def _write_state(self): ''' writes a current status to the defined status-file this includes the current pid, events received/handled and threads created/joined ''' try: # write the info to the specified log statf = open(self.state_file, 'w') statf.writelines(simplejson.dumps({'events_received':self.events_rec, 'events_handled':self.events_han, 'threads_created':self.threads_cre, 'threads_joined':self.threads_join} )) # if we have the same pid as the pidfile, we are the running daemon # and also print the current counters to the logfile with 'info' if( os.getpid() == ):"running with pid {0}".format("events (han/recv): {0}/{1}".format(self.events_han, self.events_rec))"threads (cre/joi):{0}/{1}".format(self.threads_cre, self.threads_join)) statf.write("\n") statf.close() sys.stdout.flush() except IOError as ioerr: log.critical("Failed to write state to {0}".format(self.state_file)) log.exception(ioerr) except OSError as oserr: log.critical("Failed to write state to {0}".format(self.state_file)) log.exception(oserr)
def _dism(action, image=None): ''' Run a DISM servicing command on the given image. ''' command='dism {0} {1}'.format( '/Image:{0}'.format(image) if image else '/Online', action ) ret = {'action': action, 'image': image, 'result': True, 'message': ''} output = __salt__[''](command, ignore_retcode=True) if not'The operation completed successfully.', output): ret['result'] = False ret['message'] = '(Error: \d+\r?\n\r?\n([^\r\n]+\r?\n)+\r?\nThe DISM log file can be found at [^\r\n]\r?\n)', output, re.MULTILINE ).group(1) log.exception('DISM command \'{0}\' on image {1} failed: {2}'.format(action, image, ret['message'])) else: ret['message'] = output log.debug('DISM command \'{0}\' on image {1} completed with the following output: {2}'.format(action, image, output)) return ret
def get_elb_lbs(): """ Returns a dictionary of load balancer names as keys each with their respective attributes """ # attributes to extract from the load balancer boto objects # this could possibly be a named argument too extract_attrs = ['scheme', 'dns_name', 'vpc_id', 'name', 'security_groups'] try: instance_metadata = boto.utils.get_instance_metadata(timeout=5, num_retries=2) except Exception as e: log.exception("Error getting ELB names: {}".format(e)) return {'custom_grain_error': True} # Setup the lbs grain lbs_grain = {'lbs': {}} # Collect details about this instance vpc_id = instance_metadata['network']['interfaces']['macs'].values()[0]['vpc-id'] region = instance_metadata['placement']['availability-zone'][:-1] # Collect load balancers of this instance (in the same vpc) try: elb_connection = boto.ec2.elb.connect_to_region(region) # find load balancers by vpc_id all_lbs = [lb for lb in elb_connection.get_all_load_balancers() if lb.vpc_id == vpc_id] log.debug('all lbs before filtering by instance id: {}'.format(all_lbs)) # further filter the load balancers by instance id lbs = [lb for lb in all_lbs for inst in lb.instances if == instance_metadata['instance-id']] # initialise and populate the output of load balancers out = {} [out.update({ {}}) for l in lbs] [out[].update({attr: getattr(l, attr, None)}) for attr in extract_attrs for l in lbs] if not out: # This loglevel could perhaps be adjusted to something more visible log.warning("No ELBs found for this instance, this is unusual, " "but we will not break highstate") lbs_grain['lbs'] = out except Exception as e: # This prints a user-friendly error with stacktrace log.exception("Error getting ELB names: {}".format(e)) return {'custom_grain_error': True} return lbs_grain
def version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2): ''' Compares two version strings using distutils.version.LooseVersion. This is a fallback for providers which don't have a version comparison utility built into them. Return -1 if version1 < version2, 0 if version1 == version2, and 1 if version1 > version2. Return None if there was a problem making the comparison. ''' try: if distutils.version.LooseVersion(pkg1) < \ distutils.version.LooseVersion(pkg2): return -1 elif distutils.version.LooseVersion(pkg1) == \ distutils.version.LooseVersion(pkg2): return 0 elif distutils.version.LooseVersion(pkg1) > \ distutils.version.LooseVersion(pkg2): return 1 except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return None
'cmd.run_all': salt.modules.cmdmod._run_all_quiet } log = logging.getLogger(__name__) HAS_WMI = False if salt.utils.is_windows(): # attempt to import the python wmi module # the Windows minion uses WMI for some of its grains try: import wmi import salt.utils.winapi HAS_WMI = True except ImportError: log.exception( 'Unable to import Python wmi module, some core grains ' 'will be missing' ) def _windows_cpudata(): ''' Return some CPU information on Windows minions ''' # Provides: # num_cpus # cpu_model grains = {} if 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' in os.environ: # Cast to int so that the logic isn't broken when used as a # conditional in templating. Also follows _linux_cpudata() try:
