Exemple #1
    def test_script(self):
        Test to download a script and execute it with specified arguments.
        name = "cmd.script"

        ret = {"name": name, "result": False, "changes": {}, "comment": ""}

        with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {"test": False}):
            comt = "Invalidly-formatted 'env' parameter. See documentation."
            ret.update({"comment": comt})
            self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name, env="salt"), ret)

        with patch.dict(cmd.__grains__, {"shell": "shell"}):
            with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {"test": True}):
                comt = "Command 'cmd.script' would have been executed"
                ret.update({"comment": comt, "result": None, "changes": {}})
                self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {"test": False}):
                mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[CommandExecutionError, {"retcode": 1}])
                with patch.dict(cmd.__salt__, {"cmd.script": mock}):
                    ret.update({"comment": "", "result": False})
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

                            "comment": "Command 'cmd.script' run",
                            "result": False,
                            "changes": {"retcode": 1},
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)
Exemple #2
    def test_script(self):
        Test to download a script and execute it with specified arguments.
        name = 'cmd.script'

        ret = {'name': name, 'result': False, 'changes': {}, 'comment': ''}

        with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': False}):
            comt = ("Invalidly-formatted 'env' parameter. See documentation.")
            ret.update({'comment': comt})
            self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name, env='salt'), ret)

        with patch.dict(cmd.__grains__, {'shell': 'shell'}):
            with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': True}):
                comt = ("Command 'cmd.script' would have been executed")
                ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': None, 'changes': {}})
                self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': False}):
                mock = MagicMock(
                    side_effect=[CommandExecutionError, {
                        'retcode': 1
                with patch.dict(cmd.__salt__, {'cmd.script': mock}):
                    ret.update({'comment': '', 'result': False})
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

                        'comment': "Command 'cmd.script' run",
                        'result': False,
                        'changes': {
                            'retcode': 1
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

            mock = MagicMock(return_value=1)
            with patch.dict(cmd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock}):
                with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': False}):
                    comt = ('onlyif condition is false')
                        'comment': comt,
                        'result': True,
                        'skip_watch': True,
                        'changes': {}
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name, onlyif=''), ret)
Exemple #3
    def test_script(self):
        Test to download a script and execute it with specified arguments.
        name = 'cmd.script'

        ret = {'name': name,
               'result': False,
               'changes': {},
               'comment': ''}

        with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': False}):
            comt = ("Invalidly-formatted 'env' parameter. See documentation.")
            ret.update({'comment': comt})
            self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name, env='salt'), ret)

        with patch.dict(cmd.__grains__, {'shell': 'shell'}):
            with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': True}):
                comt = ("Command 'cmd.script' would have been executed")
                ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': None, 'changes': {}})
                self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

            with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': False}):
                mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[CommandExecutionError,
                                              {'retcode': 1}])
                with patch.dict(cmd.__salt__, {'cmd.script': mock}):
                    ret.update({'comment': '', 'result': False})
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

                    ret.update({'comment': "Command 'cmd.script' run",
                                'result': False, 'changes': {'retcode': 1}})
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name), ret)

            mock = MagicMock(return_value=1)
            with patch.dict(cmd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock}):
                with patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {'test': False}):
                    comt = ('onlyif execution failed')
                    ret.update({'comment': comt, 'result': True,
                                'skip_watch': True, 'changes': {}})
                    self.assertDictEqual(cmd.script(name, onlyif=''), ret)
def test_script_runas_password():
    Test to download a script and execute it, specifically on windows.
    Make sure that when we do supply a password, we get into the function call.
    name = "cmd.script"
    ret = {"changes": {}, "comment": "", "name": "cmd.script", "result": False}

    patch_opts = patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {"test": False})
    patch_shell = patch.dict(cmd.__grains__, {"shell": "shell"})

    # Fake the execution module call
    mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[CommandExecutionError, {"retcode": 1}])
    patch_call = patch.dict(cmd.__salt__, {"cmd.script": mock})

    with patch_opts, patch_shell, patch_call:
        assert cmd.script(name, runas="User", password="******") == ret
def test_script_runas_no_password():
    Test to download a script and execute it, specifically on windows.
    Make sure that when using runas, and a password is not supplied we check.
    name = "cmd.script"
    ret = {
        "name": "cmd.script",
        "changes": {},
        "result": False,
        "Must supply a password if runas argument is used on Windows.",

    patch_opts = patch.dict(cmd.__opts__, {"test": False})
    patch_shell = patch.dict(cmd.__grains__, {"shell": "shell"})

    # Fake the execution module call
    mock = MagicMock(side_effect=[CommandExecutionError, {"retcode": 1}])
    patch_call = patch.dict(cmd.__salt__, {"cmd.script": mock})

    with patch_opts, patch_shell, patch_call:
        assert cmd.script(name, runas="User") == ret