Exemple #1
    def _construct_lambda_layer(self, intrinsics_resolver):
        """Constructs and returns the Lambda function.

        :returns: a list containing the Lambda function and execution role resources
        :rtype: list
        # Resolve intrinsics if applicable:
        self.LayerName = self._resolve_string_parameter(
            intrinsics_resolver, self.LayerName, 'LayerName')
        self.LicenseInfo = self._resolve_string_parameter(
            intrinsics_resolver, self.LicenseInfo, 'LicenseInfo')
        self.Description = self._resolve_string_parameter(
            intrinsics_resolver, self.Description, 'Description')
        self.RetentionPolicy = self._resolve_string_parameter(
            intrinsics_resolver, self.RetentionPolicy, 'RetentionPolicy')

        retention_policy_value = self._get_retention_policy_value()

        attributes = self.get_passthrough_resource_attributes()
        if attributes is None:
            attributes = {}
        attributes['DeletionPolicy'] = retention_policy_value

        old_logical_id = self.logical_id
        new_logical_id = logical_id_generator.LogicalIdGenerator(
            old_logical_id, self.to_dict()).gen()
        self.logical_id = new_logical_id

        lambda_layer = LambdaLayerVersion(self.logical_id,

        # Changing the LayerName property: when a layer is published, it is given an Arn
        # example: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:layer:MyLayer:1
        # where MyLayer is the LayerName property if it exists; otherwise, it is the
        # LogicalId of this resource. Since a LayerVersion is an immutable resource, when
        # CloudFormation updates this resource, it will ALWAYS create a new version then
        # delete the old version if the logical ids match. What this does is change the
        # logical id of every layer (so a `DeletionPolicy: Retain` can work) and set the
        # LayerName property of the layer so that the Arn will still always be the same
        # with the exception of an incrementing version number.
        if not self.LayerName:
            self.LayerName = old_logical_id

        lambda_layer.LayerName = self.LayerName
        lambda_layer.Description = self.Description
        lambda_layer.Content = construct_s3_location_object(
            self.ContentUri, self.logical_id, 'ContentUri')
        lambda_layer.CompatibleRuntimes = self.CompatibleRuntimes
        lambda_layer.LicenseInfo = self.LicenseInfo

        return lambda_layer
    def _construct_lambda_layer(self, intrinsics_resolver):
        """Constructs and returns the Lambda function.

        :returns: a list containing the Lambda function and execution role resources
        :rtype: list
        # Resolve intrinsics if applicable:
        self.LayerName = self._resolve_string_parameter(intrinsics_resolver, self.LayerName, 'LayerName')
        self.LicenseInfo = self._resolve_string_parameter(intrinsics_resolver, self.LicenseInfo, 'LicenseInfo')
        self.Description = self._resolve_string_parameter(intrinsics_resolver, self.Description, 'Description')
        self.RetentionPolicy = self._resolve_string_parameter(intrinsics_resolver, self.RetentionPolicy,

        retention_policy_value = self._get_retention_policy_value()

        attributes = self.get_passthrough_resource_attributes()
        if attributes is None:
            attributes = {}
        attributes['DeletionPolicy'] = retention_policy_value

        old_logical_id = self.logical_id
        new_logical_id = logical_id_generator.LogicalIdGenerator(old_logical_id, self.to_dict()).gen()
        self.logical_id = new_logical_id

        lambda_layer = LambdaLayerVersion(self.logical_id, depends_on=self.depends_on, attributes=attributes)

        # Changing the LayerName property: when a layer is published, it is given an Arn
        # example: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:layer:MyLayer:1
        # where MyLayer is the LayerName property if it exists; otherwise, it is the
        # LogicalId of this resource. Since a LayerVersion is an immutable resource, when
        # CloudFormation updates this resource, it will ALWAYS create a new version then
        # delete the old version if the logical ids match. What this does is change the
        # logical id of every layer (so a `DeletionPolicy: Retain` can work) and set the
        # LayerName property of the layer so that the Arn will still always be the same
        # with the exception of an incrementing version number.
        if not self.LayerName:
            self.LayerName = old_logical_id

        lambda_layer.LayerName = self.LayerName
        lambda_layer.Description = self.Description
        lambda_layer.Content = construct_s3_location_object(self.ContentUri, self.logical_id, 'ContentUri')
        lambda_layer.CompatibleRuntimes = self.CompatibleRuntimes
        lambda_layer.LicenseInfo = self.LicenseInfo

        return lambda_layer