def run(self): ''' Main loop of the ConCache, starts updates in intervals and answers requests from the MWorkers ''' context = zmq.Context() # the socket for incoming cache requests creq_in = context.socket(zmq.REP) creq_in.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100) creq_in.bind('ipc://' + self.cache_sock) # the socket for incoming cache-updates from workers cupd_in = context.socket(zmq.SUB) cupd_in.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '') cupd_in.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100) cupd_in.bind('ipc://' + self.update_sock) # the socket for the timer-event timer_in = context.socket(zmq.SUB) timer_in.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '') timer_in.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100) timer_in.connect('ipc://' + self.upd_t_sock) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(creq_in, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(cupd_in, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(timer_in, zmq.POLLIN) # our serializer serial = salt.payload.Serial(self.opts.get('serial', '')) # register a signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) # secure the sockets from the world'ConCache started') while self.running: # we check for new events with the poller try: socks = dict(poller.poll(1)) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stop() except zmq.ZMQError as zmq_err: log.error('ConCache ZeroMQ-Error occurred') log.exception(zmq_err) self.stop() # check for next cache-request if socks.get(creq_in) == zmq.POLLIN: msg = serial.loads(creq_in.recv()) log.debug('ConCache Received request: {0}'.format(msg)) # requests to the minion list are send as str's if isinstance(msg, str): if msg == 'minions': # Send reply back to client reply = serial.dumps(self.minions) creq_in.send(reply) # check for next cache-update from workers if socks.get(cupd_in) == zmq.POLLIN: new_c_data = serial.loads(cupd_in.recv()) # tell the worker to exit #cupd_in.send(serial.dumps('ACK')) # check if the returned data is usable if not isinstance(new_c_data, list): log.error('ConCache Worker returned unusable result') del new_c_data continue # the cache will receive lists of minions # 1. if the list only has 1 item, its from an MWorker, we append it # 2. if the list contains another list, its from a CacheWorker and # the currently cached minions are replaced with that list # 3. anything else is considered malformed try: if len(new_c_data) == 0: log.debug('ConCache Got empty update from worker') continue data = new_c_data[0] if isinstance(data, str): if data not in self.minions: log.debug('ConCache Adding minion {0} to cache'.format(new_c_data[0])) self.minions.append(data) elif isinstance(data, list): log.debug('ConCache Replacing minion list from worker') self.minions = data except IndexError: log.debug('ConCache Got malformed result dict from worker') del new_c_data'ConCache {0} entries in cache'.format(len(self.minions))) # check for next timer-event to start new jobs if socks.get(timer_in) == zmq.POLLIN: sec_event = serial.loads(timer_in.recv()) # update the list every 30 seconds if int(sec_event % 30) == 0: cw = CacheWorker(self.opts) cw.start() self.stop() creq_in.close() cupd_in.close() timer_in.close() context.term() log.debug('ConCache Shutting down')
'': salt.modules.cmdmod._run_quiet, 'cmd.run_all': salt.modules.cmdmod._run_all_quiet } log = logging.getLogger(__name__) HAS_WMI = False if salt.utils.is_windows(): # attempt to import the python wmi module # the Windows minion uses WMI for some of its grains try: import wmi import salt.utils.winapi HAS_WMI = True except ImportError: log.exception("Unable to import Python wmi module, some core grains " "will be missing") def _windows_cpudata(): ''' Return some CPU information on Windows minions ''' # Provides: # num_cpus # cpu_model grains = {} if 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' in os.environ: # Cast to int so that the logic isn't broken when used as a # conditional in templating. Also follows _linux_cpudata() try: grains['num_cpus'] = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
def run(self, jid=None): ''' Execute the overall routine, print results via outputters ''' fstr = '{0}.prep_jid'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache']) jid = self.returners[fstr](passed_jid=jid or self.opts.get('jid', None)) # Save the invocation information argv = self.opts['argv'] if self.opts.get('raw_shell', False): fun = 'ssh._raw' args = argv else: fun = argv[0] if argv else '' args = argv[1:] job_load = { 'jid': jid, 'tgt_type': self.tgt_type, 'tgt': self.opts['tgt'], 'user': self.opts['user'], 'fun': fun, 'arg': args, } # save load to the master job cache try: if isinstance(jid, bytes): jid = jid.decode('utf-8') self.returners['{0}.save_load'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid, job_load) except Exception as exc: log.exception(exc) log.error('Could not save load with returner {0}: {1}'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache'], exc)) if self.opts.get('verbose'): msg = 'Executing job with jid {0}'.format(jid) print(msg) print('-' * len(msg) + '\n') print('') sret = {} outputter = self.opts.get('output', 'nested') final_exit = 0 for ret in self.handle_ssh(): host = next(six.iterkeys(ret)) if isinstance(ret[host], dict): host_ret = ret[host].get('retcode', 0) if host_ret != 0: final_exit = 1 else: # Error on host final_exit = 1 self.cache_job(jid, host, ret[host], fun) ret = self.key_deploy(host, ret) if not isinstance(ret[host], dict): p_data = {host: ret[host]} elif 'return' not in ret[host]: p_data = ret else: outputter = ret[host].get('out', self.opts.get('output', 'nested')) p_data = {host: ret[host].get('return', {})} if self.opts.get('static'): sret.update(p_data) else: salt.output.display_output( p_data, outputter, self.opts) if self.event: self.event.fire_event( ret, salt.utils.event.tagify( [jid, 'ret', host], 'job')) if self.opts.get('static'): salt.output.display_output( sret, outputter, self.opts) if final_exit: sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_AGGREGATE)
def _write_state(self): ''' Writes a current status to the defined status-file this includes the current pid, events received/handled and threads created/joined ''' ev_hdl_per_s = float((float(self.events_han - self.stat_hdl_count)) / float(self.state_timer_intrvl)) ev_tot_per_s = float((float(self.events_rec - self.stat_rec_count)) / float(self.state_timer_intrvl)) if self.config['stat_worker']: stat_data = { 'events_rec': self.events_rec, 'events_hdl': self.events_han, 'events_hdl_sec': round(ev_hdl_per_s, 2), 'events_tot_sec': round(ev_tot_per_s, 2), 'threads_created': self.threads_cre, 'threads_joined': self.threads_join } self.threads_cre += 1 st_worker = SaltEventsdWorker( stat_data, self.threads_cre, None, self.backends, **self.opts ) st_worker.start() try: self.running_workers.append(st_worker) except AttributeError: log.error('self is missing running_workers') try: except Exception: log.error('Failed to dump dir(self)') try: # write the info to the specified log statf = open(self.state_file, 'w') statf.writelines( json.dumps({ 'events_rec': self.events_rec, 'events_hdl': self.events_han, 'events_hdl_sec': round(ev_hdl_per_s, 2), 'events_tot_sec': round(ev_tot_per_s, 2), 'threads_created': self.threads_cre, 'threads_joined': self.threads_join }) ) # if we have the same pid as the pidfile, we are the running daemon # and also print the current counters to the logfile with 'info' if os.getpid() =="Running with pid {0}".format("Events (han/recv): {0}/{1}".format( self.events_han, self.events_rec, ))"Threads (cre/joi):{0}/{1}".format( self.threads_cre, self.threads_join, )) statf.write("\n") statf.close() sys.stdout.flush() except IOError as ioerr: log.critical("Failed to write state to {0}".format(self.state_file)) log.exception(ioerr) except OSError as oserr: log.critical("Failed to write state to {0}".format(self.state_file)) log.exception(oserr) self.stat_rec_count = self.events_rec self.stat_hdl_count = self.events_han
def run(self, jid=None): ''' Execute the overall routine, print results via outputters ''' fstr = '{0}.prep_jid'.format(self.opts['master_job_cache']) jid = self.returners[fstr]( passed_jid=jid or self.opts.get('jid', None)) # Save the invocation information argv = self.opts['argv'] if self.opts.get('raw_shell', False): fun = 'ssh._raw' args = argv else: fun = argv[0] if argv else '' args = argv[1:] job_load = { 'jid': jid, 'tgt_type': self.tgt_type, 'tgt': self.opts['tgt'], 'user': self.opts['user'], 'fun': fun, 'arg': args, } # save load to the master job cache try: if isinstance(jid, bytes): jid = jid.decode('utf-8') if self.opts['master_job_cache'] == 'local_cache': self.returners['{0}.save_load'.format( self.opts['master_job_cache'])]( jid, job_load, minions=self.targets.keys()) else: self.returners['{0}.save_load'.format( self.opts['master_job_cache'])](jid, job_load) except Exception as exc: log.exception(exc) log.error('Could not save load with returner {0}: {1}'.format( self.opts['master_job_cache'], exc)) if self.opts.get('verbose'): msg = 'Executing job with jid {0}'.format(jid) print(msg) print('-' * len(msg) + '\n') print('') sret = {} outputter = self.opts.get('output', 'nested') final_exit = 0 for ret in self.handle_ssh(): host = next(six.iterkeys(ret)) if isinstance(ret[host], dict): host_ret = ret[host].get('retcode', 0) if host_ret != 0: final_exit = 1 else: # Error on host final_exit = 1 self.cache_job(jid, host, ret[host], fun) ret = self.key_deploy(host, ret) if isinstance(ret[host], dict) and ret[host].get( 'stderr', '').startswith('ssh:'): ret[host] = ret[host]['stderr'] if not isinstance(ret[host], dict): p_data = {host: ret[host]} elif 'return' not in ret[host]: p_data = ret else: outputter = ret[host].get('out', self.opts.get('output', 'nested')) p_data = {host: ret[host].get('return', {})} if self.opts.get('static'): sret.update(p_data) else: salt.output.display_output(p_data, outputter, self.opts) if self.event: self.event.fire_event( ret, salt.utils.event.tagify([jid, 'ret', host], 'job')) if self.opts.get('static'): salt.output.display_output(sret, outputter, self.opts) if final_exit: sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_AGGREGATE)
