCodec.setCodecForCStrings(u8codec) QTextCodec.setCodecForTr(u8codec) import config from sakurakit import skdebug #skdebug.DEBUG = config.APP_DEBUG or '--debug' in sys.argv skdebug.DEBUG = '--debug' in sys.argv print "browser: debug = %s" % skdebug.DEBUG from sakurakit.skdebug import dprint, dwarn dprint("enter") if '--help' in sys.argv: print_help() dprint("leave: help") return dprint("python = %s" % sys.executable) #dprint("rootdir = %s" % rootdir) #dprint("mecabrc = %s" % mecabrc_path) from sakurakit import skos if skos.WIN: dprint("set app id") from sakurakit import skwin skwin.set_app_id("org.sakurakit.browser") import rc for it in ( rc.DIR_CACHE_DATA, rc.DIR_CACHE_HISTORY, rc.DIR_CACHE_NETMAN, rc.DIR_CACHE_WEBKIT, ): if not os.path.exists(it): try: os.makedirs(it) except OSError: dwarn("warning: failed to create directory: %s" % it) dprint("init opencc") from opencc import opencc opencc.setdicpaths(config.OPENCC_DICS) dprint("create app") import app a = app.Application(sys.argv) dprint("load translations") a.loadTranslations() # Take the ownership of sakurakit translation from sakurakit import sktr sktr.manager().setParent(a) dprint("load settings") import settings ss = settings.global_() ss.setParent(a) reader = settings.reader() #reader.setParent(a) # reader does NOT have a app parent dprint("update settings") ss_version = ss.version() if ss_version != config.VERSION_TIMESTAMP: dprint("app update detected, migrate settings") if ss_version: from sakurakit import skfileio if ss_version <= 1417339268: for it in ( #rc.DIR_CACHE_DATA, rc.DIR_CACHE_HISTORY, rc.DIR_CACHE_NETMAN, rc.DIR_CACHE_WEBKIT, ): if os.path.exists(it): skfileio.removetree(it) try: os.makedirs(it) except OSError: dwarn("warning: failed to create directory: %s" % it) if ss_version <= 1396371158: skfileio.removefile(rc.COOKIES_LOCATION) ss.setVersion(config.VERSION_TIMESTAMP) ss.sync() if reader.isCursorThemeEnabled(): dprint("load cursor theme") import curtheme curtheme.load() from sakurakit import skpaths skpaths.append_paths(( #reader.localeEmulatorLocation(), reader.jbeijingLocation(), reader.ezTransLocation(), reader.atlasLocation(), os.path.join(reader.lecLocation(), r"Nova\JaEn") if reader.lecLocation() else "", os.path.join(reader.dreyeLocation(), r"DreyeMT\SDK\bin") if reader.dreyeLocation() else "", )) path = reader.fastaitLocation() if path: path = os.path.join(path, "GTS") if os.path.exists(path): from sakurakit import skfileio dllpaths = skfileio.listdirs(path) if dllpaths: skpaths.append_paths(dllpaths) dprint("set max thread count") from PySide.QtCore import QThreadPool if QThreadPool.globalInstance().maxThreadCount() < config.QT_THREAD_COUNT: QThreadPool.globalInstance().setMaxThreadCount(config.QT_THREAD_COUNT) dprint("load web settings") import webrc webrc.update_web_settings() if reader.isMainlandChina(): dprint("set up proxy") from google import googletts googletts.setapi(config.PROXY_GOOGLE_TTS) import googleman googleman.setapi(config.PROXY_GOOGLE_TRANS) dprint("create main object") import main m = main.MainObject() dprint("exec") sys.exit(a.exec_())
def remove(self): # override from sakurakit import skfileio return skfileio.removetree(os.path.dirname(self.path))
def migrate(ss_version): # long -> import os from glob import glob from sakurakit import skfileio from sakurakit.skdebug import dprint, dwarn import config, rc, settings dprint("enter") ss = settings.global_() try: # this try is in case I forgot certain rc directories for update if ss_version <= 1440815402: # This is not really needed though for it in ( # delete all existing references rc.DIR_CACHE_AWS, rc.DIR_CACHE_DMM, rc.DIR_CACHE_GETCHU, rc.DIR_CACHE_GYUTTO, rc.DIR_CACHE_DIGIKET, rc.DIR_CACHE_DLSITE, rc.DIR_CACHE_HOLYSEAL, rc.DIR_CACHE_TRAILERS, rc.DIR_CACHE_SCAPE, ): if os.path.exists(it): skfileio.removetree(it) skfileio.makedirs(it) else: return if ss_version <= 1436681107: # reset embed name option