def test_smoke_context(minion_config): """ Smoke test the context cache """ context_cache = cache.ContextCache(minion_config, "cache_test") data = {"a": "b"} context_cache.cache_context(data.copy()) ret = context_cache.get_cache_context() assert ret == data
def query(url, method='GET', params=None, data=None, data_file=None, header_dict=None, header_list=None, header_file=None, username=None, password=None, auth=None, decode=False, decode_type='auto', status=False, headers=False, text=False, cookies=None, cookie_jar=None, cookie_format='lwp', persist_session=False, session_cookie_jar=None, data_render=False, data_renderer=None, header_render=False, header_renderer=None, template_dict=None, test=False, test_url=None, node='minion', port=80, opts=None, backend=None, ca_bundle=None, verify_ssl=None, cert=None, text_out=None, headers_out=None, decode_out=None, stream=False, streaming_callback=None, header_callback=None, handle=False, agent=USERAGENT, hide_fields=None, raise_error=True, **kwargs): ''' Query a resource, and decode the return data ''' ret = {} if opts is None: if node == 'master': opts = salt.config.master_config( os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, 'master')) elif node == 'minion': opts = salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, 'minion')) else: opts = {} if not backend: backend = opts.get('backend', 'tornado') match = re.match( r'https?://((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)($|/)', url) if not match: if backend == 'requests': if HAS_REQUESTS is False: ret['error'] = ('http.query has been set to use requests, but the ' 'requests library does not seem to be installed') log.error(ret['error']) return ret else: requests_log = logging.getLogger('requests') requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Some libraries don't support separation of url and GET parameters # Don't need a try/except block, since Salt depends on tornado url_full = tornado.httputil.url_concat(url, params) if params else url if ca_bundle is None: ca_bundle = get_ca_bundle(opts) if verify_ssl is None: verify_ssl = opts.get('verify_ssl', True) if cert is None: cert = opts.get('cert', None) if data_file is not None: data = _render(data_file, data_render, data_renderer, template_dict, opts) # Make sure no secret fields show up in logs log_url = sanitize_url(url_full, hide_fields) log.debug('Requesting URL %s using %s method', log_url, method) log.debug("Using backend: %s", backend) if method == 'POST' and log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE): # Make sure no secret fields show up in logs if isinstance(data, dict): log_data = data.copy() if isinstance(hide_fields, list): for item in data: for field in hide_fields: if item == field: log_data[item] = 'XXXXXXXXXX' log.trace('Request POST Data: %s', pprint.pformat(log_data)) else: log.trace('Request POST Data: %s', pprint.pformat(data)) if header_file is not None: header_tpl = _render(header_file, header_render, header_renderer, template_dict, opts) if isinstance(header_tpl, dict): header_dict = header_tpl else: header_list = header_tpl.splitlines() if header_dict is None: header_dict = {} if header_list is None: header_list = [] if cookie_jar is None: cookie_jar = os.path.join( opts.get('cachedir', salt.syspaths.CACHE_DIR), 'cookies.txt') if session_cookie_jar is None: session_cookie_jar = os.path.join( opts.get('cachedir', salt.syspaths.CACHE_DIR), 'cookies.session.p') if persist_session is True and HAS_MSGPACK: # TODO: This is hackish; it will overwrite the session cookie jar with # all cookies from this one connection, rather than behaving like a # proper cookie jar. Unfortunately, since session cookies do not # contain expirations, they can't be stored in a proper cookie jar. if os.path.isfile(session_cookie_jar): with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, 'rb') as fh_: session_cookies = msgpack.load(fh_) if isinstance(session_cookies, dict): header_dict.update(session_cookies) else: with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, 'wb') as fh_: msgpack.dump('', fh_) for header in header_list: comps = header.split(':') if len(comps) < 2: continue header_dict[comps[0].strip()] = comps[1].strip() if not auth: if username and password: auth = (username, password) if agent == USERAGENT: agent = '{0} http.query()'.format(agent) header_dict['User-agent'] = agent if backend == 'requests': sess = requests.Session() sess.auth = auth sess.headers.update(header_dict) log.trace('Request Headers: %s', sess.headers) sess_cookies = sess.cookies sess.verify = verify_ssl elif backend == 'urllib2': sess_cookies = None else: # Tornado sess_cookies = None if cookies is not None: if cookie_format == 'mozilla': sess_cookies = salt.ext.six.moves.http_cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar( cookie_jar) else: sess_cookies = salt.ext.six.moves.http_cookiejar.LWPCookieJar( cookie_jar) if not os.path.isfile(cookie_jar): sess_cookies.load() if test is True: if test_url is None: return {} else: url = test_url ret['test'] = True if backend == 'requests': req_kwargs = {} if stream is True: if requests.