Exemple #1
shp = salem.read_shapefile(get_demo_file('rgi_kesselwand.shp'))
# I you need to do a lot of maps you might want
# to use an API key and set it here with key='YOUR_API_KEY'
g = GoogleVisibleMap(x=[shp.min_x, shp.max_x],
                     y=[shp.min_y, shp.max_y],
                     maptype='satellite')  # try out also: 'terrain'

# the google static image is a standard rgb image
ggl_img = g.get_vardata()
ax1.set_title('Google static map')

# make a map of the same size as the image (no country borders)
sm = Map(g.grid, factor=1, countries=False)
sm.set_shapefile(shp)  # add the glacier outlines
sm.set_rgb(ggl_img)  # add the background rgb image
sm.set_scale_bar(location=(0.88, 0.94))  # add scale
sm.visualize(ax=ax2)  # plot it
ax2.set_title('GPR measurements')

# read the point GPR data and add them to the plot
df = pd.read_csv(get_demo_file('gtd_ttt_kesselwand.csv'))
dl = DataLevels(df.THICKNESS, levels=np.arange(10, 201, 10), extend='both')
x, y = sm.grid.transform(df.POINT_LON.values, df.POINT_LAT.values)
ax2.scatter(x, y, color=dl.to_rgb(), s=50, edgecolors='k', linewidths=1)
dl.append_colorbar(ax2, label='Ice thickness (m)')

# make it nice
Add topographic shading to a plot


from salem import mercator_grid, Map, get_demo_file
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# prepare the figure
f, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 7))

# map extent
grid = mercator_grid(center_ll=(10.76, 46.79), extent=(18000, 14000))
sm = Map(grid, countries=False)

# add topography
fpath = get_demo_file('hef_srtm.tif')
sm.visualize(ax=ax1, addcbar=False, title='relief_factor=0.7 (default)')

# stronger shading
sm.set_topography(fpath, relief_factor=1.4)
sm.visualize(ax=ax2, addcbar=False, title='relief_factor=1.4')

# add color shading
z = sm.set_topography(fpath)
sm.visualize(ax=ax3, title='Color with shading', addcbar=False)