ss.remove('EmbeddedNameText') ss.remove('EmbeddedNameVisible') ss.remove('EmbeddedNameTranslation') ss.remove('EmbeddedNameTranscoding') ss.remove('EmbeddedScenarioTranscoding') ss.remove('EmbeddedOtherTranscoding') else: return if ss_version <= 1435945343: ss.remove('EmbeddedScenarioText') # reset scenario text visibility ss.remove('WindowTranscoding') # disable transcoding by default ss.remove( 'EmbeddedOtherText') # enable charset detection by default else: return if ss_version <= 1434217165: dst = rc.xml_path('terms') if dst and not os.path.exists(dst): src = rc.DIR_USER_XML + '/terms.xml' if os.path.exists(src): try: os.rename(src, dst) except Exception, e: dwarn(e) if ss_version <= 1432306894: ss.remove('GameAgentConvertsKanji') # use default settings else: return if ss_version <= 1432219874: ss.remove('KoreanFont') # use default korean font else: return if ss_version <= 1430531862: s = ss.value('BlockedLanguages') if isinstance(s, set): ss.setValue('BlockedLanguages', ','.join(s)) elif not isinstance(s, basestring): ss.setValue('BlockedLanguages', '') else: return if ss_version > 1428623451 and ss_version <= 1429000689: # re-align EDICT with UniDic path = rc.MECAB_EDICT_PATH if os.path.exists(path): skfileio.removefile(path) if os.path.exists(rc.EDICT_PATH) and os.path.exists( rc.DIR_UNIDIC): from scripts import edict edict.align() else: ss.setValue('EdictEnabled', False) else: return if ss_version and ss_version <= 1428623451: # reset edict ss.setValue('EdictEnabled', False) path = rc.EDICT_PATH if os.path.exists(path): skfileio.removefile(path) else: return if ss_version <= 1428015070: # clear old terms by default xmlfile = rc.xml_path('terms') if xmlfile and os.path.exists(xmlfile): skfileio.removefile(xmlfile) else: return if ss_version <= 1423687966: # reset retranslator ss.setValue('Retranslator', '') else: return if ss_version <= 1422396934: ss.setValue('RubyText', True) else: return if ss_version <= 1419101101: xmlfile = rc.xml_path('terms') skfileio.removefile(xmlfile) else: return if ss_version <= 1418719123: path = rc.DIR_XML_COMMENT try: for it in glob(os.path.join(rc.DIR_CACHE_SUB, '*.xml')): os.rename( it, os.path.join(rc.DIR_XML_COMMENT, os.path.basename(it))) except Exception, e: dwarn(e)
def main(): """ @return int """ import os, sys from PySide.QtCore import QTextCodec # Use UTF-8 encoding for Qt #sys_codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale() u8codec = QTextCodec.codecForName("UTF-8") QTextCodec.setCodecForCStrings(u8codec) QTextCodec.setCodecForTr(u8codec) debug = '--debug' in sys.argv # bool print >> sys.stderr, "reader: debug = %s" % debug from sakurakit import skdebug #skdebug.DEBUG = config.APP_DEBUG or '--debug' in sys.argv skdebug.DEBUG = debug import config config.APP_DEBUG = debug from sakurakit.skdebug import dprint, dwarn dprint("enter") if '--help' in sys.argv: print_help() dprint("exit: help") #sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE) return 0 # Singleton # - Through mutex # See: # See: # - Through file # See: dprint("check single instance") from lockfile import lockfile app_mutex = lockfile.SingleProcessMutex() single_app = app_mutex.tryLock() if not single_app: dprint("multiple instances are running") dprint("python = %s" % sys.executable) #dprint("rootdir = %s" % rootdir) #dprint("mecabrc = %s" % mecabrc_path) from sakurakit import skos # Must be set before any GUI is showing up # if skos.WIN: dprint("set app id") from sakurakit import skwin skwin.set_app_id("org.sakurakit.reader") # Detect user language import settings ss = settings.global_() uilang = ss.uiLanguage() if not uilang: uilang = guess_language() ss.setValue('Language', uilang) lang = ss.userLanguage() if not lang: lang = guess_language() ss.setValue('UserLanguage', lang) dprint("user language = %s" % lang) # Warm-up shiboken dlls #if == 'nt': # dprint("load shiboken plugins") # import pytexscript # import pytexthook #Switch to OpenGL engine #from Qt5.QtWidgets import QApplication #QApplication.setGraphicsSystem("opengl") #dprint("elevate process priviledges") #from