__version__[0] == '0': # 'stream' was called 'prefetch' before 1.0, with flipped meaning req_kwargs['prefetch'] = False else: req_kwargs['stream'] = True # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: if isinstance(cert, six.string_types): if os.path.exists(cert): req_kwargs['cert'] = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): req_kwargs['cert'] = cert else: log.error( 'The client-side certificate path that' ' was passed is not valid: %s', cert) result = sess.request(method, url, params=params, data=data, **req_kwargs) result.raise_for_status() if stream is True: # fake a HTTP response header header_callback('HTTP/1.0 {0} MESSAGE'.format(result.status_code)) # fake streaming the content streaming_callback(result.content) return { 'handle': result, } if handle is True: return { 'handle': result, 'body': result.content, } log.debug('Final URL location of Response: %s', sanitize_url(result.url, hide_fields)) result_status_code = result.status_code result_headers = result.headers result_text = result.content result_cookies = result.cookies body = result.content if not isinstance(body, six.text_type): body = body.decode(result.encoding or 'utf-8') ret['body'] = body elif backend == 'urllib2': request = urllib_request.Request(url_full, data) handlers = [ urllib_request.HTTPHandler, urllib_request.HTTPCookieProcessor(sess_cookies) ] if url.startswith('https'): hostname = request.get_host() handlers[0] = urllib_request.HTTPSHandler(1) if not HAS_MATCHHOSTNAME: log.warning( 'match_hostname() not available, SSL hostname checking ' 'not available. THIS CONNECTION MAY NOT BE SECURE!') elif verify_ssl is False: log.warning('SSL certificate verification has been explicitly ' 'disabled. THIS CONNECTION MAY NOT BE SECURE!') else: if ':' in hostname: hostname, port = hostname.split(':') else: port = 443 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((hostname, int(port))) sockwrap = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, ca_certs=ca_bundle, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) try: match_hostname(sockwrap.getpeercert(), hostname) except CertificateError as exc: ret['error'] = ('The certificate was invalid. ' 'Error returned was: %s', pprint.pformat(exc)) return ret # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: cert_chain = None if isinstance(cert, six.string_types): if os.path.exists(cert): cert_chain = (cert) elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): cert_chain = cert else: log.error( 'The client-side certificate path that was ' 'passed is not valid: %s', cert) return if hasattr(ssl, 'SSLContext'): # Python >= 2.7.9 context = ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain(*cert_chain) handlers.append( urllib_request.HTTPSHandler(context=context)) # pylint: disable=E1123 else: # Python < 2.7.9 cert_kwargs = { 'host': request.get_host(), 'port': port, 'cert_file': cert_chain[0] } if len(cert_chain) > 1: cert_kwargs['key_file'] = cert_chain[1] handlers[ 0] = salt.ext.six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection( **cert_kwargs) opener = urllib_request.build_opener(*handlers) for header in header_dict: request.add_header(header, header_dict[header]) request.get_method = lambda: method try: result = except URLError as exc: return {'Error': six.text_type(exc)} if stream is True or handle is True: return { 'handle': result, 'body': result.content, } result_status_code = result.code result_headers = dict( result_text = if 'Content-Type' in result_headers: res_content_type, res_params = cgi.parse_header( result_headers['Content-Type']) if res_content_type.startswith('text/') and \ 'charset' in res_params and \ not isinstance(result_text, six.text_type): result_text = result_text.decode(res_params['charset']) if six.PY3 and isinstance(result_text, bytes): result_text = result.body.decode('utf-8') ret['body'] = result_text else: # Tornado req_kwargs = {} # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: if isinstance(cert, six.string_types): if os.path.exists(cert): req_kwargs['client_cert'] = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): req_kwargs['client_cert'] = cert[0] req_kwargs['client_key'] = cert[1] else: log.error( 'The client-side certificate path that ' 'was passed is not valid: %s', cert) if isinstance(data, dict): data = _urlencode(data) if verify_ssl: # tornado requires a str, cannot be unicode str in py2 req_kwargs['ca_certs'] = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(ca_bundle) max_body = opts.get('http_max_body', salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS['http_max_body']) connect_timeout = opts.get( 'http_connect_timeout', salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS['http_connect_timeout']) timeout = opts.get( 'http_request_timeout', salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS['http_request_timeout']) client_argspec = None proxy_host = opts.get('proxy_host', None) if proxy_host: # tornado requires a str for proxy_host, cannot be a unicode str in py2 proxy_host = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_host) proxy_port = opts.get('proxy_port', None) proxy_username = opts.get('proxy_username', None) if proxy_username: # tornado requires a str, cannot be unicode str in py2 proxy_username = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_username) proxy_password = opts.get('proxy_password', None) if proxy_password: # tornado requires a str, cannot be unicode str in py2 proxy_password = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_password) no_proxy = opts.get('no_proxy', []) # Since