def run(self): ''' Main loop of the ConCache, starts updates in intervals and answers requests from the MWorkers ''' context = zmq.Context() # the socket for incoming cache requests creq_in = context.socket(zmq.REP) creq_in.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100) creq_in.bind('ipc://' + self.cache_sock) # the socket for incoming cache-updates from workers cupd_in = context.socket(zmq.SUB) cupd_in.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') cupd_in.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100) cupd_in.bind('ipc://' + self.update_sock) # the socket for the timer-event timer_in = context.socket(zmq.SUB) timer_in.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') timer_in.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 100) timer_in.connect('ipc://' + self.upd_t_sock) poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(creq_in, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(cupd_in, zmq.POLLIN) poller.register(timer_in, zmq.POLLIN) # our serializer serial = salt.payload.Serial(self.opts.get('serial', '')) # register a signal handler signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) # secure the sockets from the world'ConCache started') while self.running: # we check for new events with the poller try: socks = dict(poller.poll(1)) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stop() except zmq.ZMQError as zmq_err: log.error('ConCache ZeroMQ-Error occurred') log.exception(zmq_err) self.stop() # check for next cache-request if socks.get(creq_in) == zmq.POLLIN: msg = serial.loads(creq_in.recv()) log.debug('ConCache Received request: %s', msg) # requests to the minion list are send as str's if isinstance(msg, six.string_types): if msg == 'minions': # Send reply back to client reply = serial.dumps(self.minions) creq_in.send(reply) # check for next cache-update from workers if socks.get(cupd_in) == zmq.POLLIN: new_c_data = serial.loads(cupd_in.recv()) # tell the worker to exit #cupd_in.send(serial.dumps('ACK')) # check if the returned data is usable if not isinstance(new_c_data, list): log.error('ConCache Worker returned unusable result') del new_c_data continue # the cache will receive lists of minions # 1. if the list only has 1 item, its from an MWorker, we append it # 2. if the list contains another list, its from a CacheWorker and # the currently cached minions are replaced with that list # 3. anything else is considered malformed try: if not new_c_data: log.debug('ConCache Got empty update from worker') continue data = new_c_data[0] if isinstance(data, six.string_types): if data not in self.minions: log.debug('ConCache Adding minion %s to cache', new_c_data[0]) self.minions.append(data) elif isinstance(data, list): log.debug('ConCache Replacing minion list from worker') self.minions = data except IndexError: log.debug('ConCache Got malformed result dict from worker') del new_c_data'ConCache %s entries in cache', len(self.minions)) # check for next timer-event to start new jobs if socks.get(timer_in) == zmq.POLLIN: sec_event = serial.loads(timer_in.recv()) # update the list every 30 seconds if int(sec_event % 30) == 0: cw = CacheWorker(self.opts) cw.start() self.stop() creq_in.close() cupd_in.close() timer_in.close() context.term() log.debug('ConCache Shutting down')
'': salt.modules.cmdmod._run_quiet, 'cmd.run_all': salt.modules.cmdmod._run_all_quiet } log = logging.getLogger(__name__) HAS_WMI = False if salt.utils.is_windows(): # attempt to import the python wmi module # the Windows minion uses WMI for some of its grains try: import wmi import salt.utils.winapi HAS_WMI = True except ImportError: log.exception('Unable to import Python wmi module, some core grains ' 'will be missing') def _windows_cpudata(): ''' Return some CPU information on Windows minions ''' # Provides: # num_cpus # cpu_model grains = {} if 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' in os.environ: # Cast to int so that the logic isn't broken when used as a # conditional in templating. Also follows _linux_cpudata() try: grains['num_cpus'] = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
__salt__ = { '': salt.modules.cmdmod._run_quiet, 'cmd.run_all': salt.modules.cmdmod._run_all_quiet } log = logging.getLogger(__name__) has_wmi = False if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # attempt to import the python wmi module # the Windows minion uses WMI for some of its grains try: import wmi has_wmi = True except ImportError: log.exception("Unable to import Python wmi module, some core grains " "will be missing") def _windows_cpudata(): ''' Return the cpu information for Windows systems architecture ''' # Provides: # cpuarch # cpu_model grains = {} if 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS' in os.environ: # Cast to int so that the logic isn't broken when used as a # conditional in templating. Also follows _linux_cpudata() try: grains['num_cpus'] = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])