sakurakit import skos #if skos.WIN: # from sakurakit import skwin # skwin.enable_drop_event() dprint("init dic locations") from opencc import opencc opencc.setdicpaths(config.OPENCC_DICS) from hanviet import hanviet hanviet.setdicpaths(config.HANVIET_DICS) from hanjaconv import hanjaconv hanjaconv.setdicdir(config.HANJA_DIC_PATH) from pinyinconv import pinyinconv pinyinconv.setdicpath(config.PINYIN_DIC_PATH) dprint("create app") import app a = app.Application(sys.argv) #dprint("os default font:", a.font()) #a.setFont(config.FONT_DEFAULT) #dprint("current default font:", a.font()) # Fix the encoding issue for the current directory #from PySide.QtCore import QDir #QDir.setCurrent(a.applicationDirPath()) if not single_app: from rpcman import RpcClient dprint("send metacall") r = RpcClient() r.start() if r.waitForConnected(): r.activate() a.processEvents() else: dprint("warning: cannot connect to the server") dwarn("leave: multiple instance") #sys.exit(os.EX_UNAVAILABLE) return 0 # Must come after QApplication is created dprint("load fonts") from PySide.QtGui import QFontDatabase for path in config.FONT_LOCATIONS.itervalues(): if os.path.exists(path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): FONT_EXTS = frozenset(('.otf', '.ttf', '.ttc')) for f in files: if os.path.splitext(f.lower())[1] in FONT_EXTS: p = os.path.join(root, f) index = QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(p) if index >= 0: dprint( QFontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(index)) else: dwarn("failed to load font %s" % f) ff = config.ui_font(ss.uiLanguage()) if ff: a.setFontFamily(ff) #ff = ss.applicationFontFamily() #if ff: # dprint("font family = %s" % ff) # a.setFontFamily(ff) #ss.applicationFontFamilyChanged.connect(a.setFontFamily) dprint("load translation") a.loadTranslations() dprint("autosync settings") ss.autoSync() # Load before qapplication is created opt_splash = '--nosplash' not in sys.argv if opt_splash: dprint("show splash") from splashscreen import StartupSplashScreen splash = StartupSplashScreen() a.processEvents() # process event to make it show #dprint("cache fonts") #import fonts #fonts.test() # Take the ownership of sakurakit translation dprint("take the ownership of translations") from sakurakit import sktr sktr.manager().setParent(a) import mytr mytr.manager().setParent(a) # There should be at least one existing window (rootWindow), or sth is wrong #a.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) #dprint("check unicode codec") #from sakurakit.skunicode import qunicode #ustr = qunicode("あのね", 'utf8') #assert ustr, "failed to load text code plugin from qt.conf" #dprint('init directories') #from PySide.QtCore import QDir import rc from sakurakit import skfileio dprint("remove broken caches") for it in rc.DIR_APP_TMP, : if os.path.exists(it): skfileio.removetree(it) map( skfileio.makedirs, ( rc.DIR_YAML_SUB, rc.DIR_XML_COMMENT, rc.DIR_XML_VOICE, rc.DIR_XML_REF, #rc.DIR_DICT_MECAB, # not used rc.DIR_CACHE_AVATAR, rc.DIR_CACHE_AWS, rc.DIR_CACHE_DATA, rc.DIR_CACHE_IMAGE, rc.DIR_CACHE_DMM, rc.DIR_CACHE_TOKUTEN, rc.DIR_CACHE_FREEM, rc.DIR_CACHE_STEAM, rc.DIR_CACHE_MELON, rc.DIR_CACHE_GETCHU, rc.DIR_CACHE_GYUTTO, rc.DIR_CACHE_DIGIKET, rc.DIR_CACHE_DLSITE, rc.DIR_CACHE_HOLYSEAL, rc.DIR_CACHE_SCAPE, rc.DIR_CACHE_TRAILERS, rc.DIR_CACHE_WEB, rc.DIR_CACHE_SYNC, rc.DIR_TMP_OCR, rc.DIR_TMP_TERM, # not needed, though rc.DIR_TMP_TTS, )) if skos.WIN: from sakurakit import skwin for it in rc.DIR_APP_LIBRARY, rc.DIR_APP_CACHE: if os.path.exists(it): skwin.set_file_readonly(it) dprint("load settings") ss.setParent(a) dprint("append library path") from sakurakit import skpaths skpaths.append_paths(( # TransCAT must be initialized BEFORE JBeijing, or the translation will fail ss.transcatLocation(), ss.jbeijingLocation(), ss.ezTransLocation(), ss.atlasLocation(), ss.zunkoLocation(), ss.localeEmulatorLocation(), ss.ntleasLocation(), os.path.join(ss.dreyeLocation(), r"DreyeMT\SDK\bin") if ss.dreyeLocation() else "", )) path = ss.lecLocation() if path: skpaths.append_paths(( os.path.join(path, r"Nova\JaEn"), os.path.join(path, r"PARS\EnRU"), )) path = ss.fastaitLocation() if path: path = os.path.join(path, 'GTS') if os.path.exists(path): dllpaths = skfileio.listdirs(path) if dllpaths: skpaths.append_paths(dllpaths) if sys.getrecursionlimit() < config.PY_RECURSION_LIMIT: dprint("increase recursion limit") sys.setrecursionlimit(config.PY_RECURSION_LIMIT) dprint("reduce socket timeout") import socket socket.setdefaulttimeout(config.PY_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) #import threading #if threading.stack_size() < config.PY_STACK_SIZE: # dprint("increase stack size") # threading.stack_size(config.PY_STACK_SIZE) # On unix: # #import resource #resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (2**29,-1)) dprint("config python site-packages") # Disable requests SSL certificate warning # import requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() # Disable HTTP request session # See: # See: #import requests #s = requests.session() #s.config['keep_alive'] = False import numpy numpy.seterr(all='ignore') # ignore overflow warning dprint("update settings") ss_version = ss.version() if ss_version != config.VERSION_TIMESTAMP: dprint("app update detected, migrate settings") if ss_version: migrate(ss_version) from sakurakit import skdatetime ss.setUpdateTime(skdatetime.current_unixtime()) ss.setVersion(config.VERSION_TIMESTAMP) ss.sync() if not ss.userName() or not ss.userId(): dprint("set user credential to guest") # Must be consistent with dataman.GUEST ss.setValue('UserId', 4) ss.setValue('UserName', 'guest') ss.setValue('UserPassword', 'guest') ss.setValue('UserGender', '') ss.setValue('UserAvatar', '') ss.setValue('UserColor', '') if ss.isCursorThemeEnabled(): dprint("load cursor theme") import curtheme curtheme.load() # Disable RBMT if CaboCha or UniDic is disabled #if ss.isTranslationSyntaxEnabled() and not ( # ss.isCaboChaEnabled() and ss.meCabDictionary() == 'unidic'): # ss.setTranslationSyntaxEnabled(False) #dprint("set max thread count") from PySide.QtCore import QThreadPool currentThreadCount = QThreadPool.globalInstance().maxThreadCount() if currentThreadCount < config.QT_THREAD_COUNT: dprint("increase thread pool capacity: %s -> %s" % (currentThreadCount, config.QT_THREAD_COUNT)) QThreadPool.globalInstance().setMaxThreadCount(config.QT_THREAD_COUNT) dprint("register qml plugins") import qmlplugin dprint("query system metrics") import sysinfo dprint("create main object") import main m = main.MainObject(a) m.init() if opt_splash: dprint("schedule to finish splash") splash.finishLater(1500) # hide after 1.5 seconds from functools import partial from sakurakit import skevents skevents.runlater(partial(, a.arguments()), 50) #import netman #netman.manager().queryComments(gameId=183) #import hashutil #print hashutil.md5sum('/Users/jichi/tmp/t.cpp') dprint("exec") returnCode = a.exec_() # FIXME: Cannot normally exit # Shiboken 1.2 hang on exit! # All destructors are Invoked! dprint("unlock the mutex") app_mutex.unlock() import defs if returnCode == defs.EXIT_RESTART: skos.restart_my_process(['-B']) # -B: force disabling *.pyc and *.pyo else: #sys.exit(returnCode) #if skos.WIN: # prevent hanging on windows/mac skos.kill_my_process()
ss.setValue('SubtitleVoice', False) # disable subtitle by default ss.setValue('SpeakGameText', True) # enable auto TTS by default ss.setValue('VoiceCharacter', True) # enable voice character by default else: return if ss_version <= 1412717706: ss.setValue('TTSEngine', 'baidu') else: return if ss_version <= 1410806479: path = rc.DIR_CACHE_AVATAR if os.path.exists(path): skfileio.removetree(path) skfileio.makedirs(path) else: return if ss_version <= 1409368561: # reset float illegal value ss.setValue('DictionaryPopupWidth', config.SETTINGS_DICT_POPUP_WIDTH) else: return if ss_version <= 1406156022: # # Disable UniDicMJL if ss.value('MeCabDictionary') == 'unidic-mlj': ss.setValue('MeCabDictionary', '')