tornado doesnt support no_proxy, we'll always hand it empty proxies or valid ones # except we remove the valid ones if a url has a no_proxy hostname in it if urlparse(url_full).hostname in no_proxy: proxy_host = None proxy_port = None # We want to use curl_http if we have a proxy defined if proxy_host and proxy_port: if HAS_CURL_HTTPCLIENT is False: ret['error'] = ( 'proxy_host and proxy_port has been set. This requires pycurl and tornado, ' 'but the libraries does not seem to be installed') log.error(ret['error']) return ret tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.configure( 'tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient') client_argspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec( tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient.initialize) else: client_argspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec( tornado.simple_httpclient.SimpleAsyncHTTPClient.initialize) supports_max_body_size = 'max_body_size' in client_argspec.args try: download_client = HTTPClient(max_body_size=max_body) \ if supports_max_body_size \ else HTTPClient() result = download_client.fetch( url_full, method=method, headers=header_dict, auth_username=username, auth_password=password, body=data, validate_cert=verify_ssl, allow_nonstandard_methods=True, streaming_callback=streaming_callback, header_callback=header_callback, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, request_timeout=timeout, proxy_host=proxy_host, proxy_port=proxy_port, proxy_username=proxy_username, proxy_password=proxy_password, raise_error=raise_error, decompress_response=False, **req_kwargs) except tornado.httpclient.HTTPError as exc: ret['status'] = exc.code ret['error'] = six.text_type(exc) return ret except socket.gaierror as exc: if status is True: ret['status'] = 0 ret['error'] = six.text_type(exc) return ret if stream is True or handle is True: return { 'handle': result, 'body': result.body, } result_status_code = result.code result_headers = result.headers result_text = result.body if 'Content-Type' in result_headers: res_content_type, res_params = cgi.parse_header( result_headers['Content-Type']) if res_content_type.startswith('text/') and \ 'charset' in res_params and \ not isinstance(result_text, six.text_type): result_text = result_text.decode(res_params['charset']) if six.PY3 and isinstance(result_text, bytes): result_text = result_text.decode('utf-8') ret['body'] = result_text if 'Set-Cookie' in result_headers and cookies is not None: result_cookies = parse_cookie_header(result_headers['Set-Cookie']) for item in result_cookies: sess_cookies.set_cookie(item) else: result_cookies = None if isinstance(result_headers, list): result_headers_dict = {} for header in result_headers: comps = header.split(':') result_headers_dict[comps[0].strip()] = ':'.join(comps[1:]).strip() result_headers = result_headers_dict log.debug('Response Status Code: %s', result_status_code) log.trace('Response Headers: %s', result_headers) log.trace('Response Cookies: %s', sess_cookies) # log.trace("Content: %s", result_text) coding = result_headers.get('Content-Encoding', "identity") # Requests will always decompress the content, and working around that is annoying. if backend != 'requests': result_text = __decompressContent(coding, result_text) try: log.trace('Response Text: %s', result_text) except UnicodeEncodeError as exc: log.trace( 'Cannot Trace Log Response Text: %s. This may be due to ' 'incompatibilities between requests and logging.', exc) if text_out is not None: with salt.utils.files.fopen(text_out, 'w') as tof: tof.write(result_text) if headers_out is not None and os.path.exists(headers_out): with salt.utils.files.fopen(headers_out, 'w') as hof: hof.write(result_headers) if cookies is not None: if persist_session is True and HAS_MSGPACK: # TODO: See persist_session above if 'set-cookie' in result_headers: with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, 'wb') as fh_: session_cookies = result_headers.get('set-cookie', None) if session_cookies is not None: msgpack.dump({'Cookie': session_cookies}, fh_) else: msgpack.dump('', fh_) if status is True: ret['status'] = result_status_code if headers is True: ret['headers'] = result_headers if decode is True: if decode_type == 'auto': content_type = result_headers.get('content-type', 'application/json') if 'xml' in content_type: decode_type = 'xml' elif 'json' in content_type: decode_type = 'json' elif 'yaml' in content_type: decode_type = 'yaml' else: decode_type = 'plain' valid_decodes = ('json', 'xml', 'yaml', 'plain') if decode_type not in valid_decodes: ret['error'] = ('Invalid decode_type specified. ' 'Valid decode types are: {0}'.format( pprint.pformat(valid_decodes))) log.error(ret['error']) return ret if decode_type == 'json': ret['dict'] = salt.utils.json.loads(result_text) elif decode_type == 'xml': ret['dict'] = [] items = ET.fromstring(result_text) for item in items: ret['dict'].append(xml.to_dict(item)) elif decode_type == 'yaml': ret['dict'] = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(result_text)) else: text = True if decode_out: with salt.utils.files.fopen(decode_out, 'w') as dof: dof.write(result_text) if text is True: ret['text'] = result_text return ret
