def _get_type(self, policy):
        Returns the type of the given policy

        :param string or dict policy: Policy data
        :return PolicyTypes: Type of the given policy. None, if type could not be inferred

        # Must handle intrinsic functions. Policy could be a primitive type or an intrinsic function

        # Managed policies are of type string
        if isinstance(policy, string_types):
            return PolicyTypes.MANAGED_POLICY

        # Handle the special case for 'if' intrinsic function
        if is_intrinsic_if(policy):
            return self._get_type_from_intrinsic_if(policy)

        # Intrinsic functions are treated as managed policies by default
        if is_instrinsic(policy):
            return PolicyTypes.MANAGED_POLICY

        # Policy statement is a dictionary with the key "Statement" in it
        if isinstance(policy, dict) and "Statement" in policy:
            return PolicyTypes.POLICY_STATEMENT

        # This could be a policy template then.
        if self._is_policy_template(policy):
            return PolicyTypes.POLICY_TEMPLATE

        # Nothing matches. Don't take opinions on how to handle it. Instead just set the appropriate type.
        return PolicyTypes.UNKNOWN
    def test_is_intrinsic_must_detect_intrinsics(self, intrinsic_name):

        input = {
            intrinsic_name: ["some value"]

    def _add_cors(self):
        Add CORS configuration to the Swagger file, if necessary

        INVALID_ERROR = "Invalid value for 'Cors' property"

        if not self.cors:

        if self.cors and not self.definition_body:
            raise InvalidResourceException(
                "Cors works only with inline Swagger specified in "
                "'DefinitionBody' property")

        if isinstance(self.cors, string_types) or is_instrinsic(self.cors):
            # Just set Origin property. Others will be defaults
            properties = CorsProperties(AllowOrigin=self.cors)
        elif isinstance(self.cors, dict):

            # Make sure keys in the dict are recognized
            if not all(key in CorsProperties._fields
                       for key in self.cors.keys()):
                raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, INVALID_ERROR)

            properties = CorsProperties(**self.cors)

            raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, INVALID_ERROR)

        if not SwaggerEditor.is_valid(self.definition_body):
            raise InvalidResourceException(
                "Unable to add Cors configuration because "
                "'DefinitionBody' does not contain a valid Swagger",

        if properties.AllowCredentials is True and properties.AllowOrigin == _CORS_WILDCARD:
            raise InvalidResourceException(
                "Unable to add Cors configuration because "
                "'AllowCredentials' can not be true when "
                "'AllowOrigin' is \"'*'\" or not set",

        editor = SwaggerEditor(self.definition_body)
        for path in editor.iter_on_path():

        # Assign the Swagger back to template
        self.definition_body = editor.swagger
Exemple #4
 def _replace_deployment_types(self, value):
     if isinstance(value, list):
         for i in range(len(value)):
             value[i] = self._replace_deployment_types(value[i])
         return value
     elif is_instrinsic(value):
         for (k, v) in value.items():
             value[k] = self._replace_deployment_types(v)
         return value
             return fnSub("CodeDeployDefault.Lambda${ConfigName}",
                          {"ConfigName": value})
         return value
    def _add_cors(self):
        Add CORS configuration to the Swagger file, if necessary

        INVALID_ERROR = "Invalid value for 'Cors' property"

        if not self.cors:

        if self.cors and not self.definition_body:
            raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id,
                                           "Cors works only with inline Swagger specified in "
                                           "'DefinitionBody' property")

        if isinstance(self.cors, string_types) or is_instrinsic(self.cors):
            # Just set Origin property. Others will be defaults
            properties = CorsProperties(AllowOrigin=self.cors)
        elif isinstance(self.cors, dict):

            # Make sure keys in the dict are recognized
            if not all(key in CorsProperties._fields for key in self.cors.keys()):
                raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, INVALID_ERROR)

            properties = CorsProperties(**self.cors)

            raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, INVALID_ERROR)

        if not SwaggerEditor.is_valid(self.definition_body):
            raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id, "Unable to add Cors configuration because "
                                                            "'DefinitionBody' does not contain a valid Swagger")

        editor = SwaggerEditor(self.definition_body)
        for path in editor.iter_on_path():
            editor.add_cors(path,  properties.AllowOrigin, properties.AllowHeaders, properties.AllowMethods,

        # Assign the Swagger back to template
        self.definition_body = editor.swagger
    def _get_type(self, policy):
        Returns the type of the given policy

        :param string or dict policy: Policy data
        :return PolicyTypes: Type of the given policy. None, if type could not be inferred

        # Must handle intrinsic functions. Policy could be a primitive type or an intrinsic function

        # Managed policies are either string or an intrinsic function that resolves to a string
        if isinstance(policy, string_types) or is_instrinsic(policy):
            return PolicyTypes.MANAGED_POLICY

        # Policy statement is a dictionary with the key "Statement" in it
        if isinstance(policy, dict) and "Statement" in policy:
            return PolicyTypes.POLICY_STATEMENT

        # This could be a policy template then.
        if self._is_policy_template(policy):
            return PolicyTypes.POLICY_TEMPLATE

        # Nothing matches. Don't take opinions on how to handle it. Instead just set the appropriate type.
        return PolicyTypes.UNKNOWN
 def test_is_intrinsic_on_intrinsic_like_dict_input(self):
         "Ref": "foo",
         "key": "bar"
 def test_is_intrinsic_on_non_dict_input(self):
 def test_is_intrinsic_on_empty_input(self):
    def test_is_intrinsic_must_detect_intrinsics(self, intrinsic_name):

        input = {intrinsic_name: ["some value"]}

 def test_is_intrinsic_on_intrinsic_like_dict_input(self):
     self.assertFalse(is_instrinsic({"Ref": "foo", "key": "bar"}))
 def test_is_intrinsic_on_non_dict_input(self):
     self.assertFalse(is_instrinsic([1, 2, 3]))
 def test_is_intrinsic_on_empty_input(self):