def format_call(fun, data, initial_ret=None, expected_extra_kws=(), is_class_method=None): ''' Build the required arguments and keyword arguments required for the passed function. :param fun: The function to get the argspec from :param data: A dictionary containing the required data to build the arguments and keyword arguments. :param initial_ret: The initial return data pre-populated as dictionary or None :param expected_extra_kws: Any expected extra keyword argument names which should not trigger a :ref:`SaltInvocationError` :param is_class_method: Pass True if you are sure that the function being passed is a class method. The reason for this is that on Python 3 ``inspect.ismethod`` only returns ``True`` for bound methods, while on Python 2, it returns ``True`` for bound and unbound methods. So, on Python 3, in case of a class method, you'd need the class to which the function belongs to be instantiated and this is not always wanted. :returns: A dictionary with the function required arguments and keyword arguments. ''' ret = initial_ret is not None and initial_ret or {} ret['args'] = [] ret['kwargs'] = {} aspec = get_function_argspec(fun, is_class_method=is_class_method) arg_data = arg_lookup(fun, aspec) args = arg_data['args'] kwargs = arg_data['kwargs'] # Since we WILL be changing the data dictionary, let's change a copy of it data = data.copy() missing_args = [] for key in kwargs: try: kwargs[key] = data.pop(key) except KeyError: # Let's leave the default value in place pass while args: arg = args.pop(0) try: ret['args'].append(data.pop(arg)) except KeyError: missing_args.append(arg) if missing_args: used_args_count = len(ret['args']) + len(args) args_count = used_args_count + len(missing_args) raise SaltInvocationError( '{0} takes at least {1} argument{2} ({3} given)'.format( fun.__name__, args_count, args_count > 1 and 's' or '', used_args_count)) ret['kwargs'].update(kwargs) if aspec.keywords: # The function accepts **kwargs, any non expected extra keyword # arguments will made available. for key, value in six.iteritems(data): if key in expected_extra_kws: continue ret['kwargs'][key] = value # No need to check for extra keyword arguments since they are all # **kwargs now. Return return ret # Did not return yet? Lets gather any remaining and unexpected keyword # arguments extra = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(data): if key in expected_extra_kws: continue extra[key] = copy.deepcopy(value) if extra: # Found unexpected keyword arguments, raise an error to the user if len(extra) == 1: msg = '\'{0[0]}\' is an invalid keyword argument for \'{1}\''.format( list(extra.keys()), ret.get( # In case this is being called for a state module 'full', # Not a state module, build the name '{0}.{1}'.format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__))) else: msg = '{0} and \'{1}\' are invalid keyword arguments for \'{2}\''.format( ', '.join(['\'{0}\''.format(e) for e in extra][:-1]), list(extra.keys())[-1], ret.get( # In case this is being called for a state module 'full', # Not a state module, build the name '{0}.{1}'.format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__))) raise SaltInvocationError(msg) return ret
def query(url, method="GET", params=None, data=None, data_file=None, header_dict=None, header_list=None, header_file=None, username=None, password=None, auth=None, decode=False, decode_type="auto", status=False, headers=False, text=False, cookies=None, cookie_jar=None, cookie_format="lwp", persist_session=False, session_cookie_jar=None, data_render=False, data_renderer=None, header_render=False, header_renderer=None, template_dict=None, test=False, test_url=None, node="minion", port=80, opts=None, backend=None, ca_bundle=None, verify_ssl=None, cert=None, text_out=None, headers_out=None, decode_out=None, stream=False, streaming_callback=None, header_callback=None, handle=False, agent=USERAGENT, hide_fields=None, raise_error=True, formdata=False, formdata_fieldname=None, formdata_filename=None, decode_body=True, **kwargs): """ Query a resource, and decode the return data """ ret = {} if opts is None: if node == "master": opts = salt.config.master_config( os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, "master")) elif node == "minion": opts = salt.config.minion_config( os.path.join(salt.syspaths.CONFIG_DIR, "minion")) else: opts = {} if not backend: backend = opts.get("backend", "tornado") match = re.match( r"https?://((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)($|/)", url, ) if not match: if backend == "requests": if HAS_REQUESTS is False: ret["error"] = ("http.query has been set to use requests, but the " "requests library does not seem to be installed") log.error(ret["error"]) return ret else: requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests") requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Some libraries don't support separation of url and GET parameters # Don't need a try/except block, since Salt depends on tornado url_full = salt.ext.tornado.httputil.url_concat(url, params) if params else url if ca_bundle is None: ca_bundle = get_ca_bundle(opts) if verify_ssl is None: verify_ssl = opts.get("verify_ssl", True) if cert is None: cert = opts.get("cert", None) if data_file is not None: data = _render(data_file, data_render, data_renderer, template_dict, opts) # Make sure no secret fields show up in logs log_url = sanitize_url(url_full, hide_fields) log.debug("Requesting URL %s using %s method", log_url, method) log.debug("Using backend: %s", backend) if method == "POST" and log.isEnabledFor(logging.TRACE): # Make sure no secret fields show up in logs if isinstance(data, dict): log_data = data.copy() if isinstance(hide_fields, list): for item in data: for field in hide_fields: if item == field: log_data[item] = "XXXXXXXXXX" log.trace("Request POST Data: %s", pprint.pformat(log_data)) else: log.trace("Request POST Data: %s", pprint.pformat(data)) if header_file is not None: header_tpl = _render(header_file, header_render, header_renderer, template_dict, opts) if isinstance(header_tpl, dict): header_dict = header_tpl else: header_list = header_tpl.splitlines() if header_dict is None: header_dict = {} if header_list is None: header_list = [] if cookie_jar is None: cookie_jar = os.path.join( opts.get("cachedir", salt.syspaths.CACHE_DIR), "cookies.txt") if session_cookie_jar is None: session_cookie_jar = os.path.join( opts.get("cachedir", salt.syspaths.CACHE_DIR), "cookies.session.p") if persist_session is True and salt.utils.msgpack.HAS_MSGPACK: # TODO: This is hackish; it will overwrite the session cookie jar with # all cookies from this one connection, rather than behaving like a # proper cookie jar. Unfortunately, since session cookies do not # contain expirations, they can't be stored in a proper cookie jar. if os.path.isfile(session_cookie_jar): with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, "rb") as fh_: session_cookies = salt.utils.msgpack.load(fh_) if isinstance(session_cookies, dict): header_dict.update(session_cookies) else: with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, "wb") as fh_: salt.utils.msgpack.dump("", fh_) for header in header_list: comps = header.split(":") if len(comps) < 2: continue header_dict[comps[0].strip()] = comps[1].strip() if not auth: if username and password: auth = (username, password) if agent == USERAGENT: agent = "{} http.query()".format(agent) header_dict["User-agent"] = agent if backend == "requests": sess = requests.Session() sess.auth = auth sess.headers.update(header_dict) log.trace("Request Headers: %s", sess.headers) sess_cookies = sess.cookies sess.verify = verify_ssl elif backend == "urllib2": sess_cookies = None else: # Tornado sess_cookies = None if cookies is not None: if cookie_format == "mozilla": sess_cookies = http.cookiejar.MozillaCookieJar(cookie_jar) else: sess_cookies = http.cookiejar.LWPCookieJar(cookie_jar) if not os.path.isfile(cookie_jar): sess_cookies.load() if test is True: if test_url is None: return {} else: url = test_url ret["test"] = True if backend == "requests": req_kwargs = {} if stream is True: if requests.__version__[0] == "0": # 'stream' was called 'prefetch' before 1.0, with flipped meaning req_kwargs["prefetch"] = False else: req_kwargs["stream"] = True # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: if isinstance(cert, str): if os.path.exists(cert): req_kwargs["cert"] = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): req_kwargs["cert"] = cert else: log.error( "The client-side certificate path that" " was passed is not valid: %s", cert, ) if formdata: if not formdata_fieldname: ret["error"] = "formdata_fieldname is required when formdata=True" log.error(ret["error"]) return ret result = sess.request(method, url, params=params, files={ formdata_fieldname: (formdata_filename, io.StringIO(data)) }, **req_kwargs) else: result = sess.request(method, url, params=params, data=data, **req_kwargs) result.raise_for_status() if stream is True: # fake a HTTP response header header_callback("HTTP/1.0 {} MESSAGE".format(result.status_code)) # fake streaming the content streaming_callback(result.content) return { "handle": result, } if handle is True: return { "handle": result, "body": result.content, } log.debug("Final URL location of Response: %s", sanitize_url(result.url, hide_fields)) result_status_code = result.status_code result_headers = result.headers result_text = result.content result_cookies = result.cookies body = result.content if not isinstance(body, str) and decode_body: body = body.decode(result.encoding or "utf-8") ret["body"] = body elif backend == "urllib2": request = urllib.request.Request(url_full, data) handlers = [ urllib.request.HTTPHandler, urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(sess_cookies), ] if url.startswith("https"): hostname = request.get_host() handlers[0] = urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(1) if not HAS_MATCHHOSTNAME: log.warning( "match_hostname() not available, SSL hostname checking " "not available. THIS CONNECTION MAY NOT BE SECURE!") elif verify_ssl is False: log.warning("SSL certificate verification has been explicitly " "disabled. THIS CONNECTION MAY NOT BE SECURE!") else: if ":" in hostname: hostname, port = hostname.split(":") else: port = 443 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((hostname, int(port))) sockwrap = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, ca_certs=ca_bundle, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) try: match_hostname(sockwrap.getpeercert(), hostname) except CertificateError as exc: ret["error"] = "The certificate was invalid. Error returned was: {}".format( pprint.pformat(exc)) return ret # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: cert_chain = None if isinstance(cert, str): if os.path.exists(cert): cert_chain = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): cert_chain = cert else: log.error( "The client-side certificate path that was " "passed is not valid: %s", cert, ) return if hasattr(ssl, "SSLContext"): # Python >= 2.7.9 context = ssl.SSLContext.load_cert_chain(*cert_chain) handlers.append( urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(context=context)) # pylint: disable=E1123 else: # Python < 2.7.9 cert_kwargs = { "host": request.get_host(), "port": port, "cert_file": cert_chain[0], } if len(cert_chain) > 1: cert_kwargs["key_file"] = cert_chain[1] handlers[0] = http.client.HTTPSConnection( **cert_kwargs) opener = urllib.request.build_opener(*handlers) for header in header_dict: request.add_header(header, header_dict[header]) request.get_method = lambda: method try: result = except urllib.error.URLError as exc: return {"Error": str(exc)} if stream is True or handle is True: return { "handle": result, "body": result.content, } result_status_code = result.code result_headers = dict( result_text = if "Content-Type" in result_headers: res_content_type, res_params = cgi.parse_header( result_headers["Content-Type"]) if (res_content_type.startswith("text/") and "charset" in res_params and not isinstance(result_text, str)): result_text = result_text.decode(res_params["charset"]) if isinstance(result_text, bytes) and decode_body: result_text = result_text.decode("utf-8") ret["body"] = result_text else: # Tornado req_kwargs = {} # Client-side cert handling if cert is not None: if isinstance(cert, str): if os.path.exists(cert): req_kwargs["client_cert"] = cert elif isinstance(cert, list): if os.path.exists(cert[0]) and os.path.exists(cert[1]): req_kwargs["client_cert"] = cert[0] req_kwargs["client_key"] = cert[1] else: log.error( "The client-side certificate path that " "was passed is not valid: %s", cert, ) if isinstance(data, dict): data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data) if verify_ssl: req_kwargs["ca_certs"] = ca_bundle max_body = opts.get("http_max_body", salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS["http_max_body"]) connect_timeout = opts.get( "http_connect_timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS["http_connect_timeout"], ) timeout = opts.get( "http_request_timeout", salt.config.DEFAULT_MINION_OPTS["http_request_timeout"], ) client_argspec = None proxy_host = opts.get("proxy_host", None) if proxy_host: # tornado requires a str for proxy_host, cannot be a unicode str in py2 proxy_host = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_host) proxy_port = opts.get("proxy_port", None) proxy_username = opts.get("proxy_username", None) if proxy_username: # tornado requires a str, cannot be unicode str in py2 proxy_username = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_username) proxy_password = opts.get("proxy_password", None) if proxy_password: # tornado requires a str, cannot be unicode str in py2 proxy_password = salt.utils.stringutils.to_str(proxy_password) no_proxy = opts.get("no_proxy", []) # Since tornado doesnt support no_proxy, we'll always hand it empty proxies or valid ones # except we remove the valid ones if a url has a no_proxy hostname in it if urllib.parse.urlparse(url_full).hostname in no_proxy: proxy_host = None proxy_port = None proxy_username = None proxy_password = None # We want to use curl_http if we have a proxy defined if proxy_host and proxy_port: if HAS_CURL_HTTPCLIENT is False: ret["error"] = ( "proxy_host and proxy_port has been set. This requires pycurl and tornado, " "but the libraries does not seem to be installed") log.error(ret["error"]) return ret salt.ext.tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.configure( "tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient") client_argspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec( salt.ext.tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient.initialize ) else: salt.ext.tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None) client_argspec = salt.utils.args.get_function_argspec( salt.ext.tornado.simple_httpclient.SimpleAsyncHTTPClient. initialize) supports_max_body_size = "max_body_size" in client_argspec.args req_kwargs.update({ "method": method, "headers": header_dict, "auth_username": username, "auth_password": password, "body": data, "validate_cert": verify_ssl, "allow_nonstandard_methods": True, "streaming_callback": streaming_callback, "header_callback": header_callback, "connect_timeout": connect_timeout, "request_timeout": timeout, "proxy_host": proxy_host, "proxy_port": proxy_port, "proxy_username": proxy_username, "proxy_password": proxy_password, "raise_error": raise_error, "decompress_response": False, }) # Unicode types will cause a TypeError when Tornado's curl HTTPClient # invokes setopt. Therefore, make sure all arguments we pass which # contain strings are str types. req_kwargs =, to_str=True) try: download_client = (HTTPClient(max_body_size=max_body) if supports_max_body_size else HTTPClient()) result = download_client.fetch(url_full, **req_kwargs) except salt.ext.tornado.httpclient.HTTPError as exc: ret["status"] = exc.code ret["error"] = str(exc) return ret except (socket.herror, OSError, socket.timeout, socket.gaierror) as exc: if status is True: ret["status"] = 0 ret["error"] = str(exc) log.debug("Cannot perform 'http.query': %s - %s", url_full, ret["error"]) return ret if stream is True or handle is True: return { "handle": result, "body": result.body, } result_status_code = result.code result_headers = result.headers result_text = result.body if "Content-Type" in result_headers: res_content_type, res_params = cgi.parse_header( result_headers["Content-Type"]) if (res_content_type.startswith("text/") and "charset" in res_params and not isinstance(result_text, str)): result_text = result_text.decode(res_params["charset"]) if isinstance(result_text, bytes) and decode_body: result_text = result_text.decode("utf-8") ret["body"] = result_text if "Set-Cookie" in result_headers and cookies is not None: result_cookies = parse_cookie_header(result_headers["Set-Cookie"]) for item in result_cookies: sess_cookies.set_cookie(item) else: result_cookies = None if isinstance(result_headers, list): result_headers_dict = {} for header in result_headers: comps = header.split(":") result_headers_dict[comps[0].strip()] = ":".join(comps[1:]).strip() result_headers = result_headers_dict log.debug("Response Status Code: %s", result_status_code) log.trace("Response Headers: %s", result_headers) log.trace("Response Cookies: %s", sess_cookies) # log.trace("Content: %s", result_text) coding = result_headers.get("Content-Encoding", "identity") # Requests will always decompress the content, and working around that is annoying. if backend != "requests": result_text = __decompressContent(coding, result_text) try: log.trace("Response Text: %s", result_text) except UnicodeEncodeError as exc: log.trace( "Cannot Trace Log Response Text: %s. This may be due to " "incompatibilities between requests and logging.", exc, ) if text_out is not None: with salt.utils.files.fopen(text_out, "w") as tof: tof.write(result_text) if headers_out is not None and os.path.exists(headers_out): with salt.utils.files.fopen(headers_out, "w") as hof: hof.write(result_headers) if cookies is not None: if persist_session is True and salt.utils.msgpack.HAS_MSGPACK: # TODO: See persist_session above if "set-cookie" in result_headers: with salt.utils.files.fopen(session_cookie_jar, "wb") as fh_: session_cookies = result_headers.get("set-cookie", None) if session_cookies is not None: salt.utils.msgpack.dump({"Cookie": session_cookies}, fh_) else: salt.utils.msgpack.dump("", fh_) if status is True: ret["status"] = result_status_code if headers is True: ret["headers"] = result_headers if decode is True: if decode_type == "auto": content_type = result_headers.get("content-type", "application/json") if "xml" in content_type: decode_type = "xml" elif "json" in content_type: decode_type = "json" elif "yaml" in content_type: decode_type = "yaml" else: decode_type = "plain" valid_decodes = ("json", "xml", "yaml", "plain") if decode_type not in valid_decodes: ret["error"] = "Invalid decode_type specified. Valid decode types are: {}".format( pprint.pformat(valid_decodes)) log.error(ret["error"]) return ret if decode_type == "json": ret["dict"] = salt.utils.json.loads(result_text) elif decode_type == "xml": ret["dict"] = [] items = ET.fromstring(result_text) for item in items: ret["dict"].append(xml.to_dict(item)) elif decode_type == "yaml": ret["dict"] = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(result_text)) else: text = True if decode_out: with salt.utils.files.fopen(decode_out, "w") as dof: dof.write(result_text) if text is True: ret["text"] = result_text return ret
def format_call(fun, data, initial_ret=None, expected_extra_kws=(), is_class_method=None): ''' Build the required arguments and keyword arguments required for the passed function. :param fun: The function to get the argspec from :param data: A dictionary containing the required data to build the arguments and keyword arguments. :param initial_ret: The initial return data pre-populated as dictionary or None :param expected_extra_kws: Any expected extra keyword argument names which should not trigger a :ref:`SaltInvocationError` :param is_class_method: Pass True if you are sure that the function being passed is a class method. The reason for this is that on Python 3 ``inspect.ismethod`` only returns ``True`` for bound methods, while on Python 2, it returns ``True`` for bound and unbound methods. So, on Python 3, in case of a class method, you'd need the class to which the function belongs to be instantiated and this is not always wanted. :returns: A dictionary with the function required arguments and keyword arguments. ''' ret = initial_ret is not None and initial_ret or {} ret['args'] = [] ret['kwargs'] = {} aspec = get_function_argspec(fun, is_class_method=is_class_method) arg_data = arg_lookup(fun, aspec) args = arg_data['args'] kwargs = arg_data['kwargs'] # Since we WILL be changing the data dictionary, let's change a copy of it data = data.copy() missing_args = [] for key in kwargs: try: kwargs[key] = data.pop(key) except KeyError: # Let's leave the default value in place pass while args: arg = args.pop(0) try: ret['args'].append(data.pop(arg)) except KeyError: missing_args.append(arg) if missing_args: used_args_count = len(ret['args']) + len(args) args_count = used_args_count + len(missing_args) raise SaltInvocationError( '{0} takes at least {1} argument{2} ({3} given)'.format( fun.__name__, args_count, args_count > 1 and 's' or '', used_args_count ) ) ret['kwargs'].update(kwargs) if aspec.keywords: # The function accepts **kwargs, any non expected extra keyword # arguments will made available. for key, value in six.iteritems(data): if key in expected_extra_kws: continue ret['kwargs'][key] = value # No need to check for extra keyword arguments since they are all # **kwargs now. Return return ret # Did not return yet? Lets gather any remaining and unexpected keyword # arguments extra = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(data): if key in expected_extra_kws: continue extra[key] = copy.deepcopy(value) # We'll be showing errors to the users until Salt Fluorine comes out, after # which, errors will be raised instead. salt.utils.versions.warn_until( 'Fluorine', 'It\'s time to start raising `SaltInvocationError` instead of ' 'returning warnings', # Let's not show the deprecation warning on the console, there's no # need. _dont_call_warnings=True ) if extra: # Found unexpected keyword arguments, raise an error to the user if len(extra) == 1: msg = '\'{0[0]}\' is an invalid keyword argument for \'{1}\''.format( list(extra.keys()), ret.get( # In case this is being called for a state module 'full', # Not a state module, build the name '{0}.{1}'.format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__) ) ) else: msg = '{0} and \'{1}\' are invalid keyword arguments for \'{2}\''.format( ', '.join(['\'{0}\''.format(e) for e in extra][:-1]), list(extra.keys())[-1], ret.get( # In case this is being called for a state module 'full', # Not a state module, build the name '{0}.{1}'.format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__) ) ) # Return a warning to the user explaining what's going on ret.setdefault('warnings', []).append( '{0}. If you were trying to pass additional data to be used ' 'in a template context, please populate \'context\' with ' '\'key: value\' pairs. Your approach will work until Salt ' 'Fluorine is out.{1}'.format( msg, '' if 'full' not in ret else ' Please update your state files.' ) ) # Lets pack the current extra kwargs as template context ret.setdefault('context', {}).update(extra) return ret
def format_call(fun, data, initial_ret=None, expected_extra_kws=(), is_class_method=None): ''' Build the required arguments and keyword arguments required for the passed function. :param fun: The function to get the argspec from :param data: A dictionary containing the required data to build the arguments and keyword arguments. :param initial_ret: The initial return data pre-populated as dictionary or None :param expected_extra_kws: Any expected extra keyword argument names which should not trigger a :ref:`SaltInvocationError` :param is_class_method: Pass True if you are sure that the function being passed is a class method. The reason for this is that on Python 3 ``inspect.ismethod`` only returns ``True`` for bound methods, while on Python 2, it returns ``True`` for bound and unbound methods. So, on Python 3, in case of a class method, you'd need the class to which the function belongs to be instantiated and this is not always wanted. :returns: A dictionary with the function required arguments and keyword arguments. ''' ret = initial_ret is not None and initial_ret or {} ret['args'] = [] ret['kwargs'] = {} aspec = get_function_argspec(fun, is_class_method=is_class_method) arg_data = arg_lookup(fun, aspec) args = arg_data['args'] kwargs = arg_data['kwargs'] # Since we WILL be changing the data dictionary, let's change a copy of it data = data.copy() missing_args = [] for key in kwargs: try: kwargs[key] = data.pop(key) except KeyError: # Let's leave the default value in place pass while args: arg = args.pop(0) try: ret['args'].append(data.pop(arg)) except KeyError: missing_args.append(arg) if missing_args: used_args_count = len(ret['args']) + len(args) args_count = used_args_count + len(missing_args) raise SaltInvocationError( '{0} takes at least {1} argument{2} ({3} given)'.format( fun.__name__, args_count, args_count > 1 and 's' or '', used_args_count ) ) ret['kwargs'].update(kwargs) if aspec.keywords: # The function accepts **kwargs, any non expected extra keyword # arguments will made available. for key, value in six.iteritems(data): if key in expected_extra_kws: continue ret['kwargs'][key] = value # No need to check for extra keyword arguments since they are all # **kwargs now. Return return ret # Did not return yet? Lets gather any remaining and unexpected keyword # arguments extra = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(data): if key in expected_extra_kws: continue extra[key] = copy.deepcopy(value) if extra: # Found unexpected keyword arguments, raise an error to the user if len(extra) == 1: msg = '\'{0[0]}\' is an invalid keyword argument for \'{1}\''.format( list(extra.keys()), ret.get( # In case this is being called for a state module 'full', # Not a state module, build the name '{0}.{1}'.format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__) ) ) else: msg = '{0} and \'{1}\' are invalid keyword arguments for \'{2}\''.format( ', '.join(['\'{0}\''.format(e) for e in extra][:-1]), list(extra.keys())[-1], ret.get( # In case this is being called for a state module 'full', # Not a state module, build the name '{0}.{1}'.format(fun.__module__, fun.__name__) ) ) raise SaltInvocationError